One thing to say, indeed. Elsebell also laughed and said: The unit they belong to this time is a unit called the Queen of the Adriatic - you can simply understand it as the mysterious side. Maritime Armed Forces.”

Marine Arms... Silk Flag asked curiously, Are there destroyers, battleships and the like on the magic side?

Ah... although it is a maritime weapon, it is still a magic weapon in essence, so it may be a little different from the ship you imagined... Elsebell scratched her head and said: Their appearance is more medieval. sailing ship.

Sail... sailboat?

Yes, a sailboat. Elsebell nodded and said, Even if it's a sailboat, if the opponent releases the seal and bombs with maximum firepower, Academy City can basically be easily wiped off the map.

Really...really!? Frenda stood up from the chair in fright and said, Is it so scary??

Academy City has certain defense methods! Even if ordinary armies fight, Academy City's own defense methods can definitely shoot down those planes...

After all, it is a magical thing, and its power cannot be measured by normal things. Elsebell waved her hand with a smile and said, So don't assume that the power of the Queen of the Adriatic is the same as that of an ordinary ship.

Are all things on the mysterious side so dangerous? Mugino Shenli couldn't help but complain, The same was true for the strange crutch last time, and so is the fleet this time...

That's true. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders and said, Okay, everyone, let's get some sleep first. We'll be busy when we get there.




When everyone arrived at their destination, the sky was still dark.

your Highness--

The leader of the troops directly under Elsebell who was traveling in the west, Breath of Envelope, knelt on one knee and said, A mansion has been prepared for you to rest.

lead the way.


After the group of people got into the car prepared by the other party, Flanda couldn't help but exclaimed: Wow, wow, wow, although I have known for a long time that Sister Aiyi is a princess, this is too ranking!

After flying thousands of miles to a foreign country, someone was there to greet me, even kneel down on one knee, and even prepared a mansion! Is this the boss’s trip?


Okay, stop talking so much. Elsebell knocked Flanda on the head and said, Hurry up and rest. I can't tell when the Queen's fleet will come. Maybe you just went to bed and haven't slept yet. Just wait for the other party to come.

Wow, that's not true. Franda immediately put on a mask of pain, Can the other party stop being such a hellish person? Can't we make an appointment to fight again?

Do you think the other party is a fool like you? Mugino Shenli glared at Flanda and said, If you talk too much, I'll beat you to death.

It's all your fault that I have fewer opportunities to chat with Sister Aiyi! hateful.


Flanda closed her mouth silently, then sat back in her seat with a low eyebrow.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.



Facts have proved that emergencies are just like the whistle the instructor blew in the middle of the night during your military training. They are not human at all.

At about 3:40 a.m. local time, with the sound of urgent footsteps, Elsie Bell and others quickly climbed out of bed, and then gathered together sleepily in the lobby of the villa.

You are really... Wow... not a human being. Flanda rubbed her tender face that was full of collagen because of her youth, and complained: Don't you know that a beautiful girl like me needs enough food? Do you need sleep to ensure your skin is supple and supple? I hate it, I will definitely get freckles, dullness, and dark circles by now.”

What she didn't see was that Mugino Shenli's face, who was standing behind her, became darker and darker as she complained - according to you, isn't my face already full of wrinkles at my age?

Do you want to die?

Elsebell glanced at Mugino Shenli, who was getting more and more murderous, and couldn't help but hurriedly spoke to rescue Flanda: Okay! Doesn't the institute give me a distribution every month? Can't I just use that? Come on! The most important thing now is to deal with the task.

Yeah! Flanda, who was pulled back from the brink of death, nodded her head and said, Sister Aiyi, has the other party already attacked?

Already offshore. Magician Hui on the side reported, Our reconnaissance force has seen traces of the Queen's fleet, and it will be close to the coast in about half an hour.

Okay, everyone, get ready - Elsebell nodded. She turned her head, looked at Mugino Shenli and others behind her, and said, Let those nuns recall the fear of being dominated.

Hey Hey--

Flanda suddenly showed a villain expression, and she said with a look of explosion genius: My exclusive weapon is already so hungry!!

Yes, exclusive weapons.

Elsebell glanced at Frenda and found that she was carrying a black backpack that looked like a schoolbag. Two tubes protruded from the bottom of the backpack, connecting the two pistols in her hands with the same shape as the P90 Bison. on the machine gun.

This is her exclusive weapon. Its essence is two charge water guns that can shoot out the water in the water tank behind her - but combined with her own fruit ability, this is simply a super weapon with no recoil and extraordinarily ample ammunition. RPG.

Frenda, you are really not tired. Silk Flag couldn't help complaining the most, How long will it take you to get such a big box of water?

Wulu Sai, don't remind me of things like nightmares! Flanda glared angrily at Silk Flag's favorite - there was no way, her ammunition had to be cooked by herself, so everyone in the water tank Every drop of water was mineral water that she poured into her mouth and then spit out.

Frenda: It's so hard for me.

Okay, okay, let's go. Elsebell said with a smile - she actually imagined that Flanders squatted in the room in the middle of the night, put the water tank in front of her, and then drank a sip of mineral water. Water, spitting into the water tank.

So much fun.

Okay! Flanda had no idea that Elsebell was laughing at her in her heart. She carried the water tank on her back in anticipation, and then put the two bisons in the holsters on her thighs with a handsome look on her back. He walked out confidently.

Just like a child who just got a toy weapon, he feels like the most handsome kid on the street.



Fifteen minutes later, Elsebell led the maid team and Mugino team to the coast, and there were several wooden sailboats floating on the sea.

We won't... just sit here and go there, right? Flanda was dumbfounded. She blinked her eyes that had turned into two black peas, and asked a little uneasily: It's this age, Aiyi Sister, can’t you prepare some normal yacht or something?”

Fool, that kind of yacht can't get close to the Queen's fleet. Elsebell helplessly rubbed Flanda's head, then glanced at the cabin and said: Don't hide, don't hide, you don't really think that Can you evade my detection with your hiding skills?

Is there anyone? Mugino Shenli reacted. She turned her head in astonishment and stared nervously at the sailboat in front of her, as if she was ready to take action at any time. Looking at her frantic look, Elsie Bell smiled. He held her hand and said, Don't worry, we are one of our own.

Oh my, I really can't hide it from Mr. Ai Yi - Following a helpless voice, a thin man with a spiky head stood on the side of the ship, and then said with a smile: Isn't she the Pope's sister? Sir.

End of this chapter

I don't like this statement very much. Elsebell glanced at Jian Gong standing on the side of the ship and said: It gives me the feeling that I am Kanzaki's pendant - I am better than Kanzaki. Awesome?

Ah haha, of course we know this. There was a trace of cold sweat on Jiangong's forehead - how could he not know? Back then, the entire Amakusa-style Cross Sect saw with their own eyes how the Her Royal Highness in front of them beat their female pope.

Moreover, the beating was not once or twice, but once a day, and continued from the time the female pope was six or seven years old until she was a teenager, which made people wonder who the real saint was.

Lord Aiyi, please don't scare the Acting Pope. At this time, a small boy named Xiangshao jumped onto the side of the boat and said with a smile: You also know that the Acting Pope is a man of God. .”

Hey, you kid! Mr. Jiangong blushed and said angrily, Don't just put some names on me!

Hahaha, boss, are you so angry?

It's urgent, it's urgent, the boss is urgent.

Hun Dan! Jian Gong jumped to his feet angrily, Aren't you also a princess? Especially Wu He, you almost use the princess as your mantra... Pooh!

Before Jiangong could finish his words, Wuhe, who was ashamed and angry, stabbed him in the abdomen with the handle of his spear. Then he fell off the side of the ship with a whaaahhhh scream, and fell into the water with a thud.

Ah, this... Elsebell showed a subtle and complicated expression, You are still as lively as ever... Do you really not consider changing the name to Amakusa Mansai Group?

Even for a princess, it's too much to say this. Jiangong climbed up from the water to the shore, then sniffed his nose and said angrily: We don't have enough comic talents. Our goal is to be a comedian. It’s the pinnacle!”

You guy... Elsie Bell looked at Jian Gong with a dumbfounded look, then shook her head, turned around and introduced Mugino behind her: Everyone, this man is called Jian Gong Saiyu, and he is an Amakusa-style cross Acting Pope.

Hey, good evening, little sisters. Jiangong, who was squatting on the shore, waved his hand with a smile.

This Tian...Amakusa...what kind of thing, what kind of organization is it? Flanda couldn't help but ask.

A small religious group. Elsebell touched the tip of her nose and said, To be precise, the Amakusa pope should be your Kanzaki sister, but for some reasons she has temporarily stepped down as pope.

The reason for resigning is naturally not feeling that her luck will bring disaster to the people around her in the original work, but... ahem, but because she is going to Academy City to fish for a long time, so it is not easy to bear her religion. The name of the group's pope.

Wow, Sister Kanzaki actually has a female pope? Flanda's eyes widened and she said, I always feel a powerful feeling coming up like this!!

Hahaha, little sister, it's actually not that amazing. Jian Gong carried his flame-shaped sword and said with a smile: Our Amakusa style is a very small religion, so there is nothing too amazing about it.

It's like they are both boss. There is an essential difference in size between a boss selling hot dry noodles on the street and a boss running an entertainment company.

Okay, okay, let's leave the small talk on the boat. Elsebell looked at the time, couldn't help waving her hands and said, It's getting late, let's set off quickly.




Elsebell took three maids as well as Mugino Shiri, Flanda, Kinuhata Aoi, Takitsubo Rikou and the bow and arrow sisters, a total of ten people stepped onto the deck of the ship created by Amakusa style magic.

Let's go. Elsebell said to Jiangong, The purpose this time is to defeat the entire Queen's fleet.

Hey, you are indeed the princess - Jiangong whistled and said, Have I heard about it? The princess just collected the Apostle's Cross as a trophy some time ago~ Are you ready to attack the Queen's fleet now? Gee, are you the legendary nemesis of the Roman Orthodox Church?

I am an English Puritan princess. Isn't it natural to target the Roman Orthodox Church? Elsebell said confidently: So it is natural to target the Roman Orthodox Holy Spirit Cross, the Apostle's Cross, and the Queen's Fleet. Bar?

Wait, what's the order? Disaster? Jian Gong was stunned, and he said with a cold sweat on his face: Princess, from what you said, it seems that you did something to the Apostle's Cross?


You really did it... Jian Gong covered his forehead and said, Your Highness, you don't mind revealing... what exactly did you do, right?

Oh, I changed the effect of the Apostle's Cross into a portable disco unfolding device with its own BGM and lights! Elsebell gave a thumbs up with a cheerful look on her face and said, I want to dance then. , just stick the Apostle’s Cross into the ground and that’s it!”

Jiangong couldn't help but cover his face, and then wailed: Your Royal Highness, if the Roman Orthodox Church knows about this...

Even if I don't want to fight you to the end.

Don't worry, don't worry. Elsebell waved her hands indifferently and said, That's the Apostle's Cross. The Roman Orthodox Church doesn't even have many opportunities to use it. How can it be so easy to find it?

This is like Elsebell replacing the American bullets with fireworks - the American emperor has very few opportunities to fire the bullets, how could he find out that they have been replaced?

What you said makes sense, I am speechless. Jiangong sighed, and then walked honestly towards the bow of the ship - he wanted to control the ship to dive into the water, and then move towards the Queen's fleet. direction.



Lord Ai Yi, please sit down - Wuhe took Elise Bell's hand with enthusiasm and asked her to sit on the seat in the cabin, and then asked excitedly: Lord Ai Yi, do you want some tea? ? Or a drink?”

Hmm, do you have AD calcium milk?

Yes! Wuhe nodded and said, We have all the drinks that Mr. Aiyi likes to drink!

Oh, you are so kind to me. Elsebell took the AD calcium milk handed over by Wuhe and said with a smile: That's so embarrassing.

Although she said she was embarrassed, Elsebell didn't act like she was embarrassed at all - she was probably just a green tea scumbag.

Anyway, it's our honor to serve Mr. Ai Yi! Wuhe looked at Ai Xibei'er sucking the AD calcium milk happily, and couldn't help showing a happy expression - this was what she bought back, rounded up to the equivalent of Ai Qian Bell was sucking her.

The deadline is here, the deadline is here.

At Elsibelle's signal, the others also took their favorite drinks one after another, and then sat silently in the cabin, waiting for the moment to encounter the Queen's fleet of the Adriatic Sea.



Because it was a matter of encounter rather than pursuit, the fleet only took a few minutes to meet the Queen of the Adriatic.


Looking at the fleet that seemed to be made of ice in front of her, Flanda couldn't help but open her mouth wide and said, Isn't this too beautiful?

Indeed, super beautiful. Silk Flag's favorite couldn't help but nodded - the colorless ice crystals presented a dazzling feeling under the dim moonlight, filling the entire fleet with a dreamlike feeling. Fantasy feeling.

Although I have known for a long time that the ships on the magic side may be different, is this too exaggerated? Mugino Shenli rubbed his head and said: A fleet made of ice... tsk.

Don't underestimate them. Elsebell reminded with a smile, The Queen's Fleet of the Adriatic is an ice fleet, and even if the ship is destroyed, the spells on it will automatically absorb the surrounding seawater. , and then condensed into ice to repair the hull.

In other words, if you want to destroy them, you have to destroy the entire ship in one go? Takitsubo analyzed thoughtfully.

Yes. Elsebell nodded and said, Of course, it's not impossible if your damage speed is faster than your repair speed.

After understanding the characteristics of the Queen's fleet, everyone immediately began to split up - the main core ship, Sibel, was in charge, and then others were in charge of the other ships.

Gu Gu Gu——

Looking at Elsebell standing in front of her, Agnes, who was on the main ship, suddenly showed a furious expression.

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