Uiharu, you read that right... Saten Ruiko also said with a blank look on her face: Could it be that Rem-sister's ability is the same as Aite-sister's, which is vector manipulation?

How is this possible?

Really, Rem has already said, be quiet, Princess, you need to rest. Rem looked at the driving armor in front of him with some dissatisfaction, and said, Since you are not quiet, then Rem can only take some measures. ”

After the words fell, Rem raised his right hand and said softly: Ice Age.

The next second, the open space in front, the driving armor, and the research institute were all covered with a thick layer of ice. Its appearance was so sudden that it was as if the next frame had directly appropriated the frozen scene.

Fa...what happened? Shirai Kuroko opened his mouth and said, Why did Kuroko just blink his eyes and...

Shirai-san, let's not talk about you... Uiharu Shiri looked at Shirai Kuroko with a doubtful face and said, Saten-san and I didn't even blink, don't we understand?

That's almost it. Rem looked at his battle situation with satisfaction and said, When Miss Misaki comes over, Rem will be unfrozen. Please wait a moment.

End of this chapter

When Rem walked with the same graceful steps as always - if Rem had changed her clothes and put them outside, anyone would have thought she was a rich lady who has been passed down for many years - and walked back to Elsiebe When I was behind you, everyone else in the team looked dumbfounded.

Is Sister Rem so exaggerated? Uiharu Shili stared at Rem standing quietly behind Elsebell, and said: This combat power, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Level 5, right?

At least Level 4 ice-type users definitely don't have this kind of fighting power - Kuroko Shirai blinked and looked at the research institute that had become Little Arctic in front of him, and said, It's just...

If it's Level 5, why doesn't Sister Rem's name appear on Academy City's list?

At this time, Kuroko Shirai didn't know that the Level 5s in the Chaldea Research Institute who were not on the list were not just one or two, but a group of two.

Your Highness, everything is ready. We just need to wait for Miss Misaki to come over. Rem said softly.

Okay. Elsebell nodded with satisfaction and said, I'm looking forward to Misaki's performance.

That, that...

At this time, Uiharu, who had just heard some very concerning keywords, weakly raised her right hand and whispered: Why does Sister Rem call Sister Aiyi... Princess?

Yeah! Saten Ruizi also reacted. She scratched her head and said, Princess, I always feel...hehehe~

This hehehe was because she thought of those otome games she had played before, where the handsome yuppie male protagonists looked at her tenderly and called her my princess.

Thinking back to the conversation between Rem and Elsebell... oh, how shy! Is this Q-switching in public? ? Alas!

If Uiharu knew what Saten Ruiko was thinking, she would definitely blush and yell something like Saten-kun, what are you thinking about?

Don't you know? Elsa was stunned for a moment. She turned her head and looked at Aite and Mugino Shenli who were also suspicious, and said in a dumbfounded voice: None of you have thought about doing a little investigation. Princess’s?”

Ah... Mugino Shenli scratched his head and said, Why are you investigating Sister Aiyi?

That's right. Does Sister Aiyi still need to investigate? Aite also looked confused.

As long as you investigate the princess, you won't ask such a question. Elsa looked at the people in front of her helplessly and said, Why don't you open Google and search for Elsebell? name?

With curiosity, the little guys quickly and neatly took out their mobile phones, and then searched for the name Elsa revealed, and then...


Along with Uiharu Shili's surprised shout, other people also had surprised expressions on their faces.

Sister Aiyi is the fourth princess of the British royal family?? Flanda held the phone in front of her with both hands and yelled: Hey!!!

Unbelievable, so unbelievable! This is even more incredible than Saitama-sensei's hair growing out - what kind of hair can actually pierce Saitama-sensei's scalp? ? Are you the stick of the lollipop that Ding Dong finished eating?

No, sister Aiyi's name is Donghai Aiyi, isn't it? Aite-chan felt a little uncomfortable. She had always been proud of the fact that we and sister Aiyi have the same last name. But what happened...

I'm in Neon, so I can't give me a Neon name? Elsie Bell laughed. She stretched out her hand to rub Aite's head and said, The name Donghai Aiyi is officially certified. ! You are not just fooling people.

It's true! Uiharu Shili said quickly: On the official British page, Sister Aiyi's neon name is indeed Donghai Aiyi, and her Chinese name is... uh...

What's wrong?

Call Ash.

Hahaha, that's about it. Elsebell laughed and said, Anyway, just get used to it - just like many of your students have also chosen their own English names, such as Christina and Elizabeth. , Emilia and the like.”


Everyone nodded.

Sister Aiyi, sister Aiyi! Uiharu Shili dragged Saten Ruizi who wanted to hold her, squeezed in front of Ai Sibei with a face of enthusiasm, and then said with great excitement: Sister Aiyi, I can Want to ask you some questions?”

Ah? What's the problem?

It's like this - Although Uiharu Shili was a little embarrassed, her curiosity for the real lady still outweighed everything else, I want to know the life of a real princess...ah!! That's Even the eldest lady can’t compare with you!”

Daughter, anyone with a little money in the family can actually call her that. Although a top daughter can be matched with a princess from a small country, Elsebell is a real princess in England! !

Okay, you ask slowly, and I'll answer slowly. Elsebell smiled, and she said softly: Anyway, we have to wait for Misaki to arrive.



23 minutes and 17 seconds, this is the time it took Misaka Misaki (Misaka 09827) to rush to the scene.


With a loud shout, a figure wrapped with thunder and lightning descended from the sky, and then landed accurately next to Elsebell.

There was a loud bang in the sky, and Misaka appeared on stage! Misaki put her hands on her hips and said with a lively look, Good afternoon, onee-sama!

Good afternoon... Misaka Mikoto twitched her lips. She looked helplessly at her younger sister, Misaki Misaki. Probably because she watched too many anime, she was already an out-and-out otaku. .

Sister Aiyi, didn't you want me to show off my surprise? Misaki put her hands on her hips and said confidently: When can we start?

Now - Elsebell pointed to the research institute ahead and said, Did you see it? Rem will unfreeze all the driving armors later.

It's very difficult from the beginning! I like it! Misaka moved her shoulders to the extreme and said, I'm ready! Come on!

Okay. Rem nodded, but she didn't see any movement. The frost that froze the entire institute disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The next moment, two atomic collapses that were ready to attack suddenly shot towards this side, and were easily bounced away by Aite.


When Misaki Misaki saw how fierce the battle situation was, she didn't waste any time and jumped directly in front of Aite. Then she waved her hand and said, Sister Aite, remember to watch my performance!

Don't get hurt. Aite ordered, then crossed her arms and entered the movie-watching mode - she was not worried about Misaki's danger, after all, Elsebelle was at the scene.

Misaka Network——


Misaki shouted while running towards the driving armor in front, her mind quickly connecting to the Misaka network all over the world.

[Sisters, this battle is to show Sister Aiyi our new abilities, so don’t let your guard down! ] Misaki Misaki shouted on Misaka Network.

[Understood, do, Misaka 10032 replied. 】

Go all out, do, Misaka 14343 asked while wondering why she wasn't at the scene. 】

[Misaka Network computing occupancy rate has reached 99%, go all out! Do, Misaka said while eating popsicles in the dormitory. 】

【oh! ] Misaki Misaki, who was wrapped in lightning all over her body, raised her head, looked at the driving armor in front of her that was charging the railgun, and said with disdain: Onee-sama is using this level of railgun to fight mosquitoes! do Misaka expressed her disdain for the enemy's attacks from the bottom of her heart!

Because of access to and borrowing the computing power of the Misaka network, Misaka 09827's idiosyncrasies emerged involuntarily.

Electromagnetic gun Kai——

As Misaki Misaki shouted, the iron sand scattered in the soil was quickly concentrated by lightning. Then, with the high temperature generated by the thunder and lightning, it was quickly melted, forged, and purified, becoming a simple long sword that shone with cold light. .

——The sword points to the sky!

call out--

At the next moment, the long sword in the center is rotated and heated through electromagnetism, and finally launched out in one go.


The metal body of the latest drive armor in front of me didn't even have the ability to resist, and was directly pierced by the orange light.

Come again! Misaka raised her hands and said word by word: Railgun, Kai, Sword Pointing to the Sky, Thirty-three Days!

As everyone watched, thirty-three railguns were fired from Misaki Misaki's side at the same time, like a goddess scattering flowers, causing all the surrounding drive armor to explode into sparks.


Looking at the dazzling fireworks, Saten Ruiko couldn't help but open her mouth wide and said, Is this Level 5? It's too exaggerated.

Saten-san, you already sighed like this once when Sister Rem acted just now. Uiharu Shiri whispered.

I know, but is this shocking? Saten Ruiko muttered a few words, then moved closer to Misaka Mikoto and whispered: Misaka-senpai, why do I feel that your sister's abilities are more exaggerated than yours? ?”

Uh... Misaka Mikoto twitched her lips. In fact, if there was a fight, she could beat ten Misakis. After all, Misaki's ability is a real Lv. 5 Electric Shock User, and her ability is the Thunder Fruit, which is really not the case. One level.


After all, she was my younger sister, so she nodded implicitly and said, Yes, Misaki is very good at this.

Look, how much do we look like older sisters?

End of this chapter

How about it?

Misaki Misaki approached Ai Sibel with a proud look on her face and said, Sister Ai Yi, Misaki didn't embarrass you, did she?

No, no. Elsebell smiled, waved her hand, and said, You did a great job! Is this skill that combines the computing power of all Misaka sisters the surprise you mentioned?

That's right! Misaki Misaki said with her hands on her hips.

Did you refer to the information on Fantasy Master? Elsebell asked with a smile.

Hey, hey, have you been discovered? Misaki smiled and scratched his face, and said: It is indeed a reference to the mechanism of Fantasy Controller - mainly because the brain waves of different people can be achieved through hard integration. How about using the strength of Level 5, let alone those of us with the same brainwaves?

The most amazing thing about the Misaka Network is that the brainwave frequencies of all Misaka sisters are the same. Unlike fantasy masters who need to forcefully modify the user's brainwave frequencies, they are born with the ability to connect to their own brainwaves - only here Before, the Misaka sisters had never thought that they could use other people's computing power to improve their abilities.

In this case, wouldn't any sister be able to temporarily exert her Level 5 combat effectiveness? Elsebell touched her chin and said, Then the safety of the Misaka sisters will be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Although level 5 ability users cannot be said to walk sideways in this world (Sage: I don’t even dare to walk sideways), they at least have a certain ability to protect themselves when facing enemies - maybe just for a second or two. The delay is enough to allow Elsibel to open a gap and go to the rescue.

(Although it is said that even if Miss Misaka dies, Elsebell can resurrect Misaka through the memory backup in the Misaka network, but if that is possible, who would want to die once?)

That's right! In an emergency, any Misaka sister can reach Level 5! Misaki Misaki nodded and said: Actually, to be precise, Misaka Network only needs 45% of the resources. , one Misaka sister can be promoted to Lv.5, so we can actually promote two Misaka sisters to Lv.5 at the same time.

The Misaka sisters in this world are basically two in one, which means that the current Misaka network can allow any group of Misaka sisters to reach Lv. 5 combat effectiveness at the same time.

Very good, this way I can rest assured of your safety. Elsebell nodded with satisfaction.

Ai-nee-sama! At this time, Shirai Kuroko squeezed over, and then looked at Misaki Misaki, who was standing next to Ai Sibell, who looked exactly like Misaka Mikoto from appearance to figure to voice, and was shocked. Said: Who is this elder sister's younger sister...

Sister-sama’s sister...this title is really a mouthful.

Let Mikoto and Misaki talk to you in private about this matter. Elsebell put her right hand on Misaki's back, pushed her into Mikoto's arms with a gentle force, and then said with a smile: Ai Special, there's Mugino, and there's the police officer, Junko Hokaze, we're going to rob!



The troops were divided into two groups. Among them, Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki, Miyu Aiyu and others stayed at the gate. Together with Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Misaki, they told Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri and Shirai Kuroko the story of the Misaka sisters. .

On the other side, Elsebell was walking with graceful steps, followed by Fukai Ate, Mugino Shinri, Police Kantori, who were walking in steps that would be unrecognizable to their relatives, and Junko Hokaze, who was imitating the other three people with a blushing face.

Junzi, you can't do it! The police officer glanced at Fanfeng Junzi, who was trying hard to take the step of not recognizing his relatives, but because he was too shy, so his steps became extremely twisted and funny, and said in a dumbfounded voice: You are like this There is no momentum at all in his steps! He is more like a comedian.


Her pace was judged as that of a comedian, which immediately caused a considerable blow to Junko Hokaze's heart. She took two steps back suddenly, then raised her hands to cover her chest.

Ah, my heart hurts so much.

Okay, Kotori, please stop bullying Junko. Elsebell couldn't help but laugh. She looked at the aggrieved Junko Hokaze and said, No matter how you say it, Junko is a regular young lady. , it’s really a bit bullying for her to make that gesture.”

That won't work! As Sister Aiyi's bodyguard, it won't work if you don't have momentum! The police officer put his hands on his hips and said confidently.

No, no, no, Kotori, judging from the momentum, Junzi's is much more fierce than you. Elsebell said sincerely.

Huh? The police officer was stunned for a moment, but when she saw Elsebell's eyes passing over her chest openly, she immediately understood what Elsebel meant.

Indeed, Fanfeng Junzi's figure is what she wants to be, and can be called a model of bulging forward and backward, but in comparison, the figure that Jingce prefers is more...

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