To be honest, if you don’t take into account the obsessive-compulsive behavior that has the same ability and fruit effect, then there are really many Devil Fruits that can be matched with Shirai Kuroko’s space ability-Elsebell has recorded more than a dozen kinds of superhuman demons. The demonstration animation of the fruit was stunned for a while, and I just felt that each of these abilities was cooler than the last.'s so hard to choose. Kuroko Shirai showed a distressed expression and said, I feel like every ability can play a very effective role, can't you choose them all?

Hey, you are quite greedy. Elsebell was happy when she heard this. Although I really want to agree to your promise,'s a pity that there are no such good things in this world.

Heizi also knows. Heizi lay on the table and muttered: What kind of ability is suitable for Heizi...

You have to choose your fighting method. Elsebell looked at Shirai Kuroko and said, If you want to fight gracefully, then naturally you have external abilities, such as the Thread Fruit, the Ghost Fruit, and the Gravitation Fruit. Wait, if you want to subdue others through close combat, then threshold fruit, flower fruit, weapon fruit and the like are more suitable for you.

Hmm... Sister Aiyi is right. Shirai Kuroko fell into deep thought. The method that Kuroko is good at now is to subdue the opponent in close combat, and then use steel nails to nail the opponent's clothes to the ground. So as not to let the other party escape...

Elsebell did not urge Shirai Kuroko, but elegantly picked up the tablet, and then opened a game of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel link, but for several consecutive games, she started with five Exodia parts, winning directly, allowing her to Extremely no game at all.

‘Hey, I really envy those players who can activate various chain spells, traps, and monster card effects, and then tell stories for 30 minutes in one turn. ’ Elsebell looked out the window melancholy and sighed: ‘Unlike me, my Yu-Gi-Oh always only has one turn. ’

I'm not even qualified to fight, damn it!

Duel Link couldn't be played any longer, so Elsie Bell started a game of LOL. As a result, the midfielder was the king's booster, and the bottom lane was the king's guide. She played an orphan top laner, and the other side even disconnected. It was extremely boring. After 13 minutes of supplementary pawns on the road, the game ended immediately.

‘Damn it, can you please stop this and let me fight for a while? ’ Elsebell angrily closed League of Legends. She really didn’t have any gaming experience in this game, so she decided to change to another game!

So she opened PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. As a result, Gua Ge directly opened the Ignore Distance + Lock, killing all the players she encountered in seconds. When it was Ai Sibei's turn, Guao Ge was banned, so Ai Sibei went straight to the chicken. .

‘Damn it, am I going to be a loser who can achieve success without any effort in my whole life! ’ Elsebell fell on the back of the chair, tears silently left in the corners of her eyes.

It's great to be a waste!



Just when Ai Sibell was immersed in the happy fact that she was a waste, Kuroko Shirai, who had been thinking for a long time, opened his eyes and said: Sister Ai Yi! Kuroko wants it, I want the power of the gravity fruit!

The Gravity Fruit is actually the Gravity Fruit of Admiral Fujitora in the original work, but Elsebell is more accustomed to calling it the Gravity Fruit - it can even be placed on the set next door to COS Payne, and then use it as a god. Earthquake.

Gravity fruit? Hmm... Elsebell touched her chin and said, Yes, this ability is very powerful. Once you master it, you will definitely be a big boss.

Sister Ai Yi, please stop coaxing Heizi.

I'm not coaxing you, this ability is really strong. Elsebell shook her head and said, I will show you some videos later, so you will know how to play with gravity and repulsion.

As for what video it is? Do you still need to ask? Do you know about Tiandao Payne? General Fujitora, do you want to know?

Oh-- Shirai Kuroko nodded blindly and said, Well, next...

Next, you can go back, and then I will edit the ability development program in a targeted manner. Elsebell looked at Shirai Kuroko with a dumbfounded look, and said, Don't you think that I have prepared a lot of programs? I can come up with whatever program I want, right?

No, no, no - Although Shirai Kuroko said this, her embarrassed expression could tell that she really seemed to think so - probably in her heart, she said what ability she wanted. After that, Elsebell will be able to take out a development program with that ability from her own pocket just like Doraemon.

Well, although Elsebell can indeed do it, she always feels that this is not good! After all, if a job can be completed in ten minutes, everyone will think you are very capable and will give you more work! So Elsebell needs to extend the ten-minute work to three or even five days, so that she can catch more fish.

It can be said that I am very happy.

Okay, go back to your sister. Elsebell waved her hand, then stood up, yawned lazily, and said: I will also go back to have a rest, and then I will go to edit. A special ability program has been developed for you.

Hearing what Ai Sibei said, Shirai Kuroko was moved. She felt that Ai Sibei was really a good person. He actually worked so hard for her. When he left, he even turned around after a few steps. Before going out, he said: Sister Aiyi, don't tire yourself too much. This procedure is not urgent. It's okay for Kuroko to wait a little longer.

Little did she know that as soon as she left, Elsebell rushed into the bedroom with Elsa who had been waiting for a long time. She took off her clothes and said, I'm so stupid. How can a woman have fun with a computer?



That night, in the conference room.

Sister Aiyi. Mugino sat in front of Ai Sibei with a smile on his face and said, These three little cubs... ahem, my sister is the newcomer I mentioned who will join the Chaldea Research Institute.

'He is really a member of the original item...' Elsebell looked at the three people in front of her with a subtle expression and said, Hey... would you like to introduce yourself first?

Yes, yes, yes! The first person to stand up was the second-generation senior sister whose every cell was composed of the word death and was showing off her cuteness with her life. Fu) (Landa, she collapsed from her seat, and then used her right hand He put the pen on his forehead and made a yeah gesture, and said playfully: She is Flanda, Flanda's Fu, Flanda's...

Speaking of this, Flanda's expression gradually became stiff, and her originally playful voice also quickly became quieter - this child was standing there obediently within three seconds of being angry, looking at her nose, nose, and heart. look like.

All of this was caused by Mugino Shenli, who was standing behind Elsebell and glaring at her with a grin on his face. Are you brave enough? Dare you flirt with my sister Aiyi? You are so good! ?

Frenda: Don’t dare.

End of this chapter

Mugino Shenli stood behind Elsebell with his arms folded, looking at the skinny Flanda in front of him with a gloomy expression, exuding a murderous aura all over his body - if it were replaced by the video, she would probably have already The eyes glowed red, and the hunting BGM sounded.

Frenda, I think you can introduce yourself properly, right? Mugino spoke, with a deep voice and murderous eyes, telling the three little quails in front of him that you dare to jump again One moment, I will kill you. Oh?

God knows why they can see love in such threats, maybe this is love (bushi.

Ah... yes. Flanda, who evolved from Pipi Shrimp to Quail (perhaps degenerated), nodded obediently. She calmed down her mood and said with a meek face: My name is Flanda. Da Severon is Dark...


Behind Elsebell, Mugino's hair was fluttering. She looked at Flanda in front of her with a murderous look on her face, and said quietly with her lips: Say it. Come on. Shark. about you!


Dark... Huh? Elsebell deliberately showed a blank expression and said, What does this mean?

No, no! It's a slip of the tongue, it's a slip of the tongue desu! Flanda waved her hands quickly and stammered: This, this, actually... I want to say... the Rose Princess of the dark... dark night!


Elsebell's expression changed from blank to shocked, and then to pity. This series of changes in her eyes really hurt Flanda's heart.

‘No, don’t look at me like that! I'm not a middle-aged child! ! ’ Frenda was wailing in her heart, but her wailing was not heard at all. Not only that, Frenda also found sadly that her two teammates actually showed pity expressions towards her.

How can it be repaired? Just wait, I will laugh at you when you two introduce yourselves later! Just wait, this is Frenda's revenge nanodesu!

Ah, Dark, Rose Princess of the Dark Night... Elsebell hesitated for a few seconds, then repeated the name and said, Is your self-introduction over?

Not yet... not yet... Flanda blushed, and she said weakly: Well, I am... incapable.

Uh... well, okay. Elsebell nodded and said with a subtle expression, Uh, Princess Rose of the Night, you can sit down now.

'Ah, please, don't call that name...' Flanda raised her hands to cover her face, and then sat down with a look of despair.

Ah, I really want to die... No! I can't die yet, I still want to laugh at Riko Takitsubo and Kinuhata as my favorites! Thinking of this, Franda opened her eyes, and she felt like she was on fire!

Hey, I'm Kinuhata's favorite! I'm 12 years old, and my ability is level 4 nitrogen armor. My hobby is watching super interesting movies!

Hmm... I am Takitsubo Rihou. I am 14 years old. My ability is Level 4 ability tracking. My hobby is probably... taking a nap?

After the two made a brief introduction, they sat down calmly, leaving Flanda with a question mark on the side - No, why did it end like this?

What about letting me laugh at you too? Did you agree to let you experience a bag of rice? Why am I the only one getting hurt! ? What’s the point of existing in a world where only Frenda is injured!

Well, okay, I know the basic information of the three of you. Elsebell nodded thoughtfully. She pondered for a few seconds and said, Hey, Mugino-chan...


Hearing Elsebell's name to Mugino Shenli, Flanda couldn't help but cover her mouth and burst out laughing - but before she even laughed twice, she felt that something was not right about the atmosphere at the scene.

——Flanda turned her head stiffly, and found that Mugino Shenli, who was standing behind Elsebell, had opened her mouth like a demon in the Nine Nether Hell, and moved her lips gently,

'You are dead'

After deciphering what Mugino Shenli was talking about, Flanda's face gradually turned pale. She sat up straight with trembling eyes, then looked at her nose and heart, as obediently as an old monk in trance. Sit in your seat.

Huh... Mugino Shenli breathed out softly, and then glanced at the docile dog-like Flanders coldly. After seeing the docile yuppie, she spoke to her lover in a gentle voice. Xibei Er said: Sister Aiyi, please continue to speak——

Yeah, okay. Elsebell nodded, and she said with a smile: Hey, that's actually the case. The three of you were recommended by Mugino-chan—

Yeah. Mugino Shenli nodded.

Now that you have joined our institute, we are now a family! Elsebell looked at the three of them with a smile and said, In addition, you should all know that the Chaldea Institute has the ability to develop the entire Academy City. Program, right?”

Oh, I know this very well! Kinuhata's favorite eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: I have browsed this information on the urban legend website!

It's good to know. Elsebell smiled and said: It stands to reason that after a new person joins the Chaldea Research Institute, it will take a period of observation before I come up with a suitable new ability development program, but for For those who are invited to join by old members, this rule will be more relaxed.

Could it be that... The wind stopped and the rain cleared, Flanda's eyes lit up and she was able to do it again, We can also enjoy the super power development program that is said to surpass Academy City?

If you wish, you can indeed. Elsebell blinked and said softly: The exclusive ability development program is of course a benefit that every member who joins the Chaldea Research Institute should have.

Okay! Franda clapped her hands happily and said, Then I'll sign up!

Me too! Kinuhata's favorite also stood up. She said expectantly: I heard that as long as you accept the new ability development program of the Chaldea Research Institute, you can be promoted to Level 5. Is it true? ?”

I'm just saying... it's possible. Elsebell thought for a while and said, If you accept the new ability development program and fish and swim all day long without any exercise, it will be impossible to reach Lv. 5.

Then... what if I work very hard? Takitsubo asked curiously, Will I definitely be able to become Level 5?

That's right. Elsebell nodded, and she said confidently: After accepting the new age ability development program of our Chaldean Research Institute, as long as you do your best to exercise your abilities, you will definitely Can become a Level 5 superpower.

Oh oh oh, I'm so excited! Junqi's favorite eyes lit up, she clenched her fists and said, Can I also become Level 5!?

Anything is fine, everything is fine.

Then, if I become Level 5, can I press Mugino to the ground and rub him? Flanda approached Elsebell, her eyes shining with expectation. He looked at Elsie Bell and asked: One punch can kill Mugino, just think about it!

Uh... Elsebell's expression was very complicated. She hesitated for a few seconds and said, Theoretically... it's very difficult, very difficult.

In any case, Mugino is also a user of the Shining Fruit, and the fruit Elsebell prepared for Flanda is either the MR5 Explosive Fruit or the Gladius Explosive Fruit - it can be said that it is very suitable for explosions. A fruit of the genius Flanda, but if you want to punch Mugino with this fruit, it might be a bit difficult.

Eh...can't you? Franda sat back on the chair a little disappointed and muttered: Could it be that Mugino's...uh huh huh!

Before she could finish her words, her mouth was covered by the sharp-eyed and quick-handed Kinuhata Favorite, who then forced her down on the chair. Looking at Flanda who had been resisting and struggling in her hands, Kinuhata's favorite came to her ear with a heartbroken look on her face and said: Flanda, if you want to live, it's best to say less.


Flanda trembled all over, then glanced at Mugino tremblingly, who was looking at her with a kind smile, and suddenly felt her eyes darken.

Foreword, my sister who is not in heaven, your sister may be dying.

Ahem, everyone - Elsebell looked at the people in front of her as if they were performing a comedy, couldn't help but cough twice with a smile, and said: Anyway, you are welcome to join the Chaldea Research Institute.

Is this the end? Junqi Favorite looked at Elsebell in surprise and said, I thought some kind of test was going to be conducted.

Hey, you guys were brought in by Mugino. What's the test? Elsebell waved her hand and said nonchalantly, That's all.

Then what happens next...

Next, let Mugino take you to familiarize yourself with the facilities in the research institute? Elsebell thought for a while and said, You have relatively complete information, so I have already thought about how to compile exclusive energy development for you. Procedure.”




After Elsebell left the conference room, Mugino transformed into golden light and appeared in front of Flanda, who had a 0v0 look on her face and was sweating profusely.

F~landa~ Mugino stretched out his right hand and pinched Flanda's head with a gentle expression, I heard that you want to press me to the ground and rub me?

No, absolutely not! That's Mugino, you heard it wrong! Flanda twisted her body - I didn't think she wanted to shake her head, but her head was fixed, so she could only twist her body.

Oh? Did you hear that wrong? Mugino Shenli looked at Flanda with murderous eyes and said, So you mean, my eyesight is not good?

‘Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.what should I say…” Frenda, the fierce girl cried.

End of this chapter

If Frenda's true identity is the great master of Pippi Shrimp, then Mugino Shenli's true identity is the master of Pippi Shrimp cooking. No matter how many shrimps you eat, they will still be peeled off and served to the dinner table in her hands.

As mentioned above, between the two, there is an absolutely iron-clad one-way arrow - the kind of one-way arrow that refers to the food chain! If Flanda is Ultraman, then Mugino Shimuri is three minutes; if Flanda is a Super Saiyan, then Mugino Shimri is a heart disease; if Flanda is Saitama teacher, then Mugino Shimri Just mosquitoes.

In short, when facing Flanders, Mugino's winning rate was as high as 100%. This is a historic achievement and has formed an iron rule like a treasure.

Yes...I'm sorry...Mugino... Flanda looked at Mugino in front of her with tears in her eyes, trying to use Uchida's voice to make Mugino's heart chirp.

But, it didn't work.

I have given you three chances - Mugino Shenli smiled and increased the strength of the immortal grip, saying: That's Sister Aiyi, you actually dare to show off in front of her, it's amazing!

I...I didn't...


I did! I was wrong! Flanda said loudly: I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it next time!!

Do you still want a next time!?

No next time, no!

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