Maybe it's because Mikoto-chan is too charming? Elsebell thought for a while and said, After all, there are a lot of cute things!

Oh oh oh! Sister Ai Yi, you know it very well! Shirai Kuroko got up from the ground, and then rubbed his little hands with excitement.

Of course, I watched Mikoto-chan grow up, right? Elsebell looked at the ceiling with a deep look on her face, then showed a reminiscing expression, and said with emotion: Mikoto when she was little... oh, It’s so cute!”

Sister Aiyi!!! Misaka Mikoto's eyes turned red at that time, Are you prepared...

Of course I want to share Mikoto-chan's cuteness with Mikoto-chan's friends! Elsebell gave a thumbs up to Misaka Mikoto with a cheerful look on her face and said, How about it? Is that okay?

No! Misaka Mikoto said with a straight face and without hesitation: Absolutely not!

Eh~~ Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko on the side suddenly showed disappointed expressions, and they made dissatisfied sounds.

Look, look! Misaka-senpai looked like a child! She must be very cute! Saten Ruiko shouted.

I think so too! Shiri Uiharu nodded and said, Shirai-kun must be looking forward to it, right?

Of course desu! Kuroko Shirai's whole body was burning with fighting spirit. She had evolved from a Misaka to a super Misaka. Sister Aiyi, this is Kuroko's lifetime request! No, it is for the next life, the next life. Request! Please let Kuroko watch the video!!

‘Shirai-san, didn’t you just say that it was your lifetime request to let Misaka-senpai grow that thing? You must have too many requests in your life. ’ Saten Ruizi couldn’t help but twitch the corners of her mouth, and complained in a dumbfounded way.

Look, Mikoto-chan— Elsebell looked at Misaka Mikoto with an innocent face and said, Everyone wants to see Mikoto-chan's cute posture!

... Misaka Mikoto turned her head with a livid face, and what caught her eye was the shining star eye attack X3 of Shirai Kuroko, Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri.

Huh... Sighing heavily, Misaka Mikoto sat on the chair with a speechless expression, then waved her hands feebly and said: Okay, okay, it's up to you - just, Sister Aiyi, Only ordinary ones can be put in!”

Forget about those dark histories! ?

Easy to say, easy to say! Ai Xibei gave a thumbs up enthusiastically, then opened the big screen, logged in to her cloud disk account skillfully, opened the folder of growth records, and found Mikoto-chan's category.

Sister Aiyi, how much dark history have you mastered... Saten Ruiko looked at the densely packed folders with a cold sweat on her face. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to have seen Aleister's name? ?

Soon, the screen dimmed, and then a line of words appeared in the middle of the screen——

Misaka Mikoto, 7 and a half years old.

Then, the screen appeared.


Along with the cute voice, the face of a young version of Misaka Mikoto appeared on the screen. At this time, she was looking at the camera curiously and asked: Sister Aiyi, is this okay?

Okay, the recording has started. You can step back a little. Elsebell's voice came from the side.

Yeah! Little Mikoto took two steps back with a smile on her face. Only then did everyone see that she was wearing a Pikachu one-piece pajamas. Her cuteness made Kuroko Shirai cover her chest on the spot, and she was about to die. .

Shirai-san, cheer up! Uiharu Shiri shook Shirai Kuroko's shoulders with tears in her eyes and said, If you die at this time, you won't be able to see the subsequent clips!


So-called dying illness, Shirai Kuroko sat up quickly and looked at the TV screen in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

Hey, hello! I'm Misaka Mikoto. years old? When she said this, Misaka Mikoto turned her head to the side with an aggrieved look on her face. She said in a coquettish voice: Sister Aiyi, how old am I this year!

Seven and a half years old— Sister Aiyi's reminder came.

Oh! I'm Misaka Mikoto, I'm seven and a half years old this year! Sister Pao showed an innocent smile to the camera, making Kuroko Shirai cover his heart again.

Oops, it’s not a good idea to watch this video in broad daylight! The load on the heart was too great, and Kuroko almost died on the spot! !

Then...should you give up?

No! Even if it means death, Heizi will continue to watch!

End of this chapter

There is an old saying that everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, or it may be due to sunspots. Ai Sibei took a sip of strawberry-flavored fragrant milk tea, and then said calmly: Hessips It’s not easy to hold on until now.”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu …”

Uiharu, my condolences. Saten Ruiko hugged the pained Uiharu Shiri. She took a deep breath with a sad look on her face and said, Shirai-san definitely doesn't want to see you feeling sad like this.

You're right, Saten-san... Uiharu Shiri glanced at Shirai Kuroko with a nostalgic look on her face, and murmured: Shirai-san, you want to live a happy life.


Misaka Mikoto was sitting on the sofa expressionlessly, taking small bites of the potato chips in front of her - she was just a ruthless potato chip eating machine. As for the two people in front of her who were mourning Kuroko?

Ha, drama queen!

Obviously it's just... Misaka Mikoto ate potato chips, then glanced at Shirai Kuroko and muttered in a low voice: I just fainted from excessive excitement.

It turns out that the two of you are so good at acting, and you acted out a drama about the death of a black man - by the way, is this movie so lethal? The progress bar had gone less than 10%, which was about 12 minutes, when Heizi was already lying on the ground unconscious.

Heizi can't do this- Elsebell sighed with melancholy, and she said softly: This didn't even make it through 10% of the first video, what will happen next?

This feeling is like when you are determined to watch all the short movies in the world, but you can't help but rush after watching the beginning of the first one - then after watching them all, you are afraid...

Why!'s okay... After hearing Elsebell's words, Shirai Kuroko performed a medical miracle on the spot - she struggled to sit up from the ground, and then said breathlessly: Help me up, I can still see !”

Shirai-san, let's stop here today. Shiri Uiharu said with a heartbroken look on her face: The doctor said that Shirai-san should not be overly stimulated now!

‘Where is the doctor? Which doctor said this? ’ Misaka Mikoto covered her face and screamed inwardly.

Uiharu is right! Shirai-san, your health is important! Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri supported Shirai Kuroko together, and she said earnestly: The days are long! You can watch the video later. If your body collapses, you can continue I can’t even see it anymore!”

Saten-san, Uiharu... Kuroko Shirai nodded excitedly. She held their hands tightly and said excitedly: You, you are all Kuroko's comrades! You are good people!

'Please say goodbye...' Misaka Mikoto covered her face with her hands, 'We have more strange friends. ’

Shirai-san, I will support you! Uiharu Shiri's eyes were shining brightly, The story of love between girls...ah!

This was an excited scream, and Saten Ruiko on the side also waved her hands desperately, and said with great excitement: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

‘Don’t support her! ’ Misaka Mikoto was about to cry.

You two... Shirai Kuroko hugged Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri with great joy, and said movedly: You two, when Kuroko and onee-sama get married, I will definitely send you wedding invitations!

Get... get married... Uiharu Shiri's eyes widened in surprise. She and Shirai Kuroko, who was also hugged by Shirai Kuroko, looked at each other. Both of them had strong expectations in their eyes.

So looking forward to it!

‘Don’t expect it! And won’t you get married? ’ Misaka Mikoto fell into super high school-level despair, ‘Also, I am right in front of you, can you plot behind my back? ? ’



After experiencing super high school level despair, Misaka Mikoto felt like she had grown up overnight. She has learned to skillfully use the words um, oh, okay to deal with Shirai Kuroko's attacks.

Of course, this also involves the fact that the conspiracy of the trio of Shirai Kuroko, Saten Ruiko, and Uiharu Shiri was always done in front of Misaka Mikoto.

On this day, when Harusuki Tori was discussing with Shirai Kuroko and Saten Ruiko about nearby date spots, and was urging Shirai Kuroko to take Misaka Mikoto on a date, Elsie Bell's voice sounded at the door.

Chu Chun, come here for a moment - Elsie Bell popped up her head and said, You have a clue about your development program. Let me ask you about your development intentions.

Oh oh oh oh!

Uiharu Shili immediately stood up excitedly. After waving to Shirai Kuroko and Saten Ruiko, she quickly ran to Aisi Bell and asked expectantly: Sister Aiyi, what is this development intention? ?”

It's like this. Your abilities are now stored at a constant temperature, right? Elsie Bell looked at Saten Ruiko and said, So, we have three directions for developing your abilities.

Wait a minute...Sister Aiyi means that the Chaldea Research Institute's ability development program can also be...customized?

No, no, don't misunderstand me. Elsebell waved her hands in confusion and said, How can there be any customization - if this is really possible, wouldn't it mean that you are invincible?

Hey, hey, I'm just talking casually. Uiharu Shili smiled sheepishly, Sister Aiyi, what are the three directions you mentioned?

The first direction, low temperature user, your ability can release low temperature. The upper limit of the temperature is your body temperature, and the lower limit of the temperature is determined based on the intensity of your ability development.

The second direction, the high temperature user, your ability can release high temperature. The lower limit of the temperature is your question, and the upper limit of the temperature is determined by the intensity of your ability development.

The third direction is temperature. You can freely choose whether to release high temperature or low temperature. You can even use high temperature on your left hand and low temperature on the right hand.

Uh... Uiharu Shiri hesitated for a few seconds, and then said weakly: It sounds like the temperature effect must be more... powerful, right?

Of course, mastering compound abilities is definitely much better at the tactical level than a single ability. Elsebell nodded.

Then why are you giving me three options to choose from? Uiharu Shiri asked blankly, Don't you usually just recommend the strongest ability?

Because it's more difficult to train your strongest ability. Elsie Bell smiled, Choose high temperature or low temperature. You only need to work hard in one direction, but if the temperature is high, you need to do it at the same time. Cultivating in two directions requires double or even triple the effort.

Uiharu showed an expression of surprise. In other words, if you choose low temperature or high temperature, although the ability is simpler, the effort to become stronger is also easier. So, do you want it to be easier or to be more powerful?

Sure enough, it's the third option. Uiharu Shili quickly gave the answer. She smiled and said: If I didn't know the third option, I might choose high temperature, but after knowing the third option, I wouldn't choose the third option. If you do three things, I will definitely regret it.”

Very good. Elsebell nodded with satisfaction - she originally planned to give Uiharu the fourth son of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Owen's hot fruit, but since Uiharu Lee made her own choice, so let’s prepare a rarer superhuman-type temperature fruit for her.

Uh... are there any other... questions? Uiharu looked at Elsebell eagerly and asked.

Well, no, go and call Saten-san over here. Elsebell pinched Uiharu's soft little face and said with a smile: Actually, I have an idea of ​​her ability development program.

Okay! Uiharu Shiri's eyes lit up. She ran into the room excitedly and came to Saten Ruiko. After whispering a few words, Saten Ruiko quickly looked towards Ai with a happy face. Sibel came running over.

Sister Aiyi—— Saten Ruiko stood in front of Ai Sibei, and she said with surprise: I heard from Uiharu that my ability development program is also...

The basic framework has been completed. Elsebell smiled. She raised her chin towards Saten Ruiko and motioned for her to follow her. Then she turned and walked towards the interior of the research institute and said, You can use It’s a fantasy guru, right?”

Yes. Saten Ruiko followed behind Elsie Bell obediently and whispered.

I remember that when you used the Fantasy Controller, the ability you awakened was... air user? Elsebell thought for a while and said.

Yes. Saten Ruiko nodded again.

Although the Fantasy Controller has caused you to encounter very painful things, from the perspective of ability development, you should thank the Fantasy Controller. Elsebell smiled at Saten Ruiko and said, Because of the Fantasy Controller's Relationship, you temporarily awakened your own abilities, which caused the seeds to be planted in your body - the most difficult thing in the world is not from 1 to 100, but from 0 to 1.

In other words... Saten Ruiko showed an expression of surprise.

Although you haven't reached 1 yet, Fantasy Master has allowed you to break through 0. Elsebell smiled softly and said: In other words, under Chaldea Research Institute's new ability development program, you will be 100% One hundred can awaken the ability.


With a cheer from Saten Ruiko, she subconsciously flew towards Ai Sibei, then held her in her arms and said excitedly: Ahhh, is it true? Is it true!? Aiyi Sister, I love you to death!!

Looking at Saten Ruiko who was so happy that she even cried with joy, Ai Sibei could not help but show a charming smile and asked: Has your sister Ai Yi lied to you?

End of this chapter

Three days passed after Elsebell determined the framework of Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri's New Ability Development Program.


Elsebell was sitting on her seat. In front of her were Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiori, who were sitting neatly. Behind them were other people from the Chaldea Research Institute - including Kamijou who had not been seen for a long time. Touma and Sogiita Gunha both appeared in the resting water.

No, it doesn't have to be like this, sir? Saten Ruiko shrank her neck, turned her head slightly and looked at the crowd behind her, and said, Isn't this too grand?

Look at the people behind you? Accelerator, railgun, atomic collapse, psychological control, psychological manipulation, telekinetic cannonballs...

Good guys, 8 Level 5s have reached 6! Plus the other members, this...this...

Good guy, it’s like you traveled to a different world and became the most beautiful girl in the world. Just when you were about to use your name as the most beautiful girl to hang out with other beautiful girls, you discovered that the background of this world was set by It was set by Kei Suiryu, Kojiro Kojiro, Kazuo Kouno, Hiromitsu Takeda and others...

How could I possibly alarm a bunch of big guys like you? ? forgive me! !

Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this is the practice of our Chaldea Research Institute. Elsebell looked at Saten Ruiko in front of her with a smile, and said: When a new person officially joins, we will all be here Let’s watch together.”

But, this is... Saten Ruiko felt uncomfortable all over, Isn't this too exaggerated?

It's not a big problem! If you think about it carefully, you are being watched now! But after this time, you will be the senior, right? Aisibei winked at Saten Ruiko and said with excitement. : Then when the next wave of new people join the Chaldea Research Institute, you will no longer be the group being watched, but you will be the onlookers!

Huh? Saten Ruizi thought about it, and it seemed that this was really the case?

So, be patient now, and when new people join the Chaldea Research Institute, you will be safe! Elsebell said eagerly: You can watch as many people as you want! Even if you have You can wear red tomato doll costumes to watch - then the psychological pressure on the newcomers will be even greater!

Hiss... what a guy! Zuotian Ruizi was shocked. She immediately turned her head and looked at the seniors behind her, and murmured: Is that what you thought?


The old people who were watching the newcomers were suddenly stunned.

No, Sister Aiyi - Mugino Shenli said with a dark look on his face: You want to ruin our reputation, okay? How can we be as weird as you say?

He's wearing a red tomato suit. What kind of weird idea is that? Kamijou Touma can't even make it, okay?

How can I ruin your reputation? I always tell the truth! Elsebell said plausibly.

Sister Aiyi, I was originally going to recommend a few new people to join the Chaldea Research Institute today, but after you acted like this, I didn't dare to recommend it. Mugino Shenli couldn't help complaining, I'm afraid that I am in their eyes The image in China is shattered.”

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