True character? Are you afraid that it’s not your true “color”?

Absolute! Elsebell made an extremely loud voice, Can you all be normal? Calling yourself a copper-smelting quartet or something, that's a huge problem.

It's okay, miss, we don't mind! Elsa said.

Shit, I mind!

Elsebell covered her face and said, Forget it, just practice. Now do your business first.


Then, the Copper Smelting Four...forget it, this name is too stupid, let's pass.

In short, the five-person group set their sights on Sloth.

Huh? Lazy tilted his head, showing an expression like Dio, I am the Archbishop of Sins of the Witch Cult, and Lazy is in charge, Betru...

Before he could finish his words, he was pushed to the ground by the five Elsebells and beaten until he fainted.



Hey, trouble. Elsebell looked at Sloth who fell on the ground and said, Is there anything in this world...

Elsie Bell thought for a moment, protection like [Mental Correction Fist]? If so, would it be fine if I punched him in the head?

Thinking like this, Elsebell looked at the sky - Boss, could you please give me some protection?

But rarely, this blessing did not appear.

Trouble. Elsebell scratched her head and said, Can we only ask Phyllis? But Lazy has been in mental confusion for such a long time. I'm afraid it won't be resolved in a short time.

I can save him. At this time, Beatrice on the side suddenly took a deep breath and said: No, yes... we must save him!

Betty, do you know him?

He is my teacher. Beatrice said softly.

Guigui, the connection between you people is really close. Elsebell said with a strange face: You are a student of Betrugius, and Betrugius is Emilia Emilia is Parker’s adoptive father, and Parker is your brother.”

Is this the so-called 'fate'? Rem said with a smile.

Hahaha, yes, fate is wonderful! Elsebell looked at Beatrice with a smile and said, Well, Betty, do you have any idea on how to cure laziness?

His two biggest problems are his disturbed spirit and his maladaptive witch factor. Beatrice looked at Sloth lying on the ground and said, The biggest cause is the witch factor, because he has Abnormal spirits also have witch factors at work.

In other words, as long as he is deprived of his witch factor, the process of mental healing will be much simpler? Elsebell asked,

Yes. Beatrice nodded, But how to get rid of the witch factor in his body is the most troublesome problem.

Leave this to me! Elsebell made a strong movement with a smile and said, As long as I find a way, I can handle it!

What do you want to do? Beatrice asked.

It's very simple. Elsebell took out a pen and a black notebook from her arms, and said with a lively voice: Rewrite the future!

[The witch factor in Betrugius Romanee-Conti suddenly left his body completely and condensed in the sky above him]

The next moment, a terrifying amount of magic power flowed out of her body. The feeling of rapid depletion in her body made her face turn slightly pale.

Fortunately, Lazy's strength is not very strong, and his compatibility with the Witch Factor is very low, so this separation only made Elsebell feel slightly tired and did not cause any damage to her.

Is this the witch factor? Elsebell looked at an octahedral crystal that appeared on Sloth. In the center of the crystal, a black energy ball was quietly staying in it.

It looks... quite beautiful. Rem came over and said.

It looks good, but it's not something that can be easily integrated. Elsebell took the crystal in her hand, then got close to the bracelet on her hand and said, Betty, I'll keep it in the forbidden area first. In the library, okay?

Of course! Beatrice nodded her head and said, Betty and the Forbidden Library are Xiao Ai's things, so Xiao Ai doesn't need to ask at all!

Okay, okay, the next step is... Elsebell squatted beside Lazy and said: How to treat his chaotic spirit? The treatment should be water magic, right?

Yes, but Betty has specially studied the treatment method for mental breakdown. Beatrice walked to Lazy's side, put her hands on his temples, and said, The purpose is to save him. .”

However, Beatrice once thought that this kind of salvation was impossible to achieve, so she had already eliminated this unrealistic idea early on. However, what she didn't expect was that Ai Sibei actually created it for her. There is such a possibility...

Sure enough, you are the one Betty is waiting for! Not only did he save Betty from loneliness, but he also gave Betty the opportunity to save her teacher.

It’s really great to be able to wait for you!

End of this chapter

Lugnika, the royal capital.

Is this... the Archbishop of Sin? Curxiu, who had safely returned to the capital, couldn't help but ask as he looked at Lazy, who had been transferred by Elsebell and Beatrice.

Haven't you already encountered gluttony and lust? Why do you still look like it's the first time you've seen the Archbishop of Sin? Elsebell asked, a bit dumbfounded.

No, that's not the case. Curxiu shook his head and said, Although we did see gluttony and lust, but...

After Curxiu's description, Elsebell and others understood what happened on the way.

Because of the strategy introduced by Ai Sibei Er, when Kurxiu returned to the royal capital, Lai Aotian had been lurking next to the team, observing whether there were any suspicious people approaching. Of course, lust and gluttony were taken away by Lai Aotian. God found it!

If it were not for the exposure of Ai Sibei, Lai Aotian might not have known who these two people were. With his character, he would definitely have approached them and asked them about their identities, but at that time, he had already fallen into the background.

It's different now.

Kill at first sight? No, you'll be beaten as soon as you appear!

The moment he saw the two Sin Priests, Lai Aotian turned into a stream of light and came behind them. Whether it was lust or gluttony, the heads were separated in an instant and turned into corpses.

Reinhardt only told us about this when we returned to the royal capital. Curxiu said with an innocent look on his face: I was still thinking about it before. Mingming Ai Xibei Erqing told us The Archbishop of Sin is here, but why can’t we see it?”

Definitely can’t see it! Because they were all beaten to death by Lai Aotian and their ashes were spread.

I didn't expect that my eldest nephew would give up on chivalry and start a sneak attack? Elsebell raised her eyebrows and said, It seems that my education is still useful!

In Elsebel's view, there is nothing wrong with chivalry, but if you still insist on chivalry when facing enemies, something is wrong - perhaps, it is necessary to add one more thing. When facing extremely bad enemies, if you still insist on chivalry, Something is wrong with chivalry.

Some villains are indeed full of charm, and facing these villains, it is okay for you to use chivalry, because if you respect the other party, the other party will respect you.

But if you are facing some extremely bad villains, what kind of chivalry do you do... stop it, the villains will laugh out loud, okay? They will just think you are a fool.

Gluttony and lust are obviously the villains of villains, and they are the scum of scum with no moral bottom line. It would be right for Lai Aotian to attack them directly.

Wait, eldest nephew?


No, you just said that Reinhardt is your eldest nephew?

Did I say that?

You have it. My ears are very good.

I never said that.

Sir, the wind of lying has blown over you.

Tsk, this kind of ability is so annoying! Elsebell buried her head in Elsa's chest angrily, and then turned around angrily, then Conflict Xin raised her head and said; Okay. , then I admit it, Reinhardt is my eldest nephew, is there any problem?

No. Kurxiu looked at her nose and heart - she remembered Lai Aotian said that Elsie Bell's combat effectiveness was at least on the same level as his.

In other words, what Elsebell is holding in her hand is not one nuclear egg head, but two nuclear egg heads! ! I'm afraid it's not possible to directly bring the entire Lugnika back to prehistoric times.

Just when Cruciu was shivering under the power of Elsebell, Mr. Sloth, who was lying on the sofa, woke up - his face was particularly soft at this time, which made Elsebell's eyes widen for a moment. eyes.

Grass (Chinese and Japanese bilingual)!

Big grass (a plant)!

Handsome guy, who are you? !

It's not scientific, it's not scientific! Why does laziness look like this in a non-madman state! How can the same person be so You mean Blue Dai and Gun Dai? And the Sword Marshal and the Technique Marshal? And the young emperor and the great emperor?

That... that... that's okay.

I'm... Lazy covered his head, looking in pain, What on earth... happened?

Are you awake? Mr. Lazy. Elsebell looked at Lazy and said, Don't you remember what happened during this time?

I just remember... Lazy recalled with a painful look on his face, It seems... someone invaded.

Oh, then you have a lot of missing memories. Elsebell looked at Lazy and said without conscience, Then let me help you recall it! First of all, it was more than a hundred years ago...

A hundred years ago, Sloth was also a member of the Witch Cult, but at that time, the Witch Cult was not like an evil organization like it is now, but a rather benign sect - Elsie Bell suspected that the Witch Cult had changed. It's like this because Pandora, the vacuum witch, is causing trouble in secret.


Elsebell is here thinking about the changes in the Witch Cult, while Sloth himself is so stimulated by this information that he holds his head in his hands.

No, you believe it now? Elsebell looked at the collapsed Sloth in front of her, and couldn't help but said: Have you never suspected that I lied to you?

Then...are you lying to me? Another glimmer of hope ignited in Lazy's heart.

No, this is all true. Elsebell had no mercy.

No!! Lazy began to cry again.

Sir, you are so... bad. Kurxiu tugged at the corner of his mouth. You are simply giving people hope and then shattering it with your own hands...

He is really leading evil people.

Ahem, this is a fact that he will face sooner or later. I just brought this fact forward for a while. Elsebell coughed dryly and said: In addition, Curxiu led the team to kill the white whale. , and the credit for killing the two Sin Archbishops, your reputation has now reached its peak, right?

Yes! Crusch nodded - the heads of the two Sin Archbishops were still there, so they could prove their identities. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy for Crusch to gain reputation.

Then... Elsebell glanced at Lazy, who was crying on the ground, and said, Let Emilia comfort him!



An hour and a half later.

“Hiss—” Curxiu, who was standing outside the door, looked at the cold air emerging from the crack in the door and couldn’t help but said to Elsebell: “Sir, is everything really okay in here? The cold air is coming out. …”

It's okay, it's just that Emilia's mood is a little excited. Elsebell leaned against the wall and said, This is the past that she must face, so she must endure it no matter how painful it is.

It's just that in this situation, Lady Emilia would be very lonely and scared, right? Cruxiu looked at Elsibel in front of him and asked, Why don't you, Elsibel, go and help her? ?”

Loneliness is right, loneliness can make her move away from Sloth. Elsebell sighed and said: Sloth is also Emilia's adoptive father after all, and because of the past, there will definitely be conflicts between the two. A certain gap has arisen, so I hope that through this method, the gap between the two people can be eliminated.

At this time, we need your presence to coordinate more! Curxiu grabbed Elsebell's wrist helplessly, then opened the door to the side and said, The only person Emilia can rely on now is Parker. The only one left is Qing, so at this time, please help her!

With that said, Cruxiu pushed Elsebell, who did not resist, into the room.



Huo—— After entering the room, Elsebell looked at the ice covered on the floor, walls and ceiling, and couldn't help but said: Emilia-chan, has it been exploded once?

Ai-chan! Emilia threw herself into Elsie Bell's arms, then choked with sobs: I...I remembered everything.

Thing of the past?

Yes! Emilia nodded vigorously and said, Fortuna's business is also important, Betrugius's business is also important...

Is it painful?

Well, I'm so sad that I want to faint.

Where's Betrugius?

I'm here. Lazy sat on the wall next to the window, holding his head in pain, and said, It's all because of my incompetence that this happened...

I thought you two were hugging each other in pain and reminiscing about the past, but are you still in the stage of self-blame? Elsebell helplessly took Emilia to sit beside Lazy and said: What happened in the past is neither your fault nor Emilia's fault. The one who should really pay the price for this is the Vacuum Witch Pandora.

Isn't she a witch of pretense?

Oh yes, the Witch of Pretence. Elsebell coughed dryly and said, If she is wrong, it is her fault. What does it have to do with you?

But, Fortuna is my own... Sloth began to cry again.

Faced with such laziness, Ai Sibei shook her head helplessly - on this point, Ai Sibei really couldn't comfort laziness.

To put it another way, it’s like the adoptive father, adoptive mother and daughter live together, and bad guys invade. In order to protect the adoptive mother and daughter, the adoptive father robs the robbers, and then shoots randomly - but the robbers are not killed, but bullets. The random bomb killed the adoptive mother.

No, sir, who can withstand this?

Even if you don't resist, you, Fortuna, and Emilia will still be killed by the Witch and the two Sin Archbishops. Elsebell could only comfort Sloth without any pain, and said: I He is not a deceased person, so I am not qualified to say to you on Fortuna's behalf, I don't blame you or anything like that. I can only say... If you still love Fortuna, let go of your inner sorrow and anger. Turn all your self-blame into motivation, exercise well, and protect Emilia in the days to come.

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