Eh? Kamijou Touma showed a confused expression.

Humph, on the first partition of the bookcase from the top, you hollowed out a small layer, and then hid the books in a place where you can't see them! Elsebell crossed her arms and said He said with a proud face: But you can't guard against my sister's eyes!

Oh oh oh oh!

Kamijou Touma let out a cry of public execution.

Hmph, I just didn't expect that Kamijou-chan's type of person would actually be...

Sister, be merciful!! Kamijou Touma clasped his hands together and banged his forehead on the table, pleading: Please let Mr. Kamijou save some face in front of my sister and sister!

Hahahahahahahaha- Elsebell let out a heart-rending laugh, Okay, okay, I won't bully you anymore! This topic is over!

I feel so tired. Mr. Kamijou lay on the table in grievance.

Ahem, where did the topic come from? Elsebell thought for a moment.

It seems...students are skipping class! Kamijou Touma said hurriedly, eager to change the topic, but what he didn't see was that when he brought the topic back to this, Mugino Shimri and Fuyumi Ai were standing next to him. The look in his eyes was full of murderous intent.

Hey, the topic of skipping classes is over. Elsebell waved her hand and said, There is nothing to continue talking about. You just need to pay attention.


Several cuties nodded quickly.

Okay, okay, let's stop here. Elsebell yawned and said, Let's go, let's go!



After watching her younger siblings leave, Elsebell leaned on the sofa, and then silently took out her mobile phone.


A second later, the call was connected.

Good brother, do you have a problem with me? Aleister is now a good brother, because she found that Elsebell's apocalyptic ability is really useful - he, in this world How come there is such a useful ability?

Isabel's power of revelation has helped Aleister solve trouble no less than 10 times, and every trouble is quite a headache - how to put it, it feels like playing galgame, There is a super detailed guide next to it.

So cool!

Good brother, I received another apocalypse! Elsebell said to the phone with a sincere face: The content of the apocalypse is to ask me to find Dolly, police information and Shokuhou Misaki.


Aleister narrowed his eyes.

Dolly, police observation and Shokuhou Misaki... In other words, is it a matter of the talent workshop?

Aleister understood that if Elsebell was allowed to come into contact with that group of people, the facility equivalent to the Talent Workshop would be brought under Elsebel's control.

does it worth?

There is no need to ask this question.

I understand. Aleister said calmly: Good brother, you can do whatever you want.

Aleister is fully confident that he can control the overall situation, so what if the ownership of the talent workshop is taken away by Elsebell? Isn't the other party still inside Academy City? As long as he is inside Academy City, he is the god!

Okay! Elsebell smiled and nodded, then hung up the phone, leaned back in her chair, and fell into thinking: 'Should I tell Miqin about this in advance? ’

In fact, Elsebell has been thinking about a serious question since a few years ago, and that is whether to prevent the birth of the Misaka sisters - with her ability, if she blocks it forcefully, she will of course succeed.

However, in the original work, the Misaka sisters have already obtained their own will, which is equivalent to new lives one after another - Elsebell is really unwilling to erase more than 20,000 people who already have a future in one go. Miss Misaka.

Therefore, she decided to continue to give birth to Sister Misaka, and then save them all in one immortal - then the question is, does this matter need to be hidden from Misaka Mikoto?


After closing her eyes and thinking for a few hours, Elsebell sighed, then picked up her phone again and dialed Misaka Mikoto's number.

Hello, Mikoto? Come to the laboratory.

I just got news that something happened in other research institutes.

Well, strictly speaking, it shouldn't be good news.

You come here first.

After hanging up the phone, Elsebell closed her eyes again.

'Sorry, Mikoto. ’



Soon, Mikoto arrived at the research institute. With a curious look on her face, she sat next to Elsibel who was meditating with her eyes closed. She gently pushed Elsibell with her hand and asked, Sister, what's wrong? ?”

Miqin, um... let me ask you, did you contribute your DNA map when you were a child? Elsebell opened her eyes and asked softly.

Eh? Yes! Misaka Mikoto nodded with a smile on her face, and she said with a longing expression: The doctor said that my ability can stimulate muscles, and maybe it can cure muscular dystrophy!

That's what I want to tell you. Elsebell looked at Misaka Mikoto - under the original circumstances, Misaka Mikoto should have been in the second grade of Tokiwadai, that is, she was 14 years old. We only learned about this incident halfway through, but because Elsebell decided to intervene in the talent workshop, Mikoto might have been involved in this matter just after she turned 13.

She was a little worried that Mikoto might not be able to bear it, but thinking of Sister Pao's strong will, she decided to tell her.

Huh? Mikoto tilted her head.

I just got the news that your clone appeared somewhere. Elsebell spoke calmly.

...Eh? Mikoto's expression was stunned.

After investigation, I found that the beginning of everything was the DNA map you provided at the Seventh Pharmaceutical Research Center. The other party took your map for human cloning experiments. Elsebell stared closely at the person in front of her. Misaka Mikoto, once the other party shows signs of mental collapse, she will immediately take action, reverse the time of this world, and then hide the cloning matter until Misaka Mikoto can bear it.

...No, sister, this joke is not funny. Misaka Mikoto said with a dry smile: Don't scare me.

I will not joke about this kind of thing. Elsebell stood up. She looked at Misaka Mikoto in front of her and said softly: I am going to save the clone now. Do you want to go with me?

Misaka Mikoto stared blankly at Elsebell. She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but an indescribable sense of suffocation enveloped her body, making her feel cold in her limbs and unable to breathe.

End of this chapter


Elsebell stretched out her hands and held Misaka Mikoto, who was pale and sweating, in her arms.

Mikoto, don't be afraid. Elsebell hugged Mikoto and whispered in her ear: This matter is not your fault, the fault is the researchers who deceived your DNA map and then created clones.

Elsebell has never experienced anything similar, so she cannot comfort Misaka Mikoto with empathy, but this does not prevent her from easing Misaka Mikoto's psychological pressure.

But...but... Mikoto stretched out her little hand, tightly grasped Elsebell's clothes, leaned into her arms, and said in a crying voice: If I hadn't contributed the DNA map, …”

Mikoto, listen to me - Elsebell hugged Misaka Mikoto onto her lap, and then whispered: Things have already happened. No matter how guilty and painful you are, this matter will not happen because of you. The guilt and pain disappeared.

...Yeah. Mikoto responded softly.

So, the most important and urgent time now is not to blame myself here, but... Elsebell let go of Mikoto a little, then looked at her tearful eyes and spoke word by word. Said: Save people.

Yes...yes! Mikoto's originally dazed and helpless eyes quickly became firm - it turns out that the way to free a person who is immersed in grief and confusion is always to use another equally important thing. Things to divert the other person's attention.

Although...I don't know if I, the culprit, am qualified to save her... Mikoto bit her lip and whispered, But I must save her!

Okay, let's go then! Elsebell stood up from the sofa with Mikoto in her arms, then strode towards the door, I have found the other party's address before, and within fifteen minutes Within, we can rush over!”

Thank you, sister. Mikoto clenched her fists, and there was a flicker of lightning in her eyes. But, can you let me do it this time?

Okay. Elsebell nodded and said, I'll let you handle everything.

Thank you. Thank you for the second time.



Talent workshop.

Recently, the Talent Workshop has launched an Exterior plan. The core content of this plan is to select one person from Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsumi Aiyu for training, and then use the other's ability as a template , creating an external brain - as long as you have control of the external brain, you can use the external brain to use the abilities of the person who provided the template, even if you are not a person with mental abilities.

About a month ago, researchers from the Talent Workshop had already understood through the Qualification Ranking document that Shokuhou Misaki's talent was slightly higher than that of Honey Ant Aiyu, so the core of the Exterior plan, It was determined to be Shokuhou Misaki.

At the same time, in order to allow Shokuhou Misaki to exercise her abilities and to survive another extremely important experimental body, the staff brought Shokuhou Misaki to a girl named Tori.

In just one month, Shokuhou Naoki has established a very close friendship with Dori. It can be said that the innocent and innocent Dori has left a deep mark on Shokuhou Naoki's heart.

'My only friend. ’ Shokuhou Misaki looked at Dori, who was sitting in front of him and telling the story with a bright smile, and said with a smile on her face.


At this moment, with a violent explosion, the entire institute shook.

What happened? Dolly asked a little panicked.

It's okay, Dori! Shokuhou Misaki quickly hugged Dori, then looked outside and said, I'm going to ask! Maybe an experiment went wrong and caused the explosion?

Even Shokuhou Misaki herself didn't believe this - she was a psychic, she could see through countless people's hearts, and her mental development far exceeded her age!

Shokuhou Misaki knew very well what experiments were being conducted in the Talent Workshop and how important this experiment was, so how could it cause an explosion inside?

That's not internal, so it can only be...


‘Is it an intruder? Or...' Shokuhou Misaki swallowed softly, but in order to make Dori not be afraid, she had to show a confident expression, hold Dori's hand lightly and not heavily, and said: Talent The workshop has complete security measures, and no one can intrude...


The door was pushed open.


Shokuhou Misaki closed her eyes in pain - why should the slap in the face be so fast? ? I just said that no one would invade, but in the blink of an eye someone invaded? ?

Since people have invaded here, it means GG, everything is G... wrong!

Shokuhou Misaki suddenly remembered that her ability was psychic! She calmly put her right hand into her pocket, grabbed her remote control, then quietly opened her eyes and looked at the intruder...

A blond, extremely good-looking older sister.

Found it. After the eldest sister glanced at the two people in the room, she slowly took out the walkie-talkie and said, Mikoto, I found someone, come to me.

Is she informing her accomplices?

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes narrowed slightly. She took out the remote control in her right hand without hesitation, pointed the front end at Elsebell's head, and pressed the button.

Stop it!

It's impossible to admit it. It's exactly the same as you.

Okay, then hurry up.

Well, I'll hang up then.

However, the other party was still talking to herself, as if her ability had not been activated at all.

'How is it possible... the other party is definitely not wearing a shield...' Shokuhou Misaki had a hint of despair in her eyes - if her ability doesn't work, then... what should I do...

At this moment, along with the sound of hurried footsteps, a figure appeared at the door.


Accompanied by a burst of rapid breathing, Shokuhou Misaki's expression froze. She slowly turned her head and looked behind her at Dori, who originally looked worried but now looked surprised. The girl at the door was gasping for air.

At this moment, her mind recalled what Elsebell had just said——

It's impossible to admit it. It's exactly the same as you.

Is this what it meant? ?

Who...are you? Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but ask.

Us? Elsebell pointed to herself, and then said with a smile: I am Fuyumi Ai, the director of the Chaldea Research Institute, and she is Misaka Mikoto, a member of the Chaldea Research Institute.

Chaldea Research Institute?

Of course Shokuhou Misaki has heard of this name, and he owns three Level 5 research institutes at the same time! ? She asked in disbelief: Why did the people from Chaldea Research Institute... attack this place?

You want to tell me the reason... Elsebell put her eyes on Dolly and said, It's because the child in our research institute has a younger sister that she doesn't even know she has.

Sister...sister? Shokuhou Misaki's eyes lingered on Misaka Mikoto and Dori - are these two sisters?

Yes, sister. Misaka Mikoto said. She walked step by step in front of Dori, then squatted down gently, looked at Dori who was looking uneasy, and whispered: My sister.

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