Under the devil, all are ants.

Hey, hey, hey, I can't pretend not to hear this! Elsebell walked out swaggeringly, then held her head high and looked at the empress domineeringly, and said: Do you know who I am? ?”

Didn't she introduce me just now? The empress felt that the little brat Ai Xibei was a bit unintelligent.

No, no, no, One-Eye Princess only sees the surface, right? Elsebell glanced at One-Eye Princess, who is said to be dressed so sullenly that people would rush out, and said, You know my true identity. ?

Huh? Elsebell's words attracted the attention of many demon gods - you are so confident and menacing. Could it be that you have some identity that we don't know about?

She, my purple mother!

She is my purple mother's partner!

She, my flower mother!

She, my Mother Lotus!

She, my mother Shenqi!

She, Aunt Kanako!

She, Aunt Suwako!

Elsebell said arrogantly: I am the second generation of Gensokyo Ultimate!


For a moment, there was a bit of silence.

After a full twelve seconds, the lady on the side couldn't help but ask: Can I ask? Who is your father, so awesome?


For a moment, the entire space seemed to be covered with question marks.

EXM? Elsebell was completely at a loss. She looked at the empress and said, Your question is simply that you are singing out of tune while going home - you are outrageous!

What do you mean, who is my father? Do you think my father has a harem?

You're crazy! This book is not a prequel to Starfield, and Big Brother Elric does not appear! Gensokyo is not his harem either!

Just when Elsebell was full of flaws, the demon beside her spoke.

Didn't you hear what people said? This (pointing to Zi Ma) and this (this Youyouzi), they are a couple! Seng Zheng looked at the empress angrily and said: Hey, no wonder there is a plant war Zombie game! No wonder zombies want to eat brains! Tsk, after all, what you eat will make you better.

End of this chapter

What should I eat to supplement my health? The empress stayed for a few seconds, then rubbed her head and said, Wait a minute, let me think about what you mean...

What he means is that zombies have no brains, so they have to eat some brains to replenish themselves. And you are also a zombie, so he is implying that you have no brains... Elsebell sat aside and explained quietly, Simple I just suspect you are a fool.

Hehehehe, this little girl understood what I said, very good~ Seng Zheng showed a playful smile, he glanced at the empress and said: I don't even know how you were promoted to the Demon God - or was it originally He has a very bright brain, but after becoming a demon, he didn’t use it for a long time, so he became a fool?”

It is indeed possible. Everything needs to be connected to maintain the feel of the hand - for example, when you were riding a bicycle, you could even loosen your hands, fold your hands across your chest with an elegant look, and even turn! But what if you don’t ride a bike for ten years? I'm afraid you only know how to ride a bicycle, don't even think about riding without your hands.

So you are mocking my lack of intelligence? The empress finally came to her senses. She waved her hands angrily and said, Damn Seng Zheng, how dare you call me a fool!

Is the empress an idiot? That must be impossible.

After all, she is also a demon, and a demon must be a being who has reached the ultimate level of magic - there is no saying here that although he is a fool, his heart is pure, so he progresses very quickly.

Huh, who is the fool if you are not a fool? Seng Zheng muttered with a sullen mouth, and then he was punched away by the empress. Then the two demons started fighting under Elsibell's gaze.


Looking at this scene, Elsebell suddenly felt that her group had no sense of existence - why did you start fighting among yourself? Can you give me some face?

Elsebell looked at Seng Zheng and Niangniang fighting each other in the heavy rain, and couldn't help but said hurriedly: Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore!

However, no one listened to Elsebell's call. Sengzheng and the empress collided with each other in the dark space as if they were performing - this was actually a very strange thing, because the two were obviously Demon God, but he is fighting with close combat.

It's as weird as two full-blue mages doing A. Can you lose your skills? It’s not like both of them are Xerath, right? The Endless Electric Knife is not expensive, is it?

They have a fight every now and then. At this time, Nephthys, a beautiful silver-haired girl with brown skin and bandages all over her body but full of sullenness, said: We are really bored in this space. If you don't find something to do, you'll go crazy.

Cherish Bill looked at the other person's face - this beautiful brown-skinned girl seemed to have heterochromatic eyes, her left eye was blue, her right eye was gold, and there was a green, drop-shaped tattoo under her eye.

But soon, Elsebell withdrew her gaze and said calmly: So... you want to use actions to tell us what we should do in this space?

That's right. Nephthys smiled softly. She stood on the ground enchantingly, with her right hand on her waist, and said calmly: Our power is too exaggerated for the earth, even if it is just gently Even moving your body would leave the planet in absolute trauma.

So, for the safety of the earth, you demon gods have exiled yourself from the world? Yakumo Zi narrowed her eyes and said.

Yes. Nephthys nodded and said with a hint of helplessness: Oh, what a headache.

Listening to Nephthys' words, Elsebell couldn't help but look carefully at this top-notch beautiful girl with exotic amorous feelings - not to mention her brown skin and white hair, her curvaceous body was covered with pure white bandages. It is more appropriate to wrap it up in a sunny outfit that looks more like a bandage than a mummy.

All in all, she is a beauty, and she is a beauty with an explosive figure.

I'm fine, thank you female Bodhisattva. Elsebell clasped her hands together and clapped them.

? Nephthys tilted her head and said, I am a mummy, not a female Bodhisattva.

It's a big problem, it all means the same thing. Elsebell casually dealt with Nephthys, then brought the topic back to the others and said, However, the purpose of our coming here this time is not to see you. They’re fighting.”

After the words fell, Aisi Bell looked at Suwako and Kanako and said, Aunt Kanako, Aunt Suwako, please let them be quiet.

Hey, leave the matter to me. Kanako punched her palm domineeringly and said with a grin: You curry, I leave the barrier to you - don't break it casually Got it!

Hmph, even if your ass is beaten into four pieces, my barrier will not be broken! Yakumo Purple mocked - although she said something powerful, she immediately looked serious after the fight. She unfolded the barrier - she arranged two layers of barriers, one covering the outside of this world, and one covering the earth.

Okay. Yakumo Purple put down the folding fan and said angrily: Although there is a barrier, you'd better take it easy! No matter how powerful the barrier is, the upper limit of its defense is limited.

Okay! Just watch. Kanako waved her right fist, and then shouted: Ola, Ola, Ola! That mummy over there! My aunt is here to fight you!


Nephthys on the side subconsciously shrank her neck, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Kanako rushing towards Sengzheng.

Yes, Seng Zheng is also a mummy! Uh-huh, that scared me to death.

Then, leave that zombie to me. Suwako also rushed over.

Next... Elsie Bell was about to say something, but her face was pinched by Sheng Bailian who looked dissatisfied. She could only ask helplessly: Hey, Mother Lotus, what's wrong?

Ai-chan, have you forgotten? Lian Ma pointed at Seng Zheng in the distance, puffed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and said, Didn't I say that? I will deal with him!

Ah - Elsebell remembered. Mother Lian seemed to have indeed said something like He has the aura of Buddhism in his body, but Kanako had already rushed out. What should I do?

Elsebell thought for a while, then gave a thumbs up to Lian Ma, and said, Lian Ma, how about this? Wait until Aunt Kanako finishes beating, then go up and continue the beating!


Nephthys couldn't help but subconsciously take two steps back after hearing this.

Why are these people so scary? Will you also use this method to deal with me?

Emmm... Ti Ma struggled for several seconds, then shook her head vigorously and said, No, I can't bully him.

Well... Elsebell thought for a while, then she raised her head and shouted towards Seng Zheng: Seng Zheng, can you scold me?

There were questions at the scene.

What are you doing? ?

What are you thinking about? Monk looked at Elsebell with a question mark on his face.

Just scold and that's it!

Uh... Seng Zheng hesitated for a few seconds, and then said tentatively: Are you a little fool?

Yo Xi! Aixibei immediately turned around and gave a thumbs up to Sheng Bailian, and said, Mama Lian, he scolded me, help me beat him!


Monk Zheng looked at Elsebell with a question mark on his face. He almost lost his breath just now and became the first shameful demon in history to choke himself to death.


Sheng Bailian closed her eyes and rubbed her temples with her fingers.

A few seconds later, under Nephthys's gaze, Saint White Lotus rolled up her sleeves and said, I asked you to call me a darling! I'll do it!

Good guy, there will be no round-robin battle this time, it will be a two-on-one fight!

So, under the gaze of many demon gods, Monk was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face under the siege of Saint White Lotus and Kanako.

Ah, I feel good, I feel good. Kanako walked to Elsebell's side with a relieved look on her face, and said with a laugh: We are all acquaintances in Gensokyo, so I feel a little embarrassed to do something evil! This time it is considered a beating. A pleasure!”


Aixibeier looked at Seng Zheng, who had a bruised nose and face, and nodded silently - it can be seen that you really had a good time, and Seng Zheng had gained weight.

Ahem, what's that-

Elsebell coughed dryly and said: Mr. Sengzheng... no, to be precise, it's the demon gods in the prison outside the world. Can you calm down now and listen to me?

Hmph, kid, what on earth do you want to say? Seng Zheng was a little unhappy after being beaten so viciously. He looked at Elsie Bell angrily and asked.

Let's make a deal~ Elsebell raised her finger with a smile and said, I think you should be very interested in this deal.

The nine demon gods did not speak, but looked at Elsebell calmly.

The content of the transaction is this. You let me absorb your blood to make me grow - don't worry, the loss is temporary and will be made up for soon. Elsebell raised her finger and said: On our side, we will strengthen the strength of this world so that even if your true form appears on Earth, you can move freely as long as you do not mobilize 100% of your power.


Several demon gods looked at each other, and the monk said: That sounds nice, aren't you just demon gods?

Ha, don't compare us. Hua Ma stood up. She knew clearly that the negotiation was actually over. The next step was just to prove that they had the ability to realize the content of the negotiation. I am the multiverse in the realm of omnipotence. And you're nothing but a crippled multiverse!

End of this chapter

Hua Mom!

Elsebell slapped herself on the face.

She didn't believe that Hua Ma couldn't understand the current situation, but Hua Ma's character made it impossible for her to softly say to the enemy, Then you guys can learn from the little girl, so she just started taunting her.

Punch first! Ask the questions again during the call.

Sure enough, after facing Hua Ma's ridicule, the nine demon gods showed a considerable degree of displeasure - if a human mocked the demon god, the demon god would be dismissive, but it would be unacceptable for a similar person to mock themselves.

You guys, who are you calling a cripple!? The demon named Nuada roared in dissatisfaction.

His name is the silver-armed Nuada in Celtic mythology - yes, it is the god killed by the devil named Salvatore Toni in the Godslayer - the same, but he His name just comes from mythology, and it does not mean that he is the real person in mythology.

After all, in the forbidden world, myths are still myths.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you... Hua Ma's mouth showed a very ironic smile, I'm not targeting anyone, I'm referring to everyone here, they are all disabled!

Si Li, senior sister Duanshui Shui! ?

You guy... Nuada squeezed his fist and made a crisp sound, It seems that it is necessary to teach you, a young man, how to talk to your seniors!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk—”

Many Gensokyo members, including Elsebell, looked at Nuada with emotion in their eyes, as if they were silently telling a fact.

This demon. Still too young! He has never been beaten by society at all, but he dares to say that Kazami Yuxiang (Flower Mother) is a young person, and he wants to teach her how to talk to her seniors...

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is simply the golden kid and faker at his peak said: Looks like I need to teach you how to play mid lane.

Even Yue Lun didn't dare to talk to faker like this! How old are you? ?

Even Yakumo Murasaki doesn't dare to talk to me like this, who do you think you are?! Kazami Yuka looked at Nuada in front of her with a ferocious expression. Her right hand condensed green energy visible to the naked eye, and her whole body was covered with energy. exudes a...

Well, although Aisi Bell wants to say that she is kind and loving, at this time, Yuxiang Kazami is really the ultimate demon king - the kind that will appear at the end of Dragon Quest. Big boss.

Junior, what you said is too arrogant! Nuada raised his right hand, and a sharp blade flashing with cold light appeared in the air, Even if you deliberately provoke me to make me serious, I will not I won’t let you step down safely!”

Huh? Feng Jian Youxiang was stunned. After she understood what Nuada said, her face turned livid with anger, Very good, very good!

It can be said that the current Kazami Yuxiang and Nuada are doing their best (and unintentionally) to provoke each other, and then arouse each other's anger.

The war is about to break out, and the coming mountain rain awakens the demon god Nuada who has been sleeping for a hundred years... Elsebell was dubbing, but before she could finish her lines, Feng Jian Yuxiang had already rushed in with murderous intent on her face. past.

Suffer death! As Feng Jian Youxiang roared, she threw her hands forward, and two thick magic cannons hit Nuada's face.

Magic cannon in the face!

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