The one who made the noise was a girl who looked about four or five years old, had long brown hair, and was holding a rag doll in her arms. Her right hand was being grabbed by a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties. in hand.

Let go... let go! The little girl shouted in a panic: Let me go!

Sorry, sorry - The man bowed to the people around him with a wry smile, and said apologetically: The child is too excited to play and doesn't want to go home.

The people around them suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then smiled with goodwill - this often happens in amusement parks, and the facilities they want to play are not available, so they are unwilling to go back, causing parents to chase after them again and again. It was caught.

Okay, let's go back in the future. The man used his right hand to pull the little girl into his arms and said, It's already very late. Dad has to go to work tomorrow! If you still want to play, next time I’ll bring you here again.”

You're not my dad! No!! The little girl yelled in a panic: Let go... you're not my dad!

Future! At this time, a fashionable woman who looked about thirty years old walked over quickly and accused: How can you say such things to your father? Apologize!

End of this chapter

The mother who walked out of the crowd looked like a fierce woman, and the tone of her words echoed her image.

Do you know how tired dad is!

He works from dawn to dusk every day just to give us a good life!

He finally had some rest today and spent the whole day playing with you!

You still don't know how to be satisfied, yet you still refuse to go back!

You also said that he is not your father. Are you trying to chill your father's heart?

Future, you have gone too far!

Looking at her mother pointing in front of her, the little girl's expression became even more panicked, and she hurriedly shouted: No, you are not your mother, and he is not your father!

Hey you little bastard! How do we usually treat you, but you actually...



On the other side, Kanzaki Kaori, who was watching this farce, grabbed Elsebell's clothes with a bewildered expression. She whispered: Sister, over there...

Yes, I know. Elsebell narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, This is really a coincidence.

It is true that Elsebell can be omniscient and omnipotent, but the prerequisite for omniscience and omnipotence also requires Elsebel to take the initiative to check - to put it bluntly, omniscience and omnipotence prefer that Elsebel have a knowledgeable person who can answer all questions. Encyclopedia.

And just now, when Elsebell saw the little girl in front of her, she subconsciously used omniscience and omnipotence to understand what was going on. Mainly because Elsebel was a little worried about whether the scene in front of her would be a scandal. Trafficking - have you all seen examples of this type on the Internet, right? After the criminal gang discovers the target, they will shout You bitch, you came out to steal a man, then grab the target and drag it into the car. Passers-by will only think it is a family dispute and will not mind their own business.

As a result, it is not necessary to be omniscient and omnipotent to not know, but to be frightened by omniscience and omnipotence - where is the future of the girl held in the arms of the man? Her real name is...

Mugino Shenli!

Yes, it’s No. 4 among the seven Level 5s in Academy City in the future! God knows why she's here! ?

'Wait a minute, if she encountered such a thing in childhood, her performance in the original work doesn't seem strange? ’ Elsebell thought.

Through her omniscience and omnipotence, Elsebell saw the future of Mugino Shimri - after Mugino Shimri was abducted by human traffickers, he was sold as the eldest daughter of a wealthy family who had no offspring! Originally, she was supposed to be pampered by the new family and live the life of a wealthy family. However, less than half a year after she was sold, the mistress of that family miraculously became pregnant! As a result, Mugino Shenli suddenly became an eyesore that her uncle didn't care about and her grandma didn't like. Everyone from the head of the house to the nanny and maid began to treat her coldly. After their biological child was born, the family directly treated Mugino Shen Li was sent to Academy City.

Finally, we got rid of this eyesore.

These were the last words Mugino Shenli heard.

Since then, Mugino's character has become extremely twisted and cruel. When she was abducted, the only rag doll she had on her body became her spiritual sustenance. She even went to bed at night without hugging the rag doll. The doll just can't sleep.

‘It’s just that that’s not the case now. ’ Elsie Bell glanced at Mugino Shenli who was crying helplessly in front of her, gently placed Kanzaki Kaori in her arms on the ground, and said, “Xiao Zhi, sister will be back soon.”

Yeah, come on, sister! Kanzaki Kaori obviously understood that Elsebell wanted to be a messenger of justice, so he looked at Elsebel's leaving back with stars in his eyes.



In the future, don't be willful! Mom was still chiding Mugino Shenli, Dad is also doing it for work...

Um, excuse me for a moment - At this moment, Elsebell walked over with a smile on her face. She glanced at Mugino Shenli, who was grabbed by the man's arm and held him in his arms, and said, That's it. ,I……

Sorry, sorry! The man nodded and apologized hurriedly, My daughter was too noisy and disturbed you. I'm really sorry!

I have to say that this pair of kidnappers are definitely veterans, because the personalities of these two are so perfect——

My mother is a shrewd bitch who chatters incessantly and has a very bad attitude, which makes people stay away from her;

My father is a hard-working office worker, and coupled with his wife's personality, he is particularly weak and bows and apologizes at every turn.

Under normal circumstances, no one would suspect that these two people are human traffickers, right?

No, you misunderstood. It's not that I don't think your child is noisy, but... The smile on Elsie Bell's face disappeared immediately. She rushed forward and slapped the man's throat with the palm of her right hand. Then he put his left hand around Mugino Shenli's waist, and took advantage of the moment when the man let go because his throat was attacked, and held Mugino Shenli into his arms, I think you are an eyesore.


The next moment, the mother reacted and let out a scream. She shouted heartbreakingly: They are robbing people! The traffickers are robbing people!! My child!

Huo, this was an extraordinary moment, and the people around him quickly started to watch.

Thief shouts Catch thief, the shout was quite loud. Elsie Beier was happy. She raised Mugino Shenli's hand that was held by the man, and said with a smile: My own child, you are not willing to give up your arms. Catch the green handprint? How powerful is this! Even if you are really her parents, you are still abusing children.

I was choked and speechless.

The woman secretly glanced at her male companion, who was holding his throat, coughing and rolling on the ground. This loser is really unreliable! I can only look at my own!

The next moment, the woman stabbed and lay on the ground. She shouted heartbreakingly: Help, snatch the child away! You are a human trafficker at a young age, oh, oh, oh, my child!

Silly B. Elsebell said two words expressionlessly. She took a step forward amidst the stunned expressions of the onlookers, then raised her right foot and kicked the woman in the face mercilessly. On top - with the toes pointed forward, the shoe directly hit her mouth. When Elsebell withdrew her foot, the woman spat out a mouth full of teeth.


Immediately afterwards, Elsebell took out her mobile phone with lightning speed and pressed the three buttons 1, 1, and 0.

Let's wait until the police arrive. Elsebell calmly hugged Mugino Shenli, who was still in shock, and looked at the two people who fell to the ground wailing and said, Don't even think about running away.

Many people had criticized Elsebell before, but her sharp kick really frightened the people around her. They were afraid that the kick would hit them, so these strong-mouthed kings kept silent. He opened his mouth and quietly became a spectator.




In the police station, Elsebell rubbed her head with a headache. She glanced at Kaori Kanzaki next to her, and then looked at Mugino Shimori, who was holding a doll against his head.

The claws are numb.

After the police arrived at the scene, they looked at the scene, combined with Elsie Bell's statement These are human traffickers, I beat them up and the comments of the people around them. , human trafficker x2, and Kanzaki Kaori who was following Elsebell) were all brought to the police station.

After investigating and confirming the identity of the trafficker, the police immediately began to contact Mugino Shenli's parents, and then they would just send her back.

It was originally like this, but something happened.

According to the facts in the police file, Mukino Shiri's parents were a pair of scumbags. After giving birth to a child, they left the child to his elderly mother to raise, and then went out to live and drink. In short, the two of them engaged in various activities. After committing the crime, he finally killed himself.

A month ago, Mugino Shinri's grandmother also passed away due to old age. After that, there was a disgusting fight for inheritance. The final result was that a certain family obtained a larger portion of the inheritance at the expense of adopting Mugino Shinri. ——Then, something even more disgusting happened.

The family who adopted Mugino Shiri contacted a wealthy family on the Internet who was distressed because they had no children, and then staged this human trafficking incident.

Sister, she is so pitiful... Kanzaki Kaori leaned into Elsebell's ear and whispered, Sister, can you help her?

If you follow the normal process, it would be quite troublesome to adopt Mugino Shenli if you are not related by blood. The end result is that Mugino Shenli is sent to an orphanage.

However, is Elsebell someone who follows normal procedures? Besides, what could be more interesting than a Level 5 on the science side and a Saint on the magic side being childhood sweethearts?

Okay, leave it to sister! Elsebell gave a thumbs up to Kanzaki Kaori, then smiled, lowered her head, and sent a text message.



So, I'll give you some advice in the coming days. Elsebell sat on the sofa, looking at Mugino Shenli who was lowering his head in front of him with a smile, and said.

That's right! Kanzaki Kaori nodded his head and said, Just give me some advice!

... Mukino Shenli didn't speak - after escaping from the human traffickers and her desire for survival dropped, she returned to her gloomy look.

Well, I'm a bit autistic. Elsebell touched her chin. She reached out and patted Kanzaki Kaori's shoulder and said, Xiaoori, starting tomorrow, Mugino Shimri will transfer to your school. ! You have to follow her all day long, understand? Never let her be bullied at school! Besides, the job of enlightening her will be left to you!

Yes! I understand! Kanzaki Kaori saluted towards Elsebell, and then said energetically: These are what I should do! Leave it to me, sister!

Very good! Elsie Bell nodded with satisfaction. Xiao Huozhi is really a good tool man!

End of this chapter

As the saying goes, as long as there is a combination, there must be unhappy and mindless people. If Mugino Shiri is unhappy, then Kanzaki Kaori can only reluctantly take responsibility without thinking.

Because she knew about Mugino Shinri's cold past, Kanzaki Kaori took extra care of her sister (she considered herself a sister) - every morning, she would open the window of her room and use the long clothes drying rod to He opened the window facing Mugino Shenli's window, and then jumped with all his strength, spanning nearly ten meters, to Mugino Shenli's room, and pulled her out of the bed.

It's only five o'clock in the morning, five o'clock! Mugino Shenli looked at Kanzaki Kaori with red eyes and said through gritted teeth: School doesn't start until half past eight! And it only takes fifteen minutes to walk from our house to school!!

So, why did you wake me up so early, Hundan!

Of course it's morning exercise! Kanzaki Kaori showed a smile to Mugino Shenli, and she said loudly: Every morning I go out with Sister Aiyi, jog ten kilometers, and then do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups. Sit, 100 squats!”

Shua-, Mugino Shenli's face suddenly turned pale - Tiandi Conscience, she is just an ordinary person, even a 6-year-old with a weak constitution because she was not taken care of well. little girl!

Why do you want me to do such a thing?

Unfortunately, resistance is in vain! Under Kanzaki Kaori's inhuman physique, Mugino brushed his teeth with a desperate look on his face, then washed his face, put on a filthy red sportswear, and stood at the door. On both sides of her were Kanzaki Kaori, who was making preparations, and Elsebell, who was smiling.

Hey, Shen Li, after we come back from exercise, take a comfortable bath, and then Sister Elsa, Sister Rem, and Sister Ram will prepare breakfast, eat full and then go to school! God! Rikkaori showed a smile to the pale Mugino Shenli and said, Let's go!

No, I don't want to run...

According to gossip, Mugino Shenli was carried home by Elsie Bell that day.



This daily routine has lasted for more than a year for Mugino Shenli, and she has also been promoted from first grade to second grade. Under the baptism of the brainless Kanzaki Kaori, Mugino Shenli is no longer the bitter and resentful Sima face he was at the beginning.

Probably because she had been getting along with Elsebell, the image of this intellectual, elegant, dignified, and beautiful sister was deeply imprinted in her heart, causing her to unconsciously move herself towards Elsebell's image. The image is close...

No, no, please don't show your face like an old man on the subway, okay? Elsebell's own behavior style will change along with her appearance and age! When she was 8 years old, she was a troublemaking lolita, when she was 28 years old, she was an amazing royal sister, and when she was 14 or 15 years old, she was an elegant young lady with a lot of money.

‘In short, Mugino Shenli’s development plan has been mostly completed. ’ Elsebell drank a cup of black tea gracefully, then looked at the scenery outside the window with a smile, and murmured: “It’s just that that matter will be over soon.”

At this moment, the sound of the door opening came from downstairs, followed closely by Mugino Shenli with a hint of urgency in his voice: Sister-sama, things are not going well.

Huh? Elsebell put down the teacup, looked at the door of the room pretending to be puzzled, and asked Mugino Shenli, who hurriedly ran up to the second floor, What's wrong?

When school was over today, the teacher suddenly said something to us... Mugino Shenli took a few breaths and said, He said that our school was acquired by an organization called Academy City, and the entire campus would be moved to Academy City. We If these students are willing to go to Academy City, they will keep their student status. If not, the school will contact other schools and let us transfer!

'Sure enough...' Elsebell blinked and said, Well, what about Mugino's own thoughts?

I want to go! Mugino said without hesitation: Because the teacher said that if you enter Academy City, you will have the opportunity to develop super powers!

I see... Elsebell nodded her head and said, In other words, does Mugino want to gain super powers?

Yeah! Mugino Shenli nodded, and she said seriously: That guy Kanzaki's physical fitness is simply inhuman! I already know very well that no matter how hard I try, I can't beat her, so I have to use other methods. Chase her!

What happens after you catch up with her? Elsebell looked at Mugino Shenli with a strange look on her face - Don't I want you to have a sweet childhood sweetheart? Why is there a tendency to develop in the direction of the old enemy now?

We'll think about what happens after we catch up! Mugino Shenli snorted and said softly: Now I don't even have the ability to fight alongside her. It's so embarrassing!

Ah, you still remember that incident... Elsebell showed a stunned expression - the so-called incident refers to an accident about half a year ago.

I don’t know where the magician group came from, and it is a very, very marginalized small group - if the magic side is compared to the Black Society, then this group is at most just after hearing about the existence of the Black Society. , a few dropout youths put the tattoo stickers they got for buying bubble gum on their arms, and then called themselves a small group like the Crazy Dragon Club.

However, even such a magic group that looks like a joke in the eyes of the three magic societies of Daystar, Envelope Breath, and Qingquan Liuxiang, etc., no, for those who are different, Ordinary existence——since it is called a magic group, it definitely masters more than one magic.

While wandering around, the magician group saw Mugino Shimuri and Kanzaki Kaori coming home from school, and they were naturally attracted to it - even a small group of jokers could feel Kanzaki Kaori's strange physique. .

They were tempted, and even if the other party was just a primary school student, they would not hesitate to take action. However, what they did not expect was that with the strengthening of the saint's physique, even if Kanzaki Kaori was just a primary school student, it would not be something that a low-level magician like them could deal with. ——If Kanzaki Kaori is the only one!

Mugino Shenli was caught and taken as a hostage. Although she also exercised, the struggle of the elementary school student was so weak in front of adults. She could only watch Kanzaki Kaori being kicked viciously by the angry leader foot.

——Although in the end this group of people were languished by Elsebell and used magic to force their lives to continue, and finally filled with cement and sank into Tokyo Bay, this incident still left a psychological shadow on Mugino Shenri.

At the same time, she also understood the existence of magic and the fact that Kanzaki Kaori has the constitution of a saint and is born with fighting power that is different from ordinary people.



I can't forget it, sister. Mugino Shenli bit his lip and said, I don't have magic talent, so I want to try to see if I can get power from another way.

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