Thank you very much! As expected, Ai Sibei's words greatly increased Curxiu's favorability, and it was no wonder that she acted like this again.

The White Whale should appear after the opening ceremony of the King's Selection. Elsebell knocked on the table and said: After the opening ceremony begins, you can start gathering people! Then within three days, we will go to the White Whale The place where it appeared - the big Volugel tree!


End of this chapter

Sister, I'm a grown-up~

Accompanied by a voice that was so sweet that it gave people goosebumps, a purple loli wearing luxurious fur protected Elsebell, then buried her head in Elsebel's neck, inhaling deeply. He took a breath and said in a voice as if he was about to ascend to heaven: Ah, this is it... I have been away for more than half a month, the fragrance of my sister.

Anna, you look like a crazy girl and become a wife now? Elsebell sighed helplessly and said: Besides, this kind of thing is not suitable for doing outside, right? Wait until Is it okay if you stick to me at home?

Okay, since it's my sister's request. Anastasia let go of Elsabel, then resumed her noble lady-like temperament, saluted Emilia, and said, You It’s Miss Emilia, right?”

Ah, yes! Emilia nodded quickly.

Let me explain in advance... Anastasia had a business-like smile on her face, but her voice sounded like a cold wave coming from Siberia, My sister is mine. You can be friends, but don't let your hands cross the line. ?”

...? The smile on Emilia's face froze - what is this? Was he being ridiculed as soon as he came up? No matter what I tell you not to cross the line...

Even Emilia can get angry, right? Can all kittens meow?

Then, Emilia hugged Ai Sibell's arm with a smile on her face and said, Ai-chan, this is your sister! Sister!

‘Ah…’ Elsebell silently raised her head - it felt like a shameless scene was about to unfold again, was it my imagination? So complicated!

Well, this is my second sister, Anastasia. The second before Anna exploded, Elsebell held her in her arms with her other hand and said, She is also one of the contestants in the King's Selection. one.

Speaking of it - When talking about this topic, little Anna immediately focused on Elsebell and asked: I heard Ricardo said that my sister has also become one of the King's Chosen Ones?

That's right, I don't know what kind of nerve was wrong with that dragon, so he chose me too. Elsebell sighed helplessly and said, But I don't want to be the king, so I still According to the original plan, I went to support Kur Xiu.

Eh? Anastasia made a dissatisfied voice, We thought my sister could become the king, so wouldn't my actions be easier?

After all, we are a family, right? There is definitely more delegation.

Hey, Cruxiu is not that kind of short-sighted person. She will definitely delegate power to you. Elsebell waved her hand and said, Okay, okay, let's go inside first. I'll take a few days to rest and I guess the sage will be there. It’s time to summon the King’s Chosen Ones, so don’t wander around during this time.”

Of course I won't run around! Anastasia replied matter-of-factly - I will be wherever my sister is. I haven't replenished my sister's energy for half a month, and I feel like I'm going to dry up!

Um, do you want to watch a movie? Or play a game? Emilia looked at Elsebell eagerly - in the past few days, because Elsebel became the King's Chosen, she needed to make some plans, so she didn't even Time to watch a movie with Emilia.

Well... let's watch a movie. Elsebell thought for a while and said, We can play games together later.

Okay! Emilia and Anastasia hurriedly followed Elsabel toward the second floor, while Ram and Rem, who followed Anastasia, quietly finished with Elsa. round.

How is Master Xiaoai doing lately? Ram asked softly.

It can be said to be perfect! Elsa looked at the sky in the distance with twinkling starry eyes. She put her hands into fists on her chest and said excitedly: The eldest lady is so cute! No matter it's flesh, Huhu's little face or slender legs... ah~ especially those pair of jade feet, if possible, I really want to use my tongue to bathe the young lady...

Sister, sister, Elsa is still as bad as ever.

Rem Rem, don't be as bad as Elsa.

How rude! Elsa looked at Ram and Rem dissatisfied and said, Don't you still understand the charm of the eldest lady? That is world-class charm! She is the daughter of the world, a goddess, a The power that can save the world!”

Yes, yes, we have fully understood the charm of the eldest lady. Ram sighed.

Yes, yes, we have fully understood the charm of the eldest lady. Rem also sighed.

But that's not the reason why we should do that to the eldest lady! x2

Then let me give you an example. Elsa raised her finger and said, Suppose the eldest lady suddenly asked you to kneel on the ground, then sit on the cabinet, with a haughty look on your face, and look at you as if you were looking at maggots. You, then, she stretched out her right foot, pointed her toe towards you, and said to you in a cold voice: 'Kneel down and lick my feet to prove your loyalty!' With these words, Elsa's face already had a strange blush, Ah, how will you react?

... Ram and Rem looked up at the sky. After a few seconds, their throats squirmed visibly.

Are you excited? A smile appeared on Elsa's face as if she saw someone with the same ideals, That's it! No one can resist the charm of the eldest lady!

Sister, sister, Rem is not clean anymore.

Rem Rem, sister is terrible.

The twin sisters had dead eyes.



Well... Sitting in the room, after playing the movie Guarding Sweetheart, Elsebell leaned on the bed and fell into thinking - Beatrice, Emilia, Parker, Anata in the room Several people in West Asia have become addicted to animation.

'Well, the requirement of the main mission is to choose the king, but if you leave after completing the main mission...' Elsebell had a headache. She really hadn't read the original work. At most, she just read some spoilers—— What's more important is that the original work is not finished yet. Who knows what the subsequent development will be?

'Headache. ’ Elsebell thought about how far she should go before leaving - the most troublesome thing is really the problem of the Sin Archbishop, right? There is also the Witch Cult, and the hidden sham witch Pandora.

'Wait a minute, isn't the best way to deal with it at this time...' Elsebell suddenly raised her eyebrows. She opened her personal panel, then found the settings button, selected off-site help, and then found Phoenix's Mail.

[The water in the world from scratch seems to be quite deep. If I just help decide the king and then leave, will it cause the world to lose its protagonist and lead to collapse in subsequent events? Or do I need to get everything done and reach the point of happy end? 】


After waiting for about a minute, the reply came.

[What you mentioned is something that almost every employee will consider.

Generally speaking, the corrective power of the world will choose a protagonist after you leave, and that protagonist is often the one with a better relationship with you;

Or you can clear the level directly.

Personally, I suggest you clear the level, as the rewards will be huge. 】

‘That’s true. ’ Elsebell showed a headache expression and muttered: “How on earth are we going to clear the level?”

How do you pass the level, sister? Anastasia asked.

Well, Anna, and Emilia, how do you think this world will be completely peaceful?

Complete peace? Anna was stunned, and then said casually: Isn't that simple? Without threats like witches, witch cults, sin priests, and monsters, wouldn't the world be peaceful?

...Oh ho? Elsebell raised her eyebrows, then touched her chin and smiled, saying, That's right, we just need to solve the root cause of the problem, right?

Why is this world so troublesome?

The biggest threat is the Jealousy Witch, the second is because the Sin Archbishop is running around like a wild dog out of a cage, and then there are those disgusting guys from the Witch Cult.

I understand. Elsebell nodded with a smile on her face and said, I have a bold idea. I wonder if you are willing to help me.

As long as it's my sister's decision, I agree unconditionally. Anna turned around and said, What is my sister planning to do? Overthrow Lugnika?

Don't say such terrible things. Emilia was sweating profusely.

No, I just want to make this world... peaceful. Elsebell raised her finger and said, Starting with the white whale and the Sin Archbishop, and then the witch... I want to make the creatures that threaten this world, Eliminate them one by one!

As expected of my sister! Anna clapped her hands and said, Since it is my sister's decision, I will ask the members of the Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to information related to the Witch Cult when doing business.

No, just... isn't this a joke? Emilia hasn't reacted yet, Is it true?

Do I need to make such a joke? Elsebell jumped out of bed, then moved her shoulders and said, I'm going to talk to Reinhardt, I probably can't do this alone.

Although Elsebell is similar to Reinhardt in various situations, she is only one person after all. Many times, she will be unable to do anything. It would be much better if she had a tool man - not to mention the combat effectiveness of this tool man. Still the top of the pyramid.

Love it, love it.

After Elsebell left, Anastasia looked at Emilia and asked, What about you? Are you willing to support my sister?

Ai-chan is my first friend, and I will definitely support her! Emilia clenched her fists and said, Even if I can only eliminate ordinary witch cultists, I will fight hard!

Ding, player Emilia has joined the team [I will protect world peace].

ten minutes later.

Ding, player Lai Aotian has joined the team [World peace will be protected by my mother].

End of this chapter

When Anastasia arrived at Lugnika, less than a week later, the Council of Sages had already announced the official king selection ceremony - the king selection had officially begun.

The five king choosers entered the palace one after another, and then gathered together under the gaze of many knights.

Long time no see, Miss Elsebell. A handsome guy with purple hair appeared in front of Elsebel. He put his hand on his chest and bowed respectfully to Elsebel. I didn't expect that you would also become the King's Chosen One.

Long time no see, Yurius. Elsebell smiled and said, How have you been recently?

Thank you for your concern. Yurius lowered his head and said, Recently, my swordsmanship has been slightly stagnant, which makes me a little troubled.

It's not enough to practice hard on your own. Only by comparing with others of similar skill can you improve. After Elsebell smiled, she again focused her attention on the high platform not far away - the members of the Council of Sages had already gathered there. There.

What's wrong, Miss Elsebell? Yurius asked in a low voice.

No, it's nothing. Elsebell shook her head, and then said with a smile: Yurius, go back to the team first! Everyone from the Council of Sages has arrived, and I'm afraid the meeting will start soon.

Yes! Yurius nodded, turned and returned to the knights' team.



Lord Ai Si Bei Er—— Because it was a formal occasion, Lai Aotian did not call Ai Si Bei Er aunt, but used honorifics, Please come forward, and then...

Then show my qualifications, right? Elsebell stretched out her left hand with a business smile on her face, and asked Lai Aotian to place the triangular badge in her hand.


With the recognition of qualifications, the red stone in the center of the badge lit up with dazzling light, causing the surrounding nobles and knights to exclaim oh oh oh.

As you can see - Looking at this scene, Lai Aotian raised his head and said loudly: Lord Ai Sibei has highlighted the Dragon Balls and proved her qualifications. This also means that she is the fifth The King’s Chosen One, and only when she officially participates in the King’s Chosen can the King’s Chosen Ceremony officially begin.”

Hmph, even though we have all five King Chosen candidates, is this person really qualified to participate? The speaker was a member of the aristocracy who was a villain at first glance. He looked at Elsebell up and down, and said with extreme disdain The expression said: What qualifications does she have to lead us?

Qualification? Elsebell glanced at him and said, Idiot, I am already qualified just because I can make this dragon ball light up.

With that said, she threw the dragon ball in her hand to Lai Aotian, and then said expressionlessly: Reinhardt, when you wanted me to participate in the king's election, you told me that the nobles of Lugnika are a group of outstanding people. Talent - is this what you call an outstanding talent? Don't laugh so hard, it's really unexpected that such an idiot can become a noble. guy... The man who had been stimulated by Elsie Bell suddenly showed an expression of gritted teeth.

Quiet! At this time, the leader of the knights with a Chinese character said loudly: The noble man who just spoke, are you questioning Reinhardt's vision?

...Hmph! After humming in the most useless way, the stinky brother stopped talking.

Okay! At this time, Curxiu took a step forward and said in a deep voice: This is the venue for the king selection ceremony, not a vegetable market for you to argue!

Humph, who is making the noise? Priscilla snorted coldly and said, My time is very precious, so hurry up and start!

Priscilla did not use declarative sentences, but command sentences. She did not want to start quickly, but directly ordered everyone to start quickly.

Lady Priscilla is right - an old man with a white beard said in a patronizing voice: Everyone, please calm down and let's officially begin.

Then, all candidates for the king's election, please come forward and state your opinions and plans after becoming king. The knight leader said, First of all, Lady Priscilla Vallier and her attendant Al.

Her idea is very simple, which can be translated as - compared with a hammer, who else is worthy of being the king besides me? Kneel down and that’s it!

Next was Curio. She took Felix to the stage and told the people below that she would forget her contract with the dragon and let the residents of Lugnica live with their own hands.

The third person on stage was Anastasia, who said she was greedy and wanted everything - including the throne.

The next person to take the stage was Emilia, who said that she just wanted all residents to be treated equally.

The last person to take the stage was Elsie Bell. She held the back of her head with her hands and said nonchalantly: To be honest, I don't want to be the king at all, so I'm just here to make up the numbers. You can do whatever you like. Don't pay attention to me.

“How ridiculous!!”

Just as Elsebell had planned, her words about the king's election successfully angered the nobles below and the members of the Council of Sages behind them.

You actually said that you don't want to be the king and you're just here to make up the numbers!? What does this shameless woman think of Lugnika's king selection ceremony?

Who do you think you are!? Just a person with no background!

When the nobleman who spoke before had just finished speaking, a certain bald man from the Council of Sages spoke.

That's right! The Astraea family recommended a commoner, and the stupid actions of the half-demon Lord Merzas...

It's a bad habit to call a half-elf a half-demon, isn't it? Roswaal turned his head with a smile on his face and said calmly.

Hmph, it would be fine if it was just a half-demon, but it turned out to be a silver-haired half-demon... Isn't this the appearance of the jealous witch? You should be grateful for letting such an unknown person enter the throne room. It's really dirty. Draw the sword again!

If it were the original work, Natsuki Subaru would have exploded at this time, and then be hung up and beaten by Yurius, but...

Oh... Elsebell couldn't help but clapped her hands and said, As expected of the Council of Wise Men, what they said is really enlightening!

Huh? The other party turned to look at Elsebell and said, Do you have the right to speak here? You're just a person who doesn't even have a title...

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