

So, I've been really busy during this period. Tokiomi Tosaka sat up from Matou Kariya's double bed with a melancholy look, then dressed elegantly and said to Matou Kariya who was curled up on the sofa. : Kariya-kun, it's almost time to get up and have breakfast. I want to eat porridge and fried buns this morning. Give me more sugar for the porridge. For fried buns, I want bean paste instead of hot sauce. Thank you.

Look, I, the Tosaka family, are so elegant and gentlemanly. Even to a bad guy like Matou Kariya, I can repay you with 10% etiquette and elegance! A perfect man like me is simply a winner in life!

Tosaka Tokiomi, don't go too far! Matou Kariya sat up from the sofa, then looked at Tosaka Tokiomi angrily and said, This is my room! But you occupied me Let’s not even talk about the bed. They didn’t even let me sleep on it. They drove me to the sofa. I won’t even mention that! Why do I have to line up behind you to take a shower!? That’s fine. Why should I still be responsible? I’ll bring you breakfast!”

Isn't this your own choice? Tosaka Tokiomi elegantly adjusted the tie around his neck, then put his face in front of the mirror, turning his head left and right, as if checking the condition of his beard, What are you saying? …”

I bet my dignity, Matou Kariya! Tokiomi Tosaka, do you dare to compete with me? If I win, the notebook will be returned to me! If I lose, I will obey your orders!

...Didn't you say this yourself? After Tosaka Tokiomi repeated Matou Kariya's lines, he calmly applied moisturizer on his face, and then said slowly : What are you waiting for? I have only told the first chapter of the Dark Swordsman's story, and there are more than four hundred chapters left to be told~ And Sakura and Rin seem to be very interested in it.

Ku...Kill me! Matou Kariya wailed. Even if he was recited a black history, the problem was that he had to recite a black history in front of Sakura and Rin - what kind of level is this? Shame on PIay? I don’t even like to draw like this in my notebook, okay?

Tokiomi Tosaka who did this was so stupid, he was just as stupid as the person who grabbed a girl into the basement, increased her sensitivity 20 times, and then used her little finger to install the cabinet.

Go and serve the food quickly.


Matou Kariya rushed toward the restaurant angrily.

Damn Tosaka Tokiomi, just wait, I will definitely take revenge! !



When Tokiomi Tosaka spent half an hour taking care of himself and came to the cafeteria, he saw an unexpected person.

Kotomine Kirei, his disciple.

Kirei, why are you here? Tokiomi Tosaka showed an expression of surprise. He quickly walked towards the facially paralyzed priest and asked.

Master, long time no see. Kotomine Kirei looked at Tokiomi Tokiomi and said calmly: The reason why I came here is because the master has not returned to the Tosaka residence since he came to Matou's house. Father is a little Worried, so let me take a look.”

Ah this...

Tokiomi Tosaka reacted - indeed, after he arrived at Matou's house, he followed Ms. Ai everywhere, witnessing one epic scene after another, completely forgetting that he had a Tosaka residence. …

Actually, you can’t blame me, right? After all, the decoration at the Matou family is really excellent. Compared with the Tosaka residence, one is a modern smart home with fine decoration, and the other is a rough house from ten years ago. There is no way to compare! What's more important is that the three meals a day at the Matou family are either made by Elsebell herself (created with one click) or by Archer himself. The smell is so good that the Tohsaka family of three are not willing to go back.

Ahem. After figuring out what happened, Tokiomi Tosaka coughed awkwardly rather than politely, and then said softly: Okay, I understand the matter - Kirei, sit down and eat first.

Yes. Kotomine Kirei, who was not yet happy, nodded obediently. He went to the kitchen and brought a bowl of porridge and a plate of steamed dumplings. After returning to the dining table, he ate with Tokiomi Tokiomi.

Speaking of which, Kirei—— Tokiomi Tosaka took a sip of the porridge with sugar and suddenly showed a contented expression, When Brother Risheng asked you to come over, did you say anything else? ?”

That's not true. Kirei shook his head and said calmly and honestly: Father, let me check your safety. If there is any danger...

If there is danger, just... Tokiomi Tosaka had already imagined that Kirei Kotomine said, If there is danger, I will sacrifice my life for you. Then he also imagined that his embarrassed but elegant self was covered with injuries. The scene of Kotomine Kirei sending him off, and when he was leaving, he could still hear Kirei's Master, leave quickly! Damn Matou family, if you want to hurt my master, just step on my body first. The cry.

He was extremely moved.

If there is any danger, leave first and then make plans. Kotomine Kirei said.

Oh. The illusion was shattered in an instant. Tokiomi Tosaka lowered his head expressionlessly and drank the porridge.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the restaurant became slightly awkward.



While the two were having breakfast, other people in the family also came out one after another.

For example...

Illya, what do you want to eat today? Kiritsugu's father's voice sounded at the door of the restaurant.

Hmm... I want to eat Xiao Long Bao! And Siomai! Hmm... And soy milk!

Okay, daddy will get it for you~

Hmph, Illya, what do you want to eat? the wife's voice sounded.

Mom, there's no need to compete with dad, right? the other Ilia replied.

Wulu Sai, answer quickly!

Uh... let's have beef noodles, and some layer cakes and tofu puffs. I want something sweet.


Along with the sound of exchanges, the family of four and Uncle B opened the door and walked in. Emiya Kiritsugu saw Kotomine Kirei at the first moment, and his muscles tensed up instantly.

Magician Killer, Emiya Kiritsugu... Kirei Kotomine's eyes sharpened. He gently put down the bowl in his hand, then stood up and said seriously: Why are you such a dangerous person? Will be here.

This is my line. Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the grain of rice next to Kotomine Kirei's lips and said seriously: Why are the people from the church here?

To... drive away evil. Kotomine Kirei turned his hands, and the black key was already caught between his fingers. The most dangerous person in Fuyuki City right now is you.


Upon hearing this, both Emiya Kiritsugu and Tokiomi Tosaka fell into a brief silence.

The most dangerous person is Emiya Kiritsugu? Do not make jokes! Isn't the most dangerous person a certain blonde and black-hearted loli?

Besides, I didn't expect you to be accompanied by a Servant-- Kotomine Kirei looked at Uncle B behind Emiya Kiritsugu and said in a serious voice: It's too dangerous, I...

Ah, it's time to eat, it's time to eat!

I want to eat big meat buns, twenty of them!

I want to eat soy pork, thirty!

I want to eat big meat buns too!

“Porridge and meat buns are a perfect match!”

A bunch of heretics, don't the beef noodles taste delicious?

The next moment, several Arturias walked in from the gate one after another, and then swaggered towards the restaurant.


A question mark appeared on Kotomine Kirei's head.

Priest of the Holy Church, don't you think that the Servant is a sign of danger? Emiya Kiritsugu stood up straight, then pointed his right hand towards the kitchen, and said: I believe you can do it for the safety of the people of Fuyuki City. Deal with them!


Kotomine Kirei raised a question mark.

Please start your performance! Emiya Kiritsugu said righteously.


As if she noticed that the atmosphere in the restaurant was not good, Artoria came out of the kitchen carrying a stack of steamers and immediately summoned the EX curry stick, and then said solemnly: Whoever disturbs me eating steamed buns, I will pout. Whose ancestral grave!

What a hatred.

Kotomine Kirei was hesitant to speak, and finally, under Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes, he slowly raised the black key and said, I'm still researching Mapo Tofu. Do you want to try it?

Oh? After hearing Kotomine Kirei's words, the Arturias suddenly showed sharp eyes. Among them, Black Hairless showed a provocative smile: I long for a worthy opponent!

Don't worry. Kotomine Kirei stood up, took out an apron from his jacket pocket, put it on himself, and said firmly: I am the God of Mapo Tofu.


Matou Kariya glanced at Tokiomi Tohsaka, and then whispered: Is there something wrong with your disciple's head? Otherwise, why would he carry an apron with him?

And it’s still a Hello Kitty pattern.

This... Tokiomi Tosaka glanced at Matou Kariya with a sullen face and said, This is just because Kirei is serious about his work!

Do you need to wear an apron if you are serious?

Matou Kariya looked at Tosaka Tokiomi with disdain, and then he prepared a bowl and a spoon - I also want to eat the dishes made by the disciples of the hateful Tosaka Tokiomi, and then start from scratch. Finally, criticize his cooking skills!

Just like that, fifteen minutes later, Kotomine Kirei walked to the dining table with a bowl of scarlet mapo tofu and successfully completed a wave of super powers.

Tokiomi Tokiomi, Aoi Tohsaka, Rin Tosaka, Kiritsugu Emiya, his wife, Illya x2, Kariya Matou, and Artoria all fell under this plate of mapo tofu.

This is the thing that kills gods.

End of this chapter

When Elsebell walked into the restaurant with Sakura in her left hand and Elle in her right hand, followed by Mrs. Black, like an evil old landowner from the last century, what she saw was a mess, like a hell-like scene.

Heh heh heh heh, so-called heroic spirits, is this the only level they can be?

Standing at the edge of the dining table, Kotomine Kirei looked at the people staggering around the dining table with a sneer. The early morning sunlight was blocked by the curtains, leaving most of the shadow on his face, which looked particularly scary.

In front of Kotomine Kirei, on a special long table in the Matou family, a row of victims were lying on the table with their eyes rolled white, and traces of saliva gathered around their mouths.

What... happened here?

Ai Lei stared at this scene with her mouth open, her eyes scanning wildly at Kotomine Kirei and the heroic spirit lying on the table, then she swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said tremblingly: It's hard... Could it be that it's... The killer sent by willpower...

And it has a special attack against heroic spirits? The kind where a group attack AOE can instantly kill the spiritual core? ?

Shake, shake, shake.

No, you misunderstood. Elsebell patted Airei's head and said: He is Kotomine Kirei. In terms of identity, he is a disciple of Tokiomi Tokiomi, not a person of willpower! As for why here? It will become like this...

Detective Elsie Bell glanced at the food on the table and sniffed the spicy smell in the air, and immediately understood the cause of the tragic situation.

It should be that one, right? Elsebell pointed to the mapo tofu with only a little leftover left on the table, and said, Kotomine Kirei's special mapo tofu must have used four kinds of ingredients. The mixture of chili peppers...well, devilishly hot.


Elle on the side felt frightened just by hearing this. She hid behind Elsebell and looked at the plates on the table with frightened eyes, as if she was afraid that Kotomine Kirei would suddenly pick up the plate and point it at her mouth. Pour in the mapo tofu.

The plates are empty, what are you afraid of? Elsebell complained.

Isn't there still soup? Ai Lei muttered in a low voice, What if he gets mad and pours me soup?

Don't worry, I will protect you! After Ai Sibei casually comforted Ailei, she turned her attention to the unconscious people again and said helplessly: Tu Zeng's killing early in the morning is also It’s not very good, so I’ll give you a mouthful of milk out of kindness.”

After her words fell, Aisibelle flicked her index finger, and the light representing the power of life flickered on her fingertips. Everyone who had lost consciousness suddenly felt that their bodies were warm, as if all the pain was gone. It felt like he had been cured - especially Tokiomi Tohsaka, who found that his cold legs, constipation and prostatitis had all been cured.

incredible! This is a magical skill!

This kind of healing technique is probably comparable to magic... Tokiomi Tosaka sighed subconsciously, but then he remembered that it was Elsebell who was releasing this technique, so he immediately closed his eyes. his own mouth.

Forget it, for a big demon king who can travel through time and space at will, go to other special points, and even turn Tiamat into an ordinary woman who can live in the modern world...

A mere healing technique doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

By the way, we are going to go to the bottom of the corner after breakfast today. Elsebell sat on the chair, glanced at Kotomine Kirei, and said, Tokiomi-kun, are you going to take your disciples with you? ?”

Kotomine Kirei did not express any questions, but instead focused his attention on Tohsaka Tokiomi - Father Mapo who had not yet been transformed into pleasure. At this time, his heart was still focused on his master. What did the master say about him? Just do whatever you want.

Well... let's take it with us. Tokiomi Tosaka thought for a moment, and then gave the answer, After all, it's an opportunity to learn more, so let's take Kirei with us.

Okay. Elsebell nodded.



After having breakfast, everyone once again followed Elsebell through any door in the basement and arrived at a corner in another time and space.

Oh oh oh, it's coming, it's coming!

Wang Jiang, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, stood up immediately and said excitedly: You are finally here!

What's wrong? Elsebell came forward strangely and said, I shouldn't be late, right? It's just before the scheduled time to go to the Temple of Time.

It's not because of this~ Dog C waved his hands with a smile and said, I haven't had breakfast yet!


Just because of this?

Elsebell showed a disgusted expression.

You won't eat if I don't come?

Hey, it's mainly because I've been eating Archer's food all this time, so my mouth has become naughty! Dog C hugged Archer's shoulders familiarly, and said with a smile: Brother Archer, all the brothers are Waiting for you!

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