So, who can tell me. Elsebell sat in her seat with a golden sword, looking at Shenji and Sakura who were looking confused in front of them, and said, Why will you two become Masters?

Well... Shenji looked at the back of his hand a little embarrassed and said, Maybe it's because I want to be... a partner of justice? So the Holy Grail heard my call?

My word... Xiaoying shook her head with a confused expression and said, Master, I don't know. I feel like I don't need anything.

warm home? Sakura has a kind master, a sister-in-law Onii-chan who treats her like a treasure, and she also has a friend called Illya. The maid at home is kind and gentle. The current group in the class regards her as the center, and she herself He is also a popular figure in the school, and under the operation of Elsie Bell, the Matong family is now the initiator of smart phones and the Apple of the Xingyue world, and the deposits are directly taking off in Wuhu.

To be honest, Sakura's current template is completely the current template of the ultimate winner in life, right? If you put it in a daily novel, then it would definitely be the leading female role, right?

Look at how the female lead is described in everyday comics and novels. It's nothing more than excellent grades, versatile sports, beautiful appearance, and prominent family background - isn't this what Sakura is talking about?

Let me ask, in this case, why did Sakura become a participant in the Holy Grail War?

In other words, there are three of the seven Masters in the Holy Grail War in our family? Shenji frowned and muttered: Wouldn't that be equivalent to saying that this time the Holy Grail War has already been decided by my aunt? ?

Shinji is very satisfied with his current life, so he has made the decision to help Elsebell obtain the Holy Grail wholeheartedly, and he believes that Sakura has the same idea.

It's interesting... Elsebell stood up and said, Before this, you should summon your own servants first and see who you can summon.

Okay! Shen Er stood up and said confidently: Just let me summon you first!

Do you need any holy relics? Illya asked from the side. If there are holy relics, we should be able to specify the summoning of servants! If we summon powerful servants, our chances will increase significantly.

No, no need. Shenji shook his head and said with a smile: When Auntie summoned you, she didn't use a holy relic! And the summoned Illya got along very happily with us! So compared to the servants In terms of strength, I believe more in the compatibility between the Servant and the Master.

Hmm... Illya blinked and said, Okay! This is okay!

Anyway, from Illya's point of view, the combat effectiveness of her group has almost reached the sky, and there is no problem even if they don't summon particularly powerful heroic spirits.

Then, let me start! Shenji took the materials sent by the maid, then lay on the ground and drew the magic circle for summoning. Then he stood in the center of the magic circle, raising his right hand with a calm expression. Said: Declaration——

As the spell was uttered, the magic circle in front of Shen Er lit up. The magic power quickly gathered in mid-air, and then condensed into a figure.

Servant, archer, comes at the summons.

Accompanied by a cold voice, a tall man with short white hair, brown skin, and a red windbreaker appeared in front of Shen Er.

Ahhhh, this!!

The moment she saw the other party, Illya suddenly widened her eyes, and then exclaimed: This image! It's a class card!

Huh? Arhcer's attention was attracted by Illya's exclamation. When he saw Illya beside him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Class cards? At this time, Shenji asked, Illya, are you talking about the ones you collected?

Yeah! Illya nodded and said, In my world, the power contained in Archer's class card is him - although the class card later became Chloe.

Your world? Archer's eyes moved slightly. At this time, he also discovered that the Illya standing in front of him was not the Illya he knew, but a servant. You are not People from this world? Parallel world?

Yes! Illya nodded her head, and she said sheepishly: Although I am not very strong now, I will still work hard to fight for Sister Sibel!

Hmm... Archer focused his attention on Elsebell, then looked at his Master, and said: Little Master, under the current circumstances, are we united with them?

No, Archer, it's not a union. Shenji looked at Archer and said, She is my aunt and the head of the Matou clan, so... we are the ones who helped her win the Holy Grail War.

... After hearing his master's words, Archer showed a confused expression for a moment. He turned his head stiffly, looked at Elsebell beside him, and asked: You said...who is she? ?”

The head of the Matou family.

Then...Master, can I ask, what is your name? Archer rubbed his head and asked.

Me? After hearing Archer's words, Shinji suddenly flipped his hair in an arrogant manner, and then said confidently: I am Shinji Matou, the next head of the Matou family!

Matō...Shenji? Archer stared blankly at the blue-haired seaweed head. He rubbed his eyes vigorously - no, my master is Shinji? Wait, according to his memory... he has never heard that Shinji participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War? ?

Just when Archer was full of doubts and was about to ask carefully, he suddenly heard Shenji walking up to a girl about his age and saying, Sakura, it's your turn to summon the heroic spirit next.


Archer felt like he almost didn't mention it in one breath - what? Is this Sakura? But shouldn’t the Sakura in my memory have been abused in the Matou family as a child, and she still has purple hair? Why does it look like now...

Well, I'll start now~ Sakura walked towards the magic circle with cheerful steps, and when passing by Shenji, she put the plate in Shenji's hand with a smile and said softly Said: Onii-chan, help me get the cake - don't eat it secretly!

Don't worry, even if a servant comes to snatch it, I will protect this piece of cake! Shenji patted his chest and showed an expression like Fist of the North Star.

Archer: ‘No, is my memory really correct? I remember that Sakura was indeed abused at the Matou family, but her current behavior... how does she look like an abused person? ’

In Archer's complicated expression, Matou Sakura raised her right hand and whispered: Declaration——

After a burst of dazzling light, what appeared in front of Matou Sakura was a woman with long purple hair and an extremely exaggerated figure. She raised her head and said softly: Servant, Rider, please come on.

Hello Rider~ Sakura smiled and stretched out her hand towards the other party and said, I am Sakura Matou, and I am your master.

Sa...huh? Rider almost blurted out the name Sakura. She subconsciously stood up, then looked at Matou Sakura in front of her, and then focused on Shinji beside her.

This is...Sakura from ten years ago? Wait, in my memory, Sakura should have never participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War, right? And the one next to him... is that Archer? ?

Archer obviously also noticed Rider who was looking at him. He pretended not to know Rider and said: Rider, my master is Matou Shinji, your master is Matou Sakura, and this one is Matou Ai. , is the head of the Matou family - if nothing else, your Master and my Master both participated in the Holy Grail War this time to help the head of the family obtain the Holy Grail.


Rider looked at Archer in confusion, then at Sakura, and then at Shinji - if her memory was correct, shouldn't Sakura have been bullied by Shinji all the time? And... isn't Shinji a scumbag? ?

With such doubts, Rider couldn't help but ask: Master, has that person named Shenji ever bullied you?


Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura made confused sounds in unison.

Matou Shinji excitedly walked up to Rider and said with a hint of annoyance: What the hell are you talking about! How could I bully an angel like Sakura!? She should be protected by me and everyone. That's right! Why would you say such evil things!

evil? I?

Rider's eyes suddenly widened behind his blindfold - I was called evil by Shinji Matou? ?

Rider, what are you talking about! Not only Shinji, but also Sakura looked at her servant in disbelief. She asked in confusion: How could Onii-chan bully me? He You’re so pampering me!”

That's right! Matou Shinji muttered with a hint of dissatisfaction: What, you actually asked me if I would bully Sakura... Please, my goal is to become a partner of justice, how could I do that? What about bullying girls?”


The next moment, the pitches of Archer and Rider increased eight hundred degrees. They spoke in unison and said in the most unbelievable tone: Your goal is to become a partner of justice!?!?

End of this chapter

That night, late at night.

The top of the Matou family's castle.

call out--

Along with two golden rays of light, the figures of Archer and Rider appeared here.

Rider, in my memory, you and I are both heroic spirits of the Fifth Holy Grail War. Archer looked at Rider and asked seriously, I want to confirm that in your memory, I am Aren’t you also a heroic spirit from the Fifth Holy Grail War?”

You are. Rider nodded. She looked at Archer and said, You, like me, are both heroic spirits of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Okay - to be honest, because Illya from the parallel world appeared, I'm a little unsure whether my memory is applicable. Archer rubbed his head and said, So... let's verify it first. How about using your own information and memories to confirm whether we are on the same world line?


After the two heroic spirits communicated with each other, they found that their memories were indeed the same - that is, the timeline when Saber left and Shirou followed Rin to England.

In other words, if our memory is not wrong... Archer covered his head and said: In my memory, the head of the Matou family should be Matou Zangyan, and Sakura should be Matou. The family is abusive, and Shinji is even more of a scumbag.”

That's correct. Rider took a deep breath and said, In my opinion, Shenji is an out-and-out scumbag, and the viciousness he did to Sakura is something even Ling Chi can't exaggerate.

But... x2

The two heroic spirits looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were twitching.

I had a conversation with Shenji just now. Archer's tone contained undisguised exhaustion and a hint of admiration that he couldn't detect. Shenji in this world is an absolutely good boy. He is positive and upbeat, and he is always kind. I feed the kittens nearby, and I also have a dozen stray cats at home, and they are all properly vaccinated and castrated.”

I also communicated with Sakura. Matou Zouken didn't exist from the beginning. The person who picked her up was Matou Ai, and she had never been bullied at all. She was raised as a little princess since she was a child. Rider pointed out. Referring to the facilities in the backyard, he said: These gardens and private playgrounds were all built just for Sakura to pass her time, costing an astronomical amount of money.

After finishing speaking, the two heroic spirits remained silent for a few seconds.

So... Archer couldn't help but said: This world line and the world line of the Five Wars should not be the same?

That's probably it. Rider nodded.

It's there such a beautiful world? Archer took a breath and said, Shenji is a righteous partner, and Sakura is the little princess of the Matou family, and she is loved...

Ha, really, I want the Sakura I know to live like this.



Regardless of what Arhcer thinks, the Holy Grail War will still continue as usual!

For some reasons that she could not tell others, Elsebell chose to let Shinji collect information about the Holy Grail War. However, he was still too immature after all, and the information he collected was a bit...poor.

Three pairs of contestants gathered in the conference room. Shen Er took out a stack of photos from his pocket with a serious face and said: According to the intelligence collected by Archer and I, in this Holy Grail War, our enemies have These four.”

First of all, Tokiomi Tokiomi of the Tosaka family.

And then there's Kenneth from the Clock Tower...

And this sad-looking magician.

Finally, there is the magician killer, Emiya Kiritsugu.


Illya exclaimed - Dad! ? Why did you join the Holy Grail War? !

At this moment, Illya's mentality jumped!



That night.

Ilia, are you ready?

Hiding on the container at the dock, Elsebell looked at Illya who looked worried next to her and asked in a low voice.

I, I'm ready, but... Illya poked her head out from behind the container, carefully looked at Saber and Irisviel in the field, and said weakly: Why are dad and mom too? Contestants!”

You can ask them in person. Elsebell smiled and rubbed Illya's head and said, Did you see that Saber and Lancer are fighting, and it's almost time for us to appear!

I know! Illya quickly cheered up. She clenched her weapon and secretly said in her heart: 'Sorry, dad, mom! When I get the Holy Grail and save Miyu, I will apologize to you again! ’

According to plan, let's go!

With a low shout from Elsebell, Illya quickly flew out from her hiding place, and her movements that did not hide her actions and the pink special effects floating around her quickly attracted other Masters. and the attention of the followers.

That's... Kiritsugu, who was hiding with a sniper rifle, suddenly widened his eyes, Is it Illya? No, a little older than Illya... What's going on??

Just as surprised as Kiritsugu were Saber and Irisviel. They looked at Illya holding up her wand in mid-air with blank faces.



One hit kill!!




As Illya shouted angrily, the wand in her hand fired a shocking pink magic cannon. The magic power contained in it made Saber's heart skip a beat - it was comparable to a light cannon! !

Hey Hey hey--

Lancer looked at the magic in mid-air with an ugly expression. He had to block a magic cannon of this size with his head! He can't do it!

‘Master, hurry up and use the command spell to transfer me! ’ Lancer shouted in his mind, but the Master he relied on for hope did not respond to him.



Be good, and you can survive. Elsebell's left hand clamped Kenneth's neck, and her right hand put a knife on Kenneth's throat, and said softly: The Lancer won't be able to bear that blow. He will die, but if you save him, you will definitely die! There is no need to risk your life for a servant, right?

Matou Ai... Kenneth looked at Elsebell and said with a dark face: You actually appeared in the Far East, and you dared to participate in the Holy Grail War - you wouldn't think that the seal was established People don’t dare to chase them this way, right?”

Huo—— Elsebell lengthened her voice, and then asked: Why do you think I am afraid of the person who made the seal?

Ha...that's right. Kenneth stood up with an ugly face and said, Can you take the knife away?

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