After all, in order to deceive Sasuke, Danzo in this world used the Four Elements Seal to completely destroy his body tissue, making it impossible to resurrect him.

It's an advantage for him. Uchiha Fugaku pursed his lips. He took his attention away from the size of the house, and then said with a hint of impatience: By the way, Sasuke, I remember you are not, that, just that... …”

Uchiha Fugaku made a gesture.


Shuzuo looked confused.

You idiot. Uchiha Mikoto patted Uchiha Fugaku helplessly, then she turned to her uncle and said, What your father means is, don't you have a daughter?

Ah, Sarana? Sasuke reacted. He scratched his face a little weirdly and said, As for Sarana... I remember that she should be performing a mission in the village, right?

After all, I'm a genin... Sakura said with a smile, If I'm not weeding, I'm cleaning up the garbage on the river, or looking for cats... Haha, I really miss it!

As she said that, Sakura glanced at Sasuke affectionately - she thought of the mission she took with Sasuke and Naruto to catch cats in the village when she was a girl! She still remembered that the cat's name was... Xiaohu!

Ah, those are all sweet memories between my husband and I. He must empathize with me now, right?

After Sakura looked at Sasuke for a few seconds, the affectionate expression on her face suddenly collapsed, because she found that Sasuke was waiting for Uchiha Itachi intently.

Forget it... Sakura showed a dejected expression. After all, that is her husband's favorite brother. If she can't compare with him, then she can't compare with him! Anyway...huh?

From the corner of her eyes, Sakura suddenly spotted a figure standing in the corner at the back of the crowd. Looking at that nostalgic and familiar young figure, Sakura couldn't help but blink her eyes.


What's wrong? Uncle Zuo turned around, but found that Sakura's eyes were not on him - he immediately understood who Sakura was calling.

Everyone followed Sakura's gaze and looked over, while Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Mikoto stepped aside, revealing Uchiha Sasuke who was standing next to the cabinet, looking at the photos on the cabinet.

This photo... Sasuke picked up a group photo on the table and said, Why don't you just take a photo?

Sasuke said, taking off the photo frame and revealing the spliced photo inside.

Um... Sakura gave a sarcastic smile - it was a bit embarrassing in every sense to be discovered by the person involved in her combined family photo.

Hey, older me. Sasuke looked at his uncle and said a little dissatisfied: When you came to our world, you kept saying what you said - although I don't know what Sakura is like in your world, but in mine World, she is a good wife and mother!”

Hey, hey, hey!

Sakura showed a flattered expression. She turned her head in surprise and looked at Sasuke, who was tilting his head to the side. She murmured with emotion: Sasuke...

What, my husband can still say nice things!

Cough cough cough.

Uncle Zuo, who was desperate to save face, coughed desperately. He looked away a little uncomfortably and said, It's just a photo, there's no need to stick to the formality.

This is not a formality. Little Sasuke said calmly: According to what you said, your daughter calling you father is also a formality, so would you like her to call someone else her father? For example...Naruto?


Shuzuo clenched his fists and whispered: That must be impossible!

Why should my daughter call that idiot Naruto her father? That must be impossible!

Isn't that enough? Little Sasuke crossed his arms and said with a look of displeasure: When Zuo Liangna comes back, you can go take pictures together!

Just when Shuzuo looked hesitant and confused, One Dozen said gently: Sasuke is right! Sasuke, you should leave some good memories for your family.

Nisan said so... Sasuke breathed out, nodded and said, Okay.



Her aunt!

When Little Peanut opened the door and came back, took off his shoes, and turned around to enter the house, he was suddenly startled by the three people who appeared in front of him.

Oh oh oh! Uchiha Fugaku said like an idiot grandpa.

This is little peanut~ Mikoto looked at Sarana with bright eyes.

Well, it's a pity. One dozen seven's hearts were about to explode - ah, this is Sasuke's daughter! This is Sasuke's daughter! ! ! ! Sasuke's! ! daughter!

Gin: Ah Shirley!

Brother Weasel: Ah peanut!

You...who are you? Little Peanut asked nervously.

They are my parents and brother. Uncle Zuo walked out of the room and said calmly: They are also your grandfather, grandmother, and uncle.

Eh eh eh?

Little Peanut suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: Grandpa, grandma??

For some reason, people from the past came to the present. Shuzuo explained.

Then... Little Peanut put his eyes on the last person and said, Could it be that he is...

The past me. Shuzuo said with a dark face.

It's the trumpet's father! Little Peanut's eyes widened, So cute!


Your cute dad is a hammer! My name is handsome, do you know handsome? Your dad is such a hammer!


Uncle Zuo felt that someone was scolding him, but he didn't know who it was. He could only mutter in his heart, The person who scolded me is a hammer.

You are Zuo Liangna, right? Yiyi Qiyi bent down with a gentle face. He put his hands on his knees, looked at Zuo Liangna with a smile, and said: Want to practice? I can accompany you.


A question mark appeared on the heads of both the large Sasuke and the small Sasuke.

One dozen seven Nissans. When I was a child, I would pester you to practice together every day. You would flick your forehead every day and say next time! So now you take the initiative to practice with Little Peanut?

What do you mean?

I am jealous!

However, it doesn't matter whether Sasuke is jealous or not! Little Peanut had never had anyone accompany her to practice, so after One to Seven made this request, Little Peanut nodded her head excitedly.

Okay, okay, I want to practice!



On the other side, Naruto's house.


Little Naruto sat on the sofa with a confused look on his face, looking at the big Naruto in front of him, then at the Yondaime, his mother and...


Don't be so nervous. Minato smiled and said, Because of Ai-sama, in our world line, I am not with Miss Kushina, so strictly speaking, I can only count you. Half father.”

This... Naruto scratched his head and said, I have already exchanged information with the Nine Lamas over's really weird over there.

Not only did Hinata become a badass, but her father actually got together with a member of the Senju clan! And my mother has always been single...

Ahhhh, why is it so strange!


At this time, Himawari ran to Naruto's side. She carefully popped her head out from the side of Naruto's thigh, looked at the Yondaime beside her, and said, Is that grandpa?

Uh... Naruto thought for a moment and said, That's right.

oh oh!

Sunflower nodded in understanding.

I heard from Naruto... I didn't know Naruto-kun in that world? At this time, O Hinata asked curiously, What was I like in that world?

Not only the big Naruto, but also Himawari cast a curious expression on the little Naruto - what is the other one like?

Well... Little Naruto said with a distressed look on his face and crossed his arms: In my memory, Hinata is like that. If she doesn't speak and just moves, what kind of person would you think she is? Very introverted, easily shy, and easy to bully...

‘Hey, isn’t this who I was before? ’ Hinata showed a subtle expression, “Then… what if I speak?”

Hinata's tone of voice is also the same. She is very shy and quiet, as if she is shy. It is easy for people to mistakenly think that she is easy to bully. Naruto muttered.

‘Mistaken? So the me in the other world... is actually not easily bullied? ’ Hinata blinked.

But in fact, the Hinata in our world would use the weakest expression, the softest voice, the most cowardly attitude, and the cruelest lines. Naruto said with emotion, Probably It’s that kind of... can I... can I... kill... kill your whole family... this kind of thing.


Hinata's expression showed deep confusion. She looked at little Naruto, and then at the Yondaime who was nodding seriously. She felt a wave of disbelief.

No, is my self in another world this type?

Ah, by the way, Hinata from our world has also come with us. At this time, the Yondaime suggested with a smile, How about we... go to the Hyuga clan to see it together?

I's okay.



When Naruto and his family arrived at the Hyuga clan, they found that the family was looking at Hinata standing in the middle of the martial arts field with dumbfounded eyes.

Father, what's wrong? O Hinata quickly ran over and asked in a low voice.

Hinata, you in another world are... incredible. Hizu looked at Hinata with a complicated face and said, The Tsangigan is too powerful.

Tenseigan!? Naruto's eyes suddenly widened. He ran to Hinata's side in surprise and asked: Hinata in that world, have you awakened the Tenseigan??

Yes. Hinata nodded, her eyes moved slightly, from lavender white eyes to azure blue reincarnation eyes in an instant, Master Aiyi helped me awaken.

Big Naruto and Big Hinata: Σ( ° △ °|||)

End of this chapter

Tsensei, this Mader thing is something that both Hinata and Naruto are familiar with, okay? It would be better to say that it was because of this thing that the two of them officially established their relationship!

Your master named Ai Yi took you to the moon?

Moon? Little Hinata was stunned. She shook her head subconsciously and asked strangely: No! What does the Tsangigan have to do with the moon?

you do not know?

what do you know?

After a period of erroneous dialogue, the great Naruto looked at little Hinata and said: In our world, the reincarnation eye has also appeared. The situation at that time was like this...

Naruto told what happened on the moon, including Otsutsuki's Byakugan branch, and Hinata being the princess of the Byakugan, and the enemies who gained the power of the reincarnated eye.

After listening to the big Naruto's story, the little Naruto showed an obvious expression of envy and hatred.

It's great, I'm the big one! Little Naruto looked at Big Naruto pitifully and muttered: To be able to have such a life of ups and downs! It's not like me...sigh.

On the contrary, I envy you. Naruto smiled bitterly and said softly: If possible, I also want to live with my parents like you.

Ah, actually, I lived alone when I was young. Little Naruto touched the tip of his nose.

I have learned this through the Nine Lamas in your body. The big Naruto opened his mouth. He stretched out his hand and fist-checked with the little Naruto, and said with a smile: I didn't expect that although my mother is not a person, I We were quite similar when we were little~

Haha, right, right~ Little Naruto also showed a satisfied expression.

Wait a moment--

Suddenly, Boruto blinked his eyes and said thoughtfully: Grandpa is the same, but grandma is different, but the two fathers were the same when they were young, that is to say...

Hanabi on the side also said thoughtfully: In other words, my brother-in-law's naughty gene comes from the fourth generation?


Senju Minato, who was suddenly blamed for falling from the sky, showed a confused and helpless expression. He glanced at Senju Yukino next to him, and then showed an awkward and not polite smile.

Yukino, you have to believe me. I was well behaved when I was a child, so Naruto's behavior must have nothing to do with me.

So... Senju Yukino was silent for a few seconds, then thought about it and said, The subtext of your words is that you want to tell me that the reason why Naruto is so naughty is because of me?


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