
Very quickly, time ticked by.

Just when everyone in the Country of Rain was training and exchanging feelings on a daily basis, they suddenly received a text message from the eldest sister—the leaders of all families and gangs were gathering at the Rain Shadow Building in the Country of Rain.

All of a sudden, what happened?

Senju Naoki frowned. He sat on the chair with a strange look on his face and asked Uchiha Fugaku next to him, Could it be that the eldest sister has figured it out and is ready to overthrow the ninja world and dominate the world?

Who knows about this kind of thing? Hinata Hiashi sat next to Senju Noshu and said, Either you don't contact us, but once you contact us, it will be a big move.

That's right. Senju Naoki nodded. He looked around and soon saw Senju Tobirama standing on the podium with a gloomy face.


At this time, Hinata Hiashi looked at the Senju Noshu tree with a strange expression on his face and said, Do all of you Senju family have such a long lifespan? The Nidaime-sama looks... quite young.

This is... a terrible question. It's better that you don't know. Qianju Naoshu tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Qianshou Shengshu couldn't tell. He knelt beside the bed in person, listening to the second grandfather holding his hand and saying, Shengshu, never approve documents, never 007, that woman is the devil. He ordered, then closed his eyes quietly, died peacefully, and then twenty seconds later, was resurrected by the eldest sister's reincarnation and reincarnation, right?

There is a saying that Qianju Naoki looked at the desperate expression on the second grandfather's face and deeply felt an inexplicable sadness - the most terrifying thing in the world is not that you are 007, but that you have been 007 for the rest of your life. I could finally rest, but was resurrected by the black-hearted loli to continue 007.




Otsutsuki Ai coughed dryly and then knocked on the podium.

At this moment, all the ninjas who were still talking in the audience quickly fell silent, and then turned their attention to the eldest sister.

Two things. Elsebell raised her finger and said, The first thing is this. Over in Konoha, the Chunin Examination will be held next month. I'm going to go there and have fun. Who are you? Want to lead a team?

Chuunin exam?

Qianju Naoshu's eyes lit up. He raised his right hand excitedly and shouted: Sister, I, I, I, I want to go!

Well... Elsebell thought for a while, and then said: Then Uchiha Izumi, Hinata Neji, and Uzumaki Shizuku will be left to you.

Okay! Thousand-Armed Rope Tree cheered.

I want to see it too. Namikaze Minato raised his hand a little ashamed, and whispered: Also, big sister, can I bring Naruto back this time?

Miss Ai is not a demon, so of course she allowed Namikaze Minato to obtain information about Naruto - by the way, in this world, Naruto's name is Naruto.

After all, what is different from the original work is that in this time and space, Naruto is the son of Namikaze Minato and Senju Yukino. It is not suitable for him to inherit the surname Namikaze or Senju.

Okay. Elsebell nodded and said, I will talk about the second thing later, and you will know it then! As for the people assigned to you... you can pick any three people.


As for myself, I'll just take my three disciples there. Elsebell put her hands on her hips and said, Hinata Hinata, Kazusa Uchiha, and Yukina Senju.

Sister-in-law... Senju Naoki tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said in a dumbfounded voice: Your three disciples are three super shadows. Is it really appropriate for you to take them to take the Chunin Exam?

As far as I know... Otsutsuki Aiyi looked at the person in front of him with an innocent face and said, Because my three disciples have been practicing with me, they are still genin in the records of the Rain Ninja Village. Bar?


Grass, nothing broken!

Okay, that's it for the Chunin Examination. Elsebell rubbed her hands and said, The next topic is the second topic, which is about whether we should annex Konoha.


Senju Tobirama stood up in shock, Are you ready to start a war?

What are you talking about? Aiyi waved her hand and said, Here's what happened. Let me tell you, I actually got the news that Orochimaru is going to start the plan to collapse Konoha...

To sum up, the Sandaime is definitely going to die. After his death, the people in Konoha will go looking for a new Hokage. Ai-chan, Then the question is, do you think Konoha can choose Who are the candidates for the Fifth Hokage?


After a period of silence, everyone was obviously aware of this problem.

Yes, who can Konoha choose as the fifth Hokage? Naruto is not saying that if we think you can get on, you can get on! First of all, you must have basic recognition from the people. Secondly, you must have enough strength. Otherwise, if the genin in the village betrays you that day and you are overturned by a car, then...

Stop looking, I’m talking about you, Chojuro, quit the group! !

So, for now, what are the candidates for Hokage that Konoha can choose?

There are only three ninjas of Konoha back then, no, there are only two ninjas left, right? Uchiha Fugaku was silent for a few seconds, and then whispered: Not only has Orochimaru betrayed Konoha, but... he wants to We want to attack the Sandaime directly, so Konoha will never look for him.

So, it's just Jiraiya and Tsunade. Senju Tobirama rubbed his head and said, It's just, Tsunade...

After saying this, Senju Tobirama covered his face with a deep expression, he was very tired.

Sister Tsunade... Tsunade's Oudou and Naoki also sighed with complicated expressions.

It’s hard to describe in one word.

So, do you think we should attack Konoha? Ai-chan looked at the others and said, The main reason is that I personally feel that the land area of ​​the Land of Rain is still a bit small. If we attack Konoha, We can build a bigger site.

That's what I say, but won't it arouse the vigilance of other ninja villages? Hinata Hizashi asked, We have also poached a lot of corners in Kirigakure Village, right?

Can you blame me? Aiyijiang shrugged and said, To be honest, what I dig are all things they think they don't need. Is there nothing wrong with them?

Still...that's really the case.

Besides, with our current strength in Konoha, even if we fight against everyone in the ninja world, there will be no big problem. Elsebell waved her hand and said, That's it. I've decided to take the chunin exam first, and then After the plan to destroy Konoha is over, we can directly take down the Fire Country, okay?

We have no objections - Everyone quickly shook their heads - such as the Uchiha, Hinata and Senju clan, who wished Konoha would finish the matter as soon as possible.

As for Senju Tobirama? He has clearly seen the public sentiment in the Land of Rain over the past few decades. The national happiness index is unknown. In comparison, he feels that Konoha has actually failed.

Okay, then let's name our plan this time... Aiyi-chan thought for a while and said, Let's name it Pink Furry Rabbit Ai Drink QQ Nono Hao Tea!


At this moment, even a hard-blooded man like the Sandaime Raikage burst into tears.

End of this chapter

One week before the Chunin Exams.

Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

The Sandaime and his good friend Danzo, as well as Hokage assistants Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu were discussing the search work of Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Jiraiya and Tsunade have been running around the entire world for the past two years. Unless they spread their manpower in various countries at the same time, otherwise... Mito Kadoyan rubbed his head with a headache and said, But, Konoha is short of manpower right now.

The annihilation of the Senju clan, the disappearance of the Hyuga clan, and the annihilation of the Uchiha clan caused the giant of Konoha to lose his legs and eyes in an instant.

too difficult.

For the time being, let's focus on finding the Hyuga clan. Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed, smacked his pipe, and said, When the Hyuga clan is found, let them help find Jiraiya and Tsunade. .”



What the four senior members of Konoha don't know is that the members of the Hyuga clan they have always missed are now pouring into Konoha Village in large numbers disguised as ordinary residents.

What? How do you think chakra should be disguised?

Hello everyone, I'm from the Uzumaki clan, and I'm the best at sealing!

got it?

Coupled with the various colored contact lenses provided by Ai-sama, now we no longer have to worry about getting glares when going to the Hyuga Clan!

Ahem, okay, let’s focus on the Aiyi Team.

Teacher, I don't understand why we have to take the Chunin Exam. Senju Yukina kicked the pebbles on the road dissatisfied and said, Didn't the teacher himself say that we have to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?

At that time, Elsebell also said to Yukina: Think about it, you are a genin, right? If others look at your food, they will look down on you! Then you take advantage of the opponent's carelessness and use the Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousand Moves in your backhand! Isn’t it beautiful?

Hey, it's okay, it's okay. Aiyi waved her hand and said, The Chuunin exam is not specifically about combat effectiveness.

Which of the Naruto, Sasuke and Gaara in the original novel is not more powerful than Shikamaru? But Shikamaru was the only one who became a chuunin. Why? It's not because he picked up a foreign princess as his wife!

So the Chuunin Exam does not look at combat ability, then what does it look at? Uchiha Kazusa asked indifferently.

Maybe... a strategy? Hinata asked weakly, I also heard what others said.

Strategy... The three lolita raised their heads and thought for a moment.

What strategy do you want? When encountering an enemy, wouldn't it be possible to deal with the enemy with Senjutsu/Senjutsu/Senju/Susanoh/Senju/Kinrinsensei?



Amid much anticipation, the Chunin Exams began.

In the first competition, the ninjas of Yu Ninja Village, who were fully developed in moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills, naturally passed easily!

In the second survival battle in the Forest of Death, the Rain Ninja Village suffered heavy losses, mainly because some genin who came to join in the fun felt that instead of staying in this place for several days, we should go to Konoha for a walk, so we will leave our scroll to you. .

As a result, only two of the 18 teams in Yuren Village were left, namely the Aiyi Team and the Rope Tree Team.

Next, when the Fire Nation looked around, there were actually six people left in the Rain Ninja Village? There are also three people in Sand Ninja Village, and Sound Ninja Village... No, there are too many people, and they cannot reflect the power of our Fire Country!

So he waved his hand.

There were too many people left in the second game, so we decided to have an extra round, remove half of the contestants, and then officially start the third game!

Haha, six people from the Rain Ninja Village, two civil wars, and at least two people were eliminated. If you want to say that there is nothing fishy in this, Aiyi-chan will twist off your head and use it as a ball.



Just like that, a month later, the third game officially started.

The first one to start was Naruto vs. Yukina, both sides hiding their last names.

Yoshi! Naruto jumped into the arena, looked at Xuecai in front of him with confidence, and said: I have learned a super powerful move in this month of training! You'd better surrender honestly. Otherwise, be careful and you may get hurt!”

Ha. Xuecai sneered.

surrender? Injuried?

She raised her fingers towards Naruto and said, Come on, if you can hurt me, I won't count on you.

This is what you said! Naruto formed a seal in front of him, and then shouted: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

The little shadow clone is so ridiculous! Xuecai shook her head and said, The art of multiple shadow clones!


With a question mark on Naruto's face, Xuena's clone and Naruto's clone faced each other, and then the battle loss ratio reached an astonishing 1:10.

It often takes 10 Naruto clones to break up one Xuecai's clone. This is because Xuecai feels that the battle loss ratio of 1:1000 is a bit too much, so killing 10 Naruto will disband one clone.

There is no way, Xuena grew up in Elsebell's fighting training, so Naruto's poor fighting skills are in her eyes...

Is that simply Master Yip X1000? I can hit ten thousand!

Ah, damn it!

After Naruto saw that his human sea tactics had no effect, he immediately became paralyzed - now he was either using the human sea tactics, exploding the Nine-Tails, or using psychic techniques.

But the psychic technique was the trump card he left to bastard Sasuke. How could he use it so easily in the first game?

Then we can only blast the Nine Tails!

Ah da——

Then before Naruto had time to blast the Kyuubi, he was killed by Yukina's Kaiten.



Your son is pretty good. Standing in the stands of the stadium, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Yondaime beside him with a complicated expression and said, It feels like he can't do anything.

It would be understandable if he were an ordinary poor ninja, but Naruto is also the Yondaime's son after all. How come he is twelve or thirteen years old and doesn't even know how to do ninjutsu?

Do all fights depend on shadow clones? ?

Absolutely amazing!

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