Facts have proved that this old bastard Yujue has no conscience! After testing it, Sora and Shiro discovered that this black knight could open a cabinet! I can open the cabinet! It will be open! !

Wow, this Yu Jue, how can he be so vicious! Kong said with a non-compassionate expression: Let me tell you, I hate this kind of game setting the most.

Hey, so is Bai... Bai looked at Kong aggrievedly and said, This kind of chaser is disgusting!

You can only be careful, or... Kong thought for a while, and then looked at each other with Bai, and the two of them showed a look of confirmation.



Fifteen minutes later.

Confirmed, Yujue is not a human being. Sora and Bai hid in the cabinet again, both of them with blank expressions in their eyes.

Yujue is really not a human being.

As long as you arrange a chaser, we will accept that the chaser can open the counter, but the question is... what will happen if the chaser becomes directly invincible?

In order to deceive the pursuer, Sora and Shiro used the elevator to get the pursuer stuck inside - that is, between the 5th and 4th floors! Although the elevator is useless, the pursuer should be unable to move...that's weird!

Can you believe that the chaser can fly? He flew up on top of the elevator, and then Sora and Shiro were so frightened that they burst into tears and started running!

In addition, they also used methods such as hanging upside down, tripping down the stairs, or directly submerging them with heavy objects, but without exception, they had no effect on the pursuers.

Finally, Sora and Shiro confirmed that this was an ultimate pursuer. He was so extreme that you couldn't delay him by any means. You could only use the terrain to avoid the opponent's pursuit, and when avoiding, you had to Be careful not to make any noise.

It's so weird. Kong lowered his voice and whispered, I really want Yujue to experience this game by herself.

Ni, this is also...intentional. Bai said very calmly - whether it is the silent environment, the cold temperature, or the setting that cannot make a sound otherwise it will attract pursuers, all are in response to the situation. Target it mentally.

To put it bluntly, extreme environments will bring a great psychological burden to players, because this is an artificially constructed silent dark room environment.

Of course your Nissan is aware of this. Kong patted Bai's head and said, But this does not prevent me from complaining about Yujue's inappropriateness.

Not a human being. Bai Ye nodded her head, and she and Sora reached a consensus.

Okay, let's prepare the warning and bait first, and then... continue. Sora put his mouth to Shiro's ear and whispered.

Well... Bai Ye nodded softly.

The two continued to collect and crack props.



Isn't it!? Looking at Sora and Bai's leisurely figures, Yu Jue held his head in his hands and screamed, Is this pursuer a fool? They are next door to you! You can't go over and see One look? Damn it!

This pursuer was like a free gift in front of Sora and Shiro. When Sora and Shiro were searching the fourth floor, this pursuer was ganking like a fool on the third floor - but its efforts were all Big wood!

Sora and Shiro were even in the mood to hold a small banquet with food and water in the living room on the fourth floor.

Ah, ah, if I had known, I would have just used an artificial soul... As a god, Yujue, it is not difficult to invent an artificial soul, just like Fanlou can directly copy Stephanie's soul. Just like making a doll, Yujue can do the same thing.

But she was still influenced by those games, and subconsciously set up the chaser according to the game's methods, which led to... it was too silly.

No, I have to increase the difficulty for Blank! Yujue slapped the table, put her right hand on the pursuer's projection, and said, I'll do it myself!




Sora and Shiro, who were wandering on the fourth floor, suddenly looked at each other. They opened a room in unison, and then quickly ran further forward.

Bai, what's going on? Kong frowned and whispered, Shouldn't it be on the third floor?

Bai doesn't know...according to the action prediction...it shouldn't have come to the fourth floor. Bai also frowned. After observing the pursuer for more than ten minutes, she figured out whether the pursuer was under attack or not. The route forward when attracted by the sound, and then judged how the pursuer would re-plan the route if attracted by the sound, and the different adjustments under different routes...

In short, according to Bai's plan, the pursuer should be attracted by a series of timing devices on the third floor, then re-plan the route, and then be attracted again - in this cycle, wandering on the third floor for more than five hours That's right.

But now, without Sora and Shiro making a sound, the pursuer actually ran to the fourth floor?

Could it be that if you stay in one situation for a long time, there will be other patterns? Sora analyzed.

Bai, I don't know. Bai shook his head and said, Yes, let's observe again.

The results of the observation are not good.

Is this chaser crazy? Kong widened his eyes, looking at the chaser who walked into one room after another, then opened cabinets and lifted the bed board to check, Is he checking his bed?

Is this not giving people a way to survive? In the past, I still had to make a sound before entering the room, otherwise I would just patrol the corridor. Now I not only enter the room by myself, but also open the cabinet and search on my own...

Is this second level of difficulty too much? ?

Hey, wait!

Suddenly, Sora's eyes narrowed. He looked at the pursuer in front of him solemnly and said, Bai, it's not that that guy's action mode has changed, but... he's been played by a real person.


Look at his movements carefully... Sora whispered: His action mode was more like a robot before, but now it is...a real person.

In other words...manual operation?

And I can see who is operating it. Kong twitched his lips and said, Yu Jue is really not a human being, completely inappropriate!

This person is so bad, prepare to stare at him with your eyes!

Hey, people are... unpredictable. Bai frowned.

It's okay, Shiro. Sora smiled softly and said confidently: Although people's actions are unpredictable, people's thoughts are their greatest weakness!

Even the gods cannot avoid this pit! Especially Yu Jue - why did she end up personally? It’s not just to fill in the gaps! This proves that the thinking of the gods is at the same level as that of ordinary people.

What's more, Blank defeated Tetu!



Let me tell you something... Jibril, who was watching the movements on the chessboard from the outside, looked at Yujue who was fooled by Sora and Bai and could not find Bei with a speechless face, and said: Why do I feel that after she entered, the difficulty became worse? Reduced?

After all... His Majesty Kong's ability to calculate people's hearts is really strong. Bram tugged at the corners of his lips - he is the type who is constantly being plotted against.

There are 128 problems, and Blank has completed 120... The witch folded her arms and looked at Blank, who was running wildly on the first floor, and then at Yu Jue, who was incompetent and furious on the fifth floor, and couldn't help but sigh. ——Yu Jue, you have been shamed into grandma’s house.

Finally, Yu Jue seemed to realize that something was wrong. She raised the knight sword in her hand and rushed to the first floor. Then she was moved to the first floor by a series of traps set by blank on the stairs, and then her hands and feet were tied up with ropes.

Damn it! Yujue cut off the rope with her weapon incompetently and furiously, and then continued to rush downstairs - finally, she rushed to the third floor and saw the note falling from the stairs.

Hello, we are going to the first floor. Goodbye~


Yujue's face was full of veins and she was heading towards the first floor. However, the moment she took a step forward, she suddenly stopped with a sneer.

No, wait... Yujue glanced at the first floor, then set his sights in the direction of the third floor, and sneered: Oh, you specially arranged a note to mock me and asked me to go to the first floor? I'm afraid that's not the case Making false claims in the east and attacking in the west! Do you think I will be fooled?

Yujue turned around, but he stopped suddenly as soon as he started.

‘Wait, maybe you are trying to deceive me? Yujue squinted his eyes, then set his sights in the direction of the first floor again, and sneered: Huh, you think I will be attacked on the third floor? And then you search for things on the first floor unscrupulously? You are too naive. Come on! I’m going to the first floor now!”

At the same moment, Sora and Shiro, who were searching for things on the fourth floor, popped up from the stairwell. Then they looked at Yu Jue, who was wearing armor and running towards the first floor. The two looked at each other.

Stupid criticize Yu Jue! What a delicious dish you have!

End of this chapter

For Sora and Shiro, it makes no sense whether the opponent is an automatic patrol tracker like a established program, or a tracker who wants Yujue to join the hunt and be played by a real person.

The former will calculate the trajectory of the action, and then he can easily search for everything he wants in the gaps between the opponent's patrols, while the latter... I'm sorry, Sora's ability to calculate people's hearts is already at the crown level. Even if the gods come, it will still be a thorn in the side of the vegetable! !

In this way, Yujue has been chasing Kong and Bai's figures helplessly and furiously, while Kong and Bai easily used the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to impress Yujue to other places. What made Yujue furious the most was Blank's last extremely egregious behavior.

He and Bai put the key into the lock on the gate, then unscrewed the lock and opened the gate. When they only needed to go out to complete the game, the two deliberately made a lot of noise, attracting Yujue from the fifth floor. A mad dash to the first floor.

Damn Sora... Damn Shiro... Yujue was like Brother Ying who discovered that Naruto and Sasuke were having sex, and she went to the first floor with a ferocious expression. And the moment she rushed down the stairs, Sora He Bai smiled and waved towards her.

Bye bye, my wife~

The two took the final step.

If it was just like this, Yujue would be incapable of being furious at most, but she herself never thought that she would be embarrassed for such a reason - mainly because she was thinking about a plot animation, so she added a clip of the black knight roaring, However, the content of the roar she set was...

It's so big and comfortable, I want more!! Shit is so delicious!!



Pfft hahahaha——

After Sora and Shiro appeared in the outside world and saw the final animation, they immediately held their stomachs with their hands and laughed heartily, Yu Jue, Yu Jue, why did you set the final animation.

Is this really my fault? Yu Jue's face turned dark. She gritted her teeth and looked at Kong and said, If you choose a name that's a real person, will I be like that?

If you think about it carefully, it makes a little sense - if you fill in your ID normally in the blank, then the final animation should be the black-armored knight shouting angrily: Sora!! Shiro!!

instead of...

Therefore, when players go through the plot, please at least take a human ID! The scenes of Goetia shouting husband, big [beep---] stick, I want women's clothes and so on are still vivid in my mind!

Okay, okay, what's past is past. Kong looked at Yujue with a smile and said, Xiao Yuyu, this game should be a victory for Bai and me, right?

I admit your victory... Yujue twitched his lips and said, But I want to play back the game video, and I want to know where you are hiding!

Okay. Seeing that Yu Jue wanted to humiliate himself, Kong couldn't help but nodded his head and said, Then take your time and watch~

Hmph - Yujue hummed, took the card, and said, Anyway, you guys wait for me for 20 minutes. I will discuss the next topic with you after I finish reading.




20 minutes later.


Yujue was so angry that he slapped the table.

People's work? Are you people's work? Yujue was shaking with anger and felt her hands and feet were cold. Can the world get better? Why are there so many...

Oh, I am a divine species? That's okay.

Yujue really felt ashamed, because in this chasing game, she was like the big fool in Tricky Neighbors, being played around by Woody - not to mention that she was in the empty space on the 5th floor at 3rd floor. In the operation of the building, there were several times when Sora and Shiro came out of the room just after she passed by, and then walked down the stairs in a swagger.

There was no sound at all!

When Yujue saw it, she almost wanted to go back to the past. Then she pinched her shoulders at that time, shook her past self desperately, and shouted: Look back! Look back! As long as you look back and use your The movement speed can definitely catch up with them!!

Woohoo, why don't you look back -

Yujue cried.

Okay, okay, you are not the first person to be tricked by us like this. Kong patted Yujue on the shoulder and said, Let's discuss the topic of the alliance?

What you said is a typical inappropriate statement... Yujue twitched the corner of his mouth, then held up his chin with an annoyed look on his face and said, Tsk, if I didn't want to cause trouble for Rick, I wouldn't support it. You are an inhumane fellow.

Rick? Who is that? Kong suddenly heard the name and couldn't help showing a confused expression.

Ah, didn't anyone else tell you? Yujue tilted his head and said, Oh, it seems like no one told you.

Is this some hidden information? Kong tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Oh, that's it - Yu Jue held her chin and said, This matter started during the war...

After Yujue told Kong Ting the story of the war, he also talked about the bet between Elsie Bell and Tetu, and directly used Rick's rhetoric - the so-called double compete.

Hiss... Kong worked hard to make a contribution to global warming, No, this is a bit outrageous... Did that guy Tetu say this when he pulled me and Bai over!

After the words fell, the world turned blue, and the only ones who could still move were the members of the Blank Team and the god-like Yu Jue.

Ah, that's what I forgot to say - Tetu's head popped out of the gap with a smile. She waved her hand towards the sky and said, Ah, we meet again.


This was the second time Stephanie saw Tetu, but she was still frightened out of her body.

Why did you forget such important news? Kong asked, looking at Tetu with a black line in his head.

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