As a joke, Elsebell closed the gap, leaving Rick with a stupid look on his face.

I just... Rick turned his head, looked at Hubie in a tone that was about to cry, and said, Was... was it a dream?

Rick...stop escaping from reality... Hubie looked at Rick with pity and said, fi...ght?

This kind of thing can't be solved by just working hard! Rick covered his face and said without tears: I am such an idiot! I obviously know that the evil god is observing us... …Ahhhhh!”

Rick transformed into a groundhog and let out a mournful cry.

Rick...are you going to give up?

Huh? How is that possible! Rick didn't even think for a second and gave the answer without hesitation, This is a test from the gods, haven't you noticed?

Eh? Hubie tilted his head.

Why do you think that Lord God gave me the task at the last moment when he clearly had the ability to end all this? Rick sat down again and said with a smile.


Gu...Okay, there is indeed this reason, but the real purpose is to show me the importance of 'wisdom'. Rick looked at the map in front of him and said: When I set out, that person God-sama told me...

She said that she originally decided to defeat the gods of this world by herself, merge all races into one big force, and then become the God of the World.

But she vetoed the plan. She said: If we do this, the world will fall into absolute peace, and the further result will be that everyone will lose the mood to continue to compete.

So she chose the second option, which is that each race still maintains its independence. On this basis, residents of each race will continue to compete with each other.

And after losing the simplest means of competition, force, what kind of competition means will everyone adopt? Very simple, that is wisdom!

That's right, the purpose of Elsebell's God is to turn the competition of force among the sixteen races of Disbod into a competition of intelligence!

Hearing this, Hubie showed an expression of sudden realization. She nodded and said: I understand...! order to prove the power of wisdom...

How to summon the Star Cup is the postgraduate examination given to us by Lord God! It is also a platform for us to show our wisdom. Rick had an excited smile on his face, This is why Lord God will bring other gods with him Let’s observe together the reasons for our actions this time.”

So... that's it! Hubie showed a surprised expression.



some space.

Well... Elsebell nodded seriously and said, As expected of Rick, he actually saw through my thoughts!

In other words, is what that boy said true? Artex looked at Elsebell and asked.

That's necessary! Elsebell raised her eyebrows and said, Who am I? I'm Elsebel! When I do things, there are big foreshadowings, do you understand?

After finishing speaking, Elsebell leaned on the back of the sofa with an incomprehensible expression, and then ate a piece of potato chips.

‘Hey, I just want to watch a movie, why did you come up with such an excuse? As expected of you! ’



The camera returned to Rick and Hubie, who were hugging each other and looking at the world map in front of them.

Then...Rick, what is the first target...? Hubie looked at the map in front of him, couldn't help but raise his head, looked at Rick in front of him, and asked softly.

The first target... Rick squinted his eyes, looked at the map with Hubie, and murmured: The first target...

Repeating these words, Rick leaned against the wall behind him and said softly: Let me think about it, that place is the weirdest...

? Hubi tilted her head. She did not disturb Rick's thinking, but quietly closed her eyes, waiting for Rick's answer.

Time passed by, and neither Rick nor Hubby showed any impatient expressions at this time. The two of them seemed to be asleep, one was leaning against the wall, and the other was leaning against the previous one. In human arms.

After reminiscing for nearly twenty minutes, Rick slowly opened his eyes, and then said with a gloomy face: Hey, Hubie, do you still remember the place where we met before?

A forest elven... abandoned city?

Yes. Rick nodded and said, Don't you think it's strange? That place is abandoned, right? The outer layers and high-rise buildings have all been destroyed, and even the domes are covered with vines, but...

The intact? Hubie said.

You're right! Rick nodded and said, I remember very clearly that the flowers on the ground are still in full bloom!

This is simply unimaginable! It's as incredible as if you saw an undamaged greenhouse in a place that was washed away by bombs and full of ruins.

Rick... want to take a look? Hubie asked.

Go! Rick stood up, and after summoning his helmet, he set his sights on the abandoned city of the elf species and said, I'm going to see what's going on over there. !”



Abandoned city.

Is life just about traveling back and forth between two places? Because he summoned the helmet, Rick did not suffer as much as he did last time. Instead, he calmly jumped off Hubie's back. Said: From the wood elf species to the goblin species and back to the wood elf species.

It's quite a hassle.

After he finished complaining, Rick took Hubi's hand and walked towards the abandoned city, saying, Look, my memory is indeed correct! The ground is well played and the flowers are in full bloom. What does this mean? the underground? Hubie is a qualified supporter - she quickly realized what Rick was talking about and quickly replied, It's the...defensive magic of the elf species!

Yes! Rick nodded and said with a smile on his face: Then, here comes the question - why is this abandoned base of the elf species so well protected?

Because this is an important refuge facility for the forest elves, or a facility that needs protection... Hubi pushed aside the flowers, looked at the metal ground below, and murmured: Or... something more Value place!”

Under the analysis of Hubi, the Ex-Machina, the magic mechanism left by the Elf was quickly uncovered. With the movement of the mechanism, the ground in front of Rick and Hubi slowly moved slowly. Pulled open to reveal the stairs below.

I won the lottery... Looking at the stairs below, a cold sweat broke out on Rick's forehead, And, it's very likely to be the first prize!

End of this chapter


After walking out of the elf underground base, Rick couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Grand prize? No, this can no longer be summed up with just the word big prize! This is the Special Prize, and it is a case where the N Note Special Prize appears together.

Hey Hubie, let me confirm again. Have all the information inside been recorded? Rick still feels a little unbelievable, The Zero Protection of the Void...

Yes, it has been completely recorded. Hubie nodded his head and said.

Really, first the goblins, then the forest elves... Rick fell to the ground with a wry smile and said, How come these races can create so many messy things at every turn!

The marrow blast of the goblins and the zeroth protection of the void of the forest elves are all created with the ultimate goal of killing gods - in other words, the goblin and forest elves have different opinions on the marrow blast and the void protection. In the Product Introduction of Void Zero Protection, all of them include the statement equal to the attack of God.

Good guy... Rick grinned and said, I can't think of any other lines except good guy!

Rick has experienced the fighting power of the Ex-Machina before, plus the god-killing attacks created by the forest elves and goblins, as well as the fantasy species, elf species, and dragon spirits that make Rick's scalp numb just thinking about it. kind……

Oh, this is the beginning of hell, okay? What's even more worrying is that because he secretly spoke ill of Elsibelle, she forced him not to use an alliance to handle this battle.

Ha, everyone is a formidable enemy, plus fighting alone? Rick clenched his fists and said, Lord God! I'm on fire now! Keep your eyes wide open and watch!



The method adopted by Rick and Hubby was very simple, that is, Little Prince Rick's Leverage Project! ← By the way, the name of this project was forced to be named by Elsebell, so Rick was so ashamed that he buried his face in it. I was in Hubie's arms for four and a half hours (actually it was so comfortable that I fell asleep).

Well, ignore the name of the plan that makes Rick so embarrassed that he explodes. Let's take a look at the content of his plan... Oh, before the plan begins, let's understand one thing.

That's what the Star Cup is.

It is authority, concept, and authority! It is a treasure that was born after all the gods contributed part of their power and then mixed with the rules of this world.

In the single universe of NoGameNoLife, the Star Cup is the GM's authority! As long as you obtain the Star Cup, you will become the only god immediately - but one thing to note is that because the Star Cup is made from the power of rules of all the gods, if you are not a god, , or if your own combat power is not much higher than that of a god, then you are not qualified to pick up the Star Cup.

(Actually, there are many speculations about Rick being unable to pick up the Star Cup in the original novel, but I am more inclined to believe that the Star Cup is a prop that non-gods cannot pick up.)

Okay, everyone already understands what kind of bug prop the Star Cup is. Before the arrival of Elsebell, the reason why other gods in this world fought with each other was precisely to compete for the Star Cup. Become the most powerful and invincible only god!

So, how do you summon the Star Cup?

In fact, the condition is very simple. What is the meaning of the existence of the Star Cup? It is to become the only God! So, how can one become the only God? That would naturally be to defeat other gods and become the strongest god! In other words, as long as all the other gods are eliminated, the remaining one will naturally be the sole god.

The above is the opinion of the gods - it can be said that they are the most stupid ideas! At one point, Rick, who learned about these things through Hubie's database, cursed.

It was because of this childish approach that the whole world fell into a war, causing humans to die in droves like pitiful ants.

After venting (mainly smashing things), Rick calmed down again, and then continued to look up all the information about the Star Cup, about the divine species, and about this war with Hubie... In the end, he found another summoned The method of the Star Cup - as long as you can use a powerful enough attack to penetrate the planet! Let the Elf Corridor of this planet completely collapse, and the Star Cup will naturally appear.

So, the answer is very simple. A hint of a broken smile appeared on the corner of Rick's mouth, The Goblin's Marrow Explosion, and the Forest Elf's Void Zero Protection, if you add the Flügel's Sky Strike, , No, if you can also add the fantasy species’ evil release world, the dragon elf species’ roar of the dragon, the fairy species’ fallen garden, and the demon species’ ancestor reincarnation… Hahahahaha!”

Yes, it was indeed a broken smile - because Rick originally thought that only the elves and goblins went crazy and created such large-scale murder weapons as the Zero Protection of the Void and the Marrow Explosion, but when he studied in depth Other races realized later...

You really fucked up DJ. Each of the above-mentioned races and their ultimate moves are on the same level as Marrow Explosion and Void Zero Protection! ! !

It's a miracle that this world isn't broken. Rick tugged at the corners of his lips, But the more of these things we have, the more opportunities we have!

After all, if there was only one Marrow Explosion, Rick might still worry about whether it would be insufficiently powerful, but when so many attacks equivalent to Marrow Explosions were stacked together, Rick would not worry at all.


After hearing what Rick said, Hubby asked weakly: Rick, how can we... divert these attacks?


The smile on Rick's face froze. After he rubbed his head vigorously, he said: If you want to rely on the fighting power of me and you, even if the suit is running at full strength, it is impossible, so you must use external force...

With external force... Hubi thought for a while and said something that made Rick extremely happy - she can make some mechanical props. If the number of magic props is enough, she can definitely do it at the expense of the props. Shift and merge all the forces together, and then...

Penetrate the planet!

Now that the plan is in place and the means to implement the plan are in place, the next thing becomes simpler - just start pushing everything in the direction of the plan, isn't it?

Ever since, Rick and Hubby started to act separately——

Hubie stayed in the shelter carefully arranged by Rick, and the whole-hearted maker was named the [Traffic Control Assistant] by her.

Rick began to use the shelter as his starting point, wandering among various races again and again. Every time he returned to the shelter, he would take all the auxiliary devices that Hubie had made with him, and then bury them. in the corresponding location.

Thanks to the combat uniform given to him by Elsebell, he can completely cover up his aura - at this point, the effect is almost the same as applying black ash! So he doesn't need to worry about other races seeing through the fact that he is human.

Rick first told the elves that the elves possess the terrifying weapon of the Zero Protection of the Void, and then turned to visit the current elves' coronator (the title of the strongest warlock) Nina Crabb, and then Tell the other party that the goblins possess a terrible weapon called marrow blast.

Of course, when the two parties parted, Nina Crabb told Rick that in fact, Nina Crabb was just a pseudonym, and her real name was True Red Nilbalen!

Yes, it is the ancestor of Phil Nirvalen who appeared six thousand years later - there is also a story in it, but this story should wait until we finish talking about Rick's actions. Tao Lai.



With Rick's encouragement, the atmosphere between the various races became more tense. With the intensification of minor frictions and concerns about the marrow explosion and the zeroth protection of the void, the forest elves and the goblins formed an alliance. , and in order to fight against the goblin aerial fleet, the number of contracts with the dragon elf has also been increased! On the other side, in addition to the giants with whom they have good relations, the goblins have also attracted a large number of fantasy species to become companions!

Because they were wary of each other's weapons, the two camps unanimously chose to separate the battlefield from their own continent. Under Rick's guidance, both sides chose the nearby continent of Al-Ala as a base to confront each other, but... ...On that continent, there are Flügels who, under the order of Elsebell, stopped all their external conquests!



Gugu...that damn guy, meow!

Accompanied by Azriel's angry voice, she slammed the table in front of her and shouted: Damn, damn, damn, damn! We have obviously stopped moving according to the will of the Lord God of War, but those low-grade creatures actually How dare you make a scene in front of our house!!

Not only Azriel couldn't bear it, the other Flügels also stood on the edge of Abant Heim with murderous looks on their faces, looking down at the group of inferior races below with murderous intent. .

Not to mention that the Flügels originally looked down on other races. Even if they looked down upon them, they couldn't bear it if other races came to start a war at their doorstep, right?

That's right! At this time, Jibril suddenly raised her finger with a smile and said, Master just ordered us not to take the initiative, but he didn't say that we can't passively fight back, right?

Nice, Jibril! Under the influence of her words, the Flügels came out in full force and appeared condescendingly in front of other races.

Ever since, the tense confrontation began, and as the atmosphere gradually became tense, the smile on the corner of Rick's mouth became more and more rampant - now, the emotions of the various races in the confrontation have been stretched to the limit, and only the last trace of strength is needed. It can make these three forces fall one by one like dominoes.

End of this chapter

The little bit of external force that caused the dominoes to fall had already been used by Sora - the hidden mine he had buried at the battle site exploded.

With everyone's nerves tense, the sudden explosion and the pseudo sky strike that hit the forest elves immediately made everyone subconsciously launch an attack.

All of a sudden...

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