Artosh felt his fist harden.

To be honest, Hua Ma felt like she couldn't bear it anymore, so she lowered her head and said to Elsie Bell, Do you want to hit him? If you want to hit him, just say so.

So it turns out that what you can't stand is the desire to do something?

Don't fight! Artexu raised his right hand with a serious look on his face, and then said with determination: I understand now that cuteness is justice, and beauty is strength!

Because the loveliness of justice can drive the power of beauty to beat me!

So you agree with what I said, right? Elsebell held Artexu's hand with emotion on her face and said, So, uncle, you are also our teammate, right?


Altosu looked blankly at Yakumo Murasaki and Kazami Yuka who came from both sides to block his retreat, and couldn't help but sigh.

What else can I, Artexu, say? You have all blocked my escape route. If I refuse, I will probably die here, right?

But...are you afraid of death?

A smile appeared on the corner of Arteo's mouth - if he was afraid of death, would he still be Arteo? The so-called God of War means fighting to the end!

I'm on fire!

Artexu raised his head and said seriously: I refuse...

Ah, by the way, Hua Ma, if he refuses, we will first smash the marrow in his body, then save his soul, and then reshape his body, right? Elsebell touched her chin and said : Made him into an immortal body, but unable to perform any training, and then molded him into the cutest crossdresser in the world! Then forced him to show off his naked body and jump around on the stage in cute clothes!

? Artexu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked tremblingly: Well, what is Ai Doulu...?

Hmph, this is it! Elsebell took out her phone with a smile on her face, and then played an original video of the Pure Land of Paradise, This is it!


Artexu looked at the scene in the video and his face gradually turned pale - if he refused, he...he this?

A straight man of steel, Art Xiubi who yearns for fighting cannot possibly debut in women's clothing and show off his love! !

So, what did you want to say just now? Elsebell looked at Artexu again, showing a pure and kind smile.

I can't refuse your proposal. Artexu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, I think your proposal... is not. What is your proposal?

Eh? Didn't I say that?

Did you say that?

After a period of deathly silence, Elsebell suddenly let out an awkward and impolite laugh.

Hahahaha, I forgot.

So, what exactly is your proposal?

Let's cooperate! Elsebell stretched out her right hand towards Artexu and said, The goal peace!

World Peace?

To be honest, Artexu has no interest at all in these four words! All he's interested in is fighting!

If you are willing to cooperate, I will fight with you every now and then. How about it? Elsebell pointed at herself, winked at him with a proud look on her face, and said, Not only me, I can also let others How about Hua Ma suppressing her strength and fighting with you?



To be honest, Artexu is completely uninterested in these two words! He was extremely interested!

Okay! A trace of excited smile appeared on Artexio's lips, As long as there's a fight, I'll do whatever you want me to do, no problem!

Okay! Elsebell nodded with satisfaction, The first step is to hand over the ownership of the Flügel.

Okay! Artesio shouted the word quickly and decisively without even a millisecond of hesitation, not even a slight hesitation, not even a trace of reluctance.

End of this chapter

To be honest, after hearing Artesio's hesitant and cheerful ok, a question mark popped up in Elsebell's head.

No, you're not... reluctant? Elsebell looked at Artexu in surprise and asked.

Why are you so reluctant? Artex looked at Elsibelle strangely and said, My purpose in creating the Flügel was just to train them to be strong enough to kill gods and become god-killing weapons, and then they can fight with me again. Fight by yourself - whether it is the initial individual or a special individual, the purpose is the same.


And now that we have ready-made opponents, instead of wasting time waiting for them to grow up little by little, it would be more appropriate to exchange them for the opportunity to fight you. Artex looked at Elsebell in front of him and complained. Said: And do you really think that I can't see the future? If you follow your plan, fighting and other things will probably be out of the question, and the world will become a...

Artexu rubbed the bridge of his nose and thought of a word. He said: Become a world of love and peace.

Eh? That's almost it. Elsie Bell smiled and said, After all, an orderly world is more beautiful.

Okay, but if a weapon can't be properly tempered, what else is it called a weapon? Artex sighed helplessly and said: A weapon that has lost the opportunity to grow cannot grow as I imagined. It’s at the level of a battle.”

To put it another way, the Flügels are already useless weapons to Artosh, and using the discarded weapons in exchange for the right to fight with Elsebell and Kazami Yuka is naturally a waste to Artosh. A business that is sure to make money without losing money.

Your attitude will make the Flügel very sad. Elsebell curled her lips and said, My creator doesn't care about my own value at all.

The hope I gave them was that they could grow up to fight me, but they couldn't. Artexu shook his head and said, That's all.

Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. Elsebell touched her chin and said, When are we going to see the Flügel?

Now you can.

Then let's set off now - ah, but I'll tell you in advance. Elsebell raised her finger and said to Artexu with a serious face: Let me tell you what will happen later. Just nod your head as I say, do you understand?

Elsebell was really a little afraid. After Art finished repairing it, she waved her hand and said, You bunch of rubbish weapons are useless. I have given you to her, so hurry up and crawl away.

Good guy, when I think of that scene, Elsebell feels like she has become a villain who robbed a common girl! That won't work, my little love not only lusts after their bodies, I also lust after their hearts.

Okay. Artexu nodded.

So, Advent Warlock, activate!




With a burst of dazzling golden light, Elsebell held the purple mother in her left hand and the flower mother in her right hand. With Elsa on her head, she followed Artexu and appeared on Abant Heim's back.

Abant Heim is a huge monster floating in mid-air. His race is a fantasy species. His identity is considered to be the messenger of Artosh, and he can also be regarded as the base of the Flügel.

When the beam of light disappeared and Artosh walked out of it, all the Flügels in Abant Heim had gathered in front of him, and then they knelt on the ground neatly on one knee and put their heads on their own. chest, saying in unison: See my Lord!

Raise your head. Artexu said softly, Today, I have something to tell you. Everyone, please keep quiet!

Not a single Flügel made a sound. Everyone looked at Artosh quietly, waiting for him to speak. However, Artosh took half a step back, indicating that Elsebell could go up and start her performance.

He said: You come on.

Okay! Elsebell stepped forward and looked at the Flügels who were focusing their attention on her. She couldn't help but smile and said, Hello to you lovely Flügel ladies~

There was no response. After all, Artesio said to keep quiet.


The smile on Elsebell's face froze. She turned her head sadly, looked at Artexu, and said, You have to make me feel interactive, right? A one-man show is not interesting at all.

Uncle War God sighed and said, Azriel, come forward.

Yes, my lord. A Flügel with green hair and green eyes walked out from the crowd. Her most conspicuous feature was the horn that first drooped and then turned up, extending from the left side of her forehead - she was Ah Zril is the first Flügel to be born, and is considered the eldest sister of all Flügels.

Next... Artexu twitched the corner of his mouth and said a little feebly: Well, give her some response.

Yes. Azriel glanced at Elsebel strangely - who is this, and why is my lord so nice to her? Is it an illegitimate daughter?

Uh-huh, let's do it again! Elsebell coughed dryly and said, Hello everyone!

Hello. Azrael replied with a smile.

Hmm, I came here with Uncle Artex today. I have something I want to tell you all~ Elsebell looked at the Flügel in front of her with a smile and said softly.

If this was a comic, then Elsebell would undoubtedly be able to see a series of question marks appearing on the heads of the Flügel in front of her.


No, Arteo...Uncle? Uncle! ?

What surprised these Flügels even more was that Artosh didn't refute! ? Absolutely amazing! Could it be...are they really relatives? ?

This is what happened. Elsebell put her hands behind her back and said, Uncle Artexu had a fight with us, and he lost.

At this moment, these girls suddenly felt their heads buzzing.

Wang Defa? My lord, have you lost?

As the price for his loss, he needs to help us achieve our goal, which is... world peace. Elsebell put her hands on her hips and said seriously: So, from today on, it is strictly forbidden to harm anyone in any way. Other races.”

What if other races take action first? Azriel asked.

You come to me, and I will handle it. Elsebell said calmly - she has not yet obtained the Star Cup, nor has she obtained the divine authority of this world, so she cannot directly prohibit the action with rules. She can only use This is... a method of pressing the other person's head to force the other person to agree.

This... Azrael looked at Artosh, as if asking for his master's thoughts.

Listen to her, Artho replied.

Yes, I understand. Azrael lowered his head and said softly: Then, from now on, I will convey Lord Artosh's will and ask all Flügel... to stop fighting.

Very good. Elsebell nodded. She glanced at Artexiu, pointed to the sky with a smile, and said, Then, Uncle Artexiu, let's go up.

Yes. Artexu nodded.

Under the blank sight of the Flügel, the five Elsebelles returned to the sky.



Don't you want me to hand over the ownership of the Flügel? Artex looked at Elsebell and said a little puzzled, Why is it now forbidden to fight again?

Because, if we follow the method and let all races stop fighting... Elsebell shrugged helplessly and said, Then the final result is that all races will be absorbed by me alone. There’s nothing wrong with it, right?”

Indeed. Artosh nodded - after beating Artesh, he got the Flügel, then after beating Okan, he got the goblin seed, and then after beating Cainas, he got the elf seed...

If she continues fighting this way, Elsebell can easily conquer the world - there is no way, in the face of absolute power, things are that simple.

But that won't work. Elsebell shook her head and said, What I would rather see is that each country will not hurt each other, but can maintain a certain degree of competition. Therefore, everyone's camp cannot It’s the same one.”

So, you let the Flügel continue to be under my command?

That's right, it's not just the Flügel, I'm not going to let all other races be filed in one camp. Elsebell moved her shoulders and said, Well, the human race is under my control. That’s enough, other races can just stay the same.”

It's up to you. Artexu said, just be happy, since I'm already a useless god who has been defeated.

Okay! Elsie Bell jumped back to Zi Ma and Hua Ma, and said with a smile: Zi Ma, Hua Ma, I've settled the matter here, do you want to continue beating people or not? Go back with me?

Well... Yakumo Zi tilted her head and said, Whatever I say is fine, just look at her -

Boring. Feng Jian Yuxiang shook her head and said a little disappointed: You said there were interesting opponents here, but this is the result?

Ah, this... Elsebell looked at Kazami Yuxiang a little innocently, and said: What's interesting is that under the conditions of restricting force, if you rely solely on force, basically... it can be penetrated in a day or two. Bar.

Tsk. Feng Jian Youxiang clicked her tongue in displeasure, then glanced at Elsie Bell and said, Hurry up and break through here, and then quickly go to the next world!


Elsebell tugged at the corner of her mouth, and then said feebly: Mom Hua, you have to let me play for a while, right? For example, plant a field, raise a cub or something.

End of this chapter

I can understand farming, and I can even understand if you want to pursue technology... Yakumo Zi looked at Elsebell with a strange look on her face and said, But what do you mean by raising a cub?

That's it. After Elsebell pulled Yakumo Murasaki, Kazami Yuuka and Elsa through the gap to the palace bedroom she built, she sat cross-legged on the bed and said, Didn't you read the plot? I want to raise a special figure!”

Huh? Yakumo Purple was stunned for a moment, then tilted her head and said thoughtfully: If I remember correctly, Tetu is referring to the one god, right?

Yes. Elsebell nodded and said: My reincarnation mission is to change the tragedy of this world, so after becoming the only god, I will resurrect most of the creatures in this world that died due to war, but I don't Maybe he will always stay in this world.

But the residents of this world... Yakumo Zi couldn't help but sigh and said, I feel like there is no one who can inherit your ideas and act after you leave.

Unfortunately, that's it. Elsebell shrugged helplessly and said, So I decided to let Tetu be born, and then let her become the only god after I leave.

It's not impossible. Yakumo Purple said thoughtfully, Anyway, for you, the purpose of obtaining the Star Cup is to use the Star Cup as a medium to learn the laws of this world, right?

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