Idiot, since I can weaken the enemy, I can naturally strengthen the friendly forces. Elsebell patted Rick's shoulder angrily, then pointed to a wolf orc not far away, and said: That Who, you, come here and fight this guy next to me.”

Me? The werewolf pointed at himself and asked a little confused: do I fight this?

That fragile man can be killed instantly with just one finger, okay? How else to fight?

As long as you can defeat him, I will allow you to leave. A smile appeared on the corner of Elsabel's lips and she said, Yes, all of you can leave.


The next moment, the werewolf looked at Rick with red eyes.

Hey, boss, are you serious? A trace of cold sweat appeared on Rick's forehead.

Didn't I say it? I can both weaken the enemy and strengthen myself. Elsebell stretched out her right hand, using a trace of magic power from her fingertips, and then sank into the ground, outlining a beautiful magic circle. .

It's almost done. After Elsebell simply formed the magic circle, she let it spread and cover the entire residential area.


The next moment, Mr. Werewolf, who was staring at Rick menacingly, suddenly felt as if he had been killed seventy times a night, and his whole body was filled with a feeling of exhaustion and weakness.

End of this chapter

Please tell me, what does it feel like to have sex seven times in one night?

Thanks for the invitation. I'm in Disbord and just got out of bed.

I am an orc, and to us, seven times a night is nothing, so I couldn’t answer the question originally, but I just tried seventy times a night, so I feel that I am still qualified. answered.

First of all, I was tired, very tired, a kind of tiredness that stretched from my kidneys to my heart and then to my waist and legs. I could walk and run, but at an appalling speed, as if I was going to die;

The second is weakness, which is very weak. Just breathing makes me feel exhausted. I can't help but pant after running two steps. I feel even more powerless when fighting with others.

Interests are related. There are many people who know me in real life, so I will remain anonymous for now.




Rick looked at his right fist in astonishment, and the disbelief in his eyes seemed to pop out - did he just use a powerful right fist to knock away the orc in front of him? ?

At the beginning of the battle, although the orcs were tired and weak, their wildness was still there after all, and their fierce grins put a great deal of psychological pressure on Rick. So when facing the enemy that was rushing towards him, Rick took the lead in taking evasive measures, and they basically used moves like donkey rolling, which was really embarrassing.

But after dodging like this a few times, Rick suddenly realized one thing, that was... it seemed that... this werewolf wasn't that fast in his eyes?

It's not like Rick has never encountered orcs before, so he knows very well how terrifying the orcs' moving speed is. It can be said that humans are like snails in front of orcs.

Normally, if an orc were to attack a human, the human might not even be able to react. He would only see a black shadow, and then his head would be crushed.

But It seems like you can react on your own?

Thinking of what Elsebell just said, Rick had a bold idea in his mind - he spotted the opponent's right fist, then raised his left hand and clenched it with a snap fist.

Please, you're weak. Rick looked at the werewolf brother with disdain, and then raised his right fist.


Rick Oyi Nandou's ruthless face-breaking fist!

Ah da——

With just one punch, the werewolf flew backwards, fell to the ground on his back, rolled his eyes and fainted.

That's awesome! This is so awesome! Rick turned his head with surprise on his face and looked at Elsie Bell who was standing behind chasing 12 with a strong 12, sharpening her nails with a nail clipper with a real wound, and said: Sister, what on earth have you done?

It's just a derivative magic circle based on the contract between us. Elsebell put down her nail clippers, then jumped to Rick's side and said, Only creatures with a contract in their bodies can be blessed by this magic circle. Although The magnitude of the blessing will not be particularly large, but it is enough to deal with those suppressed creatures.

After all, there is still a limit to what the magic circle can do, so among [Weakening] and [Strengthening], Elsebell focused on weakening - after all, if both sides can defeat each other equally, the lower the combat effectiveness of both parties, the greater the impact on the environment. The damage is also lower.

Elsebell doesn't want the scene in Ultraman or Digimon to appear in the future - after a big battle, most of the city was destroyed.

Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

Are other races like this?

Hmm... Elsebell thought for a moment and said, Divine species, fantasy species, dragon elf species, giant species, and Flügel species may not have any effect...

Because the weakening effect of Elsiber's magic circle is divided into two parts.

One is to cut off the connection between the target and the Elf Corridor so that it cannot release magic;

The second is to directly weaken the target's body to a certain extent and make it weak.

Therefore, even if the above-mentioned creatures have lost their magic power, their physical fitness is extremely explosive. There is no way to use the magic circle to sanction them.

Of course, this magic circle is not impossible to exploit loopholes - in order to ensure the normal operation of the facilities in the city, magic crystals and the magic power flowing in the cables will not be prohibited! Therefore, if some races carry a lot of magic crystals in their backpacks and then directly hold the cables to extract magic power, it is not impossible to release magic in this city.

This is enough! Rick said with emotion - Disbod has a total of sixteen races, excluding humans, there are still fifteen races, and the magic circle arranged by Elsebell directly blocks the The hazards of ten races.

Isn't this enough? And those five races that cannot be blocked...

Good guys, gods, fantasy, dragons, giants and Flügels, which one is easier to get along with? If any one is dragged out, it will be the ultimate disaster for one party.

The main reason is that there are too many things to worry about in the magic circle, and this aspect is not what I am best at. Elsebell scratched her head and said: It would be better if Paqi or Mother Lotus were in charge. easy.

Even the magic circle that suppresses the gods can be taken out.

That's enough, sister. Rick said from the bottom of his heart.

From being at the bottom to being above the top ten races now, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? And this is almost a free power, it doesn’t even require practice.

This magic circle is just preliminary. I will add some other things later... Elsebell thought for a while and said, Anyway, let's move everyone here first.



At this time, the tiger girl couldn't help but ask: A few of us...

Haven't you ever beaten Rick? Elsebell said matter-of-factly, So you just stay and work as coolies - of course, I don't mind you calling for rescue at all! No, it's better to say You are most welcome to call for rescue~”


As long as you are not a fool, you will be able to understand the hidden meaning in Elsibel's words - the more people come, the more people will be caught and the more coolies will be! Of course the other party will be happier.

‘Although the team carries flares for help, I believe there is no fool in the team [beep——]! ’ Tigress took a deep breath, and then gritted her teeth - facing such a powerful enemy, her team... might have to be imprisoned forever.

call out--


'Hmm, what's the sound? ’ The tiger girl subconsciously raised her head and looked over - oh, the signal flare looks so familiar, it seems to be a request for help letter on her hair... a request for help signal?

The tiger girl turned around and looked at a pig-headed man behind her. At this time, he gave a thumbs up to her with a sassy face and said: Don't worry, I am pulling the highest level of rescue signal. Come and rescue me. They are definitely bloody individuals, and we will definitely be saved!

Gotta save your uncle’s banana lollipop!

At this moment, Tigress had the urge to tear this idiot apart with her own hands! Use your pig brain! Even if there are a hundred bloody individuals, it's impossible to defeat the god species! !



When Elsebell stayed with the large army and returned, she found that the number of orcs given to them had reached an astonishing forty-two, and all of these orcs fell to the ground, and Rick looked refreshed. Standing in front of the orcs.

This may be the pinnacle of my life. Rick looked at his palm with a shocked expression, I actually defeated dozens of orcs by myself, and there was also a bloody individual among them. !”

The pinnacle of life is nothing but this! Rick feels like he is super strong now, so strong that he is invincible!


Coronie, who had just appeared, was so frightened that she almost turned into Doraemon after hearing Rick's words. She hurried to Rick's side, and then asked nervously: Here... Gram! You said you defeated the orcs...

Yes! Rick nodded and said seriously: Not just me, even Coronie and others can defeat the orcs!

... Coronie showed a complicated expression. She reached out and touched Rick's forehead, and then said worriedly: Rick, do you have a fever?

I'm not kidding! Rick looked helplessly at his nominal sister and said, Thanks to the magic barrier arranged by my eldest sister - if you don't believe me, just jump hard.

Would you like to jump hard? Coronie blinked, and then without doubting his presence, she jumped hard into the air with both feet~~~~

Wow ah ah -

A feeling of weightlessness came, and by the time Coronie reacted, her body had already reached twenty or thirty meters in the air, and seemed to be rising? ?


The next moment, Elsebell appeared next to Coronie, glanced at her right hand, held her in his arms, and then gently landed on the ground.

Rick, please stop bullying Coronie. Elsebell put the frightened Coronie on the ground, and then said helplessly: Although she is indeed a bit stupid.

Hmm... Coronie nodded first, then noticed something was wrong, and immediately looked at Elsebell with confused and blank eyes, Huh?

Sister, why do I feel like you don’t mean to praise me?

Yes, the eldest sister is right. Rick's expression became much more relaxed. It seemed that the crisis of mankind was temporarily lifted, and his depressed heart was also liberated.

After comforting the angry Coronne, Elsebell turned her head and looked at the citizens who were discussing the new home in a lively manner. She said with a smile on her face: Everyone, the first thing to do now is to choose you. My favorite room! There are a total of twelve buildings in this community. Each building has two units. Each unit has twenty floors and four households on each floor. There are a total of 1,920 rooms. Each room has three bedrooms and two living rooms. Two bathrooms and one kitchen - you are free to choose! A family can choose to live together, do you understand?


In addition, those responsible for breeding and planting, please try to choose the first floor, because it will come with a small yard.


Then, disband!


End of this chapter

The moving work is in full swing, and each resident is choosing a house according to their own preferences. In fact, it is not complicated. It is just that everyone just carries their luggage, walks into a building, and then enters a random floor and stands. Just at the door.

Ai Sibei, who has enveloped the entire community with her domineering aura, will directly move the key to the door into your hands the moment you select the house.

Watching the residents around me decrease one after another,

Uuuuuuuuah, that's great. Coronie couldn't help but cry out, and then grabbed Rick's wrist pitifully.

Why are you saying it's great and crying so hard at the same time? Rick looked at Coronie who was crying miserably and couldn't help asking with a dark look on his face.

Because...because... Coronie sniffed and said, Look! Doesn't this picture symbolize the beginning of a new life? We no longer have to be as worried as before.

In troubled times, the feeling of having a protective umbrella is much better than the feeling of not having one. Especially when the residents felt the power of strengthening magic, they were so happy that they were speechless.

(Orcs: MMP, did you hear that? MMP!)

Indeed, this is... the beginning. Rick's voice was very low. He looked at the sky not far away and said, It is the end and it is also the beginning.

It was the end of the villagers' life of hiding in Tibet, and it was also the beginning of his making suggestions to help Elsebell embark on the road to hegemony - since Elsebel has kept his promise and given everyone a stable life, then he will also keep his promise. , helping her become the only god.

Rick. Elsebell suddenly raised her right hand and patted Rick's shoulder, saying, I still have something to give you later.

Huh? Rick tilted his head.



About half an hour later.

Elsebell took a sip of the black tea that Ram had brewed, then looked at Rick who was already in a daze in front of her, and said with a smile: You can digest it yourself slowly, and then teach this to others.

Okay. Rick nodded his head and said, I will hand these over to the corresponding person in charge.

Huo, you accepted it pretty quickly~ Elsie Bell said with a smile, I thought you would ask me where I got all this knowledge and things.

Is it important?


I mean, where do you get these things from? Is it important? Rick shook his head and said: It's not important. What's important is that it can improve everyone's quality of life, and that's enough.

As expected of Rick, it's really reassuring. Elsebell smiled, then took a look at the seeds of various crops on the table and the detailed cultivation methods, and said: Then you can get busy first, I'll do it first. Go for a walk around the neighborhood.”

Okay. Rick nodded his head. He really needed to work hard now to learn all the knowledge that Elsebell gave him and then teach it to others.


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