'No wonder...' Aisibelle showed a stunned expression. No wonder she felt faint magic power fluctuations in the basin. Was it because Suwako was infusing it with magic power?

No, that's it? Now it's so powerful? Kanako stretched out her finger and tapped the piranha with disdain, and then pretended to shout: Ouch, it bit me, ouch~

The old Yin Yang is angry!

You, you, you... don't look down on it! Suwako was anxious. She looked at Kanako angrily and said, Believe it or not, it will bite off your finger in one bite!

Hahaha, that's it, that's it? Isn't it? Kanako laughed. She flicked the piranha with her right hand and mocked: Even if I flick off its head, it still... holds the grass. !!”

End of this chapter

Why did Kanako exclaim hold the grass? The answer is simple.

Just when she stretched out her hand to pinch the powerful piranha in Suwako's mouth, and pulled it twice, with a crisp sound of pop, a hunting trap bounced out of the sand, tightly clamped Kanako's fingers.

It would be nothing if it was just an ordinary hunting clip, but Suwako's magic power fluctuated from the hunting clip, so everyone reacted quickly - it was probably Suwako who had enchanted the hunting clip, making it unable to attack the hunting clip. Kanako causes damage, but can cause severe pain.

This can be seen from the fact that after the clip was clamped on Kanako's finger, Kanako jumped up on the spot and screamed loudly - the scream was really miserable, as if the sensitivity was increased 1000 times. , it was as miserable as kicking the cabinet with my little finger.

Hahaha, hahaha - Suwako put her hands on her hips and let out a heart-rending laugh, See! I said my big baby is really good at knocking!

Do you think you call this your big treasure!? Kanako was so angry that it hurt, Do you think this is your big treasure??


Isn't your big treasure referring to the piranha!? Kanako looked at Suwako in the wind and said, What's going on with this hunting trap?

Do you know about pitcher plants? Suwako said seriously: Nepenthes emit fragrance to attract insects!

so what?

So my big baby, the little flowers on top are disguises, and the ones below are her real body!

Then why do plants grow metal hunting traps?

Um... Suwako scratched her head thoughtfully and said, Because it's so powerful?

What the hell... Kanako tore off the hunting clip on her finger, then grabbed the collar of Suwako who was about to escape, and caught the little frog in front of her.

Elsebell: ‘Hey, I’m familiar with this posture! It was the same position when Hua Ma beat me up! ’

Kanako pressed Suwako on her leg with her right hand, and then spanked Suwako's butt piapiapically with her left hand - forehand, reverse, three consecutive, five consecutive, ten consecutive, rhythmic beatings !

Pah, pah, pah, pah... Elsie Bell hummed along with Kanako's rhythm, Yo, yo, here's a set of pancakes and fruit——

As she sang, Elsie Bell got excited. She shook her head and started singing: The frogs in the Lake of Mist are the love of ⑨, and the snow falling in March is only for the monsters traveling to the west. The watermelon drinking wine is the most beautiful thing. Swing! The singing of Little Broken Bones is the most joyful...

This song is a song that Isabel had heard a long time ago, with lyrics adapted from The Most Dazzling National Style. It is called The Most Dazzling Oriental Style and the singer is Qi Inory.

In short, when she sang this song, Kanako was also excited. She patted Suwako's butt with both hands, shaking her head and shaking her breasts to accompany Elsie Bell.


Sorry Suwako.

When the song ended, Suwako covered her red butt with tears and got into Sanae's arms. She cried and said: Sanae, Kanako bullied me! She is old and evil!


Sanae covered her face speechlessly - she wanted to tell Suwako, didn't you ask for it when you were beaten? Your iron clamp made Master Kanako's fingers swollen.



Hey, I like this song! Kanako came up to Elsebell and said, But, why didn't mine appear?

Moriya Shrine has a total of three members, but in the most dazzling oriental style, only two people appear, namely Sanae (the shrine maiden on the Yokai Mountain who divides the sea) and Suwako (Suwako wears a hat on her head). Only there is no Kanako.

I can't help it. After all, I didn't write this song. Elsebell shrugged her shoulders and said, Kanako-sama can find someone who can arrange music and write lyrics... to revise it?

No need. Kanako waved her hand, she sat down on her seat and said, Forget about the lyrics, but starting tomorrow, you have to prepare beer for me!

Ah this...

Elsebell was stunned. She did not expect that Kanako would ambush her in such a place. Elsebell quickly set her sights on Sanae - what do you think?

Sanae hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded her head.

Okay, no problem. Elsebell nodded and said, I will entrust this task to Sanae, so you should discuss it with Sanae!

You ambush me, but it doesn't prevent me from diverting trouble to the east! You still went to communicate with Sanae, hehe!


Kanako felt very uncomfortable. She glanced at Sanae holding Suwako behind her and scratched her head helplessly - Hey, we're in trouble! Sanae is not easy to fool at all.

Kanako-sama, starting from tomorrow, you can drink a can of beer every day at dinner time. Sanae smiled at Kanako and said, If you are not satisfied, you don't have to drink it.

Look, what does this say? What does it mean to not drink if you are not satisfied? Are you threatening me, Kanako? good very good! Then I still... just want to drink it!

One hearing is enough, that's enough. Kanako chuckled, then rubbed his paws and said, But occasionally... occasionally... it's really just occasionally! Can you drink more?

Kanako-sama, how much is the little bit in your mouth? Sanae narrowed her eyes - as a housekeeper who has been with Kanako and Suwako for a long time, Sanae said that Kanako opened her mouth She knew exactly whether she was going to yawn or sneeze.

Ahem, say...two cans a day or something like that? Kanako looked at Sanae with a meek look on her face, as if she wanted her parents to buy her a dead-end house made by Kato Megumi.

Wouldn't that be doubled?

Sanae crossed her arms, looked at Kanako angrily, and asked: Kanako-sama, Suwako will raise fish in the backyard to supplement the family income, but you only drink and sleep every day!

Uh, this...

And Suwako-sama's request is that in addition to three meals a day, you only need one pudding, and the price of one pudding is three 110 yen! Sanae put her hands on her waist and shouted aggressively: “And the price of beer is 120 yen a can!”


Elsebell on the side coughed twice in embarrassment - after hearing this, Suwako is really easy to feed! It costs an extra 110 for three days, but Kanako costs 120 for one day.

This, isn't that exaggerated? Kanako shrank her neck.

Kanako-sama, don't you know what's going on in your mind? Sanae, who was already super talented, looked at Kanako angrily and said, Kanako-sama, under such circumstances, you actually drink two cans of beer a day!!

Stop talking, stop talking, people say you are stupid! Kanako fell on the table and said weakly.

Actually, wouldn't it be nice if Kanako-sama did something to help support the family? Elsebell thought for a while and said, I remember Kanako-sama's ability is the ability to manipulate, right?

That's right! Speaking of his own abilities, Kanako immediately sat up with pride.

The simplest ability seems to be...manipulating the weather? Elsebell thought for a moment and said, Then...try growing vegetables?


Kanako Yasaka pointed at herself and asked, Me? Planting vegetables?

No, don't underestimate growing vegetables, okay? Elsebell looked at Yasaka Kanako and said seriously: Although it's a bit hot now, the game of macho kohlrabi growing was very popular some time ago. Understand!

... Kanako looked a little unhappy, but Sanae on the side said thoughtfully: I think it's good! Kanako-sama will build a farm, Suwako-sama will build a fishery, and we From now on you can eat meat every day!”


Elsebell's expression was complicated.

Can I ask a question? She raised her hand weakly and asked: Why are these two level 9 shrines so miserable?

Look at what you said... Sanae rolled her eyes and said, At least we can still eat! Look at the Hakurei Shrine over there! You can't even eat Hakurei Reimu's rice! She's still fantasizing He is the strongest in the village!

‘Hey, why did I forget the red and white witch? ’ Elsebelle suddenly understood—with Reimu Hakurei, an unscrupulous miko, as an example, Elsebele suddenly felt...

Well, it seems that strength and wealth have nothing to do with each other? After all, the Scarlet Devil Mansion is considered the richest man in Gensokyo, but the fighting ability of the eldest sister and the second sister is really hard to describe - if cuteness can be considered a kind of fighting ability, then the eldest sister can probably be regarded as the strongest in Gensokyo?

But then again...

Elsebell glanced at Sanae with her mouth bulging, and asked curiously: Sanae... Why do I feel that you are very hostile to Reimu?

Hahahaha, little Ai, you are right~ Kanako laughed and patted her thigh, saying: Do you know about the competition in the industry? There are only two miko in the entire Gensokyo, but the miko of Hakurei Shrine With the blessing of Gensokyo, his fighting power is unrivaled in the world, so his reputation is much greater than ours.


Elsebell understands.

After all, when the residents of Gensokyo entrust a miko with a request, the content of the entrustment is basically related to monsters, so the miko’s strength must be guaranteed, and compared to Sanae and Reimu...

What Sanae can solve, Reimu can definitely solve; what Sanae cannot solve, Reimu can also solve!

Of course, what's more important is that Reimu doesn't care about the market economy at all. Even if it's 500 yen, she will happily raise the royal coin in her hand and go towards the target.

You said Sanae was angry or not, she was almost mad to death! All income is gone! hateful! Oh Noreboli witch! !

End of this chapter

To be honest, daily life at Moriya Shrine is relatively joyful.

Kanako's character is relatively carefree - of course, if her character's illustration were changed to black, her action pattern would be that of an uncle.

Suwako's character is that of a calm and skinny child - she is relatively stable when facing people and things other than Kanako, but she is a bit skinny only when it comes to Kanako.

As for Sanae? Under the nurture of two unreliable (probably) gods, she has become a conscientious mother.

Of course, Isabel personally feels that the above causal conditions are a little bit wrong! Strictly speaking, it should be because Sanae was too serious about her work, so she raised the two gods to be unreliable.

Really awesome.

In addition to these three people, Moriya Shrine often has other people who come to visit, such as a certain Crow Tengu, a certain Crow Tengu, and a certain Crow Tengu.

Crack, click, click...

Under Elsie Bell's gaze, Semei Maruwen lay on his side on the tatami, then ate potato chips while he and Sanae watched the pictures on the TV intently.

Damn it, are all federal pilots monsters?

With a shocking tone, this line came out of the speaker.

How handsome!

Sanae on the side sighed with emotion from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes almost lit up when she looked at the TV!

Sanae, do you like Goudamu that much?

It's not just Goudagi! Sanae looked at Elsebell with kirakira eyes and said, As long as it's a giant robot, I! Like it! I like it!

The way he talks is similar to when some dead guy shouts XXX is my wife! - of course, he is thinking about Taozi most of the time.

A giant robot... Elsebell touched her chin and said, Okay, I'll get one for you next time I get a chance.

It doesn't matter even if you can't go to Gundam World. Why don't you just ask the big guys in the Samsara group to build one? It would be more convenient to simply use the user's magic power to operate it - anyway, that thing is just for fun. The real combat effectiveness depends on the dream of my great Reimu.

After hearing what Elsebell said, Sanae instantly came to Elsebel, hugged her with excitement, and screamed: Really!

She was so excited, this was a giant robot!

Hey, your little sister Ai... has your sister lied to you? Aisi Bell raised her eyebrows - to be honest, she was a little unhappy now! No, it’s very unpleasant!

This dissatisfaction is not directed at Sanae, nor is it directed at others, but against the entire Gensokyo!

Step on it! In other worlds, Aisi Bell kept saying Your little sister Ai has lied to you, and she couldn't escape! But what about in Fantasyland?

sister? Sister, your uncle!

Who can Elsebell call herself sister to?


Oh oh oh, Ai-chan, I love you! Sanae hugged Ai Sibel with tears in her eyes and said, Oooh, how about you suck some of my blood too?

... Elsebell's expression was a little confused - mainly because she didn't follow Sanae's thinking circuit! Why did you suddenly jump to blood-sucking?

What a great kindness! I can't repay it! Sanae said with a look of death on her face, Come on!

No, this... Elsebell looked at Sanae dumbfounded and said, Hey, I'm not coveting your blood...

My special ability is the ability to cause miracles. Sanae said with a smile.

... Elsebell was silent for a few seconds, and then said calmly: I'm starting.

As she spoke, she gently held Sanae's hand.

Um, um... Sanae suddenly withdrew her hand, then looked at Aisi Bell expectantly, and said, Ai-chan, how about you suck on her neck?

Huh? Elsebell was stunned - when other people were sucked by her, they were sucked on their fingers. Why did it change to sucking their necks when it came to you?

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