Ah, I'm suddenly looking forward to dinner. Youyuko narrowed her eyes and said slowly.


Elsebell twitched the corner of her mouth and said helplessly: Yuyouzi-sang, don't you think of lunch after breakfast, dinner after lunch, and breakfast after dinner?

Hey, how did you know? Youyouzi blinked and said proudly: That's right! That's how I am!

Very good. Elsebell smacked her lips.

It's really good. It's simple and you can just eat some. There's not so much messy thinking! In comparison, Zi Ma is...

Ai Xibeier glanced at Zi Ma, who was lying on Youyouzi's lap, and couldn't help but curl her lips with disdain.

Humph, the scheming BBA! Sooner or later, I will have to find a venue! Lift up your skirt!

Ah yes!

After Ai Sibei glanced at Yuyouzi, she suddenly thought of the reward that Yuyouzi mentioned before, and couldn't help but curiously asked: Speaking of which, Yuyouzi-san, are you satisfied with the food that Buddha jumped over the wall to eat?

Satisfied, super satisfied! Youyouzi raised her hands happily and said excitedly: I even want to eat it!

Then do you still remember that you said before that if I satisfy you, you will give me a reward~ Elsebell asked with a smile, So, what is the reward?

Ah... this! Youyouzi turned her head, looked at Elsibelle, and said, I feel the existence of a spirit in your body, but it is too weak and cannot appear in the world.

This spirit naturally refers to Satila and Jealousy - if it were Satila alone or Jealousy alone, he would naturally be able to preserve his soul like Echidna did! However, in the hundreds of years of stalemate, the souls of Satila and Envy were severely damaged, making their souls even more fragile than those of ordinary people.

This also means that these two people can only stay in Elsebell's Zanpakutō to nourish their souls, but this speed is very slow. If they want the two of them to be able to spiritually appear... it will take at least one or two. It's been a hundred years.

Therefore, after hearing Yuyouzi's reward, Ai Sibei showed an expression of surprise - don't think that because we are immortal species, we can not take one or two hundred years seriously!

Then thank you Yuyuko-san! Elsie Bell said excitedly: Then when can we start?

Come here - Youyouzi waved to Elsie Bell and said, I can't leave now~

She definitely couldn't leave. Yakumo Purple not only lay on her lap, but after hearing the conversation between Elsie Bell and her just now, she even reached out and hugged Yuyuko's waist, and even turned her head to face her. Sibel made a face.


Zi Mom, you are already a long time old, so don’t be like a child, okay? But one thing to say, this grimace is quite cute.


Ai Sibei jumped out of Shenqi's arms amidst Shenqi's reluctant expression, and then jumped up to Yuyouzi.

It's very simple. Youyouzi put her right hand on Elsibel's chest. Thanks to the flat terrain of Elsibel's chest, the paste was relatively solid, That's all it takes...

Pink light spurted out from Yuyuko's palm and slowly penetrated into Elsibell's chest. The light was gathered into her Zanpakutō along with Elsibell's magic power.


A few seconds later, Youyuko withdrew her right hand, then smiled at Elsibelle and said, You can talk to those two spirits. They should have recovered.

Thank you Yuyuko-san. After thanking Yuyuko, Ai Sibei quickly ran back to Shenqi's arms, and then couldn't wait to enter the nap time.



Opening her eyes again, Elsebell re-entered the black and white world of the sword, and what caught her eyes was...

Satella and Jealousy struggled together.

Hey, hey, wait, wait, what are you two doing? Elsie Bell looked at the two people on the ground, you pulling my hair and me pinching your ears, with a dark look on her face, and said, You two were not very good before. Really? Why are we fighting now?

After being separated, Satila quickly got up from the ground and said confidently, I couldn't fight before.

Now that the relationship is over, you start fighting right away? Elsebell covered her face and said, No, didn't you two have a good relationship when you were playing games before?

Playing games is just playing games! But she ate the strawberries I specially left. This is unbearable! the jealous witch said through gritted teeth.

No, you took the strawberries aside as soon as they came up. I thought you didn't like eating them, okay? Satila always felt aggrieved, If you like them, can't you eat them earlier?

I specially saved it for the last time to taste it slowly, can't you? The jealous witch glared at Satila.

Stop! Are you quarreling over this? Elsebell looked at the two people staring at each other in front of her speechlessly. Why did she feel that after playing the game, the IQ levels of these two people were rapidly declining?

This is not a trivial matter, it is related to my dignity...

What, at worst, I'll give it to you next time!

This is not a question of giving in or not...

Seeing the two of them starting to quarrel again, Elsebell couldn't help but slap the table with a black look on her face and said, If you quarrel again, I will put you in bunny girl costumes until I come in next time!


The Jealous Witch and Satila looked at each other and said in unison: I didn't make a quarrel, she was the one who made the quarrel!

Good guy, I’ve learned how to shirk responsibility!

End of this chapter

Although she is just a cute and innocent little lolita, Elsebell enjoys the feeling of being an old mother in advance.

Well, mainly when facing these two naughty kids in front of me...

What are you looking at? It means you two!

The Jealousy Witch and Satella!

Who is arguing again? I'm angry! Elsebell looked at the two of them angrily and said, Anyway, you have also felt the changes in your body, right?

Yes, yes! Satila raised her right hand and said happily: I feel much stronger than before!

Me too. The Jealousy Witch said straightforwardly, I'm so excited to beat her.

Hmph, I don't know who was pinched by me just now! Satila sneered and said confidently: You can't beat me!

Hey, want to try?

Just try it!

next moment……

Ruthless Iron Hand!

Elsebell held the heads of Satella and the Jealousy Witch with her left and right hands respectively, and then squeezed them gently.

It hurts, it hurts... Satila hurriedly patted Elsibelle's wrist.

My head is going to explode! The jealous witch was no longer calm.

You must quarrel, don't you? Elsebell had a kind smile on her face, In this case, then I will set an example for you!

A role model?

Yes. Elsebell kept smiling and said, If you fight once, I will beat you once!


The Jealous Witch and Satella looked at each other.

It doesn’t seem that scary! After all...it feels like Elsebell is not willing to beat us hard, right?

Haha, what I mean is... Elsebell snapped her fingers with her right hand, and a set of Mai-senpai's bunny girl clothes fell in front of the two of them.


A question mark appeared on the heads of Satella and the Jealous Witch.

What's going on?

I will make you put on bunny girl clothes, then tie your legs in an M shape in the air, and then let another person whip your buttocks with a whip. After Elsebell finished saying this, she The image in the minds of the Jealous Witch and Satella has become the dean of junior high school students.


As a result, the two witches hugged each other tremblingly, trembling under the silver power of Elsebell.

So, don't fight, don't fight! Elsebell raised her finger with a serious look on her face and said, Where's the gold carat? If you say it right, give it to her!


Looking at Elsebell, who was still the dean of students one second and then started to get sick the next, the two witches looked at each other, then pushed each other away with disgust on their faces, and patted their bodies, as if they had touched something. Like dirty stuff.

You guys are really weird. Elsebell glanced at the two of them, then ran to the computer and opened the game's save file...

Then her expression became even stranger.

No, you guys have even won the Platinum Cup in these cooperative games, so why are the relations still so bad?

Ai Xibei, you two have won the Platinum Cup, you must have experienced a bloody battle! And these are two-player cooperative games, so...

After all, you can fight back to back!

Then why don't you give me a haircut? Can't we live in harmony?

Ai-chan! After hearing Elsebell's words, Satila couldn't help but sit in front of Elsebel with a serious look on her face and said, In the plot modes of many games, there will be a kind of writing rival. Do you know the existence of close friends?

Some, some.

Elsebell nodded.

To give a simple example, it’s like Red Man and Green Man in the Pokemon series. The identities of the two people should be strong rivals. But if you want to say who is the biggest love rival of Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang, it must be Green Man. …

Damn, what am I talking about?

Elsebell's whole body was messed up by the wind. She covered her head and said with a pained face: Okay, in short, you want to tell me that your relationship with jealousy is probably a rival in writing. Read As a close friend?”

Yes, that's right! Satila crossed her arms and nodded with a serious look on her face, saying, Jealousy and I are like that. No matter how fierce we are in fighting, if we encounter an enemy, we will be the first to fight. A relationship united by time!”

That's right, that's right, I agree! The Jealousy Witch nodded her head and said, Let's have fun, let's make trouble, don't make fun of jealousy!

You'd better not fool me! Elsebell looked at the two witches doubtfully and said, Anyway, a big boss has cured your soul damage, so you can now appear in the world for a short time. From now on, you can eat melon and watch movies outside through my vision.

Ah this...

Satila blinked and said curiously: Then when will you attack Emilia?

A question mark appeared on Elsebel's head at that moment.

She tilted her head, looked at Satila steadily, and said, Can I ask what you mean by this sentence?

Ah, didn't you say that I can observe the outside through your eyes?


Then when you attack Emilia, I will definitely watch it immediately! Satila quickly crawled in front of Elsebell and said with shining eyes: There must be a relationship between girls and girls. How to do it...I’m very curious!”


Several big question marks popped up on Elsebel's head at that time.

No, what on earth were you thinking?


Elsebell suddenly remembered something. She looked at Satila in front of her and said, If I remember correctly, Satila, you and Emilia look exactly the same, right?

Hmm~ Satila nodded.

So, why do you want to speak in the first person to see how I would attack someone who looks exactly like you? Elsebell was confused.

Because, I'm very interested! Satila looked at Elsebell and said, Watching Emilia, who looks exactly like me, react in this way with your skills!

Curious desu!


Elsebell was completely silent.

She glanced at the Jealous Witch who had already opened Need for Speed ​​21 and was racing, and suddenly said: The Jealous Witch and you share the same body, and it was also split from your soul.

Ah? The Jealous Witch and Satella both looked over in confusion.

So she also looks like you. Elsebell raised her finger and said seriously: So, why are you obsessed with me x Emilia? Wouldn't it be better for you to directly attack the Jealousy Witch? ?”


Hearing these words from Elsebell, the Jealousy Witch and Satella were both shocked.

The next moment, the two girls' eyes met.

What do you want to do?

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