Yeah! Flandre nodded happily and said, Every object has its own 'eye'. If you destroy the 'eye', you can easily destroy anything!


Elsebell nodded her head.

In fact, from this point of view, Flandre's ability is very similar to Xingyue's Death Eye. Both have the ability to kill instantly by destroying key parts. However, judging from the performance of the ability, it seems that Flandre Landoru's ability is more...convenient.

Because the Death Eye requires you to get in front of the target, and then use a knife or other weapons to cut off the death line you see, but Flandre's ability can directly transfer the eye in front of you. to destroy.

How about it! Flandre came over excitedly, looked at Elsebell, and said, Do you need it! Flandre's ability is amazing!

From this distance, Elsebell could clearly see the little fangs of the second lady! Although it's a bit hurtful, the tiger teeth are really cute.

Fran, your ability is not easy to control, right? Remilia asked a little worriedly, If God Realm hadn't given you the prop to seal the magic eye, you would still be in the basement. Here! If Third Sister obtains your ability, will there be uncontrollable situations?

By the way, it was precisely because the gods gave Flandre the tool to seal the magic eye that Remilia was willing to donate her blood.

It doesn't matter! Flandre pursed her lips and said, Can't we just ask God Realm to buy another set of props?

Ah, this... Elsebell weakly raised her hand and said, Actually, I joined a reincarnation group before, and there are many big guys in it. I was wondering if I could ask the big guys to do it for me. one?

Then please ask your friends first. If they can't do it, then ask the gods. Remilia waved her hand and said, That's it! Anyway, we have money!

Just saying that we have money is enough to kill the strongest miko in Gensokyo instantly.



The next morning, when Elsebell was still leaning on Elsa's arms and sleeping next to the white and round flesh ball, she was dragged into the White Jade Tower by Yakumo Purple.


Elsebell covered her red forehead and looked at Yakumo Murasaki with resentment.

What are you looking at? Three meals a day, as promised. Yakumo Zi looked at Elsebell teasingly - this feeling of disturbing others when they are sleeping is awesome!

Smelly sister, let you call me Zi Mama!

I know, I know. Elsebell stood up helplessly, walked to the kitchen, and started to prepare breakfast amidst the greetings of Master from Soul Demon Dream.

After finishing breakfast, the cooking tool Ai Sibell, who had temporarily lost its use value, was mercilessly thrown into the demon world by Yakumo Murasaki.




Elsebell looked at the scenery in front of her and thought of it as a demon world, and couldn't help but scratch her head.

It feels like the demon world where the devil lives in an RPG game! The ground is black earth and flowing magma, and the sky is filled with dark clouds and flashing red thunder and lightning.'s just around the corner, the Demon King's Castle.

‘I just don’t know if any princess is taking a nap in there. ’ Elsebell touched the tip of her nose and looked at the Demon King’s Castle in front of her with some distress.

I am here, but how can I communicate with the people inside?

Just when Elsebell was extremely entangled, Elsebell suddenly saw a maid with blond hair and golden eyes wearing a red and white maid skirt appearing at the top of the stairs of the Demon King's Castle in front of her.

‘Does it mean that the Eastern world prefers red? ’ Elsebell touched the tip of her nose. I can understand that witches are red and white, but aren’t maids normally in black and white? Why are you red and white here?

Da da da--

While Elsebell was complaining in her heart, the maid had already walked up to Elsebel, bowed slightly to her and said, Is this Miss Elsebel?

Ah... yes. Elsebell nodded. She blinked her eyes and said, How did the maid know my name?

Last night, the monster sage came to the demon world once. The maid said with a smile on her face, I am the god of the demon world, the head maid of Lord Shenqi, Yumeko.

Ah, hello, Ms. Mengzi. Elsebell stretched out her right hand towards the other party and said, I wonder what Zima said?

She told me the purpose of your visit this time. Mengzi smiled and shook hands with Elsie Bell, and said softly: I am just a maid of Cricket, and I cannot influence Lord Shenqi's thoughts, so There is no way I can give you much help in this postgraduate entrance examination.

Hey, what a big deal. Elsebell waved her hand nonchalantly and said, Since it is a test, I must go through it alone! Otherwise, what is it called a test?

Whether you use force or intelligence, or pull off the tiger skin, you have to do it yourself - it is unrealistic to expect the tiger skin to fly over by itself.

It's great that you have such an idea. Mengzi smiled slightly, turned around, raised her right hand, and said: Miss Elsie Bell, please come with me, I will take you to see Shenqi grown ups.

Ah, okay. Elsebell nodded, then followed Mengzi and walked towards the Demon King's Castle.

Originally, Ai Xibei Er thought that the Lord of the Demon Realm, Shen Qi, would be sitting on the throne of the Demon King's City, looking domineeringly at the entrance below. When she entered, the other party would stand up and show her domineering love. Sibel said: Brave man, become my possession!

But, no.

Mengzi took Elsebell all the way around the building and came to Shenqi's bedroom, where she saw the legendary Lord of the Demon Realm.

Well, one rolled himself up in the quilt, like a caterpillar, with only the top of his head exposed...

Lord of the Demon Realm.

End of this chapter

Elsebell's illusions were shattered.

It was like being punched by Kamijou Touma.

‘Ah, you are right. This is Gensokyo after all. How could such a domineering demon king appear? ’ Elsebell looked far away for a while, ‘I should have been mentally prepared, but this Demon King…’

Zi's ​​mother wakes up early now to tell her to get up and cook for Youyouzi. How can you be lazier than Zi's mother?

Just when Elsebell was madly complaining about the Lord of the Demon Realm, the maid Mengzi suddenly took a step forward, then pushed the quilt on the ground and turned half a circle, finding the edge of the quilt that was pressed under her.

Then, Mengzi grasped the edge of the quilt with both hands and shook it hard in the air. Then Elsie Bell saw Shenqi being thrown out of the quilt. After spinning 36 times in the air, she fell face down on the bed. on the ground.


There was a dull crashing sound that made Elsebell shrink her neck.

It sounds like it hurts.

Oh oh oh...

Immediately afterwards, Shenqi made a muffled sound that clearly conveyed her uncomfortable information.

It's so miserable. Elsebell couldn't help but shook her head.

Uuuuuu, Mengzi... Shenqi looked at Mengzi pitifully and said, What are you doing? Why did you wake me up so early!

Ah, he seems to be a... lazy and habitual offender.

Lord Shenqi. Mengzi looked at her master helplessly and said, I have something important to report to you.

Huh? After hearing the news, Shenqi looked at Mengzi with a serious face and said, Mengzi, what can I do for you?

We have a visitor. Mengzi stepped aside and exposed Elsie Bell behind her. At the same time, Mengzi took a deep breath and said with a serious face: Master Shenqi, this is …”


Shenqi looked at the same long golden hair and golden pupils of Mengzi and Elsebell with a shocked look on her face, and exclaimed: Mengzi's daughter?


Elsebell couldn't help but tilt her head.

No, do you people in Gensokyo all have their thinking circuits come from the same factory? Why do we just say your daughter when we meet?

Youyouzi saw me like this, why did you see me like this too?

Lord Shenqi, please don't make such a joke. Mengzi looked at Shenqi expressionlessly and said, How could I have a daughter?

She was pregnant for nine months, and Mengzi was serving Shenqi every day. How could she have the chance to get pregnant and give birth to a child?

Ah haha, it's just a joke. Shenqi, who was wearing light blue pajamas, got up from the ground, then curiously approached Elsebell and said, Since she is not Mengzi's daughter... Mengzi , what is your purpose in bringing her here?

Last night, the monster sage came once. Mengzi told Yakumo Purple's purpose, And she is the person being tested in Yakumo Purple's plan.


Shenqi showed an expression of sudden realization.

She touched her chin, then looked at Elsebell in front of her with interest, and said, My blood? Well, it's not that I can't give it, but...


There has to be a reason for everything, right? Shen Qi nodded her head in a serious manner and said, After all, we are neither relatives nor acquaintances. You can't just say that I will give it to you if you want it, right?

Of course, the more important point is that what Elsebell and Yakumo Murasaki are plotting seems to be just an insignificant drop of blood, but in fact it is Kamiki's most important ability.

This is not something that can be given casually!

Well... Elsebell scratched her head and said, So, how can I obtain Lord Shenqi's blood?

You give me a test and I pass it.

It's that simple.

Well. Shenqi crossed her arms and said, Well, it's not that simple to get my approval, isn't it?

Yeah, tell me! Elsebell lowered her posture - anyway, just pretend to be good and that's it.

You can't just ask someone to do something and still look like you're dragging you, right? Then someone else can slap you to death, you idiot.

First of all, the first condition is to make me happy, right? Shenqi nodded her little head and said, Just make me happy!

Understood! Elsebell nodded. This is the basic rule, right? I wouldn’t say I’m asking you for something and deliberately make you angry, right?

I'm not Aqua.

As for the second condition... Shenqi sat down cross-legged and said distressedly: What else do I want?

Hearing Shenqi's words, Elsebell couldn't help showing a subtle expression - it seemed that the Lord of the Demon Realm was extraordinarily... childish?

After all, her first understanding of the test is what do I want, and if you look at the test Yakumo Murasaki gave to Elsebell, it was purely what do I want you to do.


After a few seconds, Shenqi's eyes lit up, then she looked at Elsie Bell with a smile and said, Yes!


Did you know? I created the demon world. Shenqi looked at Elsie Bell and said seriously: In other words, all the creatures in the demon world can be regarded as my children.

Indeed. Elsebell nodded.

Just like in ancient fantasy novels, there will always be an existence like God, and God is called Father God by everyone.

However, that is only a mother in a symbolic sense. Shenqi looked at Elsie Bell intently and said, And I have never truly created a descendant who clearly has a mother-child/mother-daughter relationship with me.

It was certainly possible to directly create living beings, but to create her own offspring, Shenqi felt that it was meaningless.

So? Elsebell tilted her head - you don't mean to say that you want to have a baby with me, do you? So should I agree without hesitation, or should I hesitate before agreeing?

So... do you want to be my goddaughter? Shenqi looked at Elsie Bell with bright eyes and said, If you are willing, as long as you can make me happy, I can give you blood. oh?

If you want to give your strength to outsiders, of course you have to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but if you want to give it to your daughter, you don’t need to think about it!

This... Elsebell opened her mouth. She was about to say something, but Mengzi, who had a dark face, took her by the wrist and took her out of the room.

Miss Elsebell, please sit in the backyard for a while. Mengzi looked at Elsebell apologetically, then turned around and walked towards Shenqi's room with gritted teeth.



Master Shenqi, what are you thinking about? Mengzi looked at her master a little uneasily and said, Why do you make such a request?

Because... Shenqi looked at Mengzi excitedly and said, If you think about it carefully, don't you think she is super cute!

... Mengzi nodded helplessly,

This is a fact.

If I can make such a cute little guy my daughter, wouldn't I, as a mother, be able to kiss, hug and hold her up at any time? Shenqi said with a smile.

Ah... Mengzi looked at her god helplessly and said, But you have to know your identity.

You are the lord of the demon world! ! And your child is naturally the princess of the demon world, a being inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Can this be decided casually?

Don't worry, Mengzi! Shenqi chuckled and said, Of course I will test her! Being my daughter is not just about being cute! Humph!

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