Phew, at least I know how to make instant noodles!

After Yakumo Zi complained, she focused on the direction of the kitchen again.

Remilia and Flandre absolutely don't know how to cook. Could it be that their third daughter can?

After thinking about it, Yakumo Purple could only put the credit on the reason why Elsebell is a reincarnation.

Just as she was thinking, Yakumo Lan's nose suddenly twitched, and the fox girl's nine big tails suddenly swayed.

What's wrong, Blue?

Master Murasaki, it smells very fragrant. Yakumo Blue turned his head and looked at Yakumo Murasaki, and said with some expectation: It's very fragrant! It's more fragrant than my cooking... no, it's more fragrant than Youmu's cooking!


Yakumo Purple now became interested.

Who is Yakumo Blue? The shikigami written as Yakumo Purple, the old lady pronounced as Yakumo Purple! Not only is she responsible for housework, but she is also responsible for patrolling Gensokyo when Yakumo Purple is hibernating, and helping Yakumo Purple wash her hair, feet, bath, cook, and lay the quilt...

It can be said to be a versatile tool for housework (cross out) and a good shikigami.

Are you ashamed of yourself now?

Yakumo Purple raised her eyebrows and said: However, the aroma does not mean everything. Whether it tastes good or not depends on the taste! Lan, you are my shikigami, you can't just give up casually!

Master Murasaki is right. Yakumo Lan clenched his fists and said, I will use the most picky attitude towards the food she cooks!



ten minutes later.

Woohoo, it's delicious... Yakumo Lan ate the fried tofu on the plate with tears in his eyes, making a fox sound.

It's a fox, not a cat!

Lan, are you exaggerating?

There was a bowl of mapo tofu rice bowl in front of Yakumo Murasaki, but she hadn't tasted it yet - mainly because Yakumo Murasaki started eating the fried tofu rice bowl the moment it was served, and her reaction was extremely exaggerated.

Master Zi, it's really delicious! Lan raised his head and said, This tofu...

Stop! Yakumo Purple interrupted Yakumo Lan, I'm not a gourmet fan here, don't tell me this!

Okay. Yakumo Lan lowered his head again and ate the fried tofu in the bowl at an extremely slow speed - eating a little bit less, Yakumo Lan was heartbroken.

Oh, Nathan Lan, don't be so nervous. If you want to eat it, why don't I cook it for you~ Elsie Bell quietly came behind Yakumo Lan, while carefully stroking Yakumo Lan's fluffy flesh. His big tail, he said happily: If you want to eat it every day, I will make it for you every day!

Really! Yakumo Lan's ears twitched happily.

That's a must! I'm a good loli who never lies! Elsebell nodded quickly, Also, Nessant Lan, the fried rice below is also my confident creation! You can also try it!

After all, it is the golden fried rice produced by Master Abe. Every grain of rice is covered with egg liquid, which is as bright as gold.

Then I'll give it a try. Although Yakumo Lan really wanted to say - I don't want to eat, I want to eat fried tofu! But for the sake of Elsebell’s strong promotion, I still reluctantly took one bite... no... two bites... forget it and took another bite...

Hiccup— Yakumo Lan burped, then touched his belly, looked at the bare plate, and smacked his lips.

How about another bowl?

Is it really that delicious?

Yakumo Purple looked at Yakumo Blue with doubt - she had witnessed with her own eyes the taste of Yakumo Blue from casually tasting it to eating it with her head buried in it.

I do not believe!

Yakumo Zi glanced at the mapo tofu covered with golden fried rice in front of her, and picked up the spoon on the side with critical eyes.

I took one bite, then put down my spoon and used my extensive (poor) food knowledge (which I didn’t really have) to review it!




Yakumo Purple put down the spoon in her hand, and then exhaled. She opened her eyes and stared at the empty plate in a daze.

How about another bowl?

No, Yakumo Purple, you have already eaten a bowl of the boss! If you go out any longer, you will gain weight! Haven't you noticed that the pajamas you bought with three hundred years of money are already a little tight on your chest?

Damn it, I quite like that style, but unfortunately when I went to ask, the tailor at the time had already died.

Melancholy. Yakumo Purple sighed.

Uncomfortable. Yakumo Lan also sighed.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Eat it, it will make you gain weight, but don't eat it, it will make you greedy.

Are you monsters afraid of gaining weight? Elsebell looked at Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue lying on the table a little strangely, and said: With your strength, eating shouldn't be enough to satisfy your consumption, right?

It feels like lighting a match to light a fire to cook a hot pot. How many matches do you need to burn?

You are stupid, we are eating food from Gensokyo. Yakumo Murasaki touched her smooth belly with a desperate look on her face and said, Food from Gensokyo contains very high energy.

Generally speaking, the energy level contained in the animals and plants in the world is equivalent to that of the world - otherwise, people in this world may have to cultivate the ability to absorb spiritual energy to fill their stomachs.

But this also creates a problem, that is, if the energy content is high, it is easy to have excess energy. After excess energy, no matter how beautiful you are, you will become fat.

Ah, how about I make you some... food with low energy? Elsebell thought for a moment, then took out a bag of rice from her bracelet and said, Just ordinary Northeastern food. Rice, the energy content level is level 0, do you want it?


Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue looked at each other, and they both nodded.




This lunch time has passed, and then it is dinner time.

However, there were some small changes in the area where Elsebell was sitting.

Ah this...

After Ai Sibei followed Yakumo Purple through the gap, she looked at the black sky around her and the Qionglou Yuyu that exuded sparkling white light, and couldn't help but said: White Jade Tower?

Of course. Yakumo Murasaki covered her oily mouth with her unauthorized use and said, It's rare to find such an excellent craftsmanship like yours. It would be a shame not to give it to Yuyuko to taste.

Zi Ma, then I can't live half my life. Elsebell showed a tangled expression, This is Yuyuko! The legendary stomach is connected to the existence of another dimension... Even if you use the ingredients of Gensokyo , that won’t even feed you enough!”

Are you, Murasaki, sister-in-law, the kind of stingy person? Yakumo Murasaki emphasized the title of Sister Murasaki and said, As long as you promise, you will be responsible for Yuyuko's three meals a day while in Gensokyo. , I will give you a reward that you cannot refuse.

... Elsie Bell thought for a while and said, Zi Mama's first time...

Shut up! That's not what it is! Yakumo Purple instantly broke through, What are you thinking in your head!

To tell you the truth, Zi Ma, when I saw your brain, I was all... Elsie Bell said this, suddenly patted her head and said: No, no, I just want to Said, Zi Ma, your legs are so round...ah, no, your face is really pale...


Yakumo Purple looked at her clothes - because she was coming to see Yuyuko, she was wearing a purple low-cut dress, which was indeed exposed, but you...

Gouged out your eyes?

Okay then, I won't read it. Elsebell closed her left eye and said, Zi Ma, you have to tell me what exactly you paid me, right? I can't do it until I know what it is. I’m motivated!”

Don't play you'll know when the time comes - if it's different from what the other party expected, it's easy to create a psychological gap, and then it will be difficult to cooperate for the second time.

I remember you said in the afternoon... Yakumo Zi slowly closed her fan, then threw the mouthpiece into the gap and said, Your ability is to gain the other party's ability by swallowing blood?

Ah...yes, what's wrong?

Then... A weird smile appeared on Yakumo Murasaki's lips, Little guy, do you want to be Gensokyo's... spokesperson in all the worlds?

End of this chapter

What, what, what, spokesperson?

A big question mark appeared on Elsebel's head.

I'm not kidding, I'm talking about being a spokesperson. Yakumo Zi covered her expression with a fan and said, It's just that whether you can become a spokesperson depends on your own ability. All I can do is push you to sit down. Take the position of spokesperson and give you the rewards I can give you.


A drop of my blood. Yakumo Purple looked at Elsebell meaningfully and said, Do you understand what this means?


Elsebell took a breath of air at that moment.

Of course Elsebell can understand what this means.

With her ability, as long as she can swallow a drop of Yakumo Purple's blood, it means that she can obtain Yakumo Purple's ability - the power of the realm!

The realm of far and near, the realm of virtuality and reality, the realm of cold and heat...

In a sense, the power of this realm is the same as the art of speech and spirit. It is an ability that can produce terrifying effects by relying on imagination.

In addition, I have already thought of many combinations for your spokesperson plan. Yakumo Zi once again opened her license, looked at Elsie Bell with a smile, and said: I remember you said that you have six The ability slot currently only stores the word spirit, right?


Essentially, the spirit of words is the fusion of the power of creation and the power of destiny. Yakumo Murasaki looked at Elsie Bell and said, What do you think of these two powers?

Creation and destiny?

Elsebell thought about it and found that it was indeed the case - the spiritual spirit embodied something, which was the power of creation. The sayings like you will fall in the spiritual spirit did affect others. fate.

I remember that the little bat's ability is to influence destiny, and the ability of the Lord of the Demon World, Kamiki, is to create. Yakumo Purple waved her fan gently, then gracefully walked up the steps of the White Jade Tower, and said: For another example, the power of a certain Moon Princess, or the power of nature of Kazami Yuka - little guy, let me ask you once, do you want to be the spokesperson of Gensokyo?

You must think about it. Elsebell nodded her head decisively.

Good guy, I have such a good opportunity in front of me. If I don’t cherish it, I might as well go back to my hometown to raise pigs!

If you use the power of fate of the eldest lady and the power of creation of Shenqi to upgrade the Yanling, and then accommodate the power of the realm demon of Zi Ma, and then integrate the power of nature of Hua Ma...

Elsebell couldn't even imagine what kind of monster she would become.

Then work hard on cooking. Yakumo Purple looked at Elsie Bell with a smile.

After all, he was still young and fell into the trap easily.

Yakumo Murasaki has indeed drawn an extremely wonderful pie for Elsebell. If it is as she said, with the abilities of so many powerful people gathered together, it is certain that a little monster can be created.

However, the cake is drawn, can you eat it... but you can't let Yakumo Murasaki come!

After all, it’s my job to promote you as a spokesperson! Whether other people are willing to sell face is their business, right?

Besides, if you want to be a spokesperson, you can't ask me to come forward for everything, right? The first test is to get the blood of the person you want, isn't it too much?

If it doesn't happen then... there's nothing I can do about it, right?

Yakumo Murasaki has already planned everything, and it doesn't matter to her if Elsebell fails. Anyway, Yuyuko has been fed. If she succeeds, she will gain a spokesperson, which will be even more flattering.



“Oil curry~~”

Yuyuko flew into Yakumo Murasaki's arms, then kissed her happily and said, Aburari, you haven't been here for a long time.

Didn't you come here the day before yesterday?

But I didn't come the day before yesterday and yesterday.

Isn't there a banquet yesterday, and you went too! Yakumo Murasaki helplessly comforted Yuyuko, And I brought you an incredible little guy today!

Huh? Youyouzi looked at Elsie Bell.

I checked my hair color and it's blonde.

Then he looked at Yakumo Murasaki.

I checked my hair color and it's also blonde.

Could it be that... Youyouzi's brain rarely moved. After a few rounds, she suddenly hammered her hand and said, Your daughter?

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