Yeah! Nina nodded her head vigorously and said loudly: Nina also wants to give Xiongxiong a bath!

Okay~ Elsebell smiled. She touched Nina's head with a smile and said, Then let's get ready now~

Elsebell glanced at the reluctant Xiong Xiong, then smiled and stamped the ground. Alchemy was activated instantly, and the stones on the ground quickly formed a luxurious bathroom.

Wow! Big sister is so awesome! Nina looked at the beautifully decorated bathroom and couldn't help but said happily: What a big bathroom!

After all, we have to give Xiong Xiong a bath~ Elsebell looked at Nina with a smile, and then winked at Xiong Xiong outside the door.


Xiong Xiong made a mournful sound, I really don’t want to take a bath!

Huh? Elsebell narrowed her eyes.


I like taking a bath the most!

The bear walked towards the large bathroom in a hurry, followed by Elsa, Ram and Rem who couldn't help but laugh.



After taking a bath, Xiong Xiong's body was as clean as a pet bear, and the faint beastly odor that had emitted before had completely dissipated.

Wow, Bear's fur is so soft! Nina threw herself into Bear's arms and said with a happy expression, And it smells delicious!

As long as you like it. Elsebell smiled. She looked at the smelly bear in front of her and had a bow tied on her head. She said, Okay, Nina, help bear take a bath. Are you tired too? Let’s have lunch first.”

Oh! Let's have a big dinner! Nina followed Elsebell to the chair excitedly, and when Elsa put the lunch she prepared in her bag on the table, the bear beside her came over. come over.

Hey, does Xiong Xiong want to eat too? Nina looked at Xiong Xiong who was sitting on the edge of the table and looked at the lunch box on the table eagerly. She couldn't help but curiously picked up the fried meatballs in the lunch box and threw it at Xiong Xiong.

Ah wu——

Xiongxiong caught the meatball in one bite and chewed it twice. His eyes suddenly widened.

good! good! just!

Why is there such a perfect thing?


Xiong Xiong rubbed Nina's calf extremely flatteringly, sticking out his tongue like a giant husky.

Give me just one more!

End of this chapter

To be honest, the extent of this bear's licking was a bit beyond Elsebell's expectation.

Before having lunch, the bear's attitude was Damn horrible horrible ape erectus, I surrender to you now only because I am forced by your strength! The bear tribe will never be a slave!

After eating lunch, the bear's attitude changed to Lunch is so delicious, ah ah ah! The bear tribe will never be slaves! Unless they have food and shelter!

Good guy, Elsebell felt at that time that there was a reason why the bears from the fighting nation were so affectionate - could they buy you off with just one meal? Can you have some dignity as a bear?

What is dignity? Is dignity as delicious as meatballs? Suck slip.

never mind.


Elsebell touched her chin, looked at Xiong Xiong and Nina who were fighting together, and said, Nina, do you want to keep Xiong Xiong all the time?

Eh!? Nina's eyes widened in surprise. She even forgot to continue playing the game. She just sat on the bear like this stupidly and said, Is it okay?

Yes, yes, but there are conditions? Elsebell squatted down, looked at Nina and said, First, Nina needs to learn some fighting skills from her sister, and then Nina needs to learn cooking skills.

Fighting and cooking?

That's right! Elsebell nodded and said, Fighting is to protect yourself - I'm not saying that the bear will attack you, but if someone wants to attack you and finds that the bear can't defeat you, they will naturally target Ni. Nina’s body! If Nina has a certain ability to protect herself, she will be safer.

Well, Nina knows.

As for the cooking... Elsebell smiled and patted Xiong Xiong's belly and said, Since Xiong Xiong has become Nina's pet, Nina must be responsible for Xiong Xiong's three meals a day, right?

Yes! Nina understood. She nodded her head excitedly and shouted, Then Nina will learn cooking! Learn from sister Elsa!

Obviously, Elsa's cuisine not only conquered Bear's taste buds, but also conquered Nina's future.

No problem! Aixibei immediately waved her hand and said with a smile: Then start studying from today, okay?

Yeah! Nina nodded.

But before that... Elsebell focused her attention on Xiong Xiong again, and then showed a malicious expression.


Xiong Xiong couldn't help but shudder, and then looked at Elsie Bell tremblingly, showing an expression that looked like he was about to cry.

Woo hoo hoo, what do you want with such a pitiful and helpless bear? Let the bear go, the bear is so cute!

Bear life is difficult, Bear Bear sighs.



What Elsebell wants to do to Xiongxiong is naturally a BUFF from Warcraft - those who do not accept this BUFF are still just beasts, no matter how smart they are, they are still beasts.

Before setting up a magic circle for Bear, Elsebell thought for a few seconds, and then printed the buff on Bear's head with a smile - Elsebell was thinking about what template to set up for Bear, but she quickly Just realized...

In the novel, what is the most famous character from the Warcraft series? Hey, of course it's The legendary holy monster! The Bear of the Earth!

These are the memories of Elsie Bell’s junior high and high school days!

So, she decisively built Xiong Xiong on the template of the Earth Bear - firstly, it could sense the magic power of earth and rock elements, and then added a setting that standing on the earth would restore physical strength and magic power all the time. Then increase the thickness of the skin and flesh...

When the transformation was completed, Xiong Xiong had completely grown in size, and the fur on his body had also become darker. A magic power visible to the naked eye lingered around his body, and was quickly absorbed into his body.


After becoming a monster and gaining great consciousness, Xiong Xiong cupped Nina's little hand, showing a completely different intimacy from before.

The previous intimacy was due to the fear of Elsebell and the yearning for food, so he was close to Nina, but the current intimacy is because after becoming a Warcraft and possessing high intelligence, Xiongxiong realized that Nina was it. The partner is its master.

Wow, Bear is even more handsome! Nina's eyes widened, Bear was bigger, and she could sit on Bear's shoulders!

‘Well, I feel like it’s Illya and Basaka. ’ Elsebell looked at Nina and Xiong Xiong with a smile on her face, ‘It seems that it is necessary for Xiong Xiong to go back and compete with Edward and the others today. ’

Compared with humans, Warcraft undoubtedly stands at a higher start! After becoming a World of Warcraft, Xiong Xiong's physical fitness has grown to be extremely terrifying, and at the same time, the skill of Earth Armor... is actually copied from Armed Haki.

It can be said that if Xiong Xiong's fighting skills are on the same level as Edward and others, then even if Edward, Winry, Alphonse, Hohenheim, and Izmi are tied together, they will not be Xiong Xiong's opponent.

(Mustan: Did you miss my name?)

Of course, this does not mean that Xiongxiong is invincible, because its power is always given by Elsebell. Even if it wants to train, its progress is much slower than Edward and others.



Although she said she would start training today, after all, Elsebell had agreed at the beginning to take Nina out for fun, so she did not immediately take Nina and others back to the fortress, but let her and Xiong Xiong first After having a great time playing in the snow, we led the team back to the fortress.

The first thing is to fight.

Edward, you can freely form a team and fight Bear. Elsebell crossed her arms and said, Bear Bear, carefully observe Edward's and his others' movements, and then understand them.

Unlike Edward and the others, when Xiong Xiong became a World of Warcraft, Elsebell instilled a set of inherited knowledge into it, and among them was a set of boxing techniques called Xiong Fist - extremely suitable for Xiong Xiong to use, and it was powerful and powerful.


The bear nodded. Under the gaze of Edward and others, it walked to the center of the training ground, then raised its hands and roared - face the storm, you crybabies!

Although I don't understand what it says... Edward twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said, But, I always feel very unhappy.

I feel like I've been provoked. Mustang said, moving his wrist.

To be precise, I was underestimated. Izmi twisted his neck and said, And by a bear.

You can't pretend you can't see it. Hohenheim tugged on his tie, then glanced at Xiong Xiong with reflective eyes.

Nissan, go all out. Alphonse also showed a serious expression.

Ouch - Xiong Xiong looked at the five people standing in front of him, with a disdainful expression on his lips.

The armor of the earth, oohoo!

A dark yellow magic power wrapped around Xiong Xiong's body, and then turned into a set of translucent armor.


The moment they saw this armor, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the five people.

Wait, Nissan, if I read it correctly... Alphonse took a breath and said, Is this something we haven't learned after studying for a long time...

Armed and domineering!? Edward's face turned pale with anger. Good guy, you still said this is a unique move? How come a random bear can use this skill when it pops up?

As if she sensed Edward's resentment, Ai Sibei immediately explained with a serious face: Edward, don't underestimate the bear! Its true form is the top ten overlords of the Gods and Demons Continent and the Monster Forest, a holy-level earth-type monster. , the Bear of the Earth!”


Although I don’t understand it, I always feel that it is very powerful.

Anyway, you won't know until you fight whether you are strong or weak! Mustang looked at Xiong Xiong, raised his right hand and said, Master, is it okay to set a fire?

It's not a big problem. Elsebell said calmly, Even though the bear has fur on his body, you can't burn him.

Then you're welcome! Mustang snapped his fingers with his right hand, and a cluster of flames suddenly slipped out from his fingertips. Then, after running on the ground for a while, it turned into a blazing fire storm, wrapping around On the outside of Xiongxiong's body.

How is it? Mustang said confidently.


The wind pressure caused by the magic burst directly extinguishes the flames around the blazing body - it is no more difficult than blowing out a match.


Edward glanced at Mustang and said, Don't your flames have no effect?


Mustang snapped his fingers again in anger.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Flames wrapped around Xiong Xiong's body one after another, but Xiong Xiong's relaxed look made Edward and others on the side realize that this kind of ordinary fire could not hurt Xiong Xiong at all.


Xiongxiong stepped on the ground with his right foot, and soil cones emerged from the ground and spread towards several alchemists.

Don't even think about it!

Edward activated Formation-less Refining, trying to erase these soil cones, but before he could take action, Alphonse hurriedly pulled him to the side.


The next moment, the huge body of the bear had already hit the place where Edward was standing before - it turned out that the moment it released the soil cone, it was already preparing to take off and carry out the bear bomb attack.

Good guy... Edward wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, This bear seems to have a higher IQ than I thought...

Everyone has learned to make false claims in the east and attack in the west! !

A little scary.

So what if it's attacking in the east and in the west? There are five of us here! Hohenheim rushed over, then waved his fists with a serious face and said: As long as we can entangle it, and then take advantage of it...

Xiongxiong slapped the chattering Hohenheim into the wall.

Dad ah ah!

Edward exclaimed.

End of this chapter

To be honest, before the war started, Edward and others really did not expect that the result of this competition would be like this.

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