At this could someone come looking for me?

If it were a few years ago, he wouldn't be surprised. After all, he was the first alchemist to refine living things, and he even earned the title of the Destiny Alchemist because of it! But what now? Apart from using certain methods a few years ago to create a synthetic beast that could understand human speech, he had no research results for a long time, and even the title of National Alchemist was about to be withdrawn.

By the way, the title of National Alchemist is actually similar to that of the research institutes of large domestic companies. If you can produce research results, then you can continue to maintain this status and continue to receive research funds, but if you are long-term If you can't produce results, the company will definitely not continue to fund you.

Now Xiu Tucker is in this difficult situation. He has not produced results for a long time. Those who used to visit him because of his results are now rare.

It just made him feel the warmth and warmth of humanity.

So now someone suddenly came to visit him, which made him feel surprised - why would someone come to me at this time? ?

With deep doubts, Xiu Tucker stood up and walked outside. He wanted to see who was looking for him at this time.

After Xiu Tucker walked to the gate, he unlocked the door, opened the door, looked outside, and said, May I know where... it is?

He looked below him... to be precise, he looked at the blond one standing at his door, wearing a white dress, like a lolita coming out of a painting.

Hey, hello. Loli raised her head, waved to Xiu Tucker, and said, My name is Elsebell Scarlet, and I'm here to visit Mr. Xiu Tucker.

... Xiu Tucker tilted his head.

This loli... came to find me?



It's just ordinary tea, are you okay? Xiu Tucker put a cup of black tea in front of Elsebell, which didn't look classy, ​​and said softly: The conditions at home are not good, so let's keep it in mind.

It's okay. Elsebell waved her hand and said, I came to visit you because I knew about your situation.

Ah... Xiu Tucker tilted his head strangely and asked, Well, can I ask... the reason why you came to visit me?

Of course. Elsebell nodded while looking at Xiu Tucker - he was quite tall (compared to Elsebell), with short light brown hair, and he looked quite energetic! But his dangerous hairline, thick dark circles under his eyes, and long untrimmed beard...

It can be seen that he is under great psychological pressure.

I would like to ask you for some knowledge about synthetic beasts. Elsebell replied.

Ha, many people asked me about this topic a few years ago... Shoe Tucker couldn't help laughing and said, But now...I don't even know what else to ask. .”

Others have asked, that's other people's business. Elsebell shook her head and said, Anyway, I haven't asked, right?

Hey, actually I'm already... Xiu Tucker shook his head and said, I'm not that powerful anymore.

Mr. Hugh Tucker, my goal is just to obtain the information I want. Elsebell shook her head and said: I don't care whether the objects I collect knowledge from keep up with the times, I just simply It’s just about collecting the knowledge I want to collect.”

To put it simply, what Elsebell means is - I don't care if you are great or not, I only know that Joan of Arc is really easy to lick.

... Xiu Tucker scratched his face helplessly and said, Okay, I understand what you mean, but even if it is outdated, it was something I researched...

After all, it is a research result. Even if it is a little outdated, even if it has not been researched for a long time, Xiu Tucker is not willing to give it to others in vain.

Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who thinks about whoring for nothing all day long. Elsie Beier smiled reservedly and said, To be honest, I'm in the central government... To be precise, I'm in the headquarters, so it has something to do with it... …”

Oh? A glimmer of light lit up in Xiu Tucker's eyes.

As far as I know, Mr. Hugh Tucker has not produced research results for a long time, so the title of National Alchemist is about to be withdrawn, and the annual research funding has also begun to be reduced, right?

Yes. Xiu Tucker covered his face in pain.

So, I will give you two plans here. Elsebell raised her finger and said, The first plan is to use my relationship to steadily extend your qualification as a national alchemist for one year. , the second option is to use my financial resources to give you full research funding for two years, choose it.

Qualification or...funding...

Shoe Tucker was caught in a tangle.

His qualification as a national alchemist is estimated to be only one to two years now. If he cannot produce results within one to two years, his status will definitely be revoked.

However, if he obtains full research funding for two years, he will undoubtedly be able to conduct more and more expensive research, and naturally have a greater chance of researching new things - the meaning of this full research funding means This is the highest amount of research funding he received when he just debuted! I don’t know how many times more than the research funding she currently receives every year.

So, what to choose?

Xiu Tucker was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and gritted his teeth and said, I want research funds!

The qualification of a state alchemist can be delayed for another two years or so, but if there is no research funding, even if it is extended for ten years, it will be meaningless - a state alchemist who cannot produce research results is meaningless.

Okay. Elsebell nodded and said, I'll have someone send the money over now.

Okay, then I'll go get the research results. Xiu Tucker stood up with excitement and ran towards the back of his house.

Elsebell picked up the phone on the table, dialed Gleed's number, and asked the other party to bring the money. Although the number was large, was Gleed short of money?

There is no shortage of it.



After everything was done, Elsebell leaned on the sofa, held her face up, smiled and looked at the little Loli sitting in the living room, playing with the dog, and asked: Little sister ,May I have your name?

Me? The little Lolita with two braids on the back of her head raised her head and said sweetly: Sister, my name is Nina! Thank you for helping dad!

Huo? Elsebell raised her eyebrows and said, Do you know your father's current situation?

Yeah, I know. Nina nodded and said, Because that's why my mother ran away from home!

...Huh? Run away from home? Elsebell showed a confused expression - wasn't Nina's mother turned into a synthetic beast by Xiu Tucker?

Well, my mother ran away from home two years ago. Nina turned around, leaned on the dog, and said: She said that my father earned too little money and couldn't survive! I thought If you marry an alchemist, you can make a lot of money all day long and live a life of plenty, but the result is so disappointing!

... There were drops of sweat on Elsie Bell's face.

They also said that dad is not very good-looking and is short. Nina looked at the ceiling and said: Out of loneliness, she found a lover outside! In order to keep me secret from dad, she gave me a lot of pocket money The money, in fact, was stolen from her father's wallet! But she said, 'It doesn't matter, that idiot can't find it.' She also said that when the divorce comes, she wants to go to this house as part of the breakup fee, but she doesn't want to break up. My father was crying and annoying, so he poisoned his dinner every day... that so... Elsie Bell tugged at the corners of her lips and said a little uneasily: This, um, this...

It’s not easy for your dad either…

At this moment, Elsebell actually felt a moment of pity for Xiu Tucker, and a resonance of If it were me, I would also make that woman into a synthetic beast.

‘But this doesn’t exonerate him! ’ Elsie Bell rubbed her head - yes, I feel very sorry for you being rejected by your wife and being treated like this (poisoning, finding a lover). If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to bear it.


Nina is innocent, right?

Hey, little one. Elsebell walked over, squatted in front of Nina, then reached out and touched her head, and said, Do you hate your mother?

Well, actually I have no feelings for my mother anymore. Nina tilted her head and said: Actually, my mother is not very good to me. She is often not at home, and all I eat are leftovers and the like.

Ah... Elsebell scratched her head and said, Okay, how about my sister taking you to a big dinner later?

Okay! Nina cheered.

At this time, Xiu Tucker had already walked out of the study, then looked at his daughter with a smile and asked: Nina, what are you talking about with your sister?

Eldest sister said that she wants to take me to a big dinner. Nina looked at her father with a smile on her face and said, Dad, do you want to go with me?

Ah... Dad won't go. Xiu Tucker squatted down with a smile, touched Nina's head, and said, Nina, remember to eat more.

Yeah! Nina happily raised her little fist and said, Nina will bring daddy something delicious~

Okay, then dad is waiting for Nina. Xiu Tucker showed a charming smile, then raised his head and said to Elsebell: Miss Elsebel, Nina will be left to you. Take care of it.”

Okay, please rest assured about her safety. Elsebell also showed a smile and said, I won't let her get hurt.

End of this chapter

After the Gleeds sent the money, Elsebell took Nina out of the Tucker House and took her to have a big dinner as promised.

However, just after reaching the end of the street, Elsebell, who had been saying I won't let her get hurt, turned around, knelt down and said to Nina with a smile: Ah, Nina, eldest sister forgot that there is still something wrong. Something was left at your house! So why don't you accompany this uncle to have a big dinner first?

Um...Okay. Nina glanced at the previous waiter - at this time, this little gangster who was originally famous for being vicious on the road was trying his best to squeeze out a gentle person. smile.

There is no other way, either be gentle or die. I want to live for another two years.

Nina is so good. Elsebell touched her head, then stood up and walked towards Tucker House in a bounding motion.

Okay, little sister. The waiter lowered his voice, and then said cautiously: Big brother, will you take you to eat?

Although Lady Elsebell calls me her uncle, is it okay for me to call myself my eldest brother? Even I want to hear a cute loli call me big brother!

Okay, uncle! Nina nodded. Sister Elsebell said it was uncle, so it must be uncle!

The waiter covered his chest - ah, I am your brother! Although I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m thirty years old, I’m really the older brother!

Woo woo woo...

The macho man was in tears.



When Elsebell returned to the Tucker House, she directly activated her elemental transformation, slipped through the gap in the door, and then restored her physical form.

'Not in the living room... no, not on the ground? ’ After Elsebell sensed it with her sense of sight, she set her sights underground, ‘Is it in the underground research room? ’

Elsebell floated up gently, then quietly followed the entrance and entered the research room of Tucker House.


As soon as she got close to the research room, Elsebell heard the kind of over-joyed, slightly collapsed sound from Xiu Tucker—probably similar to Oh, I'm hit, hahahaha.

‘Are you happy? ’ Elsebelle got into the basement with an expressionless face, and then saw the scene in front of her——

In the spacious basement, all the lights were turned on, and the dazzling lights illuminated the entire basement as if it were daytime. One after another, the large boxes that Elsibelle asked uncle-level waiters to move over were all opened, and the contents inside were all opened. All the banknotes were dumped near a sofa, while Hugh Tucker got into the pile of money and threw the money in his hand into the sky with a look of devastation - in another scenario, this would probably be a beautiful girl Pictures of playing with water and splashing water.

But that was a beautiful girl playing in the water! Now there is a strange and decadent tree throwing money, and the light reflecting on the lenses of his eyes makes people feel particularly cold.

After thinking about it, Elsebell did not cover up her footsteps anymore, but walked step by step behind Xiu Tucker and asked, Are you happy that you have received full research funding for two years?


Xiu Tucker, who was originally immersed in money, heard Elsebell's voice and was so frightened that he turned around in a cold sweat - what's going on, how did she appear here? This research room is obviously hidden, locked, and covered with bookcases.

More importantly, I didn't hear the sound of the wardrobe being pulled open or the door being opened at all.

Could it be that I was too happy, so I was completely immersed in my own world? impossible?

How did you get in? Xiu Tucker asked nervously.

Rather than such insignificant questions, I hope you can answer a few questions for me. Elsebell leaned against the wall, then raised her right hand and snapped her fingers, In order to prevent you from not cooperating, I can only use some extraordinary measures.

Wha... wow! As soon as Xiu Tucker uttered one word, the ground beneath him began to move, and a cross supported by cement restrained him in mid-air.

Xiu Tucker was so surprised that he didn't even realize that Elsebell had gone through the formation-less process. He just twisted his body helplessly and shouted: Miss Elsebell, why are you doing this? Such a thing?

Anyway, I ask, you answer. Elsebell waved her right hand, and the black devil flashed out from her bracelet, and then she grabbed it tightly in her hand. She took out the blade and pointed it at Xiu. Tucker, Do you understand?

...I understand. Xiu Tucker accepted his fate.

I feel very strange. Elsebell put the Black Demon back into the scabbard, then snapped her fingers with her right hand, causing the ground to squirm and move a single sofa behind her.

After sitting on it, Elsebell crossed her legs, then looked at Xiu Tucker in front of her, and said, It's just the first time for me and you to meet, right? Although I gave you money and you gave me research materials, but that It’s more like a transaction than a…feeling between us.”

... Xiu Tucker didn't understand what Elsebell wanted to say.

So, why do you have the guts? Let me, an outsider, take your daughter out to eat, and why don't you come with me? Elsebell looked at Xiu Tucker strangely and said, What if? You just forgot about something important, but the reason why you boldly let your daughter go out to eat with a stranger while you stayed at home is because...

Elsebell glanced at the pile of money aside and said, For, playing with money?

The reason why I asked Nina to follow you out is because she is close to you. Xiu Tucker explained, That's why I think you are a good person.

Good people and bad people cannot be judged by whether a little girl is close or not. Elsebell said noncommittally, Compared with this answer, I think the answer is closer to the real answer because... you don't know at all Like your daughter.


Nina revealed to me before, saying that her mother ran away from home. Elsebell sighed and said, She also said that her mother dislikes you and is only with you for money, and in Things like finding a lover outside.”


So, from my side, it is inferred that because he is that woman's child, it is not impossible for you to hate her so much, right? Elsebell continued to ask, It's precisely because ...You don’t like Nina that much, so you can feel free to let her go out to eat with a stranger. After all, you don’t like her, so even if she is lost or kidnapped by a stranger, it doesn’t matter, right?”

No! Shoe Tucker said loudly, I, I really love my wife! And my daughter! Even if my wife is like that, I still love her!

Oh—— Elsebelle lengthened her voice and said, So, the reason you say you love her is to make her into a synthetic beast (Chimera)?

... Xiu Tucker's eyes shrank suddenly.

Ha, are you surprised? Elsebell laughed. She looked at the pale-faced Shu Tucker and said, Your wife is not missing at all, nor is she running away from home with her lover, but You made it into a synthetic beast! Yes, it’s the one you took out a few years ago...the synthetic beast that can understand human speech!

... Xiu Tucker lowered his head in silence and focused his gaze on the ground beneath him.

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