Then, please ask Miss Theresa Elric to answer the question! Elsebell raised her right hand and said, How long will we be away for?

One day! Teresa blinked and said, I left yesterday morning and came back this morning.


Hohenheim's eyes became confused - in one day, from here to the north, and then from the north back here?

Damn, are you flying?

Oh, there are no airplanes in this world yet, so just pretend I didn’t mention this slot.

We are moving at such a fast speed. If we really have thoughts about you, do you think what you see when you take off your hood is your wife? Elsebell supported the attacker's chin and said calmly, Besides, Yes, I have lived with your wife for more than two years, and I have watched your two children grow up. Do you think your wife and children can survive if I try to harm you?

This... Hohenheim calmed down and thought for a moment, and found that what Elsebell said actually made some sense.

Okay, I admit your strength. Hohenheim breathed out and said, But you shouldn't have brought me back, my purpose...

Place enough landmines at the node where the land formation is formed, right? Elsebell interrupted Hohenheim's words and said angrily: Please, didn't I say that? We must know it. More than you!”


Hohenheim rubbed his head with a headache and said, Since you know what I'm going to do, why do you stop me?

Well, mainly I think you don't need to do that. Elsebell scratched her head and said, Because we will definitely stop what that guy wants to do, so there is no need for you to sacrifice your life. ”

Hohenheim has the Philosopher's Stone flowing in his body, so his life is closely related to the Philosopher's Stone - otherwise, why could he, an ordinary person, live hundreds of years? It's not because the Philosopher's Stone in his body replaced the consumption of his lifespan!

As for the Philosopher's Stone in the world of steel, it can really be said to be a universal material. It can replace almost everything - replace the consumption of lifespan, replace the consumption of materials, and even treat the backlash of contact taboos.

This... Looking at Elsebell in front of her, she claimed, We will stop it, but Hohenheim didn't find it credible.

I'm afraid you have forgotten how you fled in embarrassment under the attack of Elsa and I. Elsebell showed a smile that didn't want to be beaten, and said: If I tell you, before I and Elsa The real strength shown by Ersha is less than one percent of ours, would you believe it?

I'm not an idiot. Hohenheim said speechlessly: If your power had been magnified a hundred times before, could you still have destroyed the entire Amestoris with one move?

Ah... Elsebell thought for a while, as if she could really do it? Just a large area ruling is enough?

Therefore, Elsebell nodded in Hohenheim's eyes.

Look, you yourself think... huh? After Hohenheim came to his senses, he looked at Elsebell blankly and said, Ah? Why are you nodding?

It means that if I want to, destroying Amestris with one move is not a big problem. Elsebell sat on the chair and showed a reserved smile towards Hohenheim.

I read a lot, you can't fool me.

Hey, if you don't believe it, let's go to the back mountain and give you a demonstration? Elsie Bell pointed in the direction of the back mountain and said with a smile: I'm not bragging, the whole world can walk through three moves under my hands. Yes, I’m afraid it doesn’t exist.”

She can't do it either? Hohenheim pointed at Elsa.

Elsa is indeed strong enough to go through three moves, but I have a special attack on her. Elsebell glanced at Hohenheim seriously, then turned around, clenched her hands and put them under her chin, with a look of sadness on her face. He looked at Elsa pitifully and said in a sweet voice, Elsa is my favorite.

Miss Third, ahhhhhhhhh--

A cluster of bright red blood flowers bloomed under Elsa's nose, and she fell to the ground with a happy face, murmuring: I have no regrets in my life.

Kaka, do you see? One move in seconds. Elsebell turned her head, winked her eyes triumphantly towards Hohenheim, and said, Let's go, let's go to the back mountain, and I'll give you a show. , what is world-destroying level combat power?

Are you serious?

You don't think I've been joking with you, do you? Elsebell spread her hands and said, You are not a beautiful white-haired girl, why should I joke with you?

A question mark popped up on Hohenheim's head.

Does this have anything to do with white hair?



Ten minutes later, Elsebell took Hohenheim to the back mountains, which was a vast hilly area with continuous hills with low slopes. It was a good place for shepherding sheep.

Yeah, but now, a big devil appears.

How are you going to demonstrate? Hohenheim looked at Elsebell and asked strangely.

Let's start with the simplest one. Elsebell glanced ahead and said, Look at it.

Yeah. Hohenheim nodded.

Hey... Elsie Bell shouted softly, and then swung her right fist forward forcefully.

Originally, this scene almost made Hohenheim want to laugh. Are you trying to be cute for me?

But the sonic boom and the spreading hurricane that followed made Hohenheim's face tremble, and he couldn't even speak.

Wang Defa?

Do you know what happened just now? Elsebell looked at Hohenheim and said, The phenomenon just now is called sonic boom, which is a physical phenomenon. It means that when the speed of an object exceeds the speed of sound, it will There is an obstacle called the 'sound barrier', and when this obstacle is broken, a sonic boom occurs.

Wait, what is the speed of sound?

It's the speed at which our sound travels. Elsebell pointed to her mouth and said, It's about 340 meters per second.

Hohenheim's mind was blank for a few seconds. After he combined the knowledge that Elsebell just said in his mind, he asked with difficulty: So what you mean is that the speed of your punch just now exceeded 1 second. 340 meters?”

Absolutely. Elsebell nodded.

Wait, wait... Hohenheim covered his head, and then said with a collapsed face: No, this, that... huh?

Hohenheim was a little confused. He felt that the world seemed to have undergone some changes that he didn't understand, such as...

Turtle, is this loli fooling me?

This is the speed of the punch, and then this is the attack power... Elsebell looked around and said, Well, it seems that we can't hide the attack, otherwise I'm afraid it will destroy this land.

Are you so exaggerated? Hohenheim was unhappy and said, How about I use alchemy to get you some rocks?

No, there is no need for stone. Elsebell waved her hand, raised her right hand and snapped her fingers, saying, Use steel.

The next moment, a piece of silver metal appeared in Elsebell's palm. She threw the piece of metal to Hohenheim and said, You can do some research. This piece of metal is called Shining Silver Alloy. Its hardness is about Forty-seven times that of ordinary steel.”

This is too exaggerated... Hohenheim touched the metal in his hand, then took out a knife from his pocket and slashed it hard.

Oh, the knife is blunt.

Okay, I don't know if it's forty-seven times, but its hardness is indeed amazing. Hohenheim looked at the metal without any scratches, then looked at his blunt fruit knife, and used it casually. After Alchemy repaired the knife, he said, What are you going to do?

It's very simple, blow it up. Elsebell threw the metal into the air, and then, under Hohenheim's stunned gaze, she swung her right fist and hit the metal falling from the sky.

With the roar of bang, the metal had turned into silver dust and exploded, then drifted away in the wind and disappeared without a trace.


Hohenheim's mouth grew so wide that he was so frightened that he lost the ability to think.

End of this chapter

When Hohenheim followed Elsebell back home, his expression was very dazed, the ultimate dazed state, so dazed that he even hugged Edward and shouted Alphonse.

Then Edward bit his finger in anger.

You are such a big person, how come you can even call the child's name wrong? Teresa said with a strange look on her face, applying an ice towel to Hohenheim's fingers.

Well, I just received too much impact. Hohenheim tugged at the corner of his mouth.

After Elsebell first showed him how to blast metal with her bare hands, she then performed techniques such as summoning thunder and lightning, transforming herself into thunder, and then demonstrated the ability of the immortal body (actually elementalization), and finally told Huo Enhai The existence of another world.

A series of news exploded in Hohenheim's heart like one bomb after another, and the last news about the other world, and the news about the people from Elsebell's other world, were more like two planet-destroying bombs. It also shattered Hohenheim's outlook on life, as if a man's morality was on the verge of collapse.

This world is so crazy. Hohenheim looked straight out the window and said with an erratic expression: I originally thought that my experience back then was fantastic enough...

It refers to the fact that he was originally a slave, but because his blood was the source of the birth of the villain in the bottle, he was enriched by half of the Philosopher's Stone, thus gaining immortality.

But, today I realized that there are so many strange things in this world? Hohenheim gave a silly smile.


Teresa poked Elsebell's waist with her finger a little worriedly, and whispered: Xiao Ai, when you brought my husband back, did you accidentally touch his head?

Otherwise, why would he become so stupid?

Ahem, sister, you have to believe us! Elsie Bell coughed dryly and said: We kidnap... ah... abduct people... ah! Our transportation is professional, and it is impossible to hit the head. !”

After all, the whole process was transported in the air, and there was a magic shield deployed around him. If this could touch his head, it could only mean that Hohenheim was hitting his head in the void.

Then why is my husband so stupid?

Emmm, it's just that your outlook on life is shattered, it's not a big problem. Elsebell comforted her, Just rest for two days and you'll be fine! Okay, sister, take Ed and Al and take a walk with Cappuccino. No, let me talk to your husband about the next thing.

Oh... Teresa nodded. With Al tied to her chest and Edward on her back, she walked out with Cappuccino's dog leash in her hand.



When did my wife's body become so powerful? Three big questions popped up in Hohenheim's head. He looked at Theresa's back and said, I remember her body... isn't it? Very good, right?

Hi, we are from another world, and we are also magicians, so there is no big problem in using magic potions to condition her body. Elsebell waved her hand and said, Besides, do you know why Ai Sibei and I Doesn’t Ersa want you to continue using the Philosopher’s Stone in your body to plant bombs?”


Because... we have strengthened it a bit too much. Elsebell coughed slightly awkwardly and said, Just, your wife... maybe she doesn't realize it, but in fact, if she exerts all her strength, As for boxing, it can probably break the sound barrier.”

? Hohenheim, who was drinking tea to calm down, heard this sentence. The hand holding the tea cup trembled slightly. He opened his mouth with difficulty and asked: So, what do you mean...

Well, that's probably what you understand. Elsebell nodded and said, I'm worried that after you use up the Philosopher's Stone, Theresa will accidentally kill you.

Then I really want to thank you! Hohenheim almost cried, give me back my gentle, lovely, delicate and weak wife! This wife who can hit a sonic boom with one punch and turn my upper body into powder...

Although I still love her, I'm really scared...

Hohenheim even imagined such a scene, okay?


One night, Hohenheim hugged Theresa with a tender look and whispered: Honey, we haven't been together for a long time...

With a shy look, Teresa hit Hohenheim on the chest with her fist and said, Husband, you are so annoying.

Hohenheim, died.

Consume a Philosopher's Stone.

Hohenheim, Resurrection.


Grass! A plant!

day! A kind of star!

The whole thing in Hohenheim is going to be bad, okay?

Ahem, don't show such an expression. I admit that it was our mistake to train Teresa too much, so we are willing to... um... Elsebell thought for a while and said: Agree... after-sales service Serve?

...What do you want to do? Hohenheim swallowed nervously, and he instinctively felt something very bad.

Hey, don't be so nervous! Elsebell patted Hohenheim on the shoulder and said, Elsa and I are going to educate Ed and Al on their fighting abilities from the time they are children, and then strengthen you in an instant. ,How about it?

... Hohenheim originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought of his wife's fist that broke the speed of sound, he couldn't help but nodded his head with tears in his eyes.

It’s okay if you don’t nod. If you’re crippled by your wife’s shy little fists, wouldn’t you be the father of the most tragic male protagonist in history?



When Teresa came back from walking the dog with her three children, Hohenheim's outlook on life had basically recovered. He was sitting at the small table, gnawing on the spicy sixties that Elsebell had taken out. While drinking an ice-cold Coke happily, he said: Hey, I used to be worried that there was not enough time, but now I am worried that time passes too slowly.

In the past, Hohenheim was worried that the Father plan would be completed too quickly, resulting in him not having enough time to plant the bomb. Now...

Little man in a bottle, hurry up and carry out your plan! I can't wait to see your failed look! Hum!

Hohenheim made a proud sound.

That's right. Elsebell looked at Theresa who came back and said, Teresa, I'm going to teach you some simple self-defense skills tomorrow. Are you willing to learn it?

Eh? Self-defense?

Yes, after all, idleness is idle, right? Elsebell introduced the remarks of several great gods in the Celestial Dynasty and instantly convinced Theresa.

Come here, buy everything, play with everything, play with everything, touch everything, and just be idle when you are idle...

Hey, everyone understands.

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