Today, Xiao Ai encouraged me to play mahjong all afternoon! I am fooling around. This is the first time in my life that I am an unparalleled national scholar!

June 4, 1900, sunny and cloudy.

Because I messed up Guoshi Wushuang yesterday, I was very happy today. I met Xiao Ai again and played Sanma with Elsa. Then I lost all afternoon and my face was red.

June 5, 1900, cloudy.

I woke up today and wanted to find something to do, but I found that all the work seemed to have been taken care of, and I realized that this was not going to work! Teresa, Teresa, you are a mature mother, are you going to degenerate like this and be raised by others?

1900, June 6, light rain.

The food Elsa cooks is really delicious, I feel like I can’t learn it anymore! I played mahjong once in the afternoon and was very happy.

June 7, 1900, sunny.

After several days of sunny weather, I suggested that we go outside for some exercise. Xiao Ai readily agreed, so the mahjong table was moved to the yard.

June 8, 1900, sunny.

I can’t sink any further and start looking for something to do tomorrow! By the way, I got three yuan more tonight!

June 9, 1900, heavy rain.

It rained, so I played mahjong all day.

June 10, 1900, light rain.

It was still raining and we played mahjong for another day.




Elsebell and Elsa looked at each other, then gnawed on the apple and said strangely: What's wrong with Teresa? When I woke up this morning, I was holding the notebook and fell into despair.

Miss Third, could it be a fiscal deficit? Elsa thought for a moment and said, After all, after we came here, we had two more mouths, and...

Moreover, the third lady has a rather naughty mouth. She must have meat in every meal, otherwise she will not be willing to eat it, which further increases the food expenses.

Hmm... is it possible? Elsebell thought for a moment, took out a gold bar from her pocket with her right hand, then placed it in front of Teresa, who was stunned because of her depravity, and said: Special Sister Lisa, you have been disturbed a lot during this period. If our presence puts pressure on your finances, I would be so sorry for you, so just accept this gold bar and exchange it for money to support your family.

Eh? Eh!? Teresa looked at the gold bar in front of her with a confused expression, and then looked at Elsebell with a confused expression.

No, what is going on?

Although Teresa knew that Elsa was Elsebell's personal maid, and also knew that Elsa had always called Elsebel the third lady, then Elsebell should be the third daughter of a noble family, but...but this …

I know you are rich, but I didn't expect you to be so rich!

How can this be so embarrassing! Teresa waved her hands subconsciously and said, It's just some mediocre food...

Hey, you can't say that. Elsebell waved her hand and said: The accommodation fee and the board and lodging fee, and I have to eat meat for every meal, how embarrassing! Besides, you have After you have the money, you don’t need to worry about financial problems and you can have fun with us, right?”


Teresa looked at Elsebell - I really don't want to sink like this, because I have to work hard to make money to support my family! but……

She gave too much.




Unknowingly, Elsebell has been staying in Lisebul Village for more than two years. She has also watched Edward and Alphonse grow up step by step, evolving from somewhat fun toys to super. Fun toys.

However, it's time to do something.

If nothing else, I will be away for a while tomorrow. Elsebell put down her chopsticks, then picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth, and said, It's almost time to rest. It's time to put your I got your irresponsible husband back.

Ah? Teresa raised her head from the dinner in confusion and said blankly: Husband? What old... oh oh oh! Hohenheim!


Elsebell tugged at the corner of her mouth.

Good guy, sister, you have completely forgotten your husband! ?

After two years of recuperation by Elsebell, Teresa is now in good physical condition and can kill Father with one punch. Although Teresa knows that her body has become very good, she still has no definite idea. understanding.

Otherwise, my father may not survive the finale.

Have you forgotten your husband? Elsebell asked with a dark look on her face, Hohenheim will cry if he finds out?

Ahem, this, this... Teresa poked her finger a little embarrassed and said: Mainly in the recent period, ahem, I have been a bit... um... degenerate! Yes, degenerate!

As if being whispered by a crocodile, Teresa's daily life has been occupied by mahjong, landlord fighting, dog walking and soap operas.

What is my husband, is it delicious?

Damn man, don't stop me from watching soap operas! Little Yanzi is tied up in the Black Heart Chess Shop! Fifth Brother, go and save her Kouya!

Now after being awakened by Elsebell, Teresa covered her face with a blushing face and said: I haven't forgotten it either, it's just that I just didn't think of it for a moment!

Isn’t this just forgetting?

Elsebell couldn't help but shook her head and said: I won't make fun of you anymore. My men have found traces of Hohenheim, so I am going to bring him back now. Are you going with us or not? Stay here and wait for him?


After Theresa heard Elsebell's words, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and then said a little tangledly: Well... I would like to go, but Edward and Alphonse...

It is now 1902, and Edward was born in 1899, and his younger brother was born in 1900, so now Edward is only 3 years old, and Alphonse is only 2 years old.

Would it be... not good to go all the way to Hohenheim with a three-year-old and a two-year-old baby?

Well, your worries are somewhat reasonable, but Elsa and I can guarantee that Edward and Alphonse will not be in any danger on the way. Elsebell thought for a moment and said, The main thing is that it depends on you. If If you want to go, I guarantee you won’t have any difficulty.”

Forget it, I'd better not cause you any trouble. After thinking about it, Teresa shook her head and said, And if Hohenheim comes back, I have to prepare his room and clothes. .”

Well, okay, that's indeed the statement. Elsebell didn't force it, she said with a smile: Then just pack up your things at home, I'll leave tomorrow morning.

Yeah! Teresa nodded. She immediately stood up and turned around to clean up the room - mainly because her bedroom now contained a mahjong table and the like, which needed to be moved out to make room for Hohenheim to sleep.

After all, they are a couple~



Early the next morning, Elsebel left Theresa's house, and then took Elsa on the road leaving the village of Lisebul.

Where is Hohenheim now?

The northern border. Elsa replied, According to the intelligence, it should be within the Armstrong family's sphere of influence.

Armstrong...ah! Elsebell hammered her palms and said, I remembered.

In the original work, there were two Armstrongs. One was Alex, the younger brother, a muscular man with only bangs and a small tuft of hair on his head; the other was Olivia, the older sister, with long blond hair. She is a beautiful woman, and the deepest impression on Elsebell is her thick lips.

As the elder sister, Olivia should have been guarding the Brix Fortress in the north at this time.

It's not a big problem. The Armstrong family are very enthusiastic. Elsebell rubbed her little hands and said, Then let's hurry up and set off.


After the words fell, black wings stretched out from the backs of the two people, and the next moment, the two people were flying into the sky with their wings flashing.



To the north, Brix Fortress.

Huh, the north is the north, it's getting cold. Elsebell rubbed her arms, then took out a coat and put it on Elsa's body, while she put the clothes on Elsa's body. After tying it up, he got into Elsa's arms and entered a brainwave state.

Huhu, it's still warm here. Ai Sibei moved her head happily, and then urged: It should be in the forest over there. My knowledge and domineering power found someone over there.

Okay. Elsa slowed down and flew over - hum, the third lady is in my arms, why should I nuzzle too much! What's wrong!

When the two of them got close to the bottom, they vaguely saw the green smoke floating from the entrance of a certain cave.

Found it! Elsebell struggled for a moment, stretched out her hand from above her belt, then touched her chin and said: Elsa, you said if we can find Hohenheim easily like this, then Wouldn’t it be bad to let him go back easily and live happily with Teresa?”

Huh? Elsa lowered her head.

After all, Hohenheim is a man! Elsebell said with a serious face: A man needs to go through trials before he succeeds, right?

Ah... Elsa understood, she said with a smile: Miss Third, then I will start my own business?

I think so! Elsebell nodded and reminded, But be careful not to kill Hohenheim.

Don't worry, Miss Third, I have experienced this kind of thing a lot, and I am very skilled~ Elsa stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, and said: I will target the opponent at the first moment of attack. We will decide whether to release it into the sea or into the ocean, or how many oceans to release.”

Okay! Elsebell nodded and added: But remember, give him a chance to breathe, and then let me appear! After all, he needs to be a big villain!

I understand~ Elsa showed a malicious expression, then pulled out her short knife from behind and quietly touched Hohenheim.

End of this chapter

Von Hohenheim.

It can be said that like Father, he is the person behind the scenes throughout the work of Steel, but he... can barely be regarded as the good side.

Hohenheim was originally a slave in the ancient city of Xerxes. He had no name, and his slave number was No. 23! Then, his master took out his blood for experiments, trying to create a little man in the bottle who was locked in a flask and knew everything.

His master succeeded, and the little man in the bottle with No. 23's blood flowing in his body gave him a name, von Hohenheim, in order to repay No. 23's kindness of giving blood, and taught him literacy and alchemy. , making it the master’s assistant.

Later, the king of Xerxes asked the little man in the bottle if there was a way to live forever. The little man told the king that as long as he refined the Philosopher's Stone, he could live forever, so the king excitedly started this plan - - However, this was just a scam. The little man in the bottle deceived the king. He refined all the residents of Xerxes into the Philosopher's Stone, and used the Philosopher's Stone to form Hohenheim and the His body gained immortality and freedom.

After the little man in the bottle gained a body (the appearance of Hohenheim), he called himself Father, separated his seven negative emotions, created seven artificial people, and then lurked, preparing to start a new life. Lun's Philosopher's Stone refining plan, and this time, he wants to become a god.

As for Hohenheim, he met the woman he loved during his journey, and after she gave birth to two children for her, he embarked on his own journey again - he wanted to plant the Philosopher's Stone in his body. At the joints of the realm formation formation, and then directly detonating these philosopher's stones when Father attempts to refine the realm.



On this day, Hohenheim had just planted the Philosopher's Stone on the path of the land formation formation near Brix, and was now warming himself by a fire in a cave, enjoying his hard-earned rest time.

There were several rabbits stuck beside the fire in front of them. The skin had been peeled off, and the tender rabbit meat was roasted by the fire. The golden fat secreted from the meat and dripped on the ground.

Ah, it's been such a long journey. Leaning on the stone, Hohenheim took a sip of water, and then said a little helplessly: I don't know how long it will take to plant the Philosopher's Stone at all the nodes...

He missed Teresa a little.

At this moment, a slight swishing sound came into his ears. Hohenheim's eyes widened suddenly, and then his body subconsciously rushed to the side.


The next moment, a black dagger that seemed to be able to absorb light slashed across the place where Hohenheim had been sitting. Looking up following the dagger, you could see a petite figure shrouded in a black robe. .

‘It’s a killer! ’

Such a thought flashed through Hohenheim's mind. He pressed his right hand on the stone beside him without hesitation, and then activated alchemy to extract the minerals in the stone. A one-handed sword appeared in front of him. in the palm of your hand.

Who are you? Hohenheim raised the sword in front of him, then looked at the killer in front of him and whispered: Who sent you here?

Von Hohenheim... Elsa's voice had a hint of ridicule, In our line of work, we can't reveal the identity of our employer easily, right?

Damn it... Hohenheim's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly took action, using the tip of his sword to lift the bonfire on the ground towards Elsa, then grabbed a roast rabbit on the ground with his left hand and ran towards the outside of the cave.

The moment he ran out, he activated alchemy through his legs, and a large number of stones emerged from the ground, and then were wrapped in the cave layer by layer.

Huh...huh... Hohenheim took a few breaths while leaning on the long sword, and said a little helplessly: Really, can't you just let me have a good rest... But you can't get out now, can you?

Because of the Philosopher's Stone in his body, Hohenheim did not need to form a formation or even clap his hands to activate alchemy. Just now, he used alchemy to seal the cave with stones.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, there is no way to break through a rock wall more than ten meters thick and take it out from a closed space, unless there is an alchemist on the other side... emmm...

Thinking of this, Hohenheim, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, quickly stood up and ran towards the distance.

However, what Hohenheim didn't know was that the two tormentors, Elsebell and Elsa, wanted to scare Hohenheim well - Hohenheim didn't have to move, he just started to move. , Elsa, who was watching him with a sense of knowledge, also started to act.


With a gentle sound of breaking through the air, the huge rock wall was cut into pieces by Elsa's knife under Hohenheim's horrified eyes - people who didn't know better thought she was cutting tofu.

Do you want to run away now? Elsa gently licked her lips with her tongue, and then said with a mischievous smile on her lips, Von Hohenheim is nothing more than that.

Hey, hey, hey, such a small knife can cut through such a thick stone easily, are you cheating? Hohenheim felt his head twitching. This is obviously not something that humans can do... etc? Something that humans can’t do?

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