? Grid tilted his head.



Bastard, bastard ahhhh-

In the clearing, Envi let out an unprecedented, miserable scream: Let go! Glid, you are not my companion, let go!

Hahaha, I am a maverick Gleed! I am not anyone's companion. I only do things that I find interesting! Gleed laughed wildly, Envy, you are the old man. Honestly, admit your defeat!

Yeah, melo, let go, let go!! Enwei struggled violently, but it was of no use. Grid still put his hands through his armpits and restrained Enwei. Wei's hands made Enwei only have his feet off the ground, unable to rage.

Don't move, don't move! Elsebell looked at Envi who was struggling all over, and immediately kicked Envi's calf impatiently and said, Don't move any more. you!

Enwei didn't dare to move.

That's right. Elsebell looked at Envi in ​​front of her, then reached out and took off Envi's forehead band, then rearranged his messy hair, and then started combing it with a comb.

After a while, Enwei's hair became long, smooth, shiny, and straight. Then, Elsebel flirted with her for a long time, and then took out a black LO skirt and put it on Enwei's head. He gestured in front of him, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Wait, what do you want to do...

Envy wanted to struggle, but his fighting power was not even a goose in front of Elsebell, only about 0.1 goose.

As a result, all Enwei's struggles were mercilessly suppressed by Elsebel. By the time Enwey reacted, all his clothes except for his trousers had been stripped off by Elsebel.

No, Brother Ai, Brother Ai, don't come over! Enwei panicked, but it was no use. Ai Sibei burst out with a burst of magic power, directly locking Enwei in mid-air, and then she was trapped by the quilt. She put on Lolita and garter stockings, a hair tie, black leather boots, and a small handbag hanging on her wrist.

Little brother, aren't you cute? Elsebell patted Glid beside her and asked.

Hahahaha, super cute, okay? Grid made a hahahahaha burp sound, Awesome!

This isn't the end yet! Elsebell took out a hair net and covered Envi's head, then took out liquid foundation, isolation cream, nose shadow, eye shadow, blush...

No, what do you want to do to me! Enwei started to struggle again, but Elsibelle's death gaze immediately stopped him from continuing to struggle.

If you dare to move when I'm putting on your makeup later, you will be severely punished! Elsebell sneered and said, For example, 100 consecutive kicks to the calf bone!

At this time, Enwei wanted to ask: Do you want me to die?

But he didn't dare to speak because Elsebell had already applied liquid foundation on his face.



Although Enwei was originally very handsome, he was a boy after all, so Elsebell slightly trimmed his eyebrows, lips and facial lines to soften his facial lines first. Then his expression became less evil.

When forty or fifty minutes passed and Elsebell stepped away from Envy and pushed Glid in front of her, this tough guy...

My heart is moved.

But... so cute... Glied stared blankly at the lovely Enwei in front of him, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Huh? Cute? What the hell are you... Just as Envi was about to curse, he immediately saw Elsebel's death gaze through Glid's side, which made him swallow the curse words he was about to spit out alive. .

The curse words circulated in front of Enwei's mouth several times, and finally spit out by the blushing Enwei: You... you are evil...

Ah... so cute! Grid covered his chest and then fell to the ground - he felt that his defense was completely in vain! The attack just now definitely broke through the defense, and it was also a critical hit!

Puff puff--

Elsebell sneered at the side. I have to say that Enwei is so cute now. She has a petite figure and her abdominal muscles are hidden by her clothes, making her figure look extremely slender, and her face is also covered in The makeup specially applied by Elsebell turned out to be extremely cute...

All in all, it's very cute.

Envi, let's date! Gleed stretched out his hand and held Envi's hand, and said with an application: It doesn't matter even if it's a boy! I love you!

Go! Die!

Envi raised his right hand with a black look on his face and hit Gleed on the head fiercely.

Glid, do you know a saying? Elsebell said seriously: Hitting is kissing and scolding is love, bruises and bruises are true love!

Oh oh oh!

At this moment, Grid realized. He looked at Envi who was still hitting him on the head, and couldn't help but reveal a silvery smile, So that's what you meant by hitting me.

Enwei: ?

Why don’t you come over here! !

End of this chapter

a ha ha ha--

Sitting in Elsebell's tent, Glied took a sip of happy water (ice), then put a piece of meat into his mouth with his right hand, and easily pulled it off with his teeth. Chewing happily.

I have a thing to say, don't brag or brag, just a passer-by, your life here... tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, and more of fun, hahaha! Grid laughed generously, Old man Dad, well, don’t tell me.

Gleed, you guy... Envi, who was held in his arms by Grid with his left hand, looked at Grid through gritted teeth and said, You will definitely be punished for betraying your father like this!

It's not that Envy didn't resist Grid, but because a magic circle was planted on his back by Echidna with a smirk on his face. This magic circle suppressed all Envy's abilities from all aspects, making him now No different from a weak girl - maybe resist a beating? Will you cry for a long time after one punch?

Betrayal? Gleed raised his eyebrows and said, Envy, what you said is wrong! What is betrayal? Shaking your fist at Dad, that's betrayal, right? We can't beat him now. The other party can only be treated as a prisoner! This is not betrayal, it is just food!

Good guy, you are worthy of being able to talk about food so straightforwardly without blushing. You are the strongest shield Glid, and your face is also at the level of the strongest shield!

Speaking of this. Elsebell sat on her seat and said, Who are the fathers you two talk about?


Hearing this sensitive question, Gleed and Envy looked at each other, and both scratched their heads a little irritably.

This question is really difficult to answer, because it involves the identity of Father. If he said so, it would be a kind of betrayal in a sense. Father allows failure, but does not allow betrayal.

But, if I don’t say anything, will I get kicked in the calf again by her? That hurts too much. How about betraying dad? The worst possible outcome is death.

Hey, actually I know your father's identity, okay? Elsebell looked at Envy and Glid who looked confused and said, That's the one you are, an artificial human, right?


Envy and Glid widened their eyes at that time and looked at Elsebell in disbelief - this was the first time in many years that their identities had been revealed!

There should be seven people, right? Anger, lust, gluttony, arrogance, sloth and... Elsebell glanced at it and continued: Greed and jealousy, right?


Gleed and Envy looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

Who are you...? Why do you know these things? Enwei looked at Elsibelle in front of him and asked nervously - he wanted to resist now, but he couldn't even get a tenth of it. ...No, I can't even use one-twentieth of my physical ability.

It's a waste now.

At the same time, I also know why your father ordered the President to attack Ishval. Elsebel showed a smile that made Envy and Gleed shiver. It was to make Amestorius' The land area is turned into a circle in order to outline the land and form a formation, right?

Dingling, banging, banging——

With Grid standing up in shock, all the plates and bowls in front of him fell to the ground, making an ear-piercing noise.

You...why do you know this?

The previous name is not at the same level as the confidentiality level of the subsequent National Formation Formation. The latter is Father's most important plan, but...

Hey, don't have such a big reaction! Elsebell looked at the two artificial beings in front of her with a smile and said, I not only know your father's purpose, but also the origin of your father and his tree. A hundred years of planning.”

You...who are you? Gleed was already frightened. Whoever was here at this time would be frightened, right?

Not only the battles between substitute messengers are intelligence wars, but the battles between other forces are also intelligence wars - unless your strength reaches absolute crushing, intelligence can always give you an unparalleled advantage.

Ah, the crushing strength here probably refers to the gap between Frieza and Muzan Kibutsuji - even if you put all the data about Frieza from his birth to becoming the emperor of the universe in front of Muzan Kibutsuji, and then put All its weaknesses are given to Master Wuxian, so what can Master Wuxian do?

Turn everyone in the world into ghosts, and then gather ghost energy bombs to fight against King Frieza head-on?

good! A planet-destroying bomb, gone.

Hey, don't be so surprised. Elsebell waved her hand and said, It's useless for you to be surprised, right? Why don't you calm down and listen to what I have to say.

The sentence It's useless to be surprised hit Envy and Glid in the head, and the two androids quickly recalled their identities.

Oh, so I’m a waste? That's okay.

Gleed hugged Envy and sat back down. Then he picked up the dropped plates and put them back. Then he continued to eat barbecue, and drank Coke and beer happily. , The mouse's eyes are short-sighted, time is like an arrow, and the sword energy is like frost.

Do you want to do something for me? Elsebell looked at Envy and Glid in front of her and said, Yes, it means betraying your father.

Are you kidding? Envy sneered at Elsebell's suggestion, Father is the one who created us...

But he never regarded you as his children. Elsebell looked at Enwei in front of her and said calmly: You are just artificial humans made from the seven deadly sins that he discarded. In his eyes, you are It’s a tool, and it’s just a tool.”

Envi was silent.

Hey, Envy, you didn't realize this just now, did you? Gleed laughed out loud and said, My father has never had a father-son relationship with us artificial humans.

Of course I know this kind of thing! Envi yelled a little irritably, So what, he is our creator after all...

Hey, you can't even lie to yourself, so stop saying it. Elsebell interrupted Envi's words angrily, and then continued: You yourselves also know what kind of father you talk about. People, stop fooling yourself.


Envi was speechless.

Hey, dad is indeed not very good, but that's not the reason for our betrayal, right? Grid said after taking a bite of meat.

Your father's wish is to become a god. He tried to use the land to form a formation, and to refine all the creatures in the entire land area into philosopher's stones, and then let himself gain the strongest power. Elsebell held on. With his own chin, he said: Do you think, with your father's character, he would go out of his way to protect you during the refinement process?


Envy and Glid both fell silent - they knew that their father's purpose was to refine the land, but they really didn't know why.

Is this the purpose of dad... Grid raised the wine glass, but he couldn't drink it in his hand. After repeating it several times, he put the wine glass on the table in a depressed tone.

No way. Enwei leaned back in his chair and said a little sadly.

What is your identity? Elsebell looked at the two of them and said softly: It is the Seven Deadly Sins that were abandoned by him, your father! You are destined to be abandoned by him.

This is not a joke. Father firmly believes that the seven deadly sins are his own sins, so he named the seven artificial humans he cultivated with the names of the seven seven deadly sins - which symbolizes his The meaning of abandoning the seven deadly sins from oneself.

Since he can abandon his seven deadly sins in order to become a god, then he will never keep these seven deadly sins when he becomes a god.

Why aren't you talking? Elsebell looked at the lost Envy and Glid in front of her with a relaxed expression, and said, Hey, wasn't it just that you were stabbed in the back by your own father? What a big deal! Stabbing! Wouldn’t it be nice to go back?”

That's easy to say. Envi muttered a few words and said, My father is not someone who can be defeated easily.

Hey, isn't it just easy? Elsebell supported her chin and said: Or is it that the jealous android Envi-chan doesn't even have the courage to resist her father? Isn't it? Right? Gleed has more courage than you, right?

Huh? Envi looked at Glid.

... Grid tugged at the corner of his mouth, then strangled his neck and shouted loudly: Yes! I dare! Isn't it just to attack dad! This wave... this wave is a belated resistance. Period, do you have any questions?”

I, Gleed, will never lose to anyone in my life! Make me bow my head? Absolutely impossible!

Unless she's shorter than me.

Let's see. Elsebell looked at Envy and said, You're not more cowardly than Glid, are you?

What a coward! I am Master Enwei! Enwei slapped the table, stared at Elsebell, and said, Isn't it just to attack daddy? Do it! Just do it! What am I afraid of? Ah! Ah? Ah!”

Although Envi was acting arrogant at this time, Elsebell knew very well that even though Envi looked brave now, hey... Hey, are you actually a coward? Zhenyong would not shout so loudly to cheer himself up.

Okay, okay, just be a coward, don't yell. Elsie Bell waved her hands angrily and said, Don't worry, I won't let you send it away! How can you resist with your little strength? Dad? So your mission is to be a spy, do you understand what I mean? You don’t even know what a spy is, right?

End of this chapter

Spy? Grid looked at Elsebell and said, I...well, of course I know what spies do, but do we only need to do the job of spies?

Yes, you only need to do the work of spies. You only need to share the information with me when your father makes any important decisions. Elsebell leaned on the back of the chair and supported her cheek with her right hand. In the dim tent, Yuyu's shining eyes seemed to be half enlarged, putting heavy pressure on Glid and Envi, You don't need to do anything to hinder him, and you even need to listen honestly. According to his orders, we should work more diligently to complete the tasks and speed up the completion of his plans.

What... Enwei's eyes widened and he said, Aren't you going to stop him?

Why should I stop him? Elsebell laughed and said, Because my purpose is to let him complete the refinement of the country.

Then what's the difference between you and him? Enwei became uneasy, The reason you asked us to betray our father was because he wanted to sacrifice us, and you...

Don't get me wrong, for your father, the refining of the country is the end, but for me, the refining of the country is just before the end. Elsebell shook her finger and said: I want to let He completed the refinement of the land, and then sabotaged his actions after completing the refinement of the land and creating a huge door of truth.”

What exactly do you want to do? Envi looked at Elsibelle with the eyes of a madman and said, Your purpose... is the door of truth?

To be precise, I want to prostitute the Door of Truth for free. Elsebell touched the tip of her nose and said: The price of the Door of Truth is to lose a certain part of the body, and it is a loss in the sense of the rules. I don’t want to become disabled.”

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