The moment she saw Elsebell, Tendou Kisara's body instincts took action before her thoughts could react. She bent down smoothly, pulled out the tachi in her hand, and quickly moved toward Elsebel's face. Throat slit.

Really... Elsebell stretched out her right hand, with four fingers on top and thumb on the bottom, and pinched Tendou Kisara's blade with her backhand.

Wha...what... Tendo Kisara's pupils shrank to the extreme for a moment because of excessive surprise - what did she see? The person opposite him held his own Bato Jutsu Zero Form with his backhand?

If you hold the blade with your forehand, you only need to consider the time when the blade cuts over and close your fingers. It feels a bit like waiting for the chance! But what about the backhand? Not only do you need to hold the blade accurately, you also need to move your arm faster than the swing of the knife in order to catch up with the swing of the knife and hold the blade.

'What kind of monster is she? ’ Tendo Kisara’s heart beat like never before. Her belated warrior instinct clearly told her that she would die if she fought the person in front of her.

I came here with good intentions, right? Elsebell looked at Tendou Kisara in front of her, loosened her fingers, and said, It's too much to just wave a knife or something when you see me.

Uh... I'm sorry... Tendo Mugen retracted his hand and said a little awkwardly: Um... do you want to come in?

Not only do I want to go in, I also want to drink Coke. Elsebell walked over carelessly.

Uh, no Coke.

What about Sprite?

No Sprite either.

What about Fanta?

No fizzy drinks.

minute mate?


Nutrition Express?




Tsk, no wonder there is no business, why is there nothing? Elsebell looked at this office that was even smaller than Mouri Kogoro's office with a bit of disgust, and said, What's there? White! Boil! Water! Tendo Mugen said expressionlessly.

Tsk. Elsebell pursed her lips in disgust, then took out a can of cold Coke from her pocket and said, Forget it, I have it myself.


‘Fire! ’

‘You brought it yourself, what else do you say! ’

Haha, we didn't entertain you well. Tendo Mugen smiled slightly, then sat in front of Elsebell and said, We will definitely serve you a Coke when you come next time.

you said?


Okay! Elsebell stood up from the sofa, and then quickly left the office with Tendo Mugen's blank expression, and then...

Knock knock knock.

After the door rang, Elsebell opened the door by herself, walked into the office in a swaggering manner, jumped on the sofa, and said, I'm here again, where's the Coke?


At this moment, Tendo Kisara's heart turned into a groundhog, 'I really want to hit her! ! If I couldn't beat her, I would beat the shit out of her! ’

I'm sorry, no. Tendo Mugen's mouth twitched slightly.

Damn, I'm so angry.

Didn't you say that you would prepare it for me when I come next time? Elsebell puffed out her cheeks.

I'm sorry, my wording was inappropriate. What I want to say is that if you come back another day... Tendou Mugen looked at Elsebell with a smile.

Then... Elsebell looked at the clock on the wall and said, It's nine o'clock in the morning. If I stay for 15 hours...

Are you here to tease me! Tendo Mugen's entire face turned dark. Who taught this lolita? Too skinny!

It's a joke, don't be angry. Elsebell took out a bone soup spicy soup with her backhand, then put it on the table and said, Here, have something to eat.

Oh... huh? Tendo Mugen was about to eat spicy hotpot when he was suddenly startled - wait, where did she take out this thing from?

Tendo Kisara walked around Elise Bell with a suspicious look on her face. She really didn't see any place on Elsie Bell's body where she could hide such a big bowl of Malatang.


Eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold. Elsebell looked at Tendo Kisara with a smile and said, You eat, and I'll tell you something.


Under the beautiful legs, he had to stick out his tongue. Tendong Mu knew better that he was no match for Elise Bell, so he bowed his head and ate spicy hotpot.

But I couldn't accept it, it was too spicy.

That's right, I just want to ask you if you are willing to join our Angels. Elsebell looked at Tendou Kisara who was desperately slapping his hands towards his mouth and said.


Tendong Mu looked at Elsebell blankly - What did you say? Drink milk? Quickly bring me a bottle of ice milk...

End of this chapter

‘This kid is confused. ’ After Elsebell and Tendo Kisara looked at each other for a second, they confirmed this tragic fact.

My fault, I shouldn't have let you eat Devil's Chili Malatang. Elsie Bell showed a distressed expression, then reached out and touched Tendou Kisara's head, and said, Lola flew away.

I'm not a child, don't use this kind of move on me... Tendo Kisara retorted subconsciously at first, but suddenly found that the pain that was tormenting his mouth and tongue suddenly disappeared?

What's wrong? Elsebell pretended not to understand and looked at Tendou Kisara with a worried look on her face.'s nothing... Tendou Mizara sat on the chair a little confused, looking at his hands in doubt - what's going on? How come if I touch it and then the spicy food flies away, then I am really no longer spicy? Isn't this a way to deal with children?

Do you think I'm a child?

Tentongmu lowered his head, looking at his figure that could make Ram angry to death, and muttered in confusion: My figure is not bad, how can I be a child.

Ahem, Miss Tendo. Elsebell coughed twice, interrupting Tendo Kisara's question, Have you considered what I just said?

What did you just say? Tendo Mugen showed a puzzled expression - well, he really didn't realize anything.

Hey. Elsebell sighed and looked at Tendo Kidara helplessly, Let me say it again, let me ask you, are you willing to join the Angel District?

Huh? Tendong Mugeng was stunned. She looked into Elsebell's eyes and asked seriously: Me? Why did you invite me?

It's very simple, I decided to destroy Tokyo District. Elsebell leaned back in her chair and said: So when I was checking the information of the person in charge of Tokyo District, Tendo Kikunochori, I found your information.

What...mean? Tendou Kisara was really frightened by Elsebell's words - Destroy Tokyo District? And... information?

You should know this matter, but this does not prevent me from explaining it again. Elsebell leaned on the back of the sofa and said: About ten years ago, the eldest son of the Tendo family Miss, Tendo Kisara's parents, for some reason, learned that the Tendo family had committed huge amounts of corruption, so they prepared to report the matter to the Holy Emperor. As a result, the couple was set up by the Tendo family and suddenly appeared. The gastrea attacked and died on the spot, and Tendo Kisara himself lost kidney function! At the same time, the appearance of the Tendo family, Tendo Rentaro... Ah, it should be Satomi Rentaro while protecting Tendou Kisara, but also Lost his left eye, right wrist and right leg.

As Ai Sibell told about this matter, the expression of Tendo Kisara sitting in front of her gradually became ferocious and distorted, and her own eyes became full of murderous intent, as if... Like a beast about to devour people.

By the way, I also know...who are involved in this matter. Elsebell looked at Tendou Kisara with an evil smile on her lips, In other words, I know that the design at that time Who were those Tendo family members when the gastrea attacked your parents?

Tell me! Tendogi shouted in an impatient and urgent voice.

Is this an attitude of asking for help? Elsebell raised her head slightly and looked at Tendo Kisara in front of her with her golden eyes.

Please give me the list of murderers, please! Tendo Mugena put his hands on the coffee table without hesitation, and then knocked his head hard and hard.

There is no need to do this. Elsebell stretched out her hand to block Tendou Kisara's forehead and said, Of course there is no problem telling you, and you don't even need to join the Angel District. Elsebell raised her hand. , said: The people who participated at that time were Tendou Waguang, Tendou Hinata, Tendou Xuanpei, Tendou Ximin, and... Tendou Kiku no Cheng.

Ha...hehehahaha... Tendo Mugena couldn't help but cover his forehead when he heard the list, and laughed like an Uchiha, What, aren't they all on the list? You are really there. Yes, the Tendo family...

Okay, I've told you the list, are you ready to join our Angel District? Elsie Bell tilted her head and said: Flower girl, you, join the Angel District, there are many benefits!

Can't you speak in a normal way? Tendo Mugen's murderous intention was interrupted by Elsebell's construction site Japanese, So what are the benefits?

First of all, after Tokyo District is encrypted, you will definitely need to join other cities to ensure your own safety. There is no doubt that there is no safer place in the world than Angel District!

Secondly, if we want to destroy the Angel District, we must attack the Tendo family. If you don't move fast enough, we may have killed the Tendo family before you can find the time to deal with them.

Finally, if you join the Angel District, not only can we provide you with the opportunity for revenge, but after you take revenge, you can also stay and fly with your Rentaro, lingering together - ah, of course, the premise is that you Can compete with Lan Yuan Yanzhu.


Tendo's wooden piece cracked on the spot.

how about?

I would be a fool if I disagreed. Tendo Mugena said without hesitation, Let's leave now!

That's not possible. Elsebell shook her head and said, I still have someone to invite, and you also know that person.

Huh? Tendomu tilted his head even more strangely.



Fifteen minutes later.

Um, do you really want to invite her? Tendou Muzara looked at the building in front of her with a little displeasure - because she was super annoying to the people she was about to face later.

I'm just here to give it a try. It doesn't matter if I can't be invited. Elsebell looked at the Sima Heavy Industry building in front of her and said with a smile, After all, the Sima family is the largest weapons company in the world, right? If we can If he is poached, it should be a good thing for the Angels District.

Do you really think so? Tendo Mugen looked at Elsebell a little strangely - if you think so, shouldn't you definitely fight for it? Why try it?

That's for sure. Is your little sister Ai a liar? Elsebell replied without hesitation.

'Of course, Sister Xiaoai just concealed another reason. ’ Elsebell thought in her heart.

You know, in many Japanese light novels, most of their protagonists are liked by multiple girls. In the book Pitch Black Bullet, the male protagonist Satomi Rentaro has already obtained Aihara Enju and Tendo in the animation alone. These girls, Ki Geng, Tina and Sima Weizhi, have fallen in love - oh, if you count the light novels, there might be several more?

However, these are not what Ai Sibell cares about. What matters to her is that if Sima Weiori, Tendo Kisara and Aihara Enju are all thrown next to Satomi Rentaro, will there be something popular in light novels? What about the Shura Field scene?

Hehehe, I’m a little excited just thinking about it.

I'm so bad, I like it so much~



I've heard about your name for a long time, Miss Elsie Bell. Sima Weizhi put a bottle of Coke in front of Elsie Bell with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: How about it, Miss Elsie Bell, the Sima family Is the recruitment etiquette acceptable? It’s much better than some small studios that don’t even prepare Coke, right?”

Ah, this... Elsebell blinked, and then glanced at Tendou Mu Sarada, who was starting to emit black energy next to her - good guy, you almost named him and mocked me?

Ahem, it's okay, it's okay. Elsebell coughed twice.

Wait a minute! Tentong Mugeng slapped the table and stood up, then leaned his upper body forward, looked at Sima Weiwei angrily, and said, You guy, could you have installed a surveillance camera near my house? Bar!

Ah, look at what you said, am I this kind of person? Sima Weizhi opened the folding fan with a smile, covered his mouth, and said, I just happened to hear other people's discussions.

Oh, it looks like it's not a surveillance camera, but someone is watching.

You guy... Tiantong Mugeng's entire face immediately darkened. She looked at Sima Weizai sinisterly and said, How dare you send someone to spy on me!!

I'm not spying on you. Sima Weizhi glanced at Tendou Kisara and said, Rentaro went to participate in the crusade in the Angel District, right? And it seems that something went wrong during the crusade - I just want to be the first It’s just time to get the news of his return! However, there seems to be some extra surprises.”

Oh, surprises can't be counted. Elsebell waved her hand and said with a smile: I came here this time just to ask Miss Sima whether you have the right to make the decision and let Sima Heavy Industry completely move to What about the Angel District? If you don’t have the right to make the decision, can you introduce your parents?”

Complete relocation...? Sima Weizhi narrowed his eyes.

This is not the so-called opening of a branch, but a request for relocation of the head office - the latter means that Sima Heavy Industry will become an industry in the Angel District.

May I ask, under what conditions are you prepared to invite us?

The first advantage is that the Angel District is the safest place in the world, bar none! It is the safest! Even if the world is destroyed, the Angel District can continue to survive!

The second benefit is that Sima Heavy Industry is now a pure weapons manufacturing industry, but have you ever thought about how Sima Heavy Industry will transform if all the gasterozoans are completely dead? If we are willing to enter the Angel Zone, we will use Sima With heavy industry as the core, we will establish a large-scale group covering everything from airplanes, ships, trains, and rockets to pens, erasers, and notebooks.”

The third advantage is that Miss Sima can go to the Angel District and live a happy daily life with Rentaro - of course, the premise is that you can win over Aihara Enju and Tendo Kisara.

Tendo Kidara: Grass? Why does this sentence sound so familiar to me?

End of this chapter

Although Sima Weiwei was the eldest daughter of Sima Heavy Industry, she couldn't make the decision on her own about the relocation of the entire group, so after Elsie Bell gave her the choice, she chose to contact her parents on the spot. , that is, the chairman of Sima Heavy Industries, and the wife of the chairman--Sima Tatsuya and Sima Miyuki.

After hearing what Sima Weiwei relayed, the couple immediately requested a video conference with Elsebell.

This is the situation. Sima Weiwei stood in front of Elsie Bell with a mobile phone and said: My father and mother are in other areas and there is no way to come over to meet.

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