As if she didn't hear the other person's warning, Elsebell continued walking towards the warning line in the other person's heart.


The next moment, a bullet landed in front of Elsebell, splashing a bunch of sparks on the ground.

Repeat one last time! If you don't stop, we'll open fire!

The two machine guns slightly adjusted their angles, and the muzzles were already pointed at Elsebell's body.

The quality is quite high, but it's of no use. Elsebell stepped forward unhurriedly and stepped over the cordon.


Da da da--

The machine gun on the wall roared, the muzzle of the gun spitting tongues of fire, and a large number of bullets shot towards Elsibelle's body. It was about to shoot her into a sieve... It was impossible to happen.

Bullets passed through Elsebell's body one after another. Whenever a bullet passed through her body, a flash of lightning would always appear at her wound and then quickly return to her body.

Sorry, this kind of ordinary physical attack is of no use to me. Elsebell shook her head, then walked straight forward despite the fire from two machine guns.



What...what is going on?

The guard captain looked at the picture from the monitor and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He said in disbelief: The bullet has indeed hit her body. Why is this happening!

Could...could it be...a ghost... Another member who was less timid asked tremblingly.

Idiot! The guard captain patted his subordinate on the head angrily and said, The opponent must have some special equipment! Increase the firepower!!




Why are you carrying a pack of explosives~ Because I'm going to blow up the school~ Elsebell moved forward freely in the hail of bullets. Even if the number of machine guns increased from two to eight, Elsebel's progress did not make any difference. changes.

Soon, she had arrived outside the door of the IISO branch, and at this distance, the machine gun could no longer hit her.

Open the door first. Elsebell raised her right hand, then tilted her head and said, I'll beat your door with my little fist!


With a dull crashing sound, the one-meter-thick metal iron door flew into the interior of IISO and fell to the ground, smashing several security personnel standing at the door into human beings.


The security personnel standing on both sides of the door couldn't help but swallowed as they looked at the iron door that had become twisted due to the impact of gravity.

This is a one meter thick hybrid metal door! It's actually twisted like this... Were you loaded head-on by a high-speed train moving at full speed?

Just as the security personnel were trembling, a crisp and playful voice came from outside the door.

Kaka, everyone, your dear~ Elsie Bell opened her skirt, squatted down slightly, and said, Let me introduce myself, I am Elsie...


There was a gunshot, and a bullet passed through Elsebel's head, and then hit the ground behind her, causing a cluster of sparks to fly.


Elsebell stopped introducing herself. She raised her head, glanced at the guard who had just fired with her golden eyes, and said helplessly: It seems you are unwilling...


Da da da da da da-

A large number of bullets sprayed out from the muzzles of the rifles in the hands of the guards, flooding Elsebell once again.


Two consecutive openings were interrupted by the other party without hesitation, and even Elsebell felt a little angry.

Take care of me... Elsebell raised her right foot, then stomped forward hard, Listen to what they are saying!


The thunderstorm visible to the naked eye spread in all directions with Elsibel as the center. The guards who were still holding guns were completely unable to react and were swept by the thunderstorm.


The heavily armed guards fell to the ground one after another, and heat visible to the naked eye spread from their bodies along with a burning smell.

Really, can't you wait for me to finish what I'm saying? Elsebell shook her hair behind her head with dissatisfaction, then took a step forward, with electric light still wrapped around her body, and even her muscles were trembling. He walked over among the trembling guards and said, Forget it, why are you competing with a bunch of corpses~

Isabel walked through the front area with a smile on her face, walked all the way through the corridor, and came to one of the most important areas of IISO, which is the area where the starters conduct training and testing.

As expected, there is no one. Elsebell looked at the empty hall and couldn't help but smile and shake her head - it was like a fraud company had finished cutting the leeks and the building was empty. , and it’s the kind of person who is eating, drinking tea, watching movies and playing mahjong one second, and the next second he gets the news, it’s like everyone is giving it a thumbs up.

In the corner over there, you can still see boxing gloves and protective equipment thrown away mid-training. There is also a running shoe on the track over there, and in the fighting area next to it, you can also see a mouthguard on the ground...

It's a pity that your escape route has been in my sight from the beginning. A smile appeared on the corner of Elsibelle's mouth. She had already developed her domineering power from the moment she approached the IISO branch. .

Do you think hiding underground is safe? And... it's really dirty. Elsebell turned and walked towards the entrance of the underground fortress, punching through the hidden metal door that was no different from the wall. , showed a smile towards the dozen or so little lolita standing in front of him with fearful expressions on their faces, and said: Everyone, this is the first time we meet, I am Elsebel Scarlet from the Angel District. This time The purpose of coming to the IISO Fourth Branch Base is to take you to our Angel Zone.

I have to say that Elsebell's ability to charm in her lolita form is indeed very impressive. She had obviously made a Shining appearance just a second ago, but when she showed a smile, the group of lolita in front of her... Her senses were rising slowly.

Perhaps, this is the resonance between Loli and Loli, just like the frogs on Klon can resonate - Speaking of which, Elsebell has already considered renaming this planet Loli. , so it’s okay for lolita to resonate with each other, right?

What is the Angel District...?

A little loli with long black hair and a tired face asked with a hint of confusion.

Tsk, it seems like these guys really haven't watched TV for you. Elsebell scratched her head and said, But it's not a big problem. You will know everything when you wake up.


The next moment, a surge of electricity hit these lolita. They only felt that their scalps seemed to be numb, and then they rolled their eyes one after another and fell to the ground.

Huh, it's too troublesome to explain, so let's speak with the facts. Elsebell moved her shoulders, then showed a bright smile to the camera on the right front, and said with her mouth: I~ Come ~~



An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye. When Elsebell landed in the Angel District in a small transport plane from the IISO branch, the lolita she packed and stuffed into the transport plane were still sleeping.

Well, my electric shock shouldn't be very strong. At most, it will make people roll their eyes with pleasure... Elsebell opened the cabin of the transport plane and looked at the loli lying staggering inside, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. , said: But after sleeping for so long, it seems that everyone wants to be tired... Well, do you want to sneak in and sleep together? This is a fantasy land filled with nearly a hundred lolita!

End of this chapter

In the end, Elsebell still failed to sneak into the cabin of nearly a hundred lolita, so she waded into the pile of lolita and slept happily.

It was not because of the condemnation of conscience, but because during the minute she was struggling, the plane controlled by Artemis also landed at the airport, and Elsebell thought that she could not go in front of her lover. It would be too exciting to hang out among women...ah, I mean it's too much.

But what is this behavior called?

My wife is currently committing a crime? Or was he cheating on you back then? Or maybe the cabin ejection wing aircraft separated?

I don't think it works.

Elsebell shook her head vigorously, then leaned into Elsa's arms with a melancholy look, sighed, and said: In this cold world, only Elsa's warm blanket can comfort me. Me.


Rem on the side glanced at Elsebell, then leaned over and said, Miss San Miss, Miss Rem, the scale is also very good.


Ram on the side looked at his sister, then lowered his head and looked at his chest. For some reason, a tingling feeling that had lasted for many chapters was felt in his chest.


There are a total of twenty bases, and a total of more than two thousand little angels have come. Elsebell rubbed her head and said; Have you arranged for the little angels from the school to lead one-on-one?

Yes. Elsa nodded and said: Fortunately, the number of little angels in the logistics department is enough, otherwise it might only be one with two or one with three.

It's not a big problem. The best effect is to work together. Elsebell stretched, then rubbed her head on the weight, and said: After this matter is fermented out, guys from other places should also follow suit. Knowing the temper of our Angel District, we will restrain ourselves a little.”

One more thing, Miss Third. Rem bent down and said, What should we do with the little angels who are the starters in those records?

Hmm... Elsie Bell rubbed her head and said: Assign some little angels to contact each other one by one, and check the personal reputation. If it is the kind of person with a poor reputation, we will kill the person directly. Bring back your partner Little Angel, and if it has a good reputation, contact them to see if they are willing to join the Angel Zone.

Okay! Elsa nodded.

In fact, the arrangement of Elsebell is also due to a similar situation that occurred in the original work. For example, a promoter named Companion Killer appeared in the original work. This promoter is very different, and he often loses control of himself. The starter of her partner performed a dangerous job and caused her to die—it was naturally impossible for Elsebel to leave something like this behind.

Then... Elsebell leaned back, her legs naturally resting on Ram's thighs, and muttered: It seems that there is nothing else that needs to be done? Just let it develop naturally. ?”

IISO has been completely destroyed overnight, and all the little angels have been accepted by the Angel Zone - but the mental state of the little angels in IISO is extremely unstable, even worse than the little angels who lived in the outer zone before, maybe A period of psychological treatment is needed.

Not only that, a large amount of IISO's secret information has also been moved back to the Angel District - if nothing else happens, Echidna should be just like the first time she met the blank Jibril, in that large copy A strange sound of Guhehehehe came out in front of the data.

Tsk, you are not greedy for my body but for knowledge, you are strange!

In this case, Miss, why don't we put on a melodrama. Elsa thought for a moment and said, I am a female knight, Rem is a priestess, and Ram is a female mage.

Huh? What about me? Elsebell tilted her head.

Of course it's the orcs. Elsa said seriously, The content of the melodrama is that the female knight, priestess and female mage of the brave team accidentally entered the teleportation array and came to a place where magic cannot be used. As the only hope The female knight was defeated in the battle with the orcs, causing the team members to become prisoners of the orcs, and then...

Stop talking, I already know the ending below.

Elsebell glanced at Elsa who was full of excitement, and then at Ram and Rem who were about to move. She couldn't help but tilted her head and said: I feel something is wrong with you. Why do I feel that the female knight and the goddess Are the officials and the female mage looking forward to this wrong transmission more than me, the orc?




The three maids all showed guilty expressions.

What’s wrong with looking forward! Third Miss Orc, hurry up and do this or that to us!

So the three of you playing the role of orcs are pretty much the same. I am a cub of the elf tribe. Elsebell complained, Then again, there are really many combinations of orcs in the book world.

Orc The succubus.

Therefore, in the book world, the status of the orc is probably similar to the status of the prince in the fairy tale world - you see, the orc can do so many things, and the prince can also do a lot of things.

Therefore, it is better for the orc and the prince to be together.

Pfft-- Her mind suddenly jumped to the idea that the orcs and the prince were living happily together. Elsebell was suddenly amused by her own imagination, but she soon reacted--wait a minute, if it is the prince. , maybe there will be a combination of prince x cat-eared orc, x dog-eared orc, etc.?

Damn it, really you can't be careless? As expected of you, prince!

Third Miss? Third Miss? Elsa looked at Elsibel who suddenly fell into her own thoughts. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and waved in front of Elsibel's face, shouting: I'll change Is the secretary pretending?

Huh? Elsebell quickly woke up. If you want to tell me this, I won't make up my mind!

She set her sights on Elsa, who was still wearing a maid uniform, and then revealed a look of disappointment that was visible to the naked eye.

Miss Third, wait! I'll change it in five minutes! Elsa quickly picked up the female staff's clothes that she had prepared before and rushed into the dressing room.

‘No, you want to lose? ’ Ram and Rem looked at each other.

I'm going to COS Magical Girl. Ram shook his hair, then confidently picked up the clothes of the magical girl from Re: Talker, Mo Meixiang, and walked into the dressing room.

Then I will... Rem blinked, and then asked: Miss Third, do you like Lady Hestia, Tomino Kafaze, or... Shoko Makinohara?

I will always like Makinohara Shoko! Elsebell quickly replied.

Understood! Rem took out Shoko Makinohara's COS suit and rushed into the locker room.

The role of COS and the same voice actor as myself, this can be regarded as a true performance in a sense... Elsebell raised her head, imagining Kouki Moram, the female secretary Elsa, and Rem Makinohara. The picture made me feel my mouth dry for a while.

It’s really yours!



In the afternoon of the next day, Elsebell yawned and sat up from the sofa in the office. While rubbing her waist, she walked into the bathroom behind the office in a daze - because Considering that you may sleep in the office after working overtime, the sofa is large, there is a dressing room, and there is a bathroom.

I'm a little hungry... Elsebell touched her belly and muttered: Let me calculate, yesterday's lunch, dinner, today's breakfast, lunch...have you eaten four meals already?

Although I drank some water, it didn’t look like the kind of water that could fill my stomach. Besides, I also lost a lot of water!

‘Let’s wait and have something to eat. ’ While thinking about the next opportunity, Elsebell opened her little genius watch and looked at the contacts on it.

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