Ais (Sang)!? Several other people exclaimed, and the clash of swords that followed caused everyone to rush over.

When they entered the battlefield, what they saw was that Aisi was fighting with a red-haired woman, and a broken face was falling on the ground aside.

Shameless...could it be that? Riveria put her eyes on the red-haired woman in front of Ais and said, She is the murderer?

How did Ais find out? Tiona was dumbfounded, It's twenty meters away, right?

How else could I discover the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge passed down secretly from Aisi Beisang's hometown? Tione couldn't help but sigh - this ability is so powerful, she wants to learn it too!

In fact, when everyone in the Loki Familia first learned about sex, they thought it was just a way to exercise dynamic strength. However, when Aisi put on a blindfold and competed with Finn without any vision, Only then did everyone realize how terrifying this ability was.

It's like having your eyes opened!

After the initial understanding was over, Aisi showed what the true domineering power of seeing and hearing was - Aisi continued to blindfold her eyes and let others throw stones from a position of 100 meters. As a result, she easily evaded all of them. s attack.

Such powerful combat skills naturally make other members of Loki's family envious and jealous! It's just that if you follow the rules, you know that this skill is a secret transmission from Elsebell, so you don't bother letting Ais share it.

Who are you? Ais asked while using her weapon to resist the attack of the woman in front of her.

Compared to this, how did you find me? Revis frowned and looked at Ace. She had tried her best to suppress the aura on her body, and even used other people's shame to cover her appearance, but this blond However, the woman rushed straight towards him and launched a fierce attack without hesitation.

That attack was not intended to subdue himself, but to seriously injure himself! She did not suspect that she was a prisoner, but confirmed that she was a prisoner!

If you don't answer... Ais didn't want to talk too much with the stranger. After she deflected the woman's attack with one move, she bent down and said, Just die.

Sweep it!

Skill, Wind Spirit Walk is activated!

Breath of Wind·Wind Sound Impact!

Aisi's figure turned into a ball of blue wind, whistling in front of Revis.

Damn... Revis gritted her teeth. She discovered that Aisi's strength was far beyond her imagination - was she really just a Level 6 adventurer? ? Didn’t you also upgrade to Level 6? ?

Tsk— Just when Revis was surprised by Ais's strength, Ais's weapon had easily cut off her weapon and taken away one of her arms.

'What kind of weapon is that...' Revis grabbed her broken arm in disbelief and took two steps back - although her weapon is not a magic weapon, it is still a weapon that the dark faction has worked hard to build. , but was cut in half by Ais so easily? ? How can this be?

Ace: Why is it impossible? Do you want to know about the armed colors?

Ask again, name, and purpose. Ais pointed her weapon at the opponent and said calmly.

It's impossible to confess, not in this life. Revis sneered. She reached into her pocket with her right hand, grabbed a white ball and threw it towards the ground.

It's a smoke bomb.

A large amount of white smoke expanded in an instant, covering the surrounding scenery. For a moment, everyone in the Loki family lost sight of Revis.

Except Ace.

Do smoke bombs work? If you use Smoker, it won't be the most embarrassing thing to win the lottery. You can't do anything, and you will lose the first place.

However, just when Aisi was about to give chase, her expression changed slightly, because she discovered through what she saw and heard that a large number of green flower vines sprouted from the land in front of her!

It is a piranha that is exactly the same as the piranha planted by the black-robed man Ollie during the monster festival!

‘The other party is... from the dark faction? ’ After this thought flashed through Ais’s mind, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

No time for her to play pig!


A whirlwind condensed on Aiz's weapon. As she swung her sword, the whirlwind swept in all the surrounding fog and crushed all the piranha flowers in front of her.

It's not over yet!

After relieving her companions of the crisis, Aisi rushed towards the stairs diagonally ahead - that was the way to the 17th floor, and Revis was already standing on it.

In front of Revis, there was a little human girl. She was holding a package in her arms and looking nervously at Revis in front of her.

You're useless. Revis reached out and snatched the package from the girl's arms, then casually threw the little human girl towards Aisi, while she herself jumped towards the cliff beside the stairs and landed. On the ground on the 18th floor.

She didn't run?

Ais caught the girl with confusion, threw her on the stairs, turned over and stepped on the wall, and then rushed straight towards Revis.

Piranha—— Revis sprinkled a large number of seeds casually, and then the moment the piranha emerged, she threw the package in her hand towards a certain plant, and the package fell while tumbling. It fell to the ground, and the thing inside continued to fly towards the piranha - it was a round gem with a strange cyan-skinned fetus inside!

After the gem landed on the piranha, a burst of white light enveloped the piranha's body.


The next moment, accompanied by a piercing scream, the shape of the piranha that absorbed the precious jade changed - its flowers bloomed, and in the center of the flower was the upper body of a cyan-skinned human woman.

Tsk. Looking at the monster, Revis clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction and said, After all, it's just a hastily planted piranha. Is it only of this level?

Lv.5, this is the level of the piranha in front of you, except that it is not an ordinary Lv.5 monster, but a monster with data equivalent to the Lv.5 floor master.

Let me see how you are going to deal with this thing. Revis looked at Aisi who was rushing over, with a proud smile on her lips. However, what she didn't expect was that Aisi was about to move towards her without any regard. The attacking piranha instead rushed straight towards her.

Are you crazy? Revis quickly jumped two steps back to avoid Ais' attack and asked.

I'm not alone. Ais looked at Revis without looking back and said, I have a companion!

The next moment, with the roar of Ola, Tiona and Tione fell on the monster one after another. The huge impact made the piranha boss's body lean back a bit.

So, I don't need to worry about it. Aisi put the sword back into its sheath, then bent down and said, Last chance, who are you?

... Revis's eyes moved slightly, and she was thinking about the direction of escape - now it seems that she is no match for Ais for the time being, but she only needs to go back and hide, and then eat a lot of magic stones. You can repair your broken arm and increase your strength.

However, there was no chance.

Seeing that Revis didn't answer her question, Ace's eyes became sharp again.

Wake up—

The wind spirit is running fast!


Breath of wind!

Tangle around——

Armed and domineering!

Return to the wind!


Revis's mind was stuck on How to defend against Aisi's attack. She never imagined that Aisi could be so fast when she exploded with all her strength.

Can't react at all.

End of this chapter

Huh... After exhaling a breath, Ais looked at the red-haired woman who was already a senior on the ground with a pity, and said: It's a pity that I didn't ask for any information.

Ais... Tiona on the side sighed, and then said deeply: Don't you think, if you just break her limbs, then drag her back and let Ai-chan interrogate... …”

Ah - Ais reacted. She glanced at Tiona longingly, then looked at Riveria, and asked weakly: Can I save my head if it falls off?

...It's probably hopeless. Tione said with a corner of her mouth.

Let's go back first. Riveria said helplessly, Although we didn't get any more information, we at least know that the dark faction can already create Lv.5 class leader monsters, and Lv.6 monsters. An adventurer.



...That's the way it is. Riveria looked at Finn and said seriously: I think the current Dark Faction faction is much more dangerous than the previous Dark Faction faction.

That's what you say... Finn rubbed his head helplessly and said, But the dark faction bosses are also much more vigilant now. They can't catch any traces at all, so they can only wait passively.

It's all my fault. After hearing Finn's words, Ais couldn't help lowering her head in despair and said, If I had caught her instead of killing her...

No, no, of course it's not Ace's fault! Finn's expression now was like that of a silly father who looked sad because his daughter thought he was scolding her because of his unintentional words.

That is to say, Finn has no intention of blaming you at all. Riveria also quickly comforted Ais and said: After all, the enemy is also a Level 6 adventurer. If we show mercy, Ais may be injured. of!

I have to say that because Ais is sensible and well-behaved, and because Elsebell told her the importance of family when she taught her, Ais can be said to be the good daughter of all the elders of the entire Loki Familia clan—— The kind that is controlled by a hopeless daughter.

Hey, who isn’t a daughter-in-law? After all, for my daughter, I might even be able to kill the devil.

Really? Ais raised her head again.

Really! Finn nodded, then dragged Grace into the water and said, If you don't believe me, ask Grace!

Ah? Grace's eyes almost popped out of her head. Damn you, Finn, why did you drag me down with the things you caused?

But looking at Aisi's big blinking eyes, he touched his beard and said: Safety is the most important thing, everything else is not a problem.

Yes, yes! Finn nodded quickly and said, Compared with this, we are more concerned about the information you provided. That woman used a mysterious... stone?

It's transparent, more like a crystal ball than a stone. Tiona raised her hand and said.

There is a baby with a face that looks a bit like a frog and dark green skin. Riveria added.

In other words, if that thing parasitizes the monsters cultivated by the dark faction, can it merge with those monsters and become the floor master... Finn pressed his chin and said: I just don't know, it can only be with cannibals. After merging with flowers, you can still fuse with other monsters.”

Finn, that woman said... At this moment, Ais suddenly remembered a detail of the previous battle and said: She said that individuals cultivated in a hurry can only reach this level.

Doesn't that mean that if you train carefully, you can be stronger? Tiona was a little uneasy, This is already a Level 5 floor master... If you train carefully, it is possible that you can still be Level 5. 6?? Or Lv.7?

Lv. 7 should be unlikely... Tione was a little uneasy, If the dark faction can really cultivate a Lv. 7 floor master and then put it on Orario, then it will definitely be disaster.

Probably not? After all, Ota and Elsebell are both here. Tiona muttered, Besides, isn't Ai-chan going to Level 8? That would be even more powerful.

A Level 7 adventurer and a Level 7 floor master are completely different concepts!

Although Finn wanted to say this, he stopped talking when he thought that when Elsebell was at Level 1, she could go deep into the 49th floor alone and hang up the Level 6 floor master.

Forget it, forget it, we are different, different.

Tell this information to Elsebell. Finn looked at Ais and said, You may need to get busy after that.

Yeah. Ais nodded.



Just as Ais was heading to the Artemis Familia, she was in a hidden area deep in the dungeon.

Revis is dead, and Olivas is dead too. A man shrouded in black robes said in an angry tone: Damn it, I have said countless times to be careful, be careful, these people Do weirdos have shit in their heads?”

Uh, it's not shit, but it's magic stone. A person below whispered.

Fuck me! The man in black robe rubbed his hair with his hands irritably and said, The problem now is not that two fools died, but that we were exposed. Do you understand that we were exposed?

Boss, when you sent the Corruption Bug to attack Loki's Favor, wasn't it already exposed?

That's different! The man shook his head and said, The attack of the corrosive insects will only make the Loki Familia vigilant, but the exposure of Olivas and Revis will make the other party aware of our existence. .”

After all, if Olivas hadn't recruited him to be a dark faction leader, then the Loki Familia wouldn't have realized that the magic stone passed through the piranha and the magic stone used by the corrosive bugs were the same, and the piranha was Olivas. The one who did it, Olivas was from the dark faction...

This series of clues completely exposed the existence of the dark faction.

It's not a big problem, boss. If we don't go out, they won't be able to find us. The younger brother shrugged his shoulders and said, Besides, we have been developing for five years, and we even have twelve fetal gems. Even if you act recklessly, you can still win, right?

You are a newcomer, right? Another old man said speechlessly, Do you think we are invincible? That's because you haven't experienced the beating of that blond girl!

Damn it, I get chills just thinking about it! Only twelve fetuses dare to jump? The next twelve won't be able to deal with that Thor, okay?



Artemis Familia.

Left, left! As Thearesia shouted, Wilhelm quickly opened his camera and sniped, killing the lone wolf on the left with a headshot, forming a 3V2 scene.

There are three on our side, namely Wilhelm, Hu Die Nin and Hu Die Nin. As for Thearesia, she picked up a DP28 when she landed and was hammered to death by the enemy's fist while reloading.

Did you see it? Elsebell pointed at Theresia who was shouting behind Wilhelm, and looked at Beatrice beside her with a serious look on her face, and said, This is called being both good and fun-loving. !”

I saw it. Beatrice nodded calmly and said, Actually, Betty thinks you are about the same.

Betty doesn’t know how to describe Elsie Bell. You can say she’s not good at it. She can dodge strafing fire with god-level movement skills, and can instantly kill a team with 1-4 penetration. But do you think she’s strong? She is also the founder of Buddhist marksmanship and a master of human body contouring. If I can beat you to death, I am considered powerful.

Please, please open your mind.

Hey, I'm the one who cooks, but I'm the one who cooks the food! Elsie Bell didn't feel ashamed, but said proudly: She's the one who cooks, she yells, but I'm the one who cooks the food like crazy!

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