If Elsebell and Ace heard the man in black robe talking to himself, they would probably laugh out loud - Idiot, would you like to know more about it? Want to know about the sixth sense?

Okay, without further ado, let me see what you look like. Elsebell rushed towards the man and said, In broad daylight, you are wearing a black robe with a hood and a cloak. Your name is Yan. Owl?

Who the hell is Rock Owl?

As soon as such a thought flashed through the man's mind, he felt a sharp pain in his limbs, causing his body to fall to the ground involuntarily.


The man let out a muffled groan, but then he heard Elsebell's voice from above his head: Hey, I almost forgot - a metal cable appeared on your body. Hold you tightly tie.

The next moment, a pitch-black cable woven from dozens of slender metals appeared in front of the man, and then wrapped around his body skillfully.

Oh hoo, still a turtle?

Ais and Loki's eyes immediately turned to Elsebell.

Don't look at me - Elsebell quickly explained, I can explain! This thing really has nothing to do with me, do you understand what I mean?

You summoned it.

Although I summoned it, it moved on its own.

You summoned it.

This is not under my control.

You summoned it.

Can we not talk about this topic, huh?

Magic should act according to the master's will. Loki said straightforwardly, In other words, Ai-chan, you have a... turtle-shell heart in your heart?

God, you have such a tortoise-shelled heart, but I still have a tortoise-style Qigong heart! Elsebell rolled her eyes at Loki angrily and said, If we talk about this topic again, I will use this on you. One move.

Look, look! You said you didn't control it yourself! Has it been exposed now? Loki hid behind Ais and said with a groan: You really covet the lovely me!

Huh? Elsebell showed a disgusted expression, and then asked: Loki, do you know what the main effect of turtle shell binding is?


If you just tie a person up, directly tying the wrists, ankles, etc. will be enough to help. Therefore, the real effect of tortoise shell binding is not to restrain people, but to highlight the curves of the human body.

Curve...curve? Loki had a bad feeling.

If you have a convex figure like Hestia or Freya, then using turtle shells to bind you is naturally pleasing to the eye, but you... Elsebell looked up and down at Loki's flat figure and sneered. Said: Don't waste the rope and this rope art!

Wow - Loki's mentality collapsed. She pretended to open her hand towards Aisi and said aggrievedly: Aisi Tan, I need to comfort you.

However, Aisi put her cold hand in front of her and said, If Loki comes close again... chop him.

... Loki squatted down in aggrieved manner - she was really aggrieved. I just wanted to hug the lovely Aisi and touch her thighs. It would be even better if I could touch her butt! Why are you so wary of me! hateful!



The residence of the Loki Familia.

Who knows this guy? Elsebell crossed her arms and said.

Isn't this Olivas? Finn answered Elsibelle's question immediately and said, If I remember correctly, he was responsible for the incident on the 27th floor that year.

The 27th floor incident refers to the large-scale monster sending incident by the dark faction, and it was at that time that Elsebell rescued Fairways.

Are you just a fool? Elsebell raised her eyebrows. She walked up to Olivas with her hands on her hips and said, Tell me, bratty brother, what's your plot this time?

Do you think I would say that? Olivas looked at Elsibelle and sneered, My companions will come to save me soon.

Hey, I was right when I called you a fool. Elsebell laughed, Do you think that for a tough guy like you, how many seconds will it take me to save you? And you will come to save you right away?

... Olivas stopped talking - because he thought of the previous incident where Elsebell instantly killed the Big-mouthed Snake Flower in 0.2 seconds.

So, you little brat, tell me the truth honestly so that you don't suffer. Elsebell knelt down, raised her right hand, and slapped Olivas on the face, saying, You can't help pretending to be a tough guy for me. If you want to be a tough guy, you have to look like this tough guy.


Lefia from the back stared at this scene in stunned silence and said, Master Essan, what you said is so hurtful.

She has always been like this to her enemies. Tiona said calmly, In her words, this is called trash talk - hitting your body with fists, hitting your mind with trash talk, making you feel bad from the outside to the inside. Pineapple pineapple.”

Wow! Is this the legendary villain? Lefia sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Shh, keep your voice down! Tiona leaned into Lefia's ear and whispered: Ai-chan... I mean, I'm petty. If you say bad things about her and are heard, you will be in trouble!

for example?

For example... Tiona thought for a few seconds and said, Such as suddenly appearing behind you, and then...


Then... Tiona touched her chin and said, Then I tied you up so that you couldn't move, then pressed you down and tickled you?

Oh, so there is such a way!

That's right! She is the evil one! Tiona nodded with a serious look, but when she looked at Lefia, she found that the elf junior was holding the staff tightly with both hands, and then With tears in his eyes, he looked at himself tremblingly—seemingly still winking?

Tiona's expression froze instinctively. She looked at Lefia with eyes full of despair and hope, and said in a tone that was about to cry: Are you there?

Yes! Lefia nodded her head vigorously.


The next moment, a hand patted Tiona's shoulder and said with a smile: Hey, isn't this Tiona! What a coincidence!

Hmm... Tiona nodded shakily.

Have some fun and I'll come and 'play' with you~ Elsebell emphasized the pronunciation of the word play, obviously telling Tiona.

You're dead, I said.

Watching Elsebell leave again, Lefiya swallowed a gulp of saliva, then looked at Tiona who looked hopeless and said, It's... so scary.

Actually, Ai-chan is pretty good most of the time. Tiona showed Lefia a smile that could perfectly interpret the phrase laughing and crying and said, But, you I can’t stop some people from seeking death.”


Lefiya realized that this someone refers to Tiona-senpai.



Did he say anything? Elsebel walked back to Olivas, the bratty brother of the black-robed man, and looked at Finn and Grace beside them, and asked.

No, he refused to speak. Finn said helplessly.

Oh, that's simple. Elsebell squatted in front of Olivas, stretched out her right index finger, and said to Olivas: Little brother, do you know? The operation of the human body is actually It relies on a large amount of bioelectricity to operate, including the heart or lungs.

You...what do you want to do?

I can control lightning, from lightning with hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions of volts to bioelectricity with only a few millivolts, I can control it. Elsebell gently pointed her finger at Aoli Gas's chest said: Let you try it first. How does it feel like to be paralyzed?

End of this chapter

To be honest, when Elsebell looked at the man named Ao...Oli...Oli...Oli? Yes, she was very disappointed when the smelly brother in black robe named Oli confessed the matter with tears running down his nose.

It would be most appropriate to use a famous line from a certain TV series that is actually very classic, but has to be repeated three times, which makes people complain.

Why did you do it before I even exerted any force? Elsebell looked at Ollie who was huddled in Grace's arms and crying like a child with a look of regret on her face, and said with disgust: What a shame. That’s it.”

Elsebell first used her own thunder and lightning to disrupt the bioelectricity in Olivas' body, making him completely unable to control his body. This was the first stage, and in the second stage, Elsebel directly used The electric current interfered with Olivas' respiratory muscles, making him unable to breathe even if he opened his mouth wide and tried desperately.

After a period of suffocation, Olivas burst into tears, and then begged for mercy with tears all over his face.

I'm still thinking about the third stage. Elsebell smacked her lips.

Um... Tiona on the side came over with Lefia, Finn and others who were also curious, and asked weakly: Ai-chan, what is the third stage you are talking about?

Oh, I have the ability to turn myself into lightning, right? Elsebell looked at Tiona and turned her right arm into lightning, This ability is called elementalization, and elementalization is It can pass through the flesh, so...

To put it simply, Elsebell can put her hand into your chest without hurting you, and then hold your heart with a smile.

#Please call me Canteen Spicy Sauce·Aisi Beier#

Wow... Tiona and the others couldn't help but shudder when they heard Elsebell's explanation - let alone experiencing this kind of thing personally, just imagining it made them feel chills all over their bodies. .

You are worthy of being the king of evildoers! Tiona opened her mouth wide and sighed from the bottom of her heart: When it comes to torturing people, if Ai-chan says she is second, then I'm afraid no one will dare to claim to be first. Hey! !”


In an instant, Tione, Lefia, Finn and others quickly distanced themselves from Tiona.


Elsebell smiled, stretched out her hand and patted Tiona, and said, Tiona, do you know? There is an interesting way to use my ability?


Tiona felt that a blood-red word danger had appeared above her head, and a star named Death was floating above her head.

Yabai is going to die!

It's...what is it? Tiona said tremblingly.

Since I can use lightning to disrupt his muscle operation, do you think I can simply use lightning to control someone's body movements? Elsebell smiled and patted Tiona's shoulder with her right hand and said. : Come on, show it!

The next moment, Tiona felt horrified that her body had lost control, and she actually started to act on her own, and...

Here comes a speaker, please arrange it for the Pure Land of Paradise——

Elsebell snapped her fingers.

No—— Tiona screamed, and then, in the eyes of others who couldn't help laughing, she danced the song Pure Land in despair.



In other words, those piranha flowers and caterpillars are all specially bred by the dark faction... as experimental products? Sitting on his seat, Finn put his hands in front of his nose and said seriously: Is the purpose of destroying Orario?

That's the theory. Tiona said speechlessly, I admit that those piranha flowers and caterpillars are very troublesome, but if you want to rely on these two things to deal with Orario, isn't it too despising? Are we the dependents?

Tiona, although we first-level adventurers are not afraid of those monsters, there is nothing we can do about the low-level adventurers. Grace shook her head and said, And even we, without checking for a moment, can Suffered a big loss under the attack of the caterpillar monster.

That kind of ability that can corrode almost everything is really terrifying.

Putting aside the monsters for now, let's talk about weirdos. Elsebell knocked on the table and said, According to Olivas, his current species is no longer human, but a weirdo.

Weird...it is unheard of for a monster's magic stone to appear in a human body. Loki said with a solemn expression, This is not a simple matter.

Olivas is no longer a pure human being. After he was rescued by the dark faction, he was transformed into a weirdo - a human with a magic stone implanted in his body.

The most terrifying thing is that Olivas used to be just a Level 3 adventurer. After being transformed into a monster, he has the combat power of Level 4. Finn pursed his lips and said: It takes a long time for normal adventurers to train from Level 3 to Level 4, but for weirdos...

All you need to do is swallow the magic stones. Riveria continued, According to what Olivas said, he directly upgraded after eating some magic stones.

This news is what makes everyone look serious. You know, how much effort does it take to grow as an adventurer? But what about a weirdo? As long as you have enough magic stones, you can grow like a duck! And magic stones...the monsters in the dungeon will keep producing them!

If there are too many monsters on the other side, it will indeed cause us trouble. Finn frowned and said, After all, the monsters' high combat effectiveness units seem to be mass-produced.

Although high-end units can be mass-produced, I don't think weirdos can be mass-produced. Elsebell shook her head and said: If weirdos can be mass-produced, why would the dark faction cultivate those monsters? Bring the resources Wouldn’t it be better to be raised to be a weirdo?”

Indeed... Riveria nodded.

Although the caterpillar's corrosive liquid is indeed terrifying, it is still a low-level monster. A level 4 magician can easily destroy a large number of caterpillars with AOE. Relatively speaking, with human appearance and intelligence, it can directly and silently Aren't the monsters that sneak into Orario without a breath more terrifying? Finn bit his finger and analyzed, So, I think the difficulty of cultivating monsters...or the success rate should be very low.

However, it's best to be careful. Elsebell stood up and said, The information has been sorted out. I'm going back to rest first. As for him... you can figure it out.



Third Miss. Elsa followed Elsebell and said, You seem... very excited?

Of course! Elsebell chuckled and said, The secret of the dark faction has been revealed. Of course I will be happy - one carrot has been pulled out, is the remaining carrot still far away?

But... Elsa hesitated, Won't this alert the enemy?

Snake the snake in the grass? If we want to scare the snake in the grass, we wiped out 80% of the dark faction clan a few years ago. That's what we call alerting the snake in the grass. Elsebell waved her hand and said: Besides, the dark faction clan is not considered a snake. , at most it’s flies, fleas and the like.”

Miss Third, the people in the dark faction will cry when they hear this.

Cry, it's better to cry yourself to death, so as not to waste my time. Elsebell complained angrily.

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