's so amazing! Ais looked at Elsebell with admiring eyes, which made Elsebel expand at least 4.55 times!

How can I be your master if you're not awesome? Elsebell said proudly.

It's a pity that I'm not a thunder attribute... Ais lowered her head in despair.

It's okay! Elsebell waved her hand and said, The Breath of Wind also has a certain speed bonus, although it's not as good as the Breath of Thunder.

Oh. Ais nodded.

While the two were communicating, Ram, wearing a maid uniform, had already arrived in front of Elsebell and Ais.

Miss Third, Miss Ais— Ram put his right leg behind his left leg, then bowed slightly, pulled the hem of his skirt, and said softly: Welcome back.

Ram, this is Aisi, my disciple, the one passed down personally. Elsebell walked over, hugged Ram gently, and said with a smile: Her attribute is wind, so I I want you to teach her how to breathe the wind.

If it is the order of the Third Miss. Ram smiled slightly, then bent down, looked at Ais, and said: Miss Ais, this is the first time we meet, I am Ram! I am the personal maid of the Third Miss Aisi Bell.

Hello. Ace said cutely.

Third Miss, is Miss Ais's current physical condition suitable for practicing the breathing method? Ram asked worriedly, And the body refining potion is not suitable for her, right?

Too young, Aisi is too young now.

Don't worry. Although Ais is young, she has the blood of a semi-fairy spirit. Elsebell glanced at Ais and whispered in Ram's ear: Her physique is much stronger than ordinary people. Now, there is no problem in learning breathing techniques initially. As for Chang Zhong, we can wait until she is two years older.

Okay. Ram nodded and said, So, when will we start practicing?

Without further ado, let's do it now. Elsebell snapped her fingers, and then said to Ais: Ais, starting from today, you will learn breathing techniques from Ram. When the preliminary learning is over, I will talk to you again. Sparring, do you understand?

Got it! Ais nodded her head and followed Ram obediently towards the backyard.

End of this chapter

In the next few days, Ais followed Ram and learned the magically modified V1.0 version of Breath of Wind.

A few days later, Aisi Bell took Aisi to receive a customized novice weapon, a scaled-down version of Tai Sword that was suitable for Aisi's height. Therefore, Aisi's daily exercise had another content, that is, with Aisi. Xi BeiEr discussed.

Afterwards, Aisi should have returned to the Loki Familia, accepted Loki's gift, and then ventured into the dungeon to gain ability points and accumulate her own combat power. However, Aisibell brought Aisi to Loki's In front of him, he said, Don't let Ais get the gift for the time being, I want her to lay a solid foundation!

What surprised Finn and others was that Loki actually agreed to this statement - she believed that with Elsebell's status and vision, she would not be able to harm her apprentice! And since she asked Ais to become her teacher, she should let Ais follow Aisabel's arrangements.

After taking Ais back to her family, Aisi Bell did not let Ais use the body-building potion rashly, because the pain was not something that the six-year-old Ais could bear. Instead, she allowed Ais to practice breathing. Fa, while sparring with her about sword moves - yes, Ram did not teach the sword moves to Ais, because those sword moves were already in the past tense.

During the subsequent exercise, Kanae Kodie looked at Ais who was working out seriously, rubbed her little hands with excitement, and said, What a cute girl, I want to hug her and lift her up high!

Faced with her thoughts, Elsebell touched her chin, and after thinking for a few seconds, she said in front of Ais: Kanae, I allow you to attack Ais, and Ais needs to avoid your attack. If she fails, then you can mess with her for three minutes - at least one hour between attacks! In addition, you can attack her late at night!

After hearing Elsebell's words, Ais was so frightened that her hair broke out, but this was the master's order. She could only tremble and look at Kanae's eyes that were almost glowing, and nodded weakly.



In such a calm and boring exercise, time passed slowly for two years. It was not until Aisi was eight years old that her physical fitness reached the level of The passing line of regular.

By the way, some people may think - running breathing method is equivalent to a powerful explosive mode, so does Changzhong mean to stay in the explosive mode forever? Is it like opening up the Eight Gates of Dunjia forever?

wrong! The breathing method that breaks out during battle is similar to the deep breathing method in the breathing method. It is a high-speed breathing method that fills the whole body with magic power to achieve the purpose of temporarily strengthening the whole body. Normally, it is a low-speed breathing method that allows the magic power to flow at a low speed. The purpose of running in the body is to improve physical fitness bit by bit.

But even if the breathing method is operated at a low speed, it will still put some load on the body. Therefore, only when the physical ability reaches the passing line can you learn to practice regular exercises without bleeding yourself.

After Aisi entered the ordinary world, Elsebell allowed her to accept Loki's gift. And the day after receiving the gift, Aisi, at Elsebell's instruction, went to Finn and G. Under the protection of Reese and Riveria, he entered the dungeon for the first time.

Then they went deep into the safe zone on the 18th floor. All the monsters were so weak to Ais.

At that time, Finn looked at Ais, who was in a daze after arriving on the 18th floor, and asked: Ais, do you feel anything?

It feels... Ais lowered her head, looked at the weapon in her hand, and whispered: It feels like these monsters are so weak... too weak, and they are so slow.

... Finn and Grace looked at each other, then tugged at the corners of their mouths.

Is this the teaching ability of Elsie Bellson? Obviously he became an adventurer two years late, but once he started, his strength was comparable to that of a Level 3 adventurer.

Who allowed Ais to now not only master Changzhong and Breathing Explosion, but also initially master the Haki of Wisdom and Information during the attack of Hudie Kanae?

Let alone 18, even monsters on the 28th floor cannot pose any threat to Ais.



After Ais became an adventurer, her daily routine became to practice sparring with Elsebell for an hour every morning, and then go to the dungeon privately to spawn monsters crazily to exercise her abilities.

In these years, Elsebell herself has naturally not been idle. She has urged Beatrice to develop the V2.0 version of the breathing method.

This is the super breathing method that surpasses the super breathing method, so I call it... After learning that the new breathing method was released, Elsie Bell thought for a few seconds and said, Super breathing method 2, right?

Then she was viciously stomped on the face by Beatrice with her foot, but Elsebell said that Beatrice, who had just finished taking a bath, stomped on her with her bare foot, which should not be regarded as a punishment, but a reward.

With a sting sound, Beatrice retracted her right foot with a flushed face, and then rushed towards Elsie Bell with a Wow Ya Ya.

After Elsie Bell modified the Super Breathing Method 2, she found that this breathing method has higher requirements on the body, but the strengthening effect and strengthening speed are also stronger. It can indeed be regarded as the title of Super Breathing Method 2—— Aisi's current ability is not enough to practice Super Breathing Technique 2.

She still needs to practice some more.



In this kind of daily life with almost no ups and downs - Freya and Loki continue to broadcast live, and the monthly e-sports events are held as usual. Elsebell occasionally goes to the dungeon to refresh her level and increase her ability points. ——Among them, Aisi is already sixteen years old.

Hey. With a sigh, Hephaestus put the wine glass on the table, and then looked at Loki, Freya, Artemis and the only one who could sit at the table with the goddesses with a sad look on his face. Elsebell said: What do you think I should do?

This was a rare gathering among goddesses. Freya and Loki had just finished explaining a game and were preparing to take a break, while Hephaestus... was obviously here to complain.

After hearing Hephaestus' complaint, Loki immediately took a sip of wine, the bitter wine entered his throat and made his heart ache, and then he said with a ferocious expression: I didn't expect that that hateful little guy actually came down.

After all these years, you're still not relieved? Freya looked at Loki and said with a dumbfounded expression, How much resentment do you have towards Hestia?

It's better than the mountains and deeper than the sea! Loki said angrily, That damn little guy keeps laughing at me!

You actually held a grudge against something like this for so long!? Elsebell was also shocked, And do you care so much about your size?

It's not a question of whether I care or not. Even if I don't care, if she mocks my size, I will be angry, right? Loki said dissatisfied - suppose there is a person who is fat, but he doesn't mind himself. He is a fat man, but that doesn't mean he is willing to be called a fat pig all day long, right?

Isn't that because you call her dwarf every time? Freya complained, That's why she calls you mediocre, right?

Obviously she shouted first! Loki said, squeezing his neck, Am I, Loki, the kind of person who mocks others for being short?

You are. Elsebell quietly finished the attack at the side, I remember you played Resident Evil 7 live before, and when you were scared by Evelin, you said that Evelin was a dwarf.

The original words are as follows: Ahhhh, this damn dwarf Evelin scared me to death!

... Loki blushed, but was speechless.

I said, I invited you here to drink, not to let you discuss the grudges between Loki and Hestia! Hephaestus patted the table angrily and said, Can you give me an idea? Ah! This Hestia is getting too much in my house! When she first came down, I saw that she had no family of her own and no income, so I took her in temporarily! At the beginning, she still knew how to do Do some housework to repay me, but now she lies on the sofa all day watching live broadcasts, and then eats potato chips and drinks Coke... She is rotten!

Puff puff--

After hearing Hephaestus' complaint, the others laughed.

I see, you dote on her too much, right? Elsebell couldn't help but laugh, That's why you let her take advantage of you.

Hey, I don't know how many times I lost my temper, but she has changed it now, and it makes me even more angry! Hephaestus just slapped the table angrily and said, You know what? I told her , you can only watch TV after cleaning, and she nodded and said no problem! Then every time I go back, I can see her diligently wiping the table...

Isn't this nice? Freya asked.

You'll know if it's okay or not after you listen to what I say. Hephaestus said with a dark face: At the beginning, I felt quite happy, because she finally knew that it had changed! But then I I feel something is wrong, why is Hestia cleaning so hard, but there is still so much dust in the corners.

Then what?

Then I arranged for people to monitor her. I found that as soon as I went out, she couldn't wait to jump on the sofa, opened the potato chips and Coke, and watched the live broadcast. When I was about to come back, she was like a whirlwind. He threw the packaging bags and empty bottles into the garbage outside, and then ran back and pretended to clean the table... Hephaestus gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and said, I went back and touched the TV, and sure enough, It's still hot! That Hestia...

Hahaha burp—— Elsebell laughed miserably.

Are you a mother and daughter battling wits and courage?

End of this chapter

Elsebell's laughter was like a switch, and the other members also laughed unscrupulously, making Hephaestus feel bad.

No, can you please stop just laughing? Give me an idea! Hephaestus looked uneasy, Can you bad friends have some conscience?

I recently got a dog at home. Elsebell said without answering the question.

What's the meaning?

So my conscience is being fed to the dogs. Elsebell spread her hands and said, So I'm sorry, I have no conscience.


Hephaestus twitched the corner of his mouth and said: It seems that your weapon does not want to be maintained anymore? Okay, then I will give you a few hammers next time...

No, no, no, no, sister He, you are my sister! Elsebell quickly rushed to Hephaestus' side and said with a smile: No! We have something to say, but weapons cannot be let down! You are a blacksmith, how can you live up to your own weapons?

That's right, I really can't live up to my weapon... Hephaestus nodded and said, So I decided to knock it into a kitchen knife. Doesn't this count as living up to it?

Wow, don't! Elsebell said quickly: Isn't it just a matter of finding a way to deal with Hestia? It's that simple!


Kick her out. Elsebell looked at Hephaestus and said seriously: If you let her stay with you, she will become more and more presumptuous, lazy, and perfunctory. You don’t want to raise her to be a useless person, right?”

Although she is a disabled person now.

There's no need to drive him away as soon as he comes...

Is this the beginning? How long has she been staying at your house? Elsebell walked back to her seat angrily, then jumped on the bench and said: You have come to us to complain, so you must I can’t bear it anymore!”

Is this really necessary? Hephaestus still looked a little hesitant.

I agree with Ai-chan's statement. Freya glanced at Hephaestus and said, Although I know that you and that guy are best friends in the God Realm, but she is a lazy goddess in the God Realm. You Do you hope she will be the same when she reaches the lower world?”

This... Hephaestus showed a tangled expression.

Catch her! Catch her quickly! Loki urged Hephaestus hurriedly.

Loki, do you want me to drive away Hestia because of personal grudges? Hephaestus couldn't help but ask.

Are you looking down on me too much? Loki rolled his eyes angrily and said, Although I don't like that little man, I won't cheat her on this kind of thing - do you think we gods are in the lower realms? What did it come from? And why do you think our gods established a dependent family? What is a dependent family? It is a family that we and our children share, and now you are using the hard-earned money of your children to support a family that has nothing to do with them. The goddess of relationships... is an old scumbag.

A scumbag... a scumbag? Hephaestus widened his eyes and said, Although I heard what you said... I was indeed wrong, but there is no need to call her a scumbag, right?

That scumbag? Elsebell asked.

That's worse than a scumbag.

Then she's a scumbag! Elsebell spread her hands and said, Anyway, from your description, I only heard that she is lazy and clever. This kind of guy should let her accept a beating from society.

Accept...a severe beating from society? After Hephaestus heard these words, he suddenly laughed and said, Okay, then let Hestia accept a severe beating from society!



Ah, ah? Hestia, holding the package in her arms (a change of clothes + a set of quilts + a pillow and some money), stood at the door of the Hephaestus Familia with a blank look on her face, dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the closed door.

I...I was thrown out? ?

As usual, Hestia was lying on her side on the sofa, with her left leg straightened and her right leg bent on the sofa. Then she supported her head with her left hand, and picked up potato chips with her right hand to eat a piece from time to time, watching her single push with pleasure. While the virtual anchor was playing a game, Hephaestus suddenly opened the door and rushed in - so scared that Hestia quickly glanced at the time on the TV.

Isn't it only half past three in the afternoon? Shouldn't Hephaestus usually come back after five o'clock? Why!

She is indeed lazy. Hephaestus looked at Hestia who was sitting up hurriedly, and said with a cold face: Come here, give her a ride as I said.

Yes, God Hephaestus!

Several female adventurers from the Hephaestus Familia came to Hestia's side. Two of them held Hestia's arms respectively, while the other held the luggage packed for her. .

Wait...wait! Hestia kicked her two short legs feebly in the air, but she was as helpless as a bastard being turned over. What are you going to do, Hephaestus? !Aren’t we best friends!”

Ha. Hephaestus smiled happily like the Dragon King, Medicine God, Miracle Doctor, War God, Tiger Commander, Military Commander, Rakshasa, and Shura, and said, Drag him out!

Wow wow wow - Hestia was a little panicked. She struggled to say something, but she was helpless in the hands of the adventurers. She was carried all the way to the gate like a sow waiting to be slaughtered. , and then throw it away.

First he landed on his butt, and then his luggage hit his face, knocking Hestia unconscious.

what happened? Why am I here? Why did Hephaestus kick me out? Ying Ying Ying!


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