Stare - Theresia looked at her husband - as if, super similar, my husband is definitely this kind of person!

The other kind of people like to express their thoughts with words. For example, they like to hug you and say I love you, I like you the most, and so on. Elsie Bell leaned back on the chair He went up and said: Actually, there is no difference between the two, it just depends on which kind of person you like.

Some women are like It's better to actually do things instead of talking about meaningless empty words, while some women are like I want to hear you say you love me, so that I can feel at ease - talk about it Which one is better is nothing more than personal preference.

Just like whether tofu noodles are sweet or salty - some people like sweet drinks and others like salty drinks. Why fight? If you win, will someone be responsible for the tofu noodles in your life?

Well, I prefer people with practical actions than words~ When Theresa said this, she quietly glanced at Wilhelm - as she expected, her husband A smile appeared.

Hey hey~

'Feeling full again. ' Elsebell blinked, and then said: Let's continue the topic just now - Mr. Wilhelm, you should be the kind of activist, but I personally feel that even if you are an activist, you should not be completely Don’t say those words.”

What do you mean? Wilhelm looked at Elsebell seriously. He no longer dared to underestimate this loli. She must be a love coach!

The intimacy group likes to say that sentence often, because they believe that only by speaking out their inner thoughts can they express their inner thoughts, while the action group believes that words are worse than actions. Elsebell held her chin and said: However, if you really like someone, even an intimate person will definitely act like an action person, and an action person will definitely say lines like I love you.

The division of factions is not absolute, it’s just that different factions place different weights on certain behaviors—maybe the proximal faction is 60% words and 40% actions, while the action faction is 80% actions 20% words?

After all, most activists are poor in words or arrogant. It is really unrealistic for them to be as eloquent as a master of seducing girls.

You don't have to say it often, but you must say it, even if it's just once. Elsebell looked at Wilhelm and said, As far as I know, you haven't told her that I love you even once, right?

That's right! Thearesia exclaimed, Every time he says something, he will say it when it's time to say it - and so on!

Mr. Wilhelm, if I didn't get the news and go to the battlefield to save Miss Theresia, she would definitely die in the hands of the Witch of Pretence. Elsebell looked at Wilhelm and said, If it comes At that time, you will never have the chance to say the words 'I love you' that you have never said before - Mr. Wilhelm, don't let yourself fall into regret forever just because you can't live with your face.

In the original work, after Wilhelm defeated the white whale with the help of the protagonist, he stood on the white whale's body, looked at the rising sun, and murmured in a melancholy voice: Theresia, I... I love you.

However, at that time, the person who could hear these words was no longer there, and his words would never reach Thearesia’s ears!

... Wilhelm sat in his seat, thinking about Elsebell's words.

Sensing that the atmosphere at the scene had fallen into silence, Theresia felt a little embarrassed and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Elsebell.

Let him think about it. Elsebell blinked and said, You also want to hear him say that, right?

End of this chapter

Does Theresia want to hear Wilhelm say I love you? That is definitely what I want to do, and it would be a lie to say that I don’t want to.

After all, when Wilhelm cut off the sword in her hand in the palace, and then said to her: I won! You who are weaker than me have no reason to hold the sword! The reason for you to swing the sword is I will inherit and I will protect you!

After the two parties kissed, Theresia looked at Wilhelm and asked, Do you love me?

Wilhelm did not answer directly, but replied: I will say it when I want to say it.

And this has been waiting for decades, and until now, Wilhelm has not said that sentence - although Theresia knows very well that the other party loves her, but it is like what she said, Some words are still I hope someone else will say it. She still wanted to hear her husband say I love you.

So, after confirming your eyes, it’s an opportunity!

Theresa, who was leaning forward to persuade her husband, quickly sat up straight, then held a cup of black tea, looking at her nose and nose, acting like an ostrich.

I can't see anything, I can't see anything!

'Hmph~' Elsebell pursed her mouth into a W-shape and looked at Wilhelm expectantly - to be honest, when she first watched RE:0, she was attracted by Wilhelm and Special Lecia's love interest was stuffed with dog food, but the final outcome of the two made her feel uncomfortable for a long time!

Besides, didn’t that bratty brother from Phoenix say that when he stole my steam account? The core idea of ​​this infinite is happyend!

Okay, okay, Mr. Wilhelm! Mr. Sword Ghost! Arrogant old man! Say it quickly! Say it quickly! ! Stop being arrogant! Men who are arrogant are not cute at all...

No, wait, if it’s boys like Miyakoji Mizuho and Totsuka Ayaka who are tsundere, I can!

‘Strange, why haven’t you said anything yet? ’ Elsebell looked at the way Wilhelm hesitated to speak several times, and couldn’t help but tilted his head strangely, ‘Could it be that there is some obstacle... Hmm! ? ’

Suddenly, Elsebell realized something - Hey, I'm really stupid, I'm sitting here, how could this arrogant person say this with such shame?

As a result, Elsebell immediately jumped down from the sofa and said in an extremely readable voice: Ah, my Sword of Victory fell outside. I'll go pick it up! I'll be back in five minutes!

After saying that, she ran towards the outside of the living room with a cheerful little jump. After going out, she suddenly stopped, then turned her head and raised her eyebrows at Wilhelm who was looking over. Then the pen gave a thumbs up!

Brother, I can only help you so far, come on, Ollie!



outside the door.

Oh, look what I found!? After walking out of the gate, Elsabel immediately looked at the red-haired young lady holding a wooden sword waving in the open space beside the gate. She immediately walked over with a smile and said : Are you getting familiar with the Juggernaut's protection, little one?

! Reinhardt was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around, looked at Elsebel who was walking over with a smile on her face, showed a decent smile, and said: You are... grandma's savior, Right?

‘Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a knight among knights. ’ Elsebell looked at the five-year-old Reinhardt and said, “Oh, there’s no need for such honorifics. I don’t like that kind of stiff atmosphere.”

I understand. Reinharut nodded, and then continued: However, please allow me to thank you. If you hadn't extended a helping hand, I would have inadvertently taken away the protection of the Sword Master. My grandma will definitely die in the hands of the white whale. If that is the case, I will be the sinner who indirectly killed my grandma.

‘This kid is too mentally mature! ’ Ai Sibei couldn’t help but complained in her heart - even though I know Lai Aotian is very strong, you’re not that strong, right? ? You are only five years old! Five years old!

What was I doing when I was five years old?

Elsebell recalled it with a blank mind. When she was five years old, she seemed to be with her eldest sister and second sister...ah, no, it's not this memory!

When I still had my EX curry sticks, my five-year-old self seemed... like...

Playing marbles with someone? No, no, are you playing house? Doesn’t that seem right? Elsebell thought about it for a while and couldn't recall what she was doing when she was five years old - maybe she remembered it, but she denied it because the memory was too long.

Forget it, I was definitely a bear when I was five years old.

Well, well, it's over anyway, so you don't have to feel guilty, right? Elsebell scratched her head, then looked at the young lady in front of her, and said, Besides, it's better to waste time and energy than to waste time and energy. Feeling guilty here, why not work hard and train yourself, and when you become stronger, you can protect the people you value.

I understand! Reinhardt nodded his head vigorously and said, Now that I have received the protection of the Sword Master, I will work hard, fulfill my responsibilities, and protect this country and my family. .”

'Wow, you're only five years old and you already know how to protect the country...' Elsebell looked at the moon and said, Work hard!

What can i say? Compared with this guy, as an adult, I am really... embarrassed. Hey, I'm so angry!

Elsebell... Reinhardt glanced at Elsebel. After hesitating for a few seconds, he added a suffix: Sister?

No, no. Elsebell waved her hands and said matter-of-factly: Let me tell you, although I look like a child, that's because I am a non-human race! My actual age is almost three years old. Ten years old! So you have to call me aunt!

Eh? Reinhardt was a little confused - if he had grown a few years older, he would probably complain: Don't you women wish you were called little sister when you are forty or fifty years old? Why are you still here? Do you wish others would call you aunt?

Of course, if Elsebell knew that Reinhardt was complaining about her like this, she would probably reply with a smile: Silly boy, that's because I want to be a generation older than you!

Don't worry, your little sister Ai...when did auntie lie to you? Ai Sibei patted her chest and said, Come on, call auntie, and I will give you delicious snacks!

Then...okay. Reinhardt's heart was full of doubts - is the other party really almost thirty years old? Are you deliberately taking advantage of me? Ah, it would be nice if I could tell whether what others say is a lie.

At this time, Reinhardt suddenly had a realization in his heart - he had obtained a new protection called lie detection protection, which had the effect of being able to judge whether the other party's words were lies.

Elsebell... Auntie, can I confirm again? Reinhardt looked at Elsebel and said, Are you really almost thirty years old?

Yes. Elsebell nodded and said, My race is an inhuman race - I don't want to reveal the specifics - but my apparent age is different from my actual age!

Up to this point, the feedback Reinhardt felt was correct.

Although I look only eight or nine years old, my mental age is more than thirty years old...

At this moment, Reinhardt sensed the lie, and he immediately interrupted Elsebell - Hey, you are obviously the age to be my sister, but you still want to lie to me, and you want to be my aunt?

Sister Elsie Bell, I have the protection of a lie detector. I can judge whether others are lying. Your age of thirty just now is a lie.

... Elsebell was shocked at the time, 'Wait a minute, according to the information I collected, does Reinhardt have this kind of protection? Oh, yes, the list of blessings is too long, I didn’t memorize it...'

But that's not the point, right? The point is, why did this child suddenly appear... Oh! Elsebelle suddenly showed an expression of realization.

I forgot, Reinhardt is the biological son of the world, and he can get whatever protection he wants, so he probably wanted to judge whether what I told was a lie, so...

Then I'm... twenty years old?




Am I ten years old? Elsebell was also a little confused. How old am I? !

Still... or lying? Reinhardt was also a little confused. You are ten years old?

Hiss...nine, eight, seven, six?

All... are wrong. Reinhardt's eyes were blank. This person was tested step by step from thirty years old to six years old... You are not just born, right? ?

Hiss, absolutely. Elsebell put her chin on her head and showed a blank expression - Turtle, I'm afraid I'm not the first person who can't even remember how old she is! Speaking of which, what is my mental age...huh?

Elsebell slammed her palm and said, Hey, I thought of a very scary possibility...

Huh? Reinhardt tilted his head and looked at Reid in front of him - what are you talking about?

I'm probably over five hundred years old. Elsebell looked at Reinhardt with an anxious look and said.

... Reinhardt was stunned at first, but when his protection gave him the result of the judgment, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, Correct?? How is it possible!?

Absolutely, it's really like this! Elsie Bell slapped herself on the face - Asiba! Did you really include the time I spent in the inheritance test? ?

Then...then... Reinhardt now wished he could go back and strangle himself to death a few minutes ago - now, what is the upgrade from aunt to?

Let me do the math, old, old, old, old, grandma?

How old are you?

Forget it, forget it, you should call me auntie. Elsie Bell thought for a while, then sighed helplessly and said: Forget it, call me grandma, but if you call me sister... I still have more than 500. At this age, it feels like it’s not good to pretend to be young, right?”

Of course, the main reason is that if I go out in the future and ask for Willa's skin, it will feel a bit strange when I shout, Do you know, Sword Master Reinhardt is my younger brother!

After all, Elsebell’s brother is gone.

End of this chapter

Uh... Reinhardt sighed helplessly and said, Okay, let's just be aunt.

It's better than calling me great-great-great-grandmother or grandma, right? Just call auntie, since the other person is 500 years old anyway, I won't suffer any loss if I call her that way.

Don't suffer any loss...

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, the more you think about it, the worse it will be.

Okay, nephew, do you want some snacks? Elsebell approached Reinhardt and said with excitement: After I gained the power of the Witch of Decoration, I discovered the most powerful thing about this ability. It’s about life!”

As she said that, Elsie Bell stretched out her right hand and said: A1, here comes a high flash, Qiuli Paste... Ah, no! Here comes a snack gift pack, Qiuli Paste!

The next moment, a big bag appeared in front of Elsebell——

Wafer biscuits, cookies, potato chips, lollipops, QQ candy, toffee, senbei, snow cake, spicy strips, spicy kelp shreds...

Dozens of kinds of snacks were lying inside, which made Elsebell exclaim Wow, that's so cool - you have no idea how terrifying this ability is! The scariest thing about snacks is their calories! Whether it’s potato chips, spicy strips, or toffees, they are all high-calorie products!

As mentioned before, there are two modes for things that are embodied by the word spirit, namely the temporary form and the permanent form. The latter requires N times the magic power of the former, and will be accompanied by the strength requirements of the things that are embodied. More magic. The former is specifically divided into the timing mode of [investing a certain amount of magic power first, and then automatically disappearing when the magic power is consumed], and the [continuously supplying magic power to maintain its existence, and waiting until the magic power supply is cut off, the object disappears] Continuous mode.

Seeing this, do you understand anything?

That's right!

Elsebell found that as long as she used the continuous mode to maintain these snacks, and then cut off the supply of magic power when she was full, these snacks would disappear completely - they would neither occupy the stomach nor provide food. Let it grow!

This is simply an invincible ability. You no longer need to worry about such terrible things as gaining weight or eating too much snacks and being unable to eat!

What on earth are these things? Looking at the pile of things he had never seen before, Reinhardt couldn't help but blinked, and then asked: Things he has never seen before.

It's delicious, just eat it and you're done! Elsebell tore open a pack of cucumber-flavored potato chips, then reached for a piece, stuffed it into Reinhardt's mouth, and said, Here, Try it.

Crack, click, click...

After Reinhardt chewed the cucumber-flavored potato chips in his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up - no child can resist the temptation of snacks! Especially the cucumber flavored potato chips! The cucumber flavor is always delicious!

Is it delicious? Elsebell squatted on the grass like a mischievous child, handed the bag of potato chips to Reinhardt, and said, Come on, come on. , don’t be polite to your aunt, eat!”

Yeah! Reinhardt nodded and reached out to take another piece.

Don't just eat potato chips, this one... Elsie Bell opened a pack of spicy chips, and then unscrewed a can of Coke and said, Here, take a bite of spicy chips, a bite of potato chips, and another sip of Coke, it will be bliss. !”

Chew Chew Chew——

In just a few seconds, Reinhardt was captured by these snacks.



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