It seems that you know what Happy Street is about. Freya chuckled, and then she stopped talking about this topic too much and said instead: Then, another way of entertainment is gambling.

Gambling... gambling?

That's right, the God of Gambling's family. Freya nodded and said seriously: In Orario, all gambling houses are opened by the God of Gambling's family, and nearly half of Orario's property is It is controlled by the family members of the God of Gambling.

No, you're not joking? Ordinary? Elsebell was shocked - you know, in the pirate world, the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo is set to own 20% of the world's money, which is already This is a very exaggerated setting.

But...a gambling god's family accounts for 50% of the consumption? No, is this too exaggerated? ?

You have to know that apart from Happy Street, the only entertainment facility in Orario now is the gambling house. Freya looked at Elsebell, squinted her eyes and said, Unlike Happy Street, the gambling house But it’s the real gold-selling cave.”

This is for sure. No matter how much you play as a woman, you can't beat gambling in terms of consumption. After all, if you gamble, if the dealer does something, and if the bet is bigger, you can lose tens of millions or even 100 million in one night. Hundreds of millions is no problem.

So... why did you mention these two people...? Elsebell looked at Freya and asked strangely.

This has something to do with the risk I mentioned - let's not talk about Ishtar. Once the game console starts to be released, Holden's business will definitely be affected. Freya looked at Elsebell, Said: After all... I personally feel that games are definitely more interesting than gambling.

Well, you can't say that. After all, some people don't like playing games. Elsie Bell shook her head - even in China, there are a lot of gambling dogs who gamble all day long, even if their families are ruined by gambling. Borrow money to gamble.

There are no games in China? Of course there is, and China’s game development is not lagging behind at all! This proves that the game’s audience isn’t everything.

I understand what you said, but it doesn't mean that Holden will understand what you said. Freya looked at Elsebell with an innocent face and said, In Holden's view, what we do is... Take his money.”

Emmmm, okay. Elsebell scratched her head and said, You highlighted Holden, so does that mean that as long as we release the game console, Holden will compete with us?

I'll definitely get it right. Freya sat up straight, then crossed her legs and said, And it's the kind that I can't hide - the scariest thing about Holden, God of Gamblers, is that he's not just There is a large amount of liquid cash and a large number of IOUs, and he only needs to say erase IOUs to make many adventurers sacrifice their lives for it.

Who knows how much money a dog gambler can make? The gambling dog has no brains when it comes to gambling. He dares to borrow tens of millions, let alone millions. When gambling borrows money, he only has one thought in his mind.

If you hit the jackpot, the labor and management will win the jackpot. Not only will all the debts be paid off, but you will also earn some! Do you think adventurers will be calmer? Brother who doesn’t exist! Adventurers are also dog gamblers! Then a dog gambler can be exempted from the bill. Needless to say, how tempting this can be, right?

Okay, I understand. Elsebell nodded and said, But you have to give me a reason, right? Why should I go against Holden, the God of Gamblers?

It's not like Elsebell has to make money by selling game consoles - as for the status gained from selling game consoles, if it's too troublesome, there's no need for Elsebel to do this.

After all, the most important thing in Orario is the fighting power of the Familia. Look at Orario in the future, who dares not to give Freya face?

Even if you don't fight Holden, I will attack the God of Gamblers Familia sooner or later. Freya looked at Elsebell very calmly and said, Besides, I think... you will sooner or later. Against him.


Because Holden is very swollen now, very swollen. Freya held up her chin and said, A few months ago, he openly shouted to me - he asked me how much it cost per night.

Pfft - Elsebell couldn't hold it back and vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Although Artemis is not as popular as me among the gods, she is one of the three famous virgin goddesses in the God Realm. Freya smiled at Elsebell and asked : “Do you think Holden will have an idea for Artemis?”

I think you should have said this earlier. Elsebell stood up, moved her wrist, and said, If I had said it earlier, we could have started discussing matters after cooperation.

It's not too late to say it now. Freya smiled and stretched out her right hand towards Elsebell, and said: Then... are you happy to cooperate?

It's a pleasure to cooperate. Elsebell held her hand and said, But let me tell you in advance that I will only do three things. One, provide machines; two, provide the network; three, wait for the provocation from the Gambling God's Family.

It doesn't matter. Freya also smiled and said, Leave it to me to contact the customer.



After establishing a cooperative relationship, Freya's terrifying connections came into play.

She directly held a party, and then placed her equipment in the most conspicuous position. When the gods and goddesses entering the hall became curious about it, she said happily: Oh, this is my new one. It’s a toy~”

Then the male god and goddess said: Oh, let everyone see~

Then Freya said: Oh, okay~

Then she happily opened the game console, and then opened Nekopara... No, no, she opened Tomb Raider!


Then this group of gods and goddesses started boiling as if someone had suddenly poured a basin of lava on them while they were sleeping soundly.

Then the Goddess and Goddess said that I also wanted to play, and Freya was not a stingy person (that’s weird), so she said generously: “Everyone can play for fifteen minutes!”

Anyone who has played games knows one thing, and that is the process of playing games, which involves the theory of relativity founded by Elsebell. That is, when you play a game, you feel that only one minute has passed, but It actually went by for fifteen minutes!

Under the influence of the theory of relativity, the male gods and goddesses started to quarrel.

No, I haven't had enough fun yet!

We agreed to have fifteen minutes per person!

At least wait until I can crack this ancient tomb!

You stand aside and watch, I'll break it!

Seeing that the quarrel was about to turn into an all-out martial arts affair, Freya said with a smile: Everyone, actually, I bought this prop from someone else~ It's just that that person didn't want to reveal his identity! If you want...

Oh, sister Freya, buy one for your sister~

Good sister, I give you this necklace, this machine...

Freya~ I still remember that night... Please give me the machine!

In just one queue, Freya received more than fifty orders.

Orders are only provided to gods. Freya sat in front of Elsebell with a smile on her face and said: We provide both large and small screens. Then I will buy another street and decorate the house. Get that internet cafe you mentioned!

Okay! Elsebell made an OK gesture and said, You can do whatever you want.

Aren't you worried that this thing will be snatched away by people in the Internet cafe? Artemis asked, tilting her head.

Everything sold to the gods is recorded on a one-to-one basis. Elsebell rubbed Artemis's breasts and said, And they are all individually powered, but the instruments in the Internet cafe all have unified codes. And after someone robbed the unified power still want to play on the computer without energy?

Go and get some sleep. The vibrator is out of power and can still be used for two pokes. Your computer/mobile phone is out of power... and your paper man wife won’t even move!

End of this chapter

Before many adventurers realized it, Orario had undergone slight changes - first an entire street was put on lockdown, and then many scattered shops were also undergoing renovations.

If someone could observe from God's perspective at this time, these renovated shops would seem to be not very far from the gambling house opened by the God of Gamblers, Holden.

By the way, there is a whole street of high-end Internet cafes, while the others are ordinary Internet cafes. Most of them are similar to the Internet cafes that everyone has been to. They usually consist of a lobby and private rooms, but Ai Sibei is lazy. The ID card registration mode is used directly.

Including Freya, all the machines have been recast, and the new machine has a slot for inserting the card in addition to the power button on the host, and all the player's data is recorded on the card - —To log in to your account, you only need to turn on the phone, insert the card, and enter your password.

After logging in, your accessories, skins, and achievements will be synchronized from the card to the console, and the console without the card cannot operate.

By the way, in order to stabilize players, Ai Sibei only offers one type of game for each game. For example, CSGO is for gun battles, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is for chicken games, and there are also MOBA and war chess games. Wait, then various skins, accessories, and clothing are all things that can make money.

When Elsebell gave these ideas to Freya at high speed, Freya immediately gave Elsebel a comment - I never expected that Elsebel, you look so cute, but you are actually full of belly. It's all bad water.

Elsebell asked on the spot, is this my fault? This is obviously the fault of Fatty G and Brother Ma. I just copied it. Am I wrong?

I didn't (justifiably).

Then I will follow your plan. Freya's eyes narrowed as she smiled. After all, the plan given by Elsebell was a good way to make money. She was not stupid, so why should she refuse?

Also, the decoration environment must be done well, and it must be divided into male areas, female areas and mixed areas. Elsie Bell instructed - because Orario seems not to smoke, there is no need to separate the smoking area and the mixed area. Smoking-free zone.

Don't worry about this. Freya smiled, stood up, and said, The next thing you need to do is produce the host and deal with the challenge of Holden, the God of Gamblers.

No problem! Elsebell made an OK gesture.



In the following days, Orario's e-sports Internet cafe (a whole street) and ordinary Internet cafes (established near the gambling house) were officially opened.

On the first day of opening, the adventurers were a little worried about the luxurious-looking decoration and the uniform black screens in the store, so they didn't dare to go in.

On the second day after the opening, at Freya's signal, the gods and goddesses entered the Internet cafe one after another and started playing games - some played stand-alone games such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil, and some played online games such as Lost Castle and Battle. Cube theater, some play online games such as CSGO.

On the third day of the opening, the male gods and goddesses who were not having enough fun (because the special machines for the male gods and goddesses had not been shipped yet, so they could only come here to play) brought members of their own families, and everyone came to play black games together. Then there is a 5V5 MOBA battle, and the losing party is responsible for the Internet fee and drink consumption.

On the fourth day of opening, the members of the clan who were already addicted to playing began to spontaneously gather their friends and let everyone join in the fun!

The fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day...

By the fifteenth day after the opening, a gaming trend was born among adventurers and even non-adventurers in Orario, and this period of time was enough for players to filter out the games they like to play.

Some people like to play stand-alone games. They play games such as Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Assassin's Creed, or The Binding of Isaac, Give Him Love, Hollow Knight, etc.;

Some people like to play confrontational games. Everyone gathers their own teams and forms a MOBA team, a CSGO team, or an interstellar team. After making an appointment with the opponent, they have a good time fighting.

And there are some strong men who are not afraid that this is an Internet cafe and they are in everyone's sight. They wear black robes and then put on thick masks, and bravely open the non-harmonic version of Nekopara, CuteHoney , DarkElf, Mirror or HoneySelect, PlayClub and other games;

There are even some tough men who open 100% orange juice, True Love Ji Wushuang, Spread Wings in the Sky, Etiquette of Recent Moon Girls and other beautiful girl (?) strategy games, and then cover themselves up in the beautiful girl's coquettishness. His face was twisted like a maggot.

This business can no longer be described as making money every day - Freya even simply waved her hand and bought a large number of shops, directly surrounding the gambling god Holden's gambling shop at a ratio of 3:1.



It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful. Elsebell touched her chin, feeling contentedly in Elsa's arms, and said, Ah, Elsa's arms are indeed the most comfortable, and Soft and fragrant, I love it.”

Hey, hehe, if Third Miss likes it, I can hold Third Miss every day~ Elsa hugged Elsebell tightly in her arms, twisted her body excitedly, and said, If... ah Ha...ah ha...if...not wearing clothes...hehehe...that's okay...

No desu, Meli desu! Rem hugged Elsebell's arm and said, Rem's body is also very soft! And there are cushions! So Rem can also hug the third lady!

Well, I... Ram hesitated and said three words, but Beatrice next to her patted her on the shoulder and shook her head at her with a sad look on her face.

Ram understood what Beatrice meant. She looked down at her granary and immediately shed tears of poverty.

It's Ram's fault, Ram took away Rem's talent, so Rem took away Ram's body, woo woo woo, ugh ugh ugh.

Then let's wait for the God of Gamblers, Holden. Elsebell looked at Freya, who was lying on a recliner in the corner, playing Monster Hunter - Freya seemed to be trying various games now. , paving the way for future game anchors.

According to the information I got, in the past half month, the flow of people in Holden's gambling house has been reduced by at least 30%. Freya chuckled and said, At the latest, Holden will definitely be prepared to deal with it within a month. We are.”

Then are you ready? Elsebell looked at Freya and said, Follow my plan.

We are fully prepared, but what's the secret of your brain? Freya looked at Elsebell with a strange look on her face and said, You are simply taking one step at a time and looking at ten steps.

Don't ask, asking is talent. Elsebell leaned back on the chair - I can't tell you that I used the spirit of speech to give myself blank intelligence in a short time, right?

Then just wait for Holden to take the bait - Freya smiled like an old fox, but no one was looking at her, everyone was staring at Elsebell.

The third lady is so cute!



As expected, after three weeks, Holden found that his income had dropped by more than half, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He followed Elsebell's plan completely, triggering the conflict between the Holden Familia and the Artemis Familia. contradiction between.

In fact, the content of the conflict is very simple. When Rem and others were returning home, they bumped into someone from the Horton Family at the corner, and then the treasure in the hands of the Horton Family adventurer fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Compensate. If you don’t compensate, it won’t be over!

It won't be over until it's over, I'll pay you a piece of horse's grave.


In a mood of sadness and indignation, the little pitiful Gambling God Familia who had been oppressed by the big Familia came to the guild and launched an application for the War Game.

There are also conflicts between gods. The guild can handle small conflicts, but what if the conflicts become serious? Then only one of them can be left.

Which side remains depends on the war game to decide - the winner stays, the loser eats the dust.

Of course, you can refuse, but there are many ways to force a family member to agree to a war game - such as arranging for manpower to harass you day and night, sneak attacks, poisoning, or even frame you in the dungeon...

Artemis, are you willing to accept the war games?

With the gods watching, the God of Gamblers looked at Artemis sitting on the other side of the table with a smile on his face - ah, what a noble expression! Hahahahaha, when all your people fall down, will you still have this expression on your face? What will your expression be like when I turn you into a bitch? Ah, I can't wait! !

Yes. Artemis nodded.

Okay! The smile on Holden's face could hardly stop. He raised his hands and said loudly: Even if I want to choose the content of the war game, you won't agree, right? So... just Let the colleagues here decide for us!

Each god will write the content of a war game. It can be simple guessing games, dancing competitions, singing competitions, 3V3 team battles, 1V1 solo battles, or siege battles between the Familia vs. the Familia, etc. .

Okay. Artemis nodded - she clearly remembered the instructions given to her by Elsabel, which was that no matter what Holden said, he just nodded.

So, everyone... The distorted smile on Holden's face was completely revealed, and he said, Please write down the content of the game that you think is... the most! Interesting! Thoughtful!...!

‘Hahahahaha! ’ In Horton’s content, the little man who represents his thoughts is laughing crazily with a facial expression comparable to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!: ‘Stupid Artemis! Hahahahaha, among the gods present, more than 80% of them have my bonds! So I... will win for sure! ’

There were about fifty gods present, and among the fifty, more than forty owed Holden money - the reason for such a high ratio was because of the screening of those who came to attend this meeting. The person in charge of the gods also owed Holden money!

It can be said that in this war game meeting, everything was clearly arranged by Holden!

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