Chapter 293

Zhang Lingwei recovered very quickly, but opened her eyes in 20 minutes, but she basically didn’t know anything. She stunned her when she rushed up and slapped her. Huang Shu witnessed the whole process and talked to Chu. Dong said, it sounded like a few men drove those madmen who had been poisoned to destroy the mirror, and there was no special clue.

At first, Chu Dong thought it was the Miao family doing ghosts, but the Miao family men don’t know how to use Gu techniques. The Miao family men will only be strengthened by their own women’s planting Gu, and they can’t control the Gu. The Miao family is a woman in power. This is the rule. On the contrary, these villages outside may be men practicing Gu technique.

When Chu Dong picked up Yang Yiqing, he followed Lan Gu to find the owner of the Gu worm. The role of these mirrors has already been played out. If these people are willing to destroy it, they will be destroyed, but when Lan Gu’s path gets more and more divergent, Chu Dong It doesn’t feel very good, this direction is deep in the mountains and old forests, but there are no villages.

“Gu Lan, are you sure that person is still alive?”

“I’m sure, if the person cultivating Gu worms dies, the Gu worms will become weak. Those few were still active just now and must be alive.”

Although Lan Gu said so, a few people still played a little drum. Will there be people living in this deep mountain and old forest, but Lan Gu had their own method of repelling insects, and they didn’t encounter any snakes, insects, rats and ants along the way.

After half an hour, a few people stood in front of a half-decayed corpse. The person Lan Gu was looking for was really dead. Now Lan Gu can’t understand it. The person is dead, but Gu worms are still very active. .

This corpse seemed to have been dead for ten and a half months, and the face was torn off. According to her physical condition, she should be an elderly woman. She did not know what she had been bitten by, and her left arm was also torn off. Terrible.

“Premeditated a long time ago~”

Chu Dong sighed casually, and didn’t ask Lan Gu. It’s good to find the corpse. As soon as Chu Dong wanted to go for an autopsy, he was stopped by Lan Gu.

“Don’t touch it, this corpse may also have problems. Although I don’t want to admit it, the dead Gu insect is very active. This is a unique ability of our Miao family. Die, if she is from the Miao family, most of the corpse has a back hand.”

These people who play Gu are very vicious, and they have to nudge each other when they die.

Gu Lan took out a bottle of white powder and sprinkled it on the corpse. The corpse began to corrode as if it had been sprayed with strong acid. It didn’t take long for a bunch of red bugs to come out of the woman’s belly. These bugs It looks a bit like a cockroach, but it’s a bit rounder than a cockroach, and the whole body is blood red. Chu Dong has never seen such a thing.

Gu Lan was even more certain when she saw this, she said gravely: “It’s the Miao family that is right, but the skin is stripped off.”

[Bone phase collection, skin condition collection, appearance restoration]

The appearance of this restored woman was never seen by Chu Dong. He had seen too few Miao family members, so he didn’t say anything. This Miao family is strange, and the village that stayed in is also strange, although There is no evidence to prove that it was the ghost of the stockade, but Chu Dong was still going to go back and have a look.

In the evening, a few people rushed back to the stockade, cooking smoke and everything as usual. This stockade is very crowded and has a large population. It is estimated that there are thousands of people, and a thousand people are not many outside, but this is the mountain, there can be so many. It is not easy for people to be real.

“Gu Lan, do you know why the other two villages moved?”

Lan Gu shook his head and was also bewildered: “Although the patriarch of this stockade said that they are moving away, I still think it is impossible. The cost of moving out from here is too great. People agree, will the older generation be willing? No one stayed?”

Several people returned to the patriarch’s house. The two brothers and sisters were packing up the dried herbs in the yard. The old patriarch was smoking dry cigarettes at the door. His wife was cooking dinner in the kitchen. The family of four was all there. Even Chu Dong could not see anything abnormal. The place.

The old patriarch hurriedly got up from the small bench when he saw Chu Dong and the others came back. This person showed his eyes wide open when he saw the money. He was just a pure ordinary person.

But at this moment, Chu Dong threw a dagger. The target was the patriarch’s eyebrows. Everyone was shocked. Chu Dong’s attack was too sudden. There was no sign of a sudden attack. Li Hongxian was anxious to stop. But this distance is too close and too sudden.

Chu Dong was watching the show, watching the old man’s reaction, how could his weak body avoid this strike? The old man’s expression was frightened and then desperate, and finally he was thrust into his head with a dagger, and he died on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the screams of the two brothers and sisters came from the courtyard. Chu Dong sighed and did not express too much expression. He pulled out two feather arrows from behind and threw them at the two brothers and sisters, but this time it was just stuck in They got under their feet and warned them not to move.

He walked to the old man’s body and whispered: “Old man, if you pretend to be dead again, I will kill all three of them. This is the last chance. I don’t know if your body can survive the fire. Woolen cloth?”

Chu Dong’s conversation with the corpse made everyone unclear. So, it didn’t take long for the old patriarch to actually open his eyes, and the skin on his face began to fall off, his body became straight and straight, and he unexpectedly changed within a few seconds. Became a handsome young man about thirty years old.

The man drew the dagger from his forehead, and the wound disappeared immediately. He looked at Chu Dong indifferently and asked, “How did you find me?”

“Some details are not right. I have asked many people in this stockade. None of them dared to mention The Underworld gate, let alone take people there. It’s just the money. It’s a bit too much to sell your life When we came back from the canyon that day, your panic expression was a little too overwhelming, and the performance was too much, so I sent someone to monitor you.”

There was something wrong with this man. He and his own wife slept in separate rooms, and both his wife and the two children were a little afraid of him. They also received Chu Dong before. Only this man dared to eat at the table.

Although there are many things wrong, there is no definite evidence after all. Later, Chu Dong quietly added a little bit of food to the food while cooking. If this old man is indeed an ordinary person, he will be weak, but he has no evidence. There was no response, so Chu Dong had already confirmed that he was capable.

But they have the ability and didn’t harm a few people. Chu Dong can’t force him to ask him, but he has to figure it out today.

The man sighed and told them to go back to the house, still speaking old-fashioned, it was a bit entertaining.

He sat back on the small bench at the door and continued to smoke his own dry smoke, “I know what you want to ask, but it wasn’t me who did it, maybe another village did it.

I don’t know who I am. I woke up from Morragan forty years ago. He saved me. At that time, I knew everything and my mind was blank. He taught me how to speak and taught me Life. He passed away a year ago, and I replaced him to guard the village. I think I still acted like it, but I didn’t expect it to be seen through by you.

However, things about you really have nothing to do with me. I am not very interested in it. Although the four villages around Morragan have the responsibility of guarding Morragan, I have never cared about it. Your arrival has disturbed this place. It’s normal for the balance of being targeted. ”

“what’s your name?”

“Me? I don’t have a name, no memory, and I won’t grow old. I just want to live my own life here. I hope you don’t bother me either.”

The man smoked dry cigarettes without looking at Chu Dong. He was very confident. He was born with a superior temperament. That identity token is probably his, and Gold Core is probably his funeral. The coffin popped out and fell on the bronze door.

Zhang Han leaned into Chu Dong’s ear and said in a low voice, “Don’t mess with him. Look at the tattoo on his chest. It’s called the lock of the past. It is said that unlocking the lock can gain the power of the past. I don’t know whether it is true or not, but this person Obviously I am not afraid of us, I guess I have the ability.”

Of course, Chu Dong knew that he could leap more than ten meters with a bronze coffin and climb such a high cliff. Li Hongxian was afraid he was not as fierce as him. His appearance has not changed for forty years. Being able to change freely is not human at all.

There are such earthen stockades in four directions in Morragan. He said before that there are only two remaining, but these stockades are very biased. If Chu Dong wants to pass, he will have to take a long mountain road.

“Are you sure those two stockades have moved away?”

“It’s empty, it’s empty overnight. Who knows if it’s moving away? Anyway, it’s empty. If you want to see it, go and have a look. Just don’t disturb my life. We are very ordinary.”

After saying this, the man changed back to the old man’s appearance, indeed…very ordinary.

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