Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 94 When you go crazy, you won’t even let yourself go.

The huge laboratory hall fell into an inexplicable silence.

Looking at Shiba Kuroba, there was a hint of disbelief.

But I was more relieved.

After all, Nirvana was the captain of the 12th Guards Team and the number one person in the Bureau of Technology and Science Development.

If such a person existed, he would have been defeated by a new student who had just entered Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

This is probably the tragedy of Division 12 and the Bureau of Technology and Science Development.

"Shiba Kuroba, I didn't expect you to find out that it was the fake me. I still want to see you look so proud after killing the captain."

Nirvana smiled teasingly, and obviously had no intention of fighting anymore, so he directly removed the Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha in his hand.

Seeing this, Heiyu also sheathed the black weapon in his hand, and at the same time cautiously used Shunbu to distance himself.

"Captain Nirvana, you are ridiculous. In the previous sparring session, we were talking about killing. You didn't even use your Zanpakutō, but I did. Captain Nirvana will win this battle."

For Kuroyu, his attack this time was not about pursuing who was stronger or weaker.

Just to let Nie Yuli know that he is not easy to mess with.

In addition to finding out his purpose, he also strives for more initiative for his next request.

As for why Kuroyu recognized in advance that the Nirvana he just killed was not a real person.

Everything depends on the hand of Dionysus, the new type of brewing progress activated.

The wine of soul!

Although, the current progress bar is only 1%.

However, for Heiyu, God can open a door for him.

Then there is a road to the black momentum.

The appearance of Soul Wine made Kuroyu blame all this on the fake Nirvana.

"As expected, you are a cautious kid. However, you are in my territory and you attack me as the captain in such a big way. I have the opportunity to kill you. Aren't you worried?"

Nie Yuli's eyes fell on Heiyu, who was already seven or eight meters away, and his teasing smile became even wider.

The next moment, the violent spiritual pressure dormant in the body exploded like a frenzy.


The air waves rolled back around and enveloped the entire laboratory.

Feeling this breathtaking smell, the faces of the team members present suddenly changed.

They knew very well that this captain could kill even his own people when he went crazy.

I desperately want to know how to deal with the young man in front of me.

"Captain Nie, you underestimate me too much."

Kuroyu smiled warmly.

"As you said just now, old man Yamamoto values ​​me a bit. You may have some purpose in asking Vice Captain Nie to come to me this time, and you need my help to complete it."

"As for the most important thing, I have confidence in my own strength!"

All the players on the field were stunned.

Even Nie Yinmeng, an artificial human with little emotion, couldn't help but look at Kuroyu one more time.

Among the newcomers, I am afraid that this kid in front of me is the only one who can challenge the mighty lunatics in Division 12.

"Haha, you are indeed the madman widely rumored to be. You are indeed different from those guys."

Nirvana laughed loudly.

The violent spiritual power that was released instantly retreated back into the body like a tide.

The cruelty on his face also subsided, and he returned to his usual nervous smile.

"You passed my assessment. Originally, I really planned to kill you and make you a zombie that obeys my orders. But your strength made me think of a more interesting experiment."

"Come with me. As for who spoke ill of me just now, I need some new experimental materials recently."

After these shocking remarks, many team members present felt a chill coming out of their feet.

I wish I could give myself a slap in the mouth.

Why don't you think that this big pervert will die!

This is sending yourself to death!

Kuroyu didn't take it to heart that others were full of regrets.

Because he clearly knows that you can never bet on a lunatic that he is a good person. Only by embodying enough value can you temporarily maintain a balance.

At least, Kuroyu was very satisfied with the results of his action of cutting first in order to respect him.

Chaotic thoughts flashed through Black Feather's mind.

Following Nirvana's pace, Heiyu, accompanied by Nirvana, passed directly through the forbidden door, and finally came to the deeper wall.


This is an invisible wall.

It was obvious that special ghost ways had been used to cover the eyes.

It's a pity that Kuroba doesn't even know how to get started with Kidō, let alone see the clues.

"Don't look at it, kid. The real core technology of the Technology Development Bureau, but behind here, under my control, this has become the most dangerous place in Jingling Court."

Nie Yuli took out a scarlet crystal with his backhand and pressed it directly against the wall.

"I really want that guy to know and see if he looks shocked."

The last sentence was obviously Nirvana talking to himself.

However, Kuroba knew clearly that the person Nirvana was talking about was undoubtedly Urahara Kisuke, who had been kind to him.

Although Nirvana is a lunatic, he hides his gratitude to Urahara Kisuke deep in his heart.


The wall with no end in sight let out a roar.

A white boundary door soon appeared, after passing through the wall.

"Let's go."

Nirvana casually said a word and stepped in first.

As soon as I stepped into it, the dark environment inside seemed to have a sensor, and the lights suddenly lit up.

Looking at the culture medium vessels and the various machines that were still roaring in operation.

The metallic aura that rushed towards me was completely different from the Warring States style Jinglingting.

"Welcome to my laboratory. You are the only one who is not an experimental subject and is brought in."

Nirvana smiled cruelly.

Hearing this, the muscles in the corners of Kuroyu's mouth twitched.

However, I was quickly attracted by this huge experimental hall.

In addition to the huge operating table in the center and the messy surgical tools placed around it, there are also various densely packed instruments.

However, what shocked Kuroyu even more.

There were more than ten culture vessels in front of him, seven of which contained "people" exactly like Nirvana.

The ancients are honest and do not deceive!

The madman goes crazy and doesn't even let himself go.

However, thinking of the Nirvana that he fought with just now, Heiyu instantly smelled a hint of Nirvana's true purpose.

If his guess is correct, Heiyu can be sure that the majority of the reasons why Nirvana asked him to come this time.

It has something to do with the "self" in the culture fluid in front of me.

"Boy, are you surprised? The person I fought with you just now is also a member of this place. Do you want to get two or three of them?"

Nie Yuli suddenly turned around and showed a terrifying smile.

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