The small voice echoed between heaven and earth, as if it was filled with magic sound.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned and landed on the two figures.

The first to catch sight were Kuroha Shiba and Rukia Kuchiki, who were both unharmed.

"Shiba Kuroba, what were you talking about just now!"

Aizen Sosuke woke up suddenly and roared angrily.

Faced with this sudden change, his mind obviously felt a little unable to turn around.

"what did I say?"

Shiba Kuroba said with a warm smile.

"Didn't I tell you clearly just now?"

"All of us are playing you together. We already know that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. You are the only one who still thinks that the plan is perfect and no one can know your identity."

"By the way, don't think that if you let two little brothers always target me, you think you can let Captain Tosen and Captain Ichimaru come out without anyone noticing."

Byakuya Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Rukia Kuchiki were all stunned.

In their eyes, this kind of result is too twists and turns, which makes people feel caught off guard.

"You even know this?"

Aizen Sosuke's voice not only became colder, but also colder.

The gentleness and elegance of the past are long gone.

Some are just endless hatred, even the cheeks are slightly twisted.

He never thought that the plan he had worked so hard to plan would go wrong at this critical moment.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Aizen Sosuke would never have believed that he would also encounter Waterloo.

"Haha, Captain Aizen, these little tricks of yours are just trivial. The eggs are so tight that they can hatch chickens, let alone Captain Aizen."

Black Feather smiled warmly and said, "I forgot to tell you. Only the weak will think of using tricks. The real strong ones can rob directly."

"You want to kill someone with this expression, but it will make the little fan girl very sad."

"I'm right, Vice Captain Hinamomori."

After the words fell, two figures walked out of the darkness.

In addition to Hitsugaya Toshiro, he was also accompanied by Hinamori, who was originally imprisoned in the cell.

However, at this moment, she had a look of disbelief on her face, staring straight into the void at Sosuke Aizen, half of his body scorched black, shaking her head in disbelief.

"No, it's not possible. The expression of Captain Aizen in my memory is definitely not like this. You must be fake."

The awe-inspiring words were mixed with a sense of urgency.

At least, in the eyes of Hinata Mori, who is a fan girl, if she had a choice, she would be willing to lie to herself.


Shiba Kuroba couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "Sure enough, fans are all idiots."

"No wonder Captain Aizen is so naive that he thinks that his so-called role can deceive everyone. It turns out that he has been dealing with idiots all the time. It can be said that you will lose, Aizen. It's all because you think too highly of yourself and think everyone is inferior. you."

"This time, I'm sorry, you have been general."

"Am I being generalized?"

Aizen Sosuke's expression stiffened, and the next moment he roared with a distorted expression.

"No, I didn't lose. I, Aizen Sosuke, will never lose."

"Shiba Kuroba, I don't know why you know so many things, but since you are seeking death, I will let you know how stupid you are."

"Don't forget, I have the final trump card."


With the sound of the sword, Aizen Sosuke disappeared out of thin air.

A figure emerged first from behind Shiba Kuroha.

"Nine phases of killing!"

Like a fly, an unusually ferocious figure appeared first behind Shiba Kuroha.

The moment the six limbs were lifted up, the violent spiritual pressure transformed into extremely impactful sound waves like a frenzy, blasting towards Shiba Kuroha's back.

The violent scene shook everyone's nerves.

Looking at the completely abandoned humanoid monster, his pupils shrank with a shocked expression.

"Is this Aizen Sosuke? He turned into a monster?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro showed a hint of excitement.

He felt a little unhappy about the comment Shiba Kuroba had just given to Hinata Mori.

But when facing Hinamomori, he was like a girl obsessed with him, his eyes never leaving Sosuke Aizen's figure.

That idiotic sentence really left Hitsugaya Toshiro unable to refute.

Seeing such an ugly monster appear now undoubtedly makes Toshiro Hitsugaya lose his temper.

To defeat a love rival, you must start with image.

The scene before our eyes is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

"He is the form of Captain Tosen."

Black Feather suddenly turned around, feeling the roar of the oncoming attack, and said with a warm smile.

"It's just that the current Captain Dongxian, without the other half of Bengyu, still cannot fully control this power."

"Is your IQ not online? Have you forgotten my methods?"

"Swallow it, the Great Dark Sky!"


The jet-black air waves exploded like a frenzy in Shiba Kuroyu's body.

The moment the black mist rolled back, it quickly built into a huge black hole vortex.

The sonic impact that was originally coming towards me was swallowed up as soon as it got close.

This unparalleled sneak attack only caused a few ripples and then disappeared without a trace.

The strange scene made Dongxian wake up suddenly, and he hurriedly pulled away and quickly retreated away.

"Captain Tosen, have you forgotten that I have a second Zanpakutō?"

A small voice came out, like an invisible heavy hammer, hitting Dongxian Yao's nerves.

At this moment, Tōsen Kaname's IQ was obviously temporarily dispelled due to his incomplete virtualization.

Not caring at all whether his eyes had recovered from his longing, he suddenly fluttered the wings behind his back and retreated crazily.

However, as soon as this action came out, a sound of swords sounded again.

The purple light, centered on Dongxian Yao, surged out without warning.

The next moment, a huge force as heavy as a mountain erupted, covering the whole world in an instant.

Dongxian Yao, who had originally planned to flee in a hurry, seemed to be in a deep swamp at this moment, and even his neat movements showed a slight stagnation.

Subconsciously he opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of Shiba Kuroha, but he was suddenly confused.

"I see something!"

The inappropriate words came out without warning.

Unfortunately, before Tosen could miss this colorful world, Shiba Kuroha finally made a move.

His right hand was clasped on Zhonglan, and while purple spiritual pressure was pouring into the blade crazily, there was no trace of fancy.

Zhonglan suddenly unsheathed himself.

"Gravity Knife·Tiger!"


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