"It's too late, he plans to burst the swastika Yama cricket!"

Ichimaru Gin's feminine voice suddenly sounded.

The eyes like poisonous snakes suddenly turned and locked on the nine scarlet blood eyes that appeared in the void. The mind couldn't help but think of the shocking scene that they had seen in Hueco Mundo that day.

"It's still as shocking as ever, but I'm still the only one who can solve the problem in the end!"

The incomprehensible words were spat out by Gin Ichimaru.

Unfortunately, at this moment, no one paid attention.

Everyone's attention has already been attracted by the scene that appeared in the sky.

At the same time as the huge spiritual pressure rolled out like a tide, the earth roared and cracked.

The nine blood-moon-like eyes that appeared in the sky suddenly opened.

The sky is filled with space like a broken mirror.

The next moment, the huge amount of spiritual pressure crazily rolled back into Shiba Kuroha's body.

A man with a ferocious face and a thousand hands, like a huge body of Blood Hell Asura, appeared in front of everyone's eyes first.

Whether it's the figure that blocks out the sky or the aura that he exudes.

It gives people a completely oppressive feeling.

It was as if an invisible hand was gripping people's hearts.

The strange scene shook everyone's nerves.

Standing in front of this behemoth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of insignificance.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would be willing to believe that everything in front of them was actually in the hands of a mere newcomer.

When I thought about it, just a moment ago, Kira Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei compared Shiba Kuroba to the vice-captain of the same level as themselves.

The scene before their eyes was like an invisible slap, slapping them viciously on the cheek.

The burning feeling made them want to find a hole and crawl in.

If this can be considered a vice-captain, then how many people in the Protector Thirteen Team are qualified to become captains?

"Break it for me!"

Three simple words came out.

Shiba Kuroba suddenly clasped his hands together.

The Senju Shinshu Daianakokuten emerged from behind, erupting with spiritual pressure as powerful as the heavens.

In an instant, the air was vibrating, and the darkness covering the world actually felt like it was fading away under the attack of the spiritual pressure like a raging wave.

Everyone in the venue suddenly woke up.

Unfortunately, before they could react, the huge Thousand Hands Shinshu Daiana Heitian made a move first.

Under the movement of thousands of big hands, the air flowing throughout the world was stirred.

When Shiba Kuroha's eyes fell on the dark void of the earth below.

The fist shadows all over the sky landed with a crashing force, carrying a majestic attitude.

At this moment, Kira Izuru and others standing in the distance felt as if the sky was falling.

"The final form of Qing Chong·Underworld Breaking Practice!"

Dongxian Yao's roar sounded.

Hidden in the darkness, he was finally revealed.

The Zanpakutō in his hand erupted with a sharp sword sound, and at the same time, black swords shot out from behind.

In the void, it turned into a huge shadow of more than ten meters.

As the ferocious look on Dong Xian Yao's face emerged, a roar erupted the next moment.

"Shiba Kuroba, I want to see if you really dare to kill the captain!"


The black shuttle, which was more than ten meters long, erupted with dazzling black light, and instantly collided with the fist shadows in the sky.

echoed with a deafening crash.

The black light that shrouded the black shuttle first seemed to be overwhelmed, spreading cracks like spider webs.

The next moment, before anyone could react, a terrifying explosion sounded.

The black shuttle, which was more than ten meters long, shattered and opened.

Without this layer of defense, the forward attack that was originally at a standstill, and the shadows of fists filling the sky, turned into an overwhelming gesture.

The pupils of the crowd quickly enlarged.


At this moment, not to mention the air, even the space seemed unable to withstand the attacks that were falling one after another.

Along with the ripples, Dongxian's last defense was shattered like a piece of wood.

"Captain Tosen!"

Hisagi Shuhei suddenly woke up with a look of panic.

He was about to come to the rescue, but unfortunately, faced with the shadows of fists falling all over the sky, his steps obviously failed to fall.

Even Dong Xianyao, the captain, could not stop this terrifying offensive.

What's more, he is the vice-captain?

However, as soon as this idea flashed through his mind, there was a trace of hesitation.

It's too late.


The fist shadows all over the sky rushed straight towards the earth.

The violent explosive air waves rolled back like a frenzy.

The swastika Yama cricket that covered this area and belonged to Dongxian wanted to disintegrate like an egg in an instant.

As the light swayed down, the ferocious-looking Thousand-Armed True Number Dark Sky came into everyone's sight first.

However, the remnants of the explosion were lingering, and it took more than half a minute for the dust to dissipate.

When everyone came to their senses, the Thousand Hands True Number Great Dark Sky, which was like a huge mountain, had collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Only Shiba Kuroha was left standing unscathed.

The people who were thrown a hundred meters away by the explosion wave recovered a little.

All eyes turned around and fell into the deep pit of the earth that collapsed.

Look at this large pit that is more than ten meters deep and as wide as a hundred meters.

A figure covered in blood and with torn clothes came into view first.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

While his face was filled with disbelief, a chill ran under his feet and went straight to his forehead.

This is the captain!

He is the long-famous captain of Division 9!

In the eyes of most Shinigami, this status represents the existence of a ceiling.

However, now this ceiling has been abruptly broken through by the newcomer Shiba Kuroha.

If this is not shocking.

I'm afraid there's nothing left, right?

"Captain Dongxian, cheer up!"

Hisagi Shuhei was the first to lose his composure, and with a quick step, he dodged and fell into the deep pit.

He helped Dongxian, who was covered in blood, to stand up.

Seeing that the captain he admired so much would end up like this, Hisagi Shuhei's heart was filled with anger.

It's a pity that when I think about it, even the captain, Tosen Kaname, was defeated.

Not to mention myself.

If I rush forward now, I'm afraid I'll just get killed.

"Ahem, don't worry, I'm fine."

Tōsen Kaname coughed dryly and didn't bother to wipe the blood off his face, "Look" and said to Shiba Kuroba.

"However, Shiba Kuroba, you dare to openly attack the captain. This is completely on the opposite side of the 13th Guards."

"Don't say it's me now, even Captain Yamamoto will take action against you if he knows what's happening here!"

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