"somebody is coming!"

Ulquiorra raised his eyebrows and spoke first.

Nilielle waited for Xu, her expression suddenly changed.

Just now Shiba Kuroba showed great power, even smashing more than twenty Arrancars and Nnoitra.

It is indeed surprising that something happened at this juncture.

Even Harribel's gaze couldn't help but turn and landed on the end of the earth.

Looking at the dozens of figures that appeared, there was also the leader.


It should be more accurate to say that it is virtual.

This made Harribel and the others' expressions darken.

"It's Bailegang. Sure enough, such a stubborn guy will never leave so easily. He just used Nnoitra as bait, intending to consume Master Kuroyu's spiritual power, and then look for an opportunity to come out. I'm afraid he plans to borrow This will kill us all."

Harribel said in a deep voice.

"Now that Bailegang has carried out Arrancar, the strength he possesses may have even further broken through."

"However, the most troublesome thing is that it has the ability to accelerate decay and decay."

"We are not Lord Black Feather. We have the power of darkness and can swallow everything, so when we fight, we must be careful in everything."

"If I'm not wrong, now we join forces to defeat Bailegang behind the Arrancar, and the success rate is less than 30%."

Having said this, Harribel subconsciously looked at Shiba Kuroba, who was snoring and sleeping after hammering Nnoitra.

"I hope Master Kuroba can fight again!"

Harribel, who was at the peak of Vastod, had once tried to get beaten by Vastod who was just starting to make an Arrancar.

If Shiba Kuroha hadn't taken action in time, he might have been devoured long ago, and even the bones would no longer exist.

So Harribel clearly knew the horror of Balegang.

"Don't worry, this damn Bailegang is still as sinister as ever. He can even betray his companions. It seems that we didn't join Xuye Palace before, but this is the best choice."

Grimmjow responded in a deep voice, his eyes twinkling at the same time.

"However, if he really dares to take advantage of the opportunity to make a sneak attack, then we don't need to be polite and take action immediately!"


Grimmjow suddenly kicked his feet on the ground, and like a ghost, he disappeared out of thin air and reappeared, dozens of meters away, heading straight for Balegang.

"Grimmjow, you are too impulsive!"

Sun Sun, Apache, and others were all Yachukas, and their expressions couldn't help but change drastically.

In their eyes, since Balegang has reached the level of Arrancar, his strength is definitely far superior to Harribel and Ulquiorra of Vastod.

Since neither of them could prepare for a confrontation, Grimmjow's move undoubtedly became a bit uncertain.

"Let him pass, and let's take action too, just in time to test the difference in strength between the Arrancars!"

Harribel stepped out indifferently.

Ulquiorra on the side also took action.

In just the blink of an eye, Shiba Kuroha passed by Shiba Kuroba, who was sleeping soundly. Looking at Bailegang hundreds of meters away, Grimmjow took action first.

False flash!


The powerful spiritual pressure beam was spit out by Grimmjow.

The distance of several hundred meters was shortened in the blink of an eye.

Baile Gang, who had just flashed out of the darkness, his face changed obviously and he shouted urgently.

"Death sighs!"


The black mist was like a tide, rolling back quickly with Baile Gang as the center.

An indescribable cold feeling instantly enveloped the area.

When the dozens of Yachukas who were originally following Bailegang saw this, their expressions changed drastically and they quickly distanced themselves.

As subordinates, they knew exactly what Balegang's trump card was.

With just a slight touch, that kind of death is irreversible.

It can be said that everyone's eyes are now on the approaching virtual flash.

Whether it was Achiukas, Ulquiorra, or Harribel who were present, they all wanted to find out.


The air was shaking violently, and their expressions couldn't help but change slightly at the sight they saw, and the pupils of all Yachukas shrank even more.

The virtual flash that plunged into the sigh of death gradually disintegrated and was annihilated in the void as if it was decayed.

Finally, he disappeared seven or eight meters away from Bailegang.

Grimmjow's face suddenly turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You bastard, if I can also break the surface, I will definitely be able to tear him into pieces!"

"Let's do it!"

Harribel took one step past Grimmjow, the bone knife in her right hand, and her spiritual pressure soared rapidly.

The next moment, dazzling blood burst out, and with an unparalleled fierce attitude, it slashed towards Balegang.

"Moonlight Sword!"

Ulquiorra also had no intention of stopping. The huge spiritual pressure dormant in his body was detonated and instantly compressed into a silver-white moonlight sword.

Then he was thrown violently by Ulquiorra.


The two attacks launched by Vastod were so powerful that the void was penetrated instantly.

The huge air wave rolled back and approached Bailegang in the blink of an eye.


Bailegang's face darkened, and he clenched the ax of death tightly with his backhand. The billowing black mist rolled back on the ax head and struck out in front of him.

"Death blow!"


When the ax fell, the air rippled, as if even the space was decaying and aging.

The black mist slash of a hundred feet collided with the two attacks in the blink of an eye.


The blast wave was rolling back, and the black mist was spreading rapidly.

The rocks passed along the way were instantly decayed and weathered.

The two attacks seemed to plunge into nothingness.

Disappeared into thin air.

When everyone reacted, they shrunk in a circle, leaving only a fifty-foot slash, which attacked Ulquiorra and Harribel head-on with undiminished power.

"So strong?"

Sun and Sun were waiting for Yachukas, and their expressions suddenly changed dramatically.

Originally, Harribel and Ulquiorra, the two Vastods, might be able to fight against the Balegang behind the Arrancar by joining forces.

He didn't expect that he wouldn't even be able to resist the opponent's blow.

Seeing the pursuing offensive, Sun Sun and Xu Zheng planned to help.

The next moment, an emerald green beam of light was seen, leaping past them and colliding with Bailegang's attack.


Thunderous explosions resounded through the sky, and hurricane-like air waves rolled back.

Harribel and Ulquiorra quickly retreated and landed next to Nellie.

The three Vastod stood together and asked Sun and Sun to wait for Yachukas, and their eyes couldn't help but light up.

The combined efforts of Harribel and Ulquiorra just now were unable to break through Balegang's attack.

But now that Nellie, who is also Vastod, has joined, maybe the situation will change.

However, at this moment, what they cared about most was Shiba Kuroba.

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