Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 81 Extreme counterattack, crazy targeting!

Chapter 81 - Extreme counter-kill, crazy targeting!

A sword breaks the air!

Fiora's Q skill broke the flaw behind Riven. With the help of the acceleration effect, Flame kept adjusting his position.

He had to go to the upper right of Riven as soon as the flaw refreshed.

Yuan Shen was not nervous at all. He kept the third Q in his hand.

He couldn't let it go.

Riven's three-stage Q, the animation effect is too obvious.

Not to mention professional players, even a gold player can react.

And if he wants to kill Fiora, the three-stage Q can't be used casually.

After 1.5 seconds, the second flaw refreshed again.

Fiora's hand-raising action for the general attack has appeared, but she suddenly lost her vision.

Riven, into the grass.

Without any hesitation, Flame directly predicted W.

He thought Riven would counterattack Q3A when she lost her vision in the grass.

However, he miscalculated.

At the moment of controlling Riven into the grass, Yuan Shen leaned directly towards the wall.

Although Fiora's W hit, it didn't block any damage.

The third part of the Q skill was used to counterattack, and at the moment when Fiora's W ended, it hit the flying effect.

Although the attack speed was reduced, making the basic attack a little constipated, the enhanced basic attack with the passive skill still hit Fiora.

Q3A, all hits.

Fiora's health suddenly emptied to zero.

Riven's health was only the last 27 points.


The scene of the game was instantly in an uproar!!

Fiora had the advantage, but Riven blocked the vision and successfully counter-killed? ?

It was so exciting!!

The audience who came to the scene of the game felt that the trip was worthwhile.

"First Blood!!"

"IG-Yuan (Exiled Blade) killed LGD-Flame (Unparalleled Fiora)!!!"

Single kill!!

Dangerous game triggered blood recovery, Yuan Shen walked into the bush again and pulled away the vision of the soldiers.

Two rounds of ranged soldiers and a cannon car's concentrated fire reduced his health to only 7 drops.


Not only that, if the princess followed the line of soldiers, Yuan Shen would not choose to fight.

From the moment the princess crossed the line of soldiers and chose to block the line, he really decided to fight back.


Top lane, single kill.

The princess, who was highly expected by LGD fans, fell under Riven's sword.

Even so, he was the closest person to single kill Yuan Shen.

The fight on the top lane was bloody and extremely dangerous.

Compared with the three-on-three in the bottom lane, which seemed to be in full swing and skills were flying everywhere, in fact, they just used a flash to knock off some status. The fight on the top lane looked too exciting and too thrilling.

"This wave of sword princess made a mistake, and the eye position was too anxious..."

PDD said halfway and didn't continue.

What can he say?

If sword princess went to block the line, she would definitely die after two rounds of soldiers' output.

To be able to play like this, the princess is already very good.

Anyway, if he goes up, it is estimated that these two people will still have half of his health left after killing him.

"Riven still wins the line. Fiora failed to block the line and was killed. The loss is maximized."

Miller breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the princess is also very strong.

But in his heart, he always hopes that domestic players can be stronger.

There are Rookie, Pawn, and Doinb in the mid lane, and there is only one domestic player, Wei Shen, who really can't hold up.

In the top lane, Looper and Acorn are already very strong, and now there is a princess.

Originally thought that Tong Yang would be the face of the LPL top lane, but I didn't expect that in the end, a newcomer who debuted less than a year ago would have to support the scene.


In the LGD lounge, Firefox pounded the table heavily.

This was the first BP he coached LGD, and it was the LPL finals that were related to the world championship quota. This kind of big scene was his first experience.

Originally thought that with the help of LGD players, it would be easy to do a BP, but now it seems that he is still far behind those professional coaches.

In terms of his understanding of the players, he is not as good as Fu Manduo.

Now, Riven is leading in the line of soldiers and has the advantage of first blood. She bought another Doran's Blade directly after returning to the city.

The gap between two Doran's Blades and Doran's Blade + Longsword will be gradually widened.

Riven, who has already entered a strong period, is now more powerful in the top lane.

And Fiora can only develop in a sneaky way. Even when Riven's ignite is ready and her own flash is not ready, she can only rely on experience. Even going forward to last-hit is life-threatening.

Once the opponent seizes the opportunity, these two heroes are likely to be killed instantly.

The same fragile skin, the same high burst, and the connection of skills and general attacks.

Compared with heavy-armored warriors such as Noxus and Nasus, Fiora Riven can only be regarded as a light-armored warrior.

The positioning is more inclined to assassin rather than warrior.

The body is too fragile.

"Top lane, inferior..."

Wawa couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

The game in the top lane was really cruel.

Riven, who had gained an advantage, didn't even want to let Fiora gain experience!

Yuan Shen was really skilled at snowballing when the situation was favorable.

"The situation on both sides feels a bit one-sided. Now it depends on whether there is any external force to intervene and break the situation."

As a top laner, Miller is very knowledgeable.

The so-called external force is the top laner's unique skill, shaking people.

If one person can't beat you, I'll call two people!

If three people still can't beat you, forget it.

Flame also understands that if he is playing Maokai, he will never take the initiative to ask his teammates to help him relieve the pressure, but Fiora is different!

Once this hero collapses, what should the opponent do with the four-one split push?

The opponent Riven has taken the initiative and can teleport whenever she wants. He can only be forced to follow Riven's rhythm. He collapsed after following twice.

Not to mention that he can't eat the line of soldiers, the effect of teleporting down may not be as great as Riven.

Under Flame's call, Sejuani and Diana also put the focus of ganking in the middle and upper, and began to limit Riven's development rhythm.

They have suffered once by letting the top lane go.

Even if Imp is saved, the top laner still has the ability to end the game.

And the situation in this game is more serious.

They couldn't let Fiora lose the ability to single-push against Riven. If they couldn't defend the tower in a one-on-one match, they would be extremely passive.

Yuan Shen, on the other hand, made the opposite decision.

Protect the bottom lane!!

Who is the core of LGD?

It can be seen from the fact that Yasuo and Gragas kept going to the bottom lane to help Imp in the last game.

The core of LGD is Imp.

This S4 champion ADC has used two seasons to prove that he is the absolute core of LGD.

Worth protecting and can carry.

But no matter what the core is, there is no way to deal with the targeting of Gragas's ultimate and Yasuo's screen-connected big move.

Even with Hirano Aya's national guardian bull, it is still impossible to protect.

At nine minutes, IG's bottom lane four-on-two forcibly killed Skateboard Shoes and Minotaur.

Yasuo and Kog'Maw each took a kill, and Kakao also controlled the first little dragon.

The price was that Lulu and Kog'Maw both gave up their flash.

Lulu was trying to keep people.

But Jack was forced to give up his flash because he resisted the tower when crossing the tower.

However, in contrast, Riven was forced to the second tower by Diana and Sejuani, and lost one and a half waves of soldiers.

Yuan Shen didn't care about this, as F4 and Krug could help him grow. More importantly, it was not very profitable for Fiora to be helped like this.

With three people sharing the experience, Fiora's level would rise very slowly.

The economy was not much different.

It was equivalent to using the advantage pulled out in the early stage to gain a big advantage in the lower half of the area.

This is acceptable.

Sanjiang is available, and it will be available at 12 noon next Wednesday. There will be 20 chapters (40,000 words) of explosive updates. Thank you for the three updates before the release. After the release, there will be five updates every day~

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