Chapter 16 - Peerless Sword Lady

"What are you going to use on the road?"

In the last move, it was Yuan Shen's turn to choose a hero.

"How about... Jace or Gnar?"

Rookie suggested that their lineup needs an AD output.

He probably has an understanding of Yuan Shen's hero pool. In addition to the version heroes, the most commonly used are offensive heroes such as Crocodile, Sword Girl, Riven, and Sword Girl.

The hero Jace has a very strong snowballing ability. If they want to play in the middle and jungle, they can use it.

"Me... Sword Lady?"

Yuan Shen took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Fumanduo.

He wanted to... give it a try.

"Fiona? OK, just do what you think is right."

Fumanduo was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

He didn't think this was a good choice for the Peerless Swordswoman Fiona, but he thought Yuan Shen's wishes should be respected.

Even on the field, unless a certain hero is particularly needed to form a tactical system, or a certain hero is too Imba and is so strong that it must be selected by the ban, the coach will rarely directly carry points for the core of the team. Designated hero.

What's more, this is just a training match.

And they also need to give it a try.

Yuan Shen is an indispensable part of the tactical system with the center and jungle as the core.

"If you need junglers, call me and I'll help you."

Rookie said enthusiastically that Kakao's Chinese is not very good and he can only communicate briefly.

He didn't know why this was happening. Kakao obviously worked the hardest to learn Chinese before coming to LPL...


As She Keke locked Sword Princess, the words coming from the earphone made Yuan Shen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"I long for a worthy opponent!"

LGD club.

"No, buddy, is he sick? Can this hero be played?"

Everyone in Wei Shen was dumbfounded.

Isn’t Sword Girl a cruel hero?

When can it be used in training matches?

"When did Liu Zhihao have the courage to do this? If this is the case, he will not participate in IG's training games in the future. What's the point of this?"

Taobao Quan rolled his eyes, a little angry.

"Did you make the wrong choice?"

Hirano Aya had a relatively good temper and looked back at Chris.

In S1, Chris played support in IG and won many championships with Tabe. Although in S3S4, he went to Royal Family and won two runner-ups, but his relationship with IG has always been good.

After arriving at LGD, I frequently had training matches with IG, almost all of which were facilitated by Chris.

"No, Coach Fumando confirmed their choice."

Chris shook his head, also a little confused.

Nowadays, the top lane style of LPL has actually been finalized.


It's not that I'm a coward, it's not that I can't operate it, it's just that the lineup needs it.

As the vanguard of the team, the top laner's biggest responsibility is to rely on his own frankness to defend the tower when his teammates are at a disadvantage, so that the opponent does not dare to easily jump over the tower. At worst, he can use his own body as a blocking skill to create space. Let teammates clear the line and delay development, slowly dragging down the development of the whole team.

The output top laner can win the game faster when the wind is going down, but when the wind is going against it, it is not even as good as the super soldier.

Heroes such as Crocodile, Riven, and Weapon can at least provide some meaty equipment and take the half-meaty single-tank route.

But Sword Girl's error tolerance rate is really too low.

She has almost no frankness, so she can only take the output route, and her positioning is closer to that of an assassin.

The hero Sword Princess can only use W. If you want to gain an advantage in the early and mid-term, you can only rely on W.

However, the reaction speed of professional players is too fast, and the hand-raising movement of Sword Girl W is too obvious.

In Qi Xiaodian's videos, players often use the S key to cancel the flat A and avoid the Sword Queen's W operation.

There is no Sword Lady in the professional arena, and there is no Sword Lady even in the high-end games.

But this doesn’t mean that professional players can’t play Sword Princess.

It is because many sword girls cannot get out of the training matches that they are unable to compete on the world stage.

I don’t know what IG is thinking...

Could it be said that you don’t believe in evil?

How could Coach Fumando allow Posture to act so recklessly?

"Relax, don't be too nervous. During my first tryout, I made the coach climax right away."

He gestured and patted Yuan Shen on the shoulder, then stood behind Yuan Shen.

He wanted to see the first-person perspective to judge Yuan Shen's threat level to him.

If he's similar to him, it's not like he can't change his style to play Crocodile Blade Girl.

Let Yuan Shen play the big tree man and horse, IG can also have two systems, right?


Yuan Shen took a deep breath.

He has become very familiar with the old version of Sword Girl during this time.

Against the newly revised version of Ryze, overall it’s 60-40.

Sword Princess six, Ryze four.

Heroes with long hands often have the power of consumption and line power in the top lane, but as long as the damage can be calculated well, they rarely achieve kills.

Against Kennen, Gnar, and Ryze, the idea is the same.

But Sword Lady's fight against Ryze is different.

In the early stage, Ryze's equipment level has not increased, and his tankiness is really too low.

Facing the sword princess with two stages of charge, you must carefully calculate your health damage, otherwise you will be at risk of being killed again.

And this kind of long-handed hero, once killed once, there is no need to play.

The sword princess with A-level proficiency can increase his all attributes by 10%. In addition, the 3-point all-attribute bonus provided by the "Light of the Top Order" feature, he is confident that he can suppress Brother A and win the battle!

"Cui Qianzhu, Acorn, your strength is not bad."

Su Xiaoluo looked at the big screen, and still had some expectations in his heart.

"Too arrogant, whether it's killing the sharpness or not, the sword princess is not suitable for the game at all, and his ability is not enough for him to suppress Acorn. Today's opponent is well chosen."

Su Xiaoluo is very satisfied.

He has learned about Yuan Shen's recent movements from other managers.

Since there is no place to take him, IG can take the absolute initiative.

In today's trial, he will sign Yuan Shen no matter what the result is. Anyway, the principal is not short of money, and he can't be indifferent. At least he has to do something to show that he is not a scumbag.

However, the principal is not short of money, but this does not mean that he will pay a high salary to a useless person. How to lower the salary is what he should consider.

LGD top laner Acorn is a very good opponent.

As LGD's main top laner, the top laner of Samsung Blue, Acorn has maintained a very good state in the past two years, and does not look like a veteran born in the 1990s at all.

He is even 7 years older than Yuan Shen...

Acorn is best at tank-type top laners. Since S4, he has been the player with the lowest number of deaths in the OGN league, and many of the deaths were sacrificed in the middle and late stages to protect the double C.

Throughout S4, he was killed 0 times by a single person, so he was called the "Undead Demon King".

In most cases, he can stabilize his development and is considered a top blue-collar top laner, a level higher than Zzitai.

Please read~

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