Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 13 Trial with IG, big earthquake during the transfer period

Chapter 13 - Trial with IG, big earthquake during the transfer period

"It's a big move..."

Yuan Shen is still very concerned about the news during the transfer period.

Things happened one by one, and there were many things he didn't even pay much attention to before. Now he seems to be very emotional.

PE, the champion of the S3 summer season, fell to the LSPL during the spring season and was acquired by the NweBee team. Khan, the top laner of WEF, transferred to the NB team.

GT changed its name to UP, EP changed its name to HYG, and TOT changed its name to TBG.

RYL lost in the promotion and relegation match and fell into the secondary league.

However, the boss Bai Xing believed that RYL players should not waste their time in the secondary league. After some operations, he directly acquired VGP's LPL league quota and established a new RNG team.

KING, SHR, RNG, and GT had a major change of blood. Led by the Korean jungler Insec, the original Royal players including ADC Nami who joined Royal in the spring season, S4 runner-up Coke, Yumi, and Zero all left KING and avoided the fate of falling into LSPL.

Shenchao, who came back from North America, and the original KING team's ley, Xiangguo, Wuxin, and GT's Letme and Xiaohu formed the new RNG team.

As for the original VGP players, including Pi Xiaoxuan (xuanxuanpi), Zhu Yilong (Loong), Xie Dan (Eimy Wild King), Hart (heart), and Li Yuanhui (Punished King), except for Pi Xiaoxuan who joined the VG main team, the other five all joined UP.

Although the new champion EDG was far away in North America to participate in the MSI competition, it also made some moves, but basically they were all internal adjustments. In addition to introducing AJ from EP, the mid-lane U transferred to the Snake team and served as the starting mid-lane.

"It's normal. There have been many such incidents in the past. In the end, you still have to slowly get used to each other. It's not like strong people can win together. I think you still have to be suitable for yourself."

PDD said earnestly and took another puff of cigarette.

"I think you should go for the tryout earlier. Don't go for the tryout when the roster has been finalized."

"No... It's not that I won't go. It's okay for others not to want it."

Yuan Shen couldn't hold it in.

To be honest, he has indeed attracted a lot of attention during this period of time.

Many team managers added him on QQ to ask if he has any intention of playing professionally and invited him for a tryout.

But once they knew his true identity, everything changed.

Some said he was not suitable for their team, and some said his offer was too high.

Obviously, he didn't offer any!

There are even more straightforward ones, saying that he offended OMG and Uzi, and the temple is too small to accommodate a big Buddha like him.

If this progress continues, I'm afraid LPL will have no choice.

And even if he got the first place in the national server, Yuan Shen didn't think he would have any chance.

"IG tryout... is it really possible? Zzitai is an old IG player."

Yuan Shen looked at PDD with some worry.

"Don't worry about this problem. I know Zzitai very well. As long as you are better than him, he will be convinced in his heart even if he is tough on the outside. It's just that..."

PDD smiled and silently said sorry to his old teammate in his heart.

It's not that he wants Yuan Shen to go to IG to grab his starting position. It's really that he can't bear to see this talented seedling become unknown because of palace fighting and being bullied by his predecessors.

This is not LCK, what bullying of newcomers.

The current LPL is very simple and pure. Although it can't be said to be a blank sheet of paper like a newborn, there is nothing too smoky.

As long as you are strong and as long as you have results, you are a god in LPL!

If there is really a player who can help LPL win the first S championship, I am afraid he will be worshipped directly.

After listening to PDD's words, Yuan Shen also pondered.

It's not that he didn't think about IG. On the contrary, in his opinion, there are only a few teams in the entire LPL that have the chance to enter the World Championship.

EDG and LGD don't need to be considered, they are definitely strong enough to enter the World Championship.

Among the remaining teams, QG, IG, and Snake have the greatest chance.

In his impression, if QG, as a dark horse, was not extremely uncomfortable in BO5, it might be the first team in LPL to complete the triple jump.

Among these five teams, EDG is actually the best choice.

Yuan Shen knew that Tong Yang would break up with EDG, and finally he could only let AJ from the second team come to the rescue.

But EDG's style of play is deeply rooted, and it is impossible for him, a newcomer, to be the core.

LGD and Snake have strong top laners, one Flandre and one A brother. It's not that he doesn't have the confidence to compete for the position, but these two teams will not spend money on the top lane position...

Even if there is, it is to motivate the starting top laner and make the starting lineup feel a little sense of crisis.

The remaining two teams are QG and IG.

In Yuan Shen's opinion, there is no essential difference between the two teams.

IG's top, mid and jungle are stronger, and the bottom lanes of both teams are mixed, so there is nothing to say.

If there is any difference, it may be that QG pays more attention to the team and the ability of the mid and jungle to drive the rhythm, while IG relies more on the carry ability of the mid and jungle.

Moreover, QG has another serious problem, which is the palace fighting that is not inferior to OMG.

One-second BO5 is what QG did.

Again, teammates are teammates when they are only in the same team, and it is possible that they become strangers after they are separated.

Everyone has staged social interaction, which is also the norm in society.

Doinb likes to make money and pays more attention to live broadcasting, and Ten Thousand Volts also has the attribute of team dominance and is difficult to get along with...

After comprehensive consideration, Yuan Shen suddenly found a serious problem.

It seems... I really can only go to IG.


IG Club.

"Third place? Is this your answer to me? Who the hell patted his chest and promised me that he could at least enter the finals and get the runner-up at the beginning of the season, and this is the result?"

"If you can't enter the world this time, you'll die, damn, what a thing."

Listening to the angry curse coming from the phone, Su Xiaoluo could only wipe the sweat while responding.

"Scolded again?"

Zizi came over, curious.

The only person who could make Su Xiaoluo lose face was the principal.

Don't look at Su Xiaoluo's usual show of strength, as if IG's achievements today were all due to him.

But in fact, a dog is a dog. Facing an angry master, there is nothing he can do except wag his tail and beg for mercy.

"Who said it wasn't..."

Su Xiaoluo replied with a dark face.

A few days ago, IG just defeated the Snake team 3-1 in the third place match. He thought the principal would be happier, so he went to report the news, but he didn't expect to be scolded.

"Has the person recommended by Liu Mou come? Why is there no definite news?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard about it recently."

Zizi shook his head. He was not afraid that someone could take his starting position.

He had studied it a long time ago. The top top laners in the market now are either taken or not old enough. There is no suitable one at all.

Besides, he is an old IG man.

He was already wronged for giving up his position to Rookie during the spring season. The management should not be so heartless as to remove him from the starting lineup...right?

Please read on~Thank you~

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