Days Of Getting Rich In Another World Chapter 688

However, this matter did not end there. Two days later, the alliance held a separate meeting with Paganini and his party. Although Suffrin was absent, including Amberra, Zog, Mephilas and most of the high-level officials were present, which shows the high standard of the meeting.

There was nothing unusual about the first half of the meeting. It was to discuss some specific details of the relationship with the special leader after the official establishment of the alliance, as well as the establishment of a three-way trade channel with the Cosettes. These Paganini and Kai Before Nanlin came, Zhao Xu had explained to the special leaders, in other words, he had set a bottom line. Paganini and the others were nothing more than bargaining.

However, in the second half of the talks, the style of painting changed. The first was Mephilas, Chief of the General Staff of the Alliance Army. He directly stated that the Alliance Army was about to launch a new round of attacks on the Empire. It's no longer a secret now, but Mephilas made it clear that he hoped that the special leader could send troops to fight or at least provide diplomatic and material support.

Of course, Paganini and Kenan frowned upon hearing this. This was their biggest worry during their trip, because Zhao Xu and the special leaders' current strategy is to divide and disintegrate the coalition while consolidating the coalition. The territory, after the empire has made peace with the special leader, in principle, it does not intend to use force with the other party in the short term, but the alliance is the special leader's ally. It was promised to advance and retreat together, so these requirements of Mephilas today are also Reasonable and reasonable, it is not easy to refuse explicitly. In the end, they had to be vague, saying that they could not make the decision and had to go back and ask for instructions.

The alliance actually saw the idea of the special leader. In the end, they did not insist on Paganini and the others, but at the end of the meeting, the alliance coach Amberra told Paganini and the others a few words. Words from the heart.

“We also understand the situation of Your Excellency William and you. In fact, we do not want to force others to be difficult. We just hope that you will convey my words to Your Excellency William and other friends of the special leader. The contradictions between the civilizations under your command are irreconcilable, not only we can't tolerate them, but they can't tolerate us either. Sometimes excessive benevolence can easily leave disasters, so please special leaders must recognize this."

Paganini and the others had to agree again and again when they heard it. After that, the alliance did not mention it to them. A few days later, Paganini and his party stated that they planned to set off and return, but the alliance did not stop them. Flynn also specially organized a farewell dinner, during which the atmosphere was quite lively, and none of the top members of the alliance raised the issue of soldiers again, which made Paganini and the others somewhat relaxed.

On the second day after the dinner, Paganini and his party set off for their return. Mephilas personally sent them out of the city on behalf of the alliance. , This was originally a diplomatic practice, indicating that the two sides were friendly. Paganini and the others didn't care at first, but in the end, Mephilas asked the soldiers to bring dozens of old and weak women and children, which made Paganini and the others feel a little unfathomable. mystery.

Mephilas saw it, and even explained: "Everyone, these people are the family members of our "fugitives" who were taken in by you before, and now we have specially handed them over to us. You guys, so that their family can be reunited."

Paganini, Kenan and the others were all surprised to hear that, the special commander took in a group of former noble elites who fled from the alliance. They are very clear about this matter, but this matter is strictly kept secret from the outside world. Of course, there is no impermeable wall in the world, and the special leaders do not expect to keep the alliance secret. , However, now the alliance's move is equivalent to opening the cover, and it is sent to family members, which is equivalent to telling the special leader that the alliance not only knows that you have taken in the people we are arresting, but also know who they are. This move It seems to be a show of affection, but it is actually a kind of beating, warning the special leader not to try to play tricks with the alliance. We know your inside story very well. At that time, Paganini and his party all sighed at the cruelty of the alliance's tactics.

Mephilas watched her words, and knew that the purpose of her move had been achieved, so she pulled back her words at that time.

"Everyone, our move is not malicious. We also understand that Your Excellency William and you are merciful in taking in our "fugitives". Kindness alone cannot solve the problem. Only by overthrowing the empire and building a brand new world will we both have a future, so I hope you will carefully consider sending troops.”

Paganini and the Others Wen Heng basically understood Mephilas's intentions, but they couldn't express their position easily, and immediately agreed vaguely, and then said goodbye and left, but they didn't encounter any turmoil on the way back, but when they returned to the special lead, they learned that Zhao Xu was missing. Paganini and the others knew that the situation was serious. After deliberation, they decided to act separately. Paganini led a group of people back to Roger Town ahead of time, while Kenan and his battallion team stayed at the border first, and made a decision according to the changes in the situation. , this is what happened in the past.

Zhao Xu was also quite emotional after listening to Paganini's remarks. During this time, he patronized to deal with a series of problems caused by the resurrection of Xi Ya, and he did not care about the affairs of special leaders. , Now it seems that there are a lot of practical problems in front of him, Zhao Xu couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he asked Paganini and the others: "What do you think about whether to send troops?"

Paganini heard the first reply: "Actually, I have discussed this matter with Kennan and the others more than once on the way, and everyone has some ideas, but in the end, William, you and the elders will decide."

"It's okay, you can talk about it first, it's also a reference for our decision-making." Zhao Xu said.

Paganini then replied: "Actually, the result of our discussion is that it is better not to send troops."

"Tell me why."

"Yuyi, Kenan and the others don't trust the Alliance. In their opinion, the Alliance has an unforgettable hatred for the elites of the nobles, and not only against the Empire, but all the nobles on the continent, including our special leaders. Yes, according to Kennan's guess, even William, you are no exception. Now it's just because their situation is not stable and they need our support. When they are full of wings in the future, they will definitely not let go of the special leader. The good result is William, you lose your power status with a group of old nobles and become a commoner, the worst result..."

Paganini didn't continue speaking, it seemed a little hard to hide, but Zhao Xuneng Can't guess? Immediately said with a smile: "The worst outcome is that we have to be hung on a stake."

Paganini smiled awkwardly: "Of course these are all speculations by Kennan and the others. , I think it shouldn't be that serious."

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