Days Of Getting Rich In Another World Chapter 413

The woman suddenly raised her knife and looked towards Martha and Belmondo before she finished speaking, and seemed to not care about the latter's life or death.

"Damn it!" Martha muttered, and finally pushed the blade away before Belmondo was about to hit him. The latter was frightened and fainted, waiting for Bell. Mundo woke up again and found that he was already lying in his hotel, and the guy Clark was taking care of him. It was a surprise to see him wake up.

"Boss, you finally woke up, we are all worried to death."

"Why am I here? Where are Martha and the others?" His thoughts gradually became clear, and he recalled what happened before he fell into a coma.

"She's a guest at Whigburg now." At this time, a strange man entered the house, followed by the village chief Lucas.

"Who are you?" Belmondo asked, before the man spoke, the village chief Lucas hurried forward and said.

"Be careful, Belmondo, this is from the Rangers."

Belmondo was surprised when he heard this, he knew about the Rangers, it was a special area The team dedicated to guarding against spies has great privileges. At this time, the other party seems to be afraid that Belmondo will not believe it. He immediately took out a badge and shook it at Belmondo. Although it was not long, Belmondo still saw it clearly. It is engraved with a four-leaf clover and a flying eagle, which is the logo of the Rangers and a proof of the identity of the opponent.

Although Belmondo has seen a bit of the world compared to the overwhelming majority in the village, he is only a civilian after all, and he can't help but feel a little nervous when facing the Rangers: "Sir, are you looking for me? "

The other party was nodded, and then without asking anyone's consent, he directly pulled up a chair and sat in front of Belmondo's bed: "Your name is Belmondo van der Vaart?"

"That's right."

"You're a local. You went to Carney and Rondel to study when you were young, and then worked as a clerk under the previous lord. He was fired after Lord William came. After that, I went back to my hometown to open this hotel and it has been in business since then, right?"


"We have investigated your details, and there is no I found something suspicious, so we will talk about it here, otherwise you may be in the prison in Roger Town by now, do you understand the nature of this?"

"I understand, but I don't What did you do?"

"It doesn't matter if you did anything wrong, you just need to answer my question well. Do you know the Martha who held you hostage before?"

"Yes, is there something wrong with her?" Belmondo had already noticed something at this time, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"She's not Martha, her real name is Chris, she's a member of the coalition forces, she's been lurking in your village for a long time, what exactly did she do and what is her purpose, we're investigating now , I hope you can cooperate, if it is confirmed that you have nothing to do with this matter, we will not wrong you, but if it is the opposite, you must also understand what will be faced?" Speaking of this, the other party's face showed a smile for the first time, but this smile But it made Belmondo shudder.

Masha was actually a member of the coalition, and even her name was fake. All this was too shocking for Belmondo, and for a time he even wondered if he was dreaming.

Of course, all this was not a dream. In fact, another trial was going on in the dungeon of Whigburg at this time. And it was naturally Chris who was being interrogated. At this time, she could still see many obvious scars on her body.

"senior long time no see." At this time, the leaf fungus opened the mouth and said.

"You, this girl, haven't changed, you are still polite even in the face of the enemy, but I told you before, don't take a senior and call me old, I'm better than you Eleven years older, just call elder sister." Chris said with a smile, even though Thrown Into Prison, this one still doesn't seem to care.

Ye Yen smiled slightly: "In our current situation, I think it is more appropriate to call senior."

"Understood, this is deliberately keeping my distance from me, and that's right. , Now you are the interrogator, and I am a prisoner. The situation is different, and it is not suitable to talk about love. It is no wonder that your thunderbolt spell in Luding Village was so cruel. Now I feel that my whole body is like falling apart, and it hurts wherever I move. "Chris adjusted his sitting position as he spoke, giving the impression that he was really uncomfortable.

Ye Bun listened and nodded slightly: "Sorry, my duty is, your strength is too strong, if you don't do that, I'm not sure if I can subdue you."

"Oh, this is considered a A kind of affirmation of my strength? Then my heart will be more balanced, and I can let Ye Jun and Hina join hands with two great experts to deal with me. It is not a shame to lose this battle."

Ye Jun, Henna and Chris are old acquaintances and are familiar with her temperament. At the time, I didn't think so. Paganini and Chris were not familiar with it. It was quite novel at the time. Guangzong would rather die than surrender, and stubborn people also have stubborn bones like Fultz, but Paganini, who was caught and indifferent like Chris, is really looking back, and I don’t know that Chris was born this way. This character is still posturing.

Actually, Paganini guessed half right. There are two factors in Chris's state. On the one hand, she is born with a free and uninhibited character, whether it is about feelings, or even life and death. All the same, there were some criticisms about this style of behavior in the church at the beginning, and on the other hand, Chris said that he was not nervous at all at this time, and it was impossible. Chris deliberately pretended that he didn't care so that he could take the initiative in the subsequent interrogation.

Henna knew Chris's character and style, and immediately shouted: "Chris, you first figure out your current situation, don't put on a frivolous appearance, now we have the final say in your life and death. "

Chris gave Hina a sideways glance, and raised slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Hina, don't do this, I even took you a few interrogation sessions, all of your routines are all over the place." It's elder sister. I played the rest of the game. If you really think you're amazing, you don't have to. If it wasn't for the sneak attack of the leaf fungus this time, you might not be able to catch me. By the way, the last time I suffered The injury hasn't been completely recovered yet, you little girl can't even give up your face just because you always wear a veil."

Haina was really angry when she heard this, and she took a shot immediately. The table stood up, but Ye Xun was still relatively calm at this time, and reached out to stop her.

"Don't be fooled, she did it on purpose, let me come."

Henna actually understood in her heart that she had to suppress her anger and sit back in place, but Chris was at this time He also slapped his nose on his face.

"Tsk...I saw at the critical moment that Ye Mun is more sophisticated than you, how calm this is, I heard that you both are with William now, Henna, how long have you been snacking? , otherwise the man will be snatched by the leaf fungus sooner or later."

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