Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 184: Between offense and defense

The fist hit on the nose and left the target it punched. The feet that jumped for punching were also pulled back to the ground by the gravity of the earth. And this fall was followed by a sudden retreat. This retreat is seven steps! But even with seven steps back, when Lothar stabilized, his chest still felt warm. The monster's claws left a cruel mark on his chest like digging out soft soil. The monster's claws were so sharp that it wasn't until Loza stood still that his wounds began to feel pain. This means that if it weren't for his subconscious instincts to make the most correct judgment, he wouldn't even feel pain when the monster wanted to dig out his heart or other internal organs!

It's terrible. Earl felt the pain gradually spreading from the wound to the entire chest, and took a breath. This is the dilemma of fighting between humans and non-human beings. Compared with a large opponent, the human body structure is too fragile when it is not protected by armor. Any injury in any place will destroy the overall coordination and bring about A series of bad consequences. In contrast to the opponent, an axe on the tail and a boxing on the nose look fruitful, but at best it only creates a little trouble for the opponent, far from harming his life.

In the duel between people, Losa is the one who often plays this role. Both his strong body and the most lethal Tomahawk among many weapons made his attack fatal and heavy. But now, the human body is meaningless in front of the two-meter-long muscular beast, and the justice of the fool does not harm the huge body as much as the sharp minions threaten the human body. He had to retreat to the defensive position, and he could only accumulate a small advantage as in the short confrontation just before the moment when the tree was overturned.

In the process of accumulating advantages, Lothar has two primary tasks. First, he must protect his body from irreparable damage. No matter how many advantages he accumulates, his throat is crushed and his arm is broken, all efforts will be lost. He has to be careful and cautious. Second, he should pay attention to the consumption of physical strength. He didn't know the patience of the monster in front of him, maybe it was bad, maybe it was not bad, no matter which one he actually was, he could not bet. Giving up often means losing both sides. He has no capital to lose both sides and he has to survive.

If you live, you have to win. Before Lothar's own physical exhaustion was exhausted, he had to quickly accumulate the advantage and turn the advantage into a victory in the final blow. It's not easy, every time you dodge means you consume precious physical energy without gaining. However, any neglect of the enemy may bring irreparable results. This pressure combined with the tension in the face of strong enemies is enough to make many people collapse, let them give up and continue to confront the opponent, and choose to turn around to escape or beg for mercy. Most of those people are dead and can beat your opponents head-on, and often don't give you a chance to escape.

Moreover, after losing the torch, Losa was not confident that he could find his way back to the market if he was chased. Although the moonlight here is bright, it is not enough ...

"Buzz!" The bad wind interrupted his thoughts. When a giant beast with a tail of nearly three meters opens its mouth full of barbed teeth towards you, waving a forelimb with four pointed claws that can easily tear the chest, your thoughts will of course be thrown at you interrupt. Lothar dodges towards his left side, while holding the tomahawk's handle in both hands, slightly sticking out of the other's path, trying to use the inertia of the monster to take advantage of the point, if it can cause on the other's forelimb Wounds can help in the subsequent battles.

The idea is good. Elosa's arm strength, even if he passed by a horse carrying a knight, he was confident to use this axe to cut the front foot of the opponent. However, when the axe blade really rubbed on the monster's forelegs, the count felt as if he had hit a three-masted sailboat head-on! His front and back feet were pulled away from the ground by terrible force, and his entire body was carried forward a few meters because of this reckless attack. Until the castration of that thing stopped, the earl only rolled with an axe. Fall into the grass.

Fortunately, the soft lawn relieved most of its strength. After a few rolls, Lothar easily stopped his movement with his right leg, half-kneeling in the grass and searching nervously to make him such an opponent. The grassland under the moonlight should be bright and abnormal, but there seems to be something invisible in the air that absorbs the light. Those grassland people can fight for your life in the market by moonlight, but Losa can only take a few steps away. Things see a vague outline. The outline is getting bigger and bigger and higher.

"Roar!" Zhen Tian's roar ripped through the darkness, showing the stance of a corpse-eater standing upright. The hair that was close to the skin on its body was raised like a porcupine, showing a dead gray color, and it was lifeless. Saliva, mixed with blood that had not been swallowed, dripped from the corner of the monster's mouth, and sharp fangs showed like a premonition of the Earl's death. It was angry, anyone could tell, the question was, why? Before clearly cutting off the tip of its tail, tapping its nose did not expose the monster to such a fierce appearance.

The answer is answered by the full moon. As the moonlight became brighter, Lothar could clearly see the monster's left foreleg, which was a large **** wound on the arm that had just been cut by the battle axe. It was not a wound caused by a sharp axe, but more like the disgusting scars that would only come after the festering and festering. In this scar, a not-so-deep incision is obvious from the outside.

Corpse-eating creatures are not naturally generated, they are naturally different from animals. The cheese argument suddenly appeared in the ear. Unnatural creatures, in other words, whether intentionally or unintentionally, corpse creatures are contaminated with magic, and the magic will be destroyed by the witch hunt knife. This can explain why a wound that is not fatal to that huge body can stimulate its anger. But the question is, why the damage was also caused by the witch hunt knife, but this effect was not caused when the monster tail was hacked before?

There must be some reason for this, but not as much as Losado thought, the monster that has risen by human power has already rushed over the two sturdy hind limbs at a pace that is not inferior to that of humans ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The paws like two dark clouds shot from the upper left and right sides towards the count! Retreat, of course, is too late. Retreat, can not stop the opponent's offensive, he can retreat once, twice, and the third time may be bumped by the bumps in the grass. That is a way to win peace, not a way to win.

To win, one cannot simply retreat. Because of retreat, it is to see the situation clearly and make strategies. When both are reached and the time is ripe, the retreat will become the advance, and the advance will frustrate the sharp! Between the two steps, the count had rushed into the monster's arms, and now the monster was standing, so he was higher than Lothar, which was just high enough for the count to hit the bottom of the tomahawk's handle The opponent's chin!

"Bang!" The crisp cracking sound indicates the fracture of the jawbone, let your muscles be stronger, after all, it is a weapon made of hard steel. The monster was hit hard, and the center of the entire body moved backwards. Although the huge body did not fall down completely by the tail, it still showed enough flaws. The empty door has been opened. Experienced soldiers will not miss the opportunity.

"Drink!" The roar with a strong wind turned into a crescent-like arc left by the axe blade in the air, and fell towards the monster's eyes without any hesitation!

List of dawn chapters of the high-speed text hand hitting the gray tower

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