Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 172: Siege

Generally speaking, things don't become like this. The residents on the grassland certainly have their fierce side. As a nation that relies on looting to support the difficult years, their worship and dependence on force has never changed. Even with the belief in the spirits, the grassland people are often to the public. The spirits pray for power. But this does not mean that there is no order here. There must be order in any group that can unite. Perhaps this order is unreasonable, but it must have meaning and reason for existence. The bazaar is a manifestation of order on the grassland.

Here, businessmen do not have to worry about being blackmailed, and travelers can walk around the street at will, because this is the site of the wolf owner, and everyone here must abide by the rules he has set. On the stele at the entrance of the market, it was written that Dang Jieliang's knife was torn off and his clothes were stripped and thrown into the wasteland.

The question is, the rules are still the rules, but are those who set the rules still capable of maintaining it. The owner of the wolf is dead. Although there are many people in his heirs who want to maintain the order of the bazaar, in the current environment, he can't help himself. No one knows how many bows and arrows are pointing at his spine. At this time, the power in the hands is scattered to protect the order of the market, and it is not worth the loss.

The market has become more and more chaotic in the past two days. This matter is known to everyone in the market, especially after a large number of tribes have entered, the origin, whereabouts, and identity of the people have become much more messy than usual. Many people who were not welcome at the market also took the opportunity to get in here. This is what happened to those who surrounded Batu and Atta. At least the people who really want to live in the market, even if they are in love with other people's female partners, will not do such a gathering of siege. This is no longer a matter of blood, and they don't take the majesty of the wolf master at all.

But this is not to blame them. From their point of view, these dozens of people besieged are just ordinary looking hairy boys and alien female slaves he didn't know how to get, and they just took it out Knife, what can that kid do? This battle will not last long at all. In a few clicks, this kid will gradually lie in the pool of blood and gradually cool down, watching them take away his slave girl and exhale in humiliation. Weak meat, strong food, this is the case.

It is a pity that when you decide to believe in the so-called forest law, it is best to remember that the so-called strength and weakness in this world are simply uncertain. The antelope's horn can cut the tiger's wolf's belly; the weak pufferfish can take a deep breath and become a thorny thorny ball. The so-called upper and lower positions of the food chain are just analysis from the perspective of the entire group. Every life is All you want to do when you destroy another life is the same thing, fight. Fighting, there is no strength or weakness, life and death are equal for everyone, and in the battle for life, there is no such thing as winning easily.

Arrows make people too late to react. Picking a bow, drawing an arrow, opening a bow, taking a string, aiming, shooting, all movements are condensed into a short breath in the body's memory. Batu's arrows were not practiced to fight people Just for a hunter, there is nothing that can't be shot at this distance.

"Poof!" The arrow feathers outside the eyes tremble slightly, following the dead body to the ground. The people who had just been imposing to hack Batu to death were stunned. After all, it was the leader ’s death. These siegeers were somewhat confused as to whether they would fight or not, and as Batu shot the second arrow, they dispelled this doubt.

Now it is not a question of whether they kill him or not, but that this kid did not intend to stop there. Anger mixed with fear spreads from the spine to the limbs, and the battle is only truly started.

"Kill!" The machete chopped from Batu's front, and the young hunter held the bow in both hands and set it up. The bow is not a weapon used in close combat. If the two sides collide very hard this time, most of the result is that Batu's bow is cut in two and the power of the scimitar will not be blocked much. So he didn't do this. His right hand was high and his left hand was low. The hunter used the curvature of the bow and the leather attached to it to guide the blade in the other direction. At the same time, his footsteps turned slightly and took two steps to the right to resolve the attack.

The attacked person was not so dashing. The attack that was cut with the power of the whole body was used instead. The center of gravity of the person was immediately unbalanced, and his body leaned forward. Batu, who had turned to his side, would naturally not let go, and the drawn bow string turned into a deadly noose from the rear and suddenly wrapped around the opponent's neck.

But before waiting for Batu to tighten his bow, his waist is a cool one. This is not a one-on-one battle. The multiple opponents mean that even if he wins in the move, he can't take the time to make a deadly attack.

"Huh." Yu Guang watched the lucky guy hide his other bow behind the others, and the hunter had to draw his dagger from his waist to deal with the sharp blade that was thrown at him. If you want to use less, you rely on the initial raid to weaken the opponent's strength as much as possible and build fear. If he could kill three people in a row with unstoppable momentum, these dozen people would immediately disperse. Now, more and more enemies are approaching him, and the next time the flaw is exposed, it will not just be wiped from the waist.

Fortunately, Batu is not fighting alone, and there are no enemies behind him. The poor guys facing Atta only realized after the actual fight, that there was no female slave at all, no slave would have such a skill, and no slave would have such a sharp sword in his hand.

Flakrage is not like cutting iron like mud, of course there is that kind of magic sword, and Flacrague is more inclined to special functions. But even so, sturdiness is a common feature of all such weapons. Of course, the creator of the magic sword does not want to spend the effort to cast something that is damaged like an ordinary sword ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ So every magic sword is sturdy Outstanding in degree. Such a sturdy weapon is just right in front of the situation at hand, and the scimitar is not good at collision, so Ata only needs to strike the opponent's weapon with the magic sword as much as possible, which is enough to cause damage to the opponent's weapon.

Besides, in addition to the magic sword, there is another reliance on her shoulder that does not lose the magic sword, Kailas. Even if the leprechaun is not wearing equipment, claws and fangs alone are enough to create chaos in the crowd, especially the cooperation between Kailas and Atta is quite tacit, the black cat is responsible for disturbing each other ’s attention, and the swordsman can give the enemy Whack.

When Batu, who was marked with seven or eight wounds on his body, saw his opponent who had besieged him turned and fled, he understood that those people were not afraid of him. Behind him, there was no sound of fighting. Even if he knew something about Atta's skill, turning around to see the female swordsman standing next to five or six corpses covered with blood still shocked Batu. Before he recovers from the shock, he finds a suitable word to inquire about Atta's situation. The sound of horseshoes and calendars from far and near attracted Atta's attention for him.

"You two! Put down your weapons!"

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