Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 162: food

Sunlight shines through the white walls of the felt room, so that the indoor space will not be dead. The man in the gray robe hung his hands down and sat cross-legged in the corner of the room. His breath was deep and long, and his back and back in the breath went from straight to bent and circulated back and forth, seeming to be in deep meditation. But in fact, the man's eyes are not completely closed, there is still a light in his eyes between seemingly closed, so that he has not completely cut off the connection with the outside world.

The same thing happened to another living body in the room, a black cat. He slouched lazily in the sun's strongest place, curled up in a ball, and seemed to have fallen completely asleep. Only trembling ears from time to time proved that he was not completely relieved of the surrounding environment like a man.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let that woman go out with them?" The lazy cat suddenly spoke out the words of man, with clear eyes in the open eyes that the beast didn't have.

The sitting man slightly lifted his eyelids and slightly raised his left eyebrows. "No matter what, Nuiza is the one who is most familiar with it. Having her following can save you a lot of unnecessary trouble. Moreover, there are At the time, the action will reveal much more than words. If you really doubt her, you should let her practice her ideas and wait for her intentions to show up before making judgments. Believe me, This is much more efficient than forcing. "

"The premise is that you can intervene before what she does has a real impact. Otherwise you are just waiting for her to take us to a place where I don't want to go. In addition, I hope they can come back with food soon, I The hungry are about to eat people. "The black cat glared at the gray robe with a weak tone, obviously not satisfied with his answer.

"Guru!" The rumbling soup sounded in the iron pan, and the aroma contained in this big pot was splashed into the air to turn it into the best selling. The turbid but thick soup and the floating meat and bones in it attracted everyone who passed by the stall, especially those who had just finished their long wild life and were hungry.

"Gudong" can make the sound of swallowing like this, but it is not a blame. For a prairie man, the aroma of beef and mutton is carved in the bones, and all other foods are like perfunctory. As a stopgap measure, only these two things can relieve their true hunger. Of course, this sense of hunger is not unique to the Falconry. The expressions on the faces of Lothar and Atta when they smell the scent from the pot are no better than Batu, but they both endure the suppression. Down.

Nuiza, who was at the forefront of the team with a veil on her face and a hat on her head, had to stop. She is very upset now, especially after having experienced the matter of last night, she has an instinctive resistance to these meats. But she also knows that these foods are no longer optional. For the team, they desperately need external encouragement to restore their exhausted spirit and body, and nothing is better than meat. chosen.

"Two bowls of beef, one bowl of lamb, one bowl of broth." The daughter of the wolf owner walked over to the pot and said to the stall owner, then took out a few coins from his clothes. These coins were taken by the intelligence merchant last night. Although there are a few items that Nuiza herself can use as coins, it is easy to expose identity and waste people's speech. As for why these properties should be handed over to Nuiza for safekeeping and use, it is actually very simple. Lothar and Atta did not understand the monetary system on the grassland, and Batu ’s concept of coins was also due to the origin of the waterbuck. Not the same as the people here. The only one who can use these coins smoothly is not deceived, only Nuiza.

"Okay, the guests sit first and things go to the table immediately." The owner of the stall pointed at the tables and chairs with a hearty, he even put a white cloth on the tables and chairs to block the sun.

The four sat down quickly, with expressions of expectation on their faces varying degrees. Compared with Losa and Atta who are curious about the food of the prairie people, Batu is the most excited among several people. This young man who has experienced quite a lot of things rubbed his hands and his face was already blushing.

"If I remember right, your staple food should be beef and mutton. Why are you so excited?" The count asked about the status of his companion.

"Yes, most of our food sources are cattle and sheep. That's why we knew the value of cattle and sheep." Batu replied quickly, wiping his mouth with his sleeves, "in my The tribes only slaughter livestock in large numbers during major festivals or ceremonies. And in order to save food, most of our processing methods are air-dried and roasted. Cooking meat with water is very luxurious and time-consuming because it requires Use spices. Also, baked food can be stored for a longer period of time because it does not have moisture. If it is eaten, there is no need to reheat it. However, boiled food will deteriorate quickly in hot weather. Eating in time is easy to waste. "

Eating is an inevitable demand for people living wherever they are. No matter what age or environment they live in, people will always have preferences and pursuits for the taste of food. Eager to eat, food, this is the instinct of human beings as creatures, and it has also promoted the development of human society to some extent ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Looking at Batu, Losa and Atta when talking about food My mood is also driven by joy, and the long-term monotonous food category is a kind of torment for everyone.

"Your beef and mutton and broth, the cake is made by us newly in the morning, a few of them are still hot." The bowl that was brought up had a small head and a half of the head, and the meat outside the soup looked full. In addition, the store gave everyone an extra piece of bread. Simple cooked food exudes an irresistible aroma. Lothar and Atta eat beef, and Batu is lamb. This is because for people who are not used to eating lamb, the lamb will have a stale smell. From here, you can see the carefulness of Nuiza .

At present, few people have spoken again. Although they will feel guilty for the two companions who stayed behind, is it the best contribution to the team to recover energy after eating the food in front of them? The boiled but rotten meat is still strong, the broth that has been cooked since dawn, and the freshly baked noodles, even Nuissa, gradually relieved their memories of last night after they started eating. It was at this time that this shop welcomed the second batch of guests.

"Two big bowls of beef!" Two businessmen dressed up sat on the table next to a few people, chatting casually in front of the table, "Have you heard? The wolf master's sons seem to come by fire Distribute the property, the ceremony is in these few days ... "


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