Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 138: Funeral service team

The first thing I saw was the head of a wolf. It is not the kind of wolf head that smells of gas in the nose and the ghost fire in the eyes; it is a sign of shame that cannot be returned to the sky of the earth even if it dies. On the grassland, people are only allowed to keep the leather of domestic animals or the bodies of their own prey. Except for shamans, no one is allowed to use animals or human bodies for decoration purposes. Therefore, when the striped flag with the wolf head raised slowly at the boundary of the hills, Batu and Kailas already knew the origin of what they saw.

The team of wolf owners, to be precise, appeared on the ground far away is the team of the former wolf owner who has been confirmed dead and has an obituary. According to the prairie customs, after death, either the corpse is given to the beast, or it is attributed to the earth. The so-called attributed to the earth is not to find a place to build a cemetery like those in the plains. That is to tie the corpse to a horse or similar pallet pulled by a similar animal, and then drive the animal by friends or relatives until the corpse falls to the ground, and the place where it fell will become the burial body of the dead. Ground. In the same way, the deceased who was buried in this way will not stand a tomb, nor set up a tomb. Only those who participated in this farewell ceremony can reach the true position of his sleep. In this way, there will be no grave robbers or enemies to disturb the peace of the deceased. Those who can get there and call out his name must be his close ones.

"It seems that the death time of the wolf owner is earlier than the messenger said, otherwise the funeral procession will not have come here." Kailas narrowed his eyes slightly, the wolf master's funeral ceremony, this is how long lived on the grassland Must be able to see the landscape. According to tradition, the person who walks at the forefront of the team and decides the direction of the team must be related to the deceased. The deceased will use dreams or omens to inform the person of the path they will take the next day. In this way, the leader of this funeral should be the daughter or granddaughter of the former wolf master.

"Do you know that girl? If it is the daughter of the wolf owner, how much reputation will spread among the surrounding tribes, especially young ladies like this, men of the right age will always pay attention to her adult time." A little joking meaning turned to look at Batu, even if the waterbuck is more clinging to the Cang lion tribe, they and the people in power on the grassland can not be separated from each other. In this case, Batu is likely to know the identity of the leader of the funeral team. After all, the female offspring who can marry the wolf owner or Shan Yu is a symbol of the warrior.

Somewhat unexpectedly Kailas, in the face of this irony, Batu's complexion is very calm, even a little sad. The man's eyes were not placed on the woman at the front of the team, but on the figure of a lonely lying on the flatbed cart with four horses in the middle of the team. The man only wore the most rudimentary clothes, because he was about to return to the earth, and the Jinyi Huafu did not benefit him. At this time, Batu clearly realized that the so-called hero's death was nothing but a stripe.

Losa sensed the Falconer ’s thinking, and reached out and gently pressed Kailas ’s head. “Let ’s go, it does n’t matter who the girl is. The important thing is that we should n’t be outside this team. Insider. If the corpse fell here, we would desecrate the meaning of the ritual itself. "

The cat goblin dissatisfied the earl's hand. He doesn't think that the mortal traditions and beliefs deserve such respect. But in some aspects of Losa's rigidity, Kailas has experienced many times along the way. He knows that this knight-minded guy will not allow him to continue to wait and see. To be honest, without the use of weapons, cat leprechauns are not opponents of Earl's hands and feet, so he can only complain of dissatisfaction. "Generally speaking, when you say such a thing, the problem occurs. "

Exclaimed, sounded when the complaint had not dissipated in the wind. The three people hiding in the grass looked at the source of the exclamation. They saw an unexpected scene. The imaginary scene of the corpse falling did not happen. On the contrary, a branch from the grass on the other side of the hill The team of 20 or 30 people is undoubtedly an ambush in view of their lack of horse riding and armed weapons. And when the three thought they were about to see a conflict between the ambush force and the burial team of the wolf master, some of the burial team, or most of them, withdrew their weapons and put them on the neck of their companions. . This is not an ambush, but a long-planned mutiny.

"Things are starting to be interesting. Are you still planning to leave now?" There was a slight growl in the voice of the cat goblin, which was proof of his excitement. And seeing such a scene, Lothar as a knight and Batu, a tribe under the wolf master, can't be regarded as unseen. Of course, this does not mean that they will expose themselves unintentionally, just need to wait and see.

"Hello!" Goshawk hovered in the air to provide more information for Batu. After discovering that there might be troops ambushing around, the eyes from the air seemed particularly important.

"Let's guess what happened. I think it's because of the clew. Humans always start wars because of the clew." The clew in the mouth of the cat's goblin does not refer to a real yarn clew, that's just his usual analogy, cat In the analogy, the thread can refer to money, status, rights, and in general, the thread is the benefit.

Losa's eyes swept across the plain below. As a military lord from a Clan lion aristocratic family, he was too familiar with the situation. The spy, the ambush, the betrayal in the wilderness and wilderness, any casualties can be attributed to accidents and even ghosts, "That girl is in trouble, no matter who offended her, it seems that these people intend to bury her with her father.

The situation is indeed as the earl said, centered on the girl who flagged, and her cronies behind her protected her from ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, and outside them, they were several times the number of traitors and enemies. As for the poor servants who are unaware of this, they have become the first people to bleed. That's why Lothar said that those people want this girl to die and kill other people, meaning that what is going to happen should never be known to anyone who doesn't know about it.

"What should we do?" Batu's breath was slightly quicker. Although he had seen far more incredible pictures than the war between humans, it was when this kind of conspiracy that ordinary people should not have touched was revealed in him. In front of him, he would still feel helpless. Because he is not facing monsters that harm the world, the definition of right and wrong is even more vague among the same kind.

If it was before, adhering to the protection of the weak Loza in the Cavaliers' Creed, it is estimated that he will choose to rush to help the weaker party. But now, there is no such impulse in the count's eyes. There are always struggles in this world. The struggle will take place in the sea, in the sky, in the shadows, and the result of casting limited power into infinite struggle is the separation of wives. This does not mean that Loza becomes selfish or timid, but only after realizing that meaningless battles are so frequent, he chooses to decide the timing of the battle axe more carefully.

"Look at it first, we are all outsiders."

Nine Heavens Emperor

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