Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 126: after that

What happened next was rarely described or recalled by those present. They just remember that the whole world trembles upside down in the tumbling worms, the world swaps, the mountains translocate, as if the whole world is alive, and began to flip their bodies like giants for too long without moving. As a tiny creature on the giant's body, mortals completely lost all possible access to information in this shaking. When they came back to God again, everything had calmed down.

Ata opened his eyes and saw the grass behind it and a ladybug struggling to climb up the grass stem. She was silent for a few seconds, and then immediately wanted to stand up to see the surrounding scene. This action became a pain from her calf when she got up and became sitting on the ground. The female swordsman looked towards the place where the severe pain came. She saw a wooden stab pierce the calf of her left leg, and blood oozed from the edge of the wound at a slow rate. This means that the wound has been around for a while, and if left untreated, the muscle tissue near the wound may ulcerate and become infected. The girl gritted her teeth, held out the wooden thorn, and the pain of the heart rushed from the lower leg to the spinal cord, causing her movement to pause. Tears, irrepressibly blurred the just clear vision. She wanted to cry aloud to release physical pain and trauma to her heart, but she didn't do it. Something from deeper depths made her choose to tear off her shirt and hold it in her mouth, then hold the wooden thorn in both hands and pull it out! Before waiting for her strength to work, she held her arm with one hand.

"Stop, you are committing suicide." Lothar's voice was still weak, and despite the food supplement, his body could not return to normal quickly. Even so, he was the one farthest from Tianmu who became the least injured among the few people on the scene. He knew that he had to drag this body to help his companions, "The place where the wood thorn was stabbed is too deep, and it may be hurt. The main blood vessels, you have to pull out eight or nine of them so that you will have to bleed. In this case, even if you have no conditions for amputation, you will bleed yourself to death. "

"Then what should I do ..." Rather than being a question, Ata's voice is more like an emotional catharsis than the crying that is difficult to suppress after seeing a companion. If it was before, Lothar might use the **** side of the soldier to force the other to calm down, but now he can't do it. He could only look away slightly, not looking at the female swordsman's face, and put all his energy into observing her wounds. Fortunately, when the earl didn't answer Atta, there was another person who appeared in time and perfectly stabilized the latter's emotions by means that surprised her.

"Dad! I haven't seen this sister! Who is she! You see, she has a pair of dog ears! Hee hee!" The translucent little girl floated out from behind Lothar, like traveling on the grassland Leprechaun. This is a completely unexpected situation, especially her name for Losa. Abba, even if she does n’t understand the dialect of Despair, Atalanta can guess its meaning. After all, all human or human-like languages The names of parents in Chinese are always the same.

"Helen, it's a little polite. Also don't judge others' bodies, and remember what happened after you last said Peg was short?" Almost out of subconsciousness, the count taught his daughter a bit of blame. After he finished this sentence, he realized that the current situation does not seem to be suitable for reasoning with Helen, but the words have been spoken, and Helen is more obedient than ordinary children. At least in front of her father.

"Well ... I know, I won't say it later." The little girl lowered her head and admitted her mistake, although she probably didn't realize where she was wrong. In Helen's opinion, there is nothing to be avoided in the human body. She will talk about their hair color with the Ratman and discuss nail and hair problems with the witch. Of course, for the older sister Pegg, height is indeed a topic that should be avoided. Even the little child knows that the witch is really not talented in growing her head. This kind of talk is not malicious, at least Helen who said them is not malicious. But since her father so requested, the little girl would obediently remember this matter before she was forgotten by the next thing.

"She is, your daughter?" Atta said in amazement that she heard Si and Lothar talking about the latter's daughter during the trip, but she never thought she would meet this little princess in this form. She thought that the girl who was full of spoils in the Earl's talk should play with puppets in a comfortable room in the far kingdom, rather than appearing in this desolate place in this image.

"Yes! My name is Helen, Helen Black Mountain! Sister, what is your name?" Helen floated in front of the female swordsman. The innocent smiling face did have the ability to soothe the mind. When facing such a child, even if you still feel pain , Ata's face still showed a warm smile.

"Atalanta, this is my name. Nice to meet you, Helen."

"Helen, you told me before that you can not only project yourself, but you can also use magic here, right?" When the two were talking, Lothar inserted into it.

"Yes, but Sister Qili said that using projection to release magic would weaken the effect." Helen floated to his father's side and looked at Ata's leg wound. Interestingly, in the face of this terrible injury, the little girl did not show any surprised expression. Think about it too, but she was born in Heart of Lost Bay and grew up with a witch girl, not to mention anything else, those sea fish that were hit on the shore and ripped apart were enough for this child to have enough resistance to the **** scene ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Is there a way to take out this wood in a gentle way? Gently, do not cause more damage. "The Earl tried to tell his daughter what he thought. True, it was suicidal to take out foreign objects as violently as Atta had just said, but if the wooden thorns were not taken out, the consequences would not be better.

"Hmm ..." The request made by her father made Helen difficult. In her limited life, she had not learned the knowledge and solutions to achieve Losa's purpose, but she did not want to let Losa down. At this time, someone came here again, "Don't just think about taking out the wooden thorn, it is part of Tianmu, and it has a very strong vitality. Try to repair the wound on the flesh with the wooden thorn itself. Put the wood Imagine mud, all you have to do is fill the wound with mud. "

"Hmm!" Didn't notice the speaker's identity, Helen tried it immediately. She stretched out her hands to hold the wooden thorn, and the original void body seemed to become real under the guidance of magic power. The little girl murmured words such as mud in her mouth, and the wooden thorn in her hand slowly grew out of a bud! These buds are getting more and more, the original hard wood becomes soft, and later, the entire wood thorn becomes soft spores, which are naturally connected to the blood vessels, muscle fibers, and mucous membranes in Atta ’s calf wounds Soon, the scary wound turned into a small piece of green skin. After doing all this, Helen took a breath and wiped the sweat on her forehead with her small hand, showing a bright smile.

"Perfect." People in gray robes so commented, but there was a little bit of loneliness in their eyes.

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