Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 118: Worms and Grey Robe (Part 2)

Silence, between the gray robe and the worm. Although the cheese in the spiritual world will tremble subconsciously, but he will not sweat, otherwise he may have been soaked in cold sweat. The sense of oppression is too strong. If the opponent is just a beast, then the mage still has a sense of intellectual superiority, and he will not think that he is completely down. However, after a brief conversation with the worm, the cheese knew that the other person's intelligence was not inferior to himself, and it might even be above him. This all-round disadvantage from body shape to knowledge to wisdom is the most depressing. Especially the face that can't see the change of expression at all, he doesn't know what the other party is thinking about, and every second the cheese must be alert for possible attacks.

"I, indeed not." Unexpectedly, the gray robe and other things did not come from the worm's attack, which made him somewhat unexpected. Because in the impression of cheese, these evil gods rarely have the time to be willing to communicate with people for so long. Not to mention that the worm has n’t argued with the mage so far, it ’s better to say that he is guiding the mage step by step in language, which makes one wonder what he can say, especially in the cheese. After thinking that there is no room for refuting what has been said.

"I really don't belong to the world you said. However, where is the world in your mouth, where is the boundary?" The worm's voice, like a steel needle, quickly penetrated into the throat of the cheese, so that he had previously conceived The words were all sealed in the throat. He found the key point of this debate, "You said that this is your world, and outsiders are not qualified to destroy it. But do you so-called Aborigines really know what your world looks like? Do you know how high the sky is, How deep is the ground, and what is there at the end of the sea? You do n’t know anything, you do n’t know what happened here in the past, and you do n’t want to plan for its future. You just live in this world selfishly, think of yourself as Its ruler thinks that everything outside the world is bad for it, and excludes it as your merits. And you take these blind and narrow prejudices as a matter of course, as justice? "

The face of the cheese is distorted, not because of the magic in the words of the worm, or that he hopes in those words, so that he can treat it as a devil and murmur without thinking and facing what the other person said Is it right? Are they really the masters of this world? Are they really qualified to do anything in the name of this world? For this world, what is the difference between the people living on it and the worms on a vegetable leaf? The heavy feeling pulled his heart and let emotion dominate the body.

"Even so, you are still eating Tianmu. And it doesn't want to be eaten by you. Since you don't think we are qualified to ask you anything in the name of the inhabitants of this world, let us return to the most primitive hunting Come among the identities of eaters and predators. As the food you hunt, do we always have the right to resist before being eaten? "The power of magic and the power given by two gods are in emotion Guided by the mage's now fictional body. The fingers of the cheese began to shift towards the eagle claws, and the spine under his robe grew tree vines, and the lines of these vines that followed the muscles turned into a blue nail stomach after a few seconds. The magic light makes his eyes like two lighthouses, the power contained in it is unimaginable.

Faced with such a cheese, the worm still did not react. He even looked at the mage with a little pity, and the huge mouthpiece also closed. But this does not calm down the angry wizard. The spellcasting in the spiritual space has no real-world restrictions. The magic throughput does not need to rely on the actual carrier. The mage just waved his hand, and the terrifying magic turned into a sky-high falcon. He rushed towards the worm's head. Then all the breath from the mouthpiece was blown out.

"Your attempt is meaningless, here is my spiritual realm, and I am everything here. Your magic, spells, and even form are all virtual images constructed according to your ideas just because I want to talk to you. You are There is no backing here, and your power can't be used to any degree. "The mouth at the top of the tentacles still spoke in a soft tone.

"Fart!" It is hard to imagine that it came from the mouth of the gray robe. The cheese rarely uses such vulgar and direct language even when cursing or satire others, but now he says so. The kind of emotions flowing out of the body are so complicated that it is unrecognizable. Where did it come from? Perhaps it was the cold failure on the Grey Tower, the words of Elsa in the Valley City, the self-blame when Losa was lost in the Shale department, and the dumbness that just fell down in the conversation with the worm. These emotions have not disappeared. , But they are all suppressed by something called reason. But now, the mage's intellect is gradually disintegrated by the original magic gift from the natural gods, which is probably something that both the gifting and receiving parties did not expect.

The power from the spirits is very powerful, but it is full of natural simplicity and majesty, which is the opposite of the fine magic that the cheese has always operated and constructed with logic. The result is that when the Master ’s rationality is loosened, this force further pushes it down, releasing the emotion that has not been resolved. And as soon as these emotions are released, they immediately dominate. At the same time, due to their combination with the power of the spirits, the response between the two is becoming stronger and stronger. The situation is that the body of the cheese has more animalism. Features ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ how sad. You can't manage it yourself, but you are asked to manage the world. "The worm silently withstands all the attacks carried out by the cheese. Those attacks did not cause him any substantial damage as he said. The huge creatures dominated the overlooked wizard who was gradually losing its human form. The latter symbolized The gray robe of identity and knowledge has been torn by tree roots and vines. Human lips are gradually raised, hardened, and become the beak of birds. The hands used to hold the pen have also grown into feathers. The current thing , Is no longer enough to be called a cheese. But even so, even if he has lost himself, the inner seed will still exist, that also does not belong to the power of this world, and began to turn into a flame from the skin, turning the mage People ignite!

"Ah!" Cried, howling, feathers and vines were continuously burned and growing, the primal power of the spirits and the internal energy of the cheese consumed each other, like two hungry beasts, while biting each other, while Bitten by the other party. In this regard, the worm watched with interest. He had long known the ability of the cheese and knew what was inside the guy who looked like a human. Those things that seemed to be clear only to the person concerned seemed to him as if they were lying on the sky.

time flies. At a certain moment when the screaming continued, the huge worm lost its interest in continuing to observe. He stretched out one of his tentacles and pierced the chest of the cheese at a very fast speed without stagnation!

"Enough is enough, if you want to make trouble, go back to your own mind. As a guardian, you are not good enough."

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