Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 241: Enemy Sword

Frakrag, the magic sword that came to the world with Atta, the thing forged by the goblin, the incredible weapon. As early as in the new molten iron city, when the cheese and the female swordsman first met, he made an appraisal of the sword, which he called an oathbreaker. The reason comes from the first of the three magical inscriptions on the sword. All creatures carried by the sword on the neck must answer the sword bearer's questions honestly and must not resist. Under the power of this inscription, no matter how reluctant the people affected by it and how solemn vows ever made, it will break it. Therefore, it is an oathbreaker, but that is not the only name of this sword.

The light of the second inscription is colder, weaker, and firmer than the first. The sturdy momentum of all beings who had nothing in them flowed into Ata's body along the hilt of the sword, invigorating the spirit of the swordsman who had lost his will because of the poison. Stop it, stab it! The yew man whose flail was severed didn't react to what happened, his body was penetrated by magic sword like butter. Atta just flicked gently, and Flakrague's sword body left the target's body unrequitedly, leaving the fairy mercenary who lost his stealth ability in a serious injury fell to the ground and convulsed. Interestingly, the goblin's magic sword still cannot kill the goblin.

Atta was not so benevolent. In the face of these two mercenaries who came from her life three times, she unkindly cut off the limbs of the fallen man with the sword in her hand. Anyway, he will recover sooner or later. After doing this, the female swordsman no longer waited for the enemy to come to her door. She dragged the leg of her hand and took the initiative to leave the shelter of the two big trees and approached the perceived enemy. Her fighting spirit is now very high.

The yews found there did not retreat, they were not soldiers used to retreating. The yew mercenaries can not only chase down their opponents, they are a frightening group in the whole shadow world. They fought against the werewolf tribe, against the witch corps, against the sorcerer association, and even some of the yew mercenaries also dealt with elves who had always had good relations with the fairies. Except that there are too many metals that goblins hate in the mines where the dwarves stayed, these Mupi people have never picked opponents. It is true that the yews are not easy to die, but they are never afraid of death. The perseverance is just to allow them to enjoy the battle better, and for the fight and killing or being killed by others, they show normal The enthusiasm that the goblin does not possess. They are not belligerent, they are belligerent.

The warrior raised his wooden shield. The ancient tree itself had a hardness not belonging to gold stone. It could be selected by the demon, and it was so hard that it was staggering. He saw the end of the previous companion, although it was unclear whether the target used some kind of swordsmanship, or the weapon in her hand was powerful, after all, he could not break through his shield like cutting the iron chain. There are still some judgments about mercenaries who have galloped for many years. As long as the target's attack is blocked, the short spear in his hand can pierce her heart neatly. Well, he is not going to torture her, after all, she is also a half compatriot.

The yew people clearly saw the direction of Atta's sword, and naturally blocked the shield in front of the magic sword. One advantage of the wooden shield is that when the opponent swings with full force, the elasticity of the wood will return some of the power to the opponent, causing temporary spasms in the enemy's arm. He has always fought this way, no matter whether it is a heavy hammer or a battle axe, there is never anything that can destroy his shield, never. It is a pity that there has never been a constant thing in this world, either a shield or a spear. As long as you try hard, you will always encounter a weapon that cannot be defended, and you will always encounter a hard stone that is difficult to penetrate.

"Crunch!" Crunch? This is a collision sound I have never heard before. The yew men warriors think so, they feel that the scene in front of them is a bit wrong, why, the world suddenly began to spin up? Is it an illusory spell? But it's not right. The physiques of goblins make them inherently resistant to magic, especially magic that affects the senses and thoughts, and almost no effect on goblins.

Gently knocked with the hilt, the headless body fell to the ground. The beheaded head still had a confused look on the ground, and he hadn't reflected what happened. So what happened? Atta herself felt strange, she stepped up, brandished her sword, and cut off the enemy's shield, arms, and neck. Only one sword was used, and even after completing the slash, she still had more power on her sword!

"Fight the enemy sword! It is the enemy sword!" The fairy's words rang in his ears. With the recognition of Kailas, Ata's internal knowledge of the fairy country has gradually recovered, including part of the language. Sometimes when the cat goblin whispered in goblin language, Atta would talk naturally. But fencing the enemy sword? what is that? The female swordsmen felt a little confused. The enemy swords in their mouths were obviously referring to Flacrague, but if this sword was so famous, why did they recognize it now? Ata frowned slightly, and she noticed that the yews were becoming more cautious.

Invisible enemies surrounded themselves. This sounds funny, since it is invisible, why would you surround it? It's just that the sharp hostility and mixed fear in the senses made the female swordsman very certain of her situation. She is under siege by a number of yews. After being besieged, it is natural to break through, but the problem is that whenever Atta tries to engage with the opponent in one direction, the latter does not even parry, and will only blindly retreat to avoid. And as long as she swipes the sword to her side, the opponent in that direction will also retreat. The panic does not seem to take human life, but it seems to serve a jester on the side of the king.

It was at this time that the cat goblin, who was in a seven-headed operation with the sword, leapt from the treetops, holding the sword with his back, and slashed into the back of the unlucky yew man with his back! "Taran! How are you?"

"Me? I think it's okay." The female swordsman looked at the reinforcements with some bewilderment~www.ltnovel.com~ She hadn't recovered from the strange situation just now. At this moment, the mercenary behind her saw the timing and rushed up!

"Taran!" Kailasen felt what was happening, and he shouted out loudly hoping that Atta would escape the danger. But it was too late, and the female swordsman who hurriedly turned back could not pose the enemy, she could only wave.

With a wave, all the arms of the yew who wanted to attack her with a sword and a sword were cut in two! The female swordsman and the mercenary who attacked her were stunned. They looked down at the two arms and the hand holding the half-sword at the front of the arm. Atta tilted his head and looked up at the soldier. "Well, I'm sorry. If I have a chance, I will gladly play against you. But this time it won't work."

Atta said lightly, but the Zishan people who faced her did not say anything, turned around and ran. Not only him, but the mercenaries who had just reluctantly surrounded Atta were all scattered as birds and beasts, and fled to the depths of the woods with the sound of the bush salsa by their invisible talent. After a few minutes or so, the Sword Seven with Shuang Ge and the gasping cheese were too late. When they came, they only saw the body of the yews scattered at the feet of Atta and Kailas, and their faces. Confused female swordsman.

Still the sword seeker had unique eyesight and saw the arrow wound on Atta’s leg at a glance, "She hit the arrow!"

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